GUILTY AR - Anne Pressly, 26, raped & murdered, Little Rock, 20 Oct 2008 #1

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Robbers tend to take things they can sell or pawn easily. From the small amount of things taken from Anne's house, I do not think robbery was the motive. I also do not think she left the back door open. I think the killer exited through the back door in a hurry but was let in through the front door.
possibly but there is no evidence someone was let in. taking things at face value based on what has been known to be true and has been already said. she went home alone. was on the computer or sent a couple messages. seemed to go to bed. was attacked in bed... found next morning. i dont see her letting someone in without a struggle, then going back to the bedroom where the attack took place. its not a huge house and has enough stuff sitting around that something would hav ebeen knocked over, like all those magazines, the tall sculptures, etc.
there is something to be said for the crime of opportunity theory. Anne walked her dogs, left the back door unlocked and went to bed. Someone passing through back yards, trying door knobs finds it open. Could be a rapist, so burglary wasnt high on his list of things to do. He attacked her in bed, and when she fought back he freaked out and pummeled her. Not being a "burglar" maybe he grabbed a couple obvious things like her purse and maybe a bag with the present she and her mom had bought that day? Its not an exciting theory but it fits most of the limited available confirmed evidence.

Hi Carla!
Do we know for sure that she walked the dogs. I am thinking along the lines of she did not walk the dogs that night. Reason being, it was late when she returned home from the party, and the dogs had a fenced yard w/ access to a doggie door. At times, Anne may have walked her dogs but I do not think she did that evening. If I have missed a link that specifically states she walked the dogs, I apologize. I have stated from the beginning, sexual assault was the primary motive, theft was the secondary motive. Almost an after thought. imo
possibly but there is no evidence someone was let in. taking things at face value based on what has been known to be true and has been already said. she went home alone. was on the computer or sent a couple messages. seemed to go to bed. was attacked in bed... found next morning. i dont see her letting someone in without a struggle, then going back to the bedroom where the attack took place. its not a huge house and has enough stuff sitting around that something would hav ebeen knocked over, like all those magazines, the tall sculptures, etc.

My thoughts exactly..................
maybe great minds think alike? :)
yeah that is what i think based on what is known. Im not sure if she walked the dogs or not. IMHO it doesn't matter except that maybe she left the door unlocked. Or she used that door to enter the house and left it open, etc. If there was a doggy door, the dogs would have access to the back yard and coudl have been let out through the gate.

I was thinking about the dogs too. If they were friendly, and accustomed to a lot of people, etc. they might be comfortable with strangers and didnt bark.
Hello all around!
Another day, nothing new. If only we knew what she was wearing when her mom found her...
I personally feel like Anne was in her sleepwear, and gone to bed for the night, Like all the rest of us, I sure wish LE would give the public some sort of idea in the direction in which the investigation is going.
I noted from the video "walk thru" with Anne's parents that Ms. Cannady said she was not leaving Little Rock until an arrest is made.
Ok, maybe I'm reading into this. But this is kind of weird. On October 20 (the day when she was first discovered/still living), a person going by "presidentialdebate" posted 2 photos and the following comment here:

shared by: presidentialdebate on:10/20/2008 | rated:0 (0) | views:1762 | downloads:0 | reviews:0 | language:English
a beautiful anchorwoman of KATV was killed at home, may she rest in peace.

Now, like I said this was October 20th when that comment was posted and she had not yet passed away. Granted, it could have been a misunderstanding by someone listening to news reports. But, in light of the fact that it seems the killer probably left her believing she had already died or that there was no hope for her survivial, the comment is weird and came a bit too soon...

Also, the photos that are posted seem to be taken by an insider. One is taken of her at her desk and another is of her and two other males on the set (one younger, one older-maybe one of them is "presidentialdebate"). I have seen neither of these photos in general media/photo collages of her. I just think the person who posted this is kind of suspicious. I don't know. It could be nothing and maybe I'm grasping here. "PresidentialDebate" does seem to be a guy. On his profile, you can see what else he has posted and some of that being a bunch of stuff on a Playboy playmate named Grace Kim.
those photos are very common. the one at her desk and the other with a wrester, rick flair. one or both i think have been on her stations site.

