GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am sure that Anne had to have gone out on dates with some men around Little Rock, maybe a jilted love did this to her? I really don't see how they would be able to tell black DNA from white DNA unless they have an eyewitness to someone going into or out of the house. Maybe the tape from the gas station is clearer than what we were lead to believe?
I am sure that Anne had to have gone out on dates with some men around Little Rock, maybe a jilted love did this to her? I really don't see how they would be able to tell black DNA from white DNA unless they have an eyewitness to someone going into or out of the house. Maybe the tape from the gas station is clearer than what we were lead to believe?

They have tests for ethnicity, I've seen other cases where it helped ID a POI. Spector mentioned it on this thread somewhere...
I am sure that Anne had to have gone out on dates with some men around Little Rock, maybe a jilted love did this to her? I really don't see how they would be able to tell black DNA from white DNA unless they have an eyewitness to someone going into or out of the house. Maybe the tape from the gas station is clearer than what we were lead to believe?

Yes, she had gone on dates.
Someone earlier in this thread had wondered what carnival company was in town, here is a website the says something about the Thomas Carnival Company

That's not the correct fair. That is the Arkansas Oklahoma State Fair. The Arkansas State Fair ended at 11pm on the 19th of Otober and was in town for a week prior to that.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed. I could have missed it.

Does anyone think this attack could have been a gang initiation or something done to "move up" in a gang? It seems to me that the high profile victim could, in some sick way, have been a very valuable target for an up and coming gangster (like to make a name for himself in the world of gangsters.) The extreme brutality of the attack and the taking of Anne's bracelet (as proof of involvement) might fit this scenario also.

Prayers for Anne and her loved ones.
Would there have been a silent gag order on the information originally released (sexual mutilation etc) as LE may have other similiar cases? It's not everyday that we have rapists that also sexually mutilate someone. They rape which is bad enough; yet sexual mutilation adds whole other factors into it.
I would assume there is a lid on information released, for reasons of privacy, not to tip LE's hand, etc. Here in Florida it seems to be a bit different it seems and much is made public, often to help in leads, tips, etc. I woudl think too, honestly if they were looking for TWO people they would say TWO people. It would be self defeating to think she was attacked by two people but then say well we need tips about ONE person. Look at the Eve Carson case. It started out with one person... then they figured out the second person was in the car photograph, and they started looking for him too.

Some of the more sordid details I have found have come from less than reputable sources online. So I do not trust them. They all have the same wordage, with slightly different twists... "my friend works in the coroner's office and said... my friend is and EMT and said... my friend worked at the hospital and said..." But then what they say is identical, word for word. There may be tiny germs of truth, but I dont think you can really sort things out. These sites imply there is some sort of conspiracy. I don't really buy that. I think just certain info has not been released for privacy or investigative reasons, at least when it comes to ethnicity of the attacker(s??). There are plenty of other high profile crimes (Eve Carson case again) where LE did not keep the race of the suspect secret. Im not a big conspiracy theorist. What happened to me personally was nothing mysterious or complicated. It was too simple really. So that is waht i try to think about here.

I still have a feeling it is some sort of stalker/obsessed person, or maybe drug related (someone flipped out on PCP or something). It takes a lot of rage to do something like this. Emotion. A gang hit wouldn't be so gruesome usually.

I would look maybe at where the gas station was located where her card was used. People (unless they are travelling long distances) tend to buy gas at local stations near their house, on their way to/from work, etc. Maybe the attacker lives/works/passes by that area frequently. I don't know the layout of Little Rock, but say Anne lived in the middle of town, it would be odd for someone that lived on the East side, to drive to her house, commit the crime, drive 20 mins across town to the West to the Gas station, then drive back across town to their home on the East side. If the Gas station was near an interestate, then maybe they were leaving town. But then would a stalker come from afar? Anne was seemingly very popular locally, but would she have had a stalker from some distance away? Her role in W was miniscule, and the movie had just come out at the time of the crime so I don't see anything there but coincidence. So unless the attack was totally random and she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I feel somehow it was someone in her general area (Little Rock).

I can see some strung out teenager crawling through a pet door or something. And they could freak out and do such a horrible, rage filled crime. But would they have the sense to take weapons away, maybe hide things or not leave many clues, then seeminly get into a car and drive across town for some gas?

Please forgive any bad typing.
Carla, I, too believe this is likely some sort of stalker or obsessed person. I suppose this could be an acquaintance, an old boyfriend, or even a stalker totally unknown to Anne who certainly knew who she was.

This crime bespeaks so much rage that I cannot imagine that it's random in any way. Whoever did this to Anne was furious beyond all reason at her.

LE might be holding their information very close to the vest simply because they do not want to spook someone whom they suspect but do not have nearly enough to arrest.

