GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 1

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I agree. Maybe even a rage thing by someone who wanted her and she refused?

While someone mentioned she'd been quite successful (her bio indicating #3 in one category in the state, among other things) I'd think the only way that'd really be another possible motive is if someone was trying to hold her for ransom or was intending to rob her.

The former is very rare here and the latter seems ruled out by the fact that her purse was intact - meaning not only did they not take anything from it, they also didn't take her WITH those things to force her to withdraw money or something.

I had also considered an old fashioned kidnapping with ransom, but I decided it was a little to quaint for these times. I have not heard of an instance of kidnapping for ransom for a long long time. I think money is too traceable now with the digital economy.
A family member of mine, a real estate agent, was raped in the '80s when she showed a property to an unknown male. My mother got her real estate license a few yrs ago & I told her that I don't care if I have to take off wk, she won't be going alone to any showings. Once it hits hm....well you can't go back from that. My relative still must attend parole hearings......she is in her '80s now. I PRAY this attractive woman is found alive & well. Sending prayers up.....this just hits too close too home....
We know virtually nothing about her personal life. After following the Jennifer Huston & Leanne Bearden cases, suicide is always a possibility. We knew much more about Jennifer & Leanne than we do about Betty & nobody saw their suicides coming.
Do we know what time her phone pinged on those two streets? Her husband got the texts about midnight, That seems like a long time for a perp to hang around the same town he abducted someone from.

I wonder if the whole "out of town" (even with the town name given) - and possibly also having said it was a couple - is anything other than a cover story to get people looking the wrong direction and NOT looking at a local or something? :thinking:

Someone who'd seen her at an open house and fancied her perhaps?

Steering the last known person she was supposed to have been with in the direction of someone coming from another location, it might get locals not thinking of anyone they actually know with a truck that fits the description of the one in the driveway or if they'd seen it later, or even seen someone who has a similar car but might be driving something else later in the evening, so even if pinged, it could have sidetracked suspicion because everyone assumed it was someone from out of town.
That was my first post, but I'm a long time reader and my parents live on a farm close to Scott
Anyone know if it is "common" for a perp to send phony texts from a victim's phone?

I don't think I have ever followed a case where that, actually, happened. Though, it comes up often as a theory in the early stages of MP cases.
Very strange. If robbery was a motive then why not take her purse? If rape or murder was the motive then why not do it in the vacant hose and leave her body there like the Lindsay Buziac case in Victoria? It appears there was no sign of a struggle or anything amiss in the home or on the grounds so she was taken away unharmed but where and why? It seems like a huge risk to take away an unharmed person in your vehicle to then...where? She didn't have her purse or credit/debit cards with her so not attempting to take her to an ATM to access funds. And her missing at least one other showing well if her agency knew about it then surely she told her husband as well so why would he first go to this house if by 9:00pm she would have been elsewhere at her later showing? Or maybe he did? Very confusing case.
I'm getting a local vibe from this case. Mainly because of the city chosen. I feel that a local would know that Scott would be desolate enough to plan & carry out a crime like this.
Very strange. If robbery was a motive then why not take her purse? If rape or murder was the motive then why not do it in the vacant hose and leave her body there like the Lindsay Buziac case in Victoria? It appears there was no sign of a struggle or anything amiss in the home or on the grounds so she was taken away unharmed but where and why? It seems like a huge risk to take away an unharmed person in your vehicle to then...where? She didn't have her purse or credit/debit cards with her so not attempting to take her to an ATM to access funds. And her missing at least one other showing well if her agency knew about it then surely she told her husband as well so why would he first go to this house if by 9:00pm she would have been elsewhere at her later showing