odd comment considering the timing though
Both of those photos were shown a few times on the local stations in Little Rock.
Interesting, LillyRush- October 20 was the Monday morning Anne was attacked.
I can't seem to maneuver around there, but i would read presidentialdebate's other posts, and try to determine whether this post seems out of character amongst the others. Does it show the time of post? I agree, it sure is odd. You might want to send it to the tipline.
The grammer is off in that heading too:
A beautiful anchorwoman of KATV
Ok, maybe I'm reading into this. But this is kind of weird. On October 20 (the day when she was first discovered/still living), a person going by "presidentialdebate" posted 2 photos and the following comment here:

shared by: presidentialdebate on:10/20/2008 | rated:0 (0) | views:1762 | downloads:0 | reviews:0 | language:English
a beautiful anchorwoman of KATV was killed at home, may she rest in peace.

Now, like I said this was October 20th when that comment was posted and she had not yet passed away. Granted, it could have been a misunderstanding by someone listening to news reports. But, in light of the fact that it seems the killer probably left her believing she had already died or that there was no hope for her survivial, the comment is weird and came a bit too soon...

Also, the photos that are posted seem to be taken by an insider. One is taken of her at her desk and another is of her and two other males on the set (one younger, one older-maybe one of them is "presidentialdebate"). I have seen neither of these photos in general media/photo collages of her. I just think the person who posted this is kind of suspicious. I don't know. It could be nothing and maybe I'm grasping here. "PresidentialDebate" does seem to be a guy. On his profile, you can see what else he has posted and some of that being a bunch of stuff on a Playboy playmate named Grace Kim.

That is odd to me. I don't know the wrestler, but the younger man on the left is named Billy:

I know this from going through the Channel 7 website looking for information. Look at Anne's gallery, also:
Maybe the comment above was posted as "a beautiful anchorwoman of KATV" was... attacked at home...originally, but later edited to say she was killed after she died. I have seen edits like that many times and people don't always say they edited their post.
Carla Lashell, off topic, but are those your legs in your avatar!? I am 100 percent straight but they look good!

Ok back to topic...
Carla Lashell, off topic, but are those your legs in your avatar!? I am 100 percent straight but they look good!

Ok back to topic...

That is funny. I have wondered the same thing................
P.S. I am also completely straight. Happily married..........

Carla Lashell, off topic, but are those your legs in your avatar!? I am 100 percent straight but they look good!

Ok back to topic...

I notice you say nothing about my feathers and while I realize you may be eg an ankle (or shoe) vs a 'beak' or a 'cheek' woman, I feel this is nonetheless a subtle form of discrimination. For this reason, I must insist you kindly refrain from further harassing Carla re her avitar...

Ok, maybe I'm reading into this. But this is kind of weird. On October 20 (the day when she was first discovered/still living), a person going by "presidentialdebate" posted 2 photos and the following comment here:

shared by: presidentialdebate on:10/20/2008 | rated:0 (0) | views:1762 | downloads:0 | reviews:0 | language:English
a beautiful anchorwoman of KATV was killed at home, may she rest in peace.

Now, like I said this was October 20th when that comment was posted and she had not yet passed away. Granted, it could have been a misunderstanding by someone listening to news reports. But, in light of the fact that it seems the killer probably left her believing she had already died or that there was no hope for her survivial, the comment is weird and came a bit too soon...

Also, the photos that are posted seem to be taken by an insider. One is taken of her at her desk and another is of her and two other males on the set (one younger, one older-maybe one of them is "presidentialdebate"). I have seen neither of these photos in general media/photo collages of her. I just think the person who posted this is kind of suspicious. I don't know. It could be nothing and maybe I'm grasping here. "PresidentialDebate" does seem to be a guy. On his profile, you can see what else he has posted and some of that being a bunch of stuff on a Playboy playmate named Grace Kim.

I believe it likely was a simple case of misunderstanding. There was quite a bit of confusion being generated as this story broke--and I know that I myself am sometimes unclear and personally need to read the article in it's entirety since sensationalistic headlines themselves are often misleading. JMO
I notice you say nothing about my feathers and while I realize you may be eg an ankle (or shoe) vs a 'beak' or a 'cheek' woman, I feel this is nonetheless a subtle form of discrimination. For this reason, I must insist you kindly refrain from further harassing Carla re her avitar...


its only harassment if you touch my *advertiser censored*. now feathers are pretty sexxxy :woohoo:

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