The rumors about two men, black or otherwise, do not ring true. This sounds like a crime committed by one person who was enraged with his/her victim.
Yeah Airplane. I know what you mean. The rage and personal nature makes me think of 1) stalker or infatuated person or 2) someone high on drugs. The fact that maybe someone was somewhat careful about taking evidence away, driving to buy gas, etc. makes me shy away from the druggie idea.

A lot of times if someone has a whacked out ex, people know about it. They make a scene where that person works, the stalkee comments on "that guy" again, etc. I have not heard about Anne having any really "serious" stalker. I have not heard anyone say anything bad about her at all. So she seemingly really didn't have enemies as far as I can tell. An attack by a stalker seems to come after a while. Its not like they say ok im going to stalk someone, go to their house, and murder them. Usually there is a long period of letters, calls, presents, showing up, following them, etc. You would think if that were the case someone would know about it. So that bothers me with the stalker angle. You would think there would be a history.

But I am sure there are details and avenues NOT made public, which is usually the norm. But publically that has been denied to date.
hair can definitely tell whether a strand of hair is blond or curly and black....

lets talk about stereotypes.....they are not always reliable but in many cases they are....

and sometimes people bend over backwards to try to be politically correct or to push the stereotype...

case in point...the DC murders......remember them? one point Mohammed and his partner shot and killed someone at a mall....there was a definite report of two dark skinned males driving a car where the shots came from....yet, the Chief Moose did not let that hamper him from extending the typical "angry white male in a white van" crap far longer just to push the stereotype...he endangered lives by doing so...

Anne's murder does look like a personal attack from someone she might have had contact with...
however, if it was a black male or two, its not uncommon for them to show extreme rage at white victims...simply for being white.....look at the Chattanooga reason whatsoever....the Wichita reason whatsoever....
I can definitely see a racial rage killing....

lets stop pretending about these things....lets stop being politically correct and lets be realistic...
there was a 12 yro boy killed after being sexually tortured somewhere in the south a few years ago...he was tide up and raped by two homosexual men....did we hear that played out like the killing in Wyoming of that gay guy? Sheppard, but probably only a few know the name of the 12yro....
To mutilate a body by cutting describes unusually sadistic actions to me. This person or persons had to be enraged beyond belief to desecrate her body. I could envision someone whose friendship had been rejected by her doing this as a last humiliating thing.

I would be interested in knowing how well she knew her neighbors.
It could also have been a serial rapist/killer who did not know her and picked her. To my knowledge these types can be very sadistic.

I seriously wish we had something more to go on than the little bit we have. Because we are all just specultating at this point.

You would think that if they truly do not have a suspect they might release so more details so that perhaps the public might be able to assist.
I wanted to say that unfortunately not everyone who is attacked and killed in such a brutal manner knows their attacker. I say unfortunately, because "stranger murder" is much harder to solve than an "acquaintance murder". There have been instances where a victim is killed simply because she fit the fantasy that a perp had created in his sick mind. It is sometimes easier for us to assume that because of the brutal nature of an attack that the perp. had to have extreme anger towards the person who was the victim. Sometimes a perp. will have extreme anger towards society in general and take it out on a stranger. This may very well be a case where Ms. Presley "knew" her attacker but, I do not think that we should assume because the attack was so brutal that someone had extreme anger towards her personally.
I would also like to say that this murderer is of the "disorganized classification". Meaning that in profiling this person will follow a set of general guidelines. Some of the characteristics that may have an interest in this case are:
-Perp. commits extreme brutality to the victim
-Crime committed w/out a plan of action for deterring detection
-The attack is usually a violent surprise
-The perp. has usually suffered a traumatic event not long before the murder occurs. (divorce, death of a loved one, loss of job)
-Excessive assault to the face occurs becasue the perp. tries to dehumanize victim.
-The disorganized offender usually finds his victim w/in his own geographic area.
-Crime scene is sloppy

When the perp. left the crime scene, I believe the person (monster) who attacked Ms. Presley had no idea she was still alive. I do not think he would have intentionally let her live. This person is still around somewhere. I would be very careful to lock my doors and windows and not trust anyone until this man is caught.

Please remember criminal profiling is not an exact science. It is only used to help LE consider possible scenarios for certain types of crimes.
Well, the sister of one of my acquaintances lives in the Heights. He told me there was another crime there this weekend - seemingly just a robbery, but apparently there was a hostage. No one was hurt. His sister is so scared that he has been staying at her house at night.

He said he thought there were two of them (no, I don't know their race), and he thought the police were able to capture one of them. I have no idea if this is related to Anne Pressly's murder, but was surprised to hear about it. I would think if they thought the crimes were related and they caught one of the suspects, we'd know about it... so I don't know how accurate the details are; take it with a grain of salt. Any other locals hear about this?

But again, the media hasn't reported this - I feel pretty good about the source, so I do think it's true, but can't confirm it nor all the details. I wonder if the media doesn't want to scare people even more by reporting a second crime in the area. So again, just some info I thought I'd share.
hair can definitely tell whether a strand of hair is blond or curly and black....

lets talk about stereotypes.....they are not always reliable but in many cases they are....

and sometimes people bend over backwards to try to be politically correct or to push the stereotype...

case in point...the DC murders......remember them? one point Mohammed and his partner shot and killed someone at a mall....there was a definite report of two dark skinned males driving a car where the shots came from....yet, the Chief Moose did not let that hamper him from extending the typical "angry white male in a white van" crap far longer just to push the stereotype...he endangered lives by doing so...

Anne's murder does look like a personal attack from someone she might have had contact with...
however, if it was a black male or two, its not uncommon for them to show extreme rage at white victims...simply for being white.....look at the Chattanooga reason whatsoever....the Wichita reason whatsoever....
I can definitely see a racial rage killing....

lets stop pretending about these things....lets stop being politically correct and lets be realistic...
there was a 12 yro boy killed after being sexually tortured somewhere in the south a few years ago...he was tide up and raped by two homosexual men....did we hear that played out like the killing in Wyoming of that gay guy? Sheppard, but probably only a few know the name of the 12yro....

I agree we shouldn't dismiss the two black males or the carnival worker (DC shootings being a great example). It just seems a little too typical, especially for a Southern US city. I lived in Florida for a long time, and I know the South sometimes has a different attitude about race relations (no offense to people from our Southern states!!). They should investigate all angles, and if there are TWO perps, they should say TWO and stop messing around. Giving us a hint at ethnicity would be helpful, if they have that info. LE seems to need the public's help, they would be better served by giving a profile than letting rumors run wild. IMO of course.
This is something Matt Mosler, a personality from KARK (another local station) wrote about Anne. I felt like I should post it.

"What am I supposed to think? I just don't understand how God could love Missy and let her go through that horror. She was innocent. She didn't do anything to deserve that!" (The Shack, page 165)

I knew of Anne Pressly before I met her. Heck, everyone knew of Anne. She'd only been on the air in Little Rock for a few years but she owned this town just like she owned every room into which she walked. It didn't hurt that she was 6 feet tall and stunningly beautiful. But it wasn't her size that made her larger than life it was her light and her zest for life. Everyone could see it. I mean, that's why she could walk onto a movie set to do a story and get offered a role in that movie before she left!

Anne was special that way. She had a sparkle about her. I've heard from other anchors and reporters in this market that they were a bit jealous of Anne. Not so much jealous of her talent or beauty but her spirit. "I wish I could be more like her," I've heard them say. I wish I were more like her, too. Sure, we are all unique but it seemed to me that Anne lived her "uniqueness" out loud. She held nothing back. She was wide open. She was the personification of the abundant life that Jesus promised. (Jn. 10:10)

Why then did someone so young, so talented, so beautiful, and so full of life have to be taken out the way that she did? By now many of you have heard of the horrific way in which Anne was attacked in her own home. Her injuries were so severe doctors said it would be years before she would make a full recovery. Where was God in those early morning hours? Why didn't he intervene? Couldn't he have stopped the attack? Why did he allow this to happen to someone with so much to offer?

You know it's funny; those same questions are the central theme in what had become Anne's favorite book, The Shack. Earlier this year Anne received a copy of the book from the author who spoke at the first ever meeting of the Little Rock Media Fellowship. We started the LRMF in January as an evangelical outreach to all the on-air media personalities in town. Anne attended nearly every one of the meetings including the first one where she met Paul Young.

In his book Young tells the tale of Mack who lost his daughter, Missy, in a particularly brutal manner. Mack had a hard time dealing with the loss and how a loving God could have allowed it to happen. "He doesn't stop a lot of things that cause Him pain," Mack is told. "Your world is severely broken. You demanded your independence, and now you are angry with the one who loved you enough to give it to you. Right now your world is lost in darkness and chaos, and horrible things happen to those he is especially fond of."

"Then why doesn't he do something about it?" Mack asks and is told in reference to Jesus and the cross, "He already has." (The Shack, pg. 165-166)

Later in the book Jesus himself tells Mack, "I don't think you want to know all the details. I'm sure they won't help you. But I can tell you there was not a moment that we were not with her. She knew my peace, and you would have been proud of her. She was so brave!" (pg. 175)

I can't believe it was a coincidence this book came into her life when it did.

The wisest man on earth once wrote, "The day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth." (Eccl. 7:1) I'm not sure what that means other than Anne is now seeing God face to beautiful face and her ordeal is not even a distant memory. But maybe it also means that while our birth is out of our control the way we live our life is not. Our death will reveal that legacy. Anne's legacy is more than just images on film and videotape. Those things will fade. But the impact she made in the lives of others through her life and her death will continue throughout eternity.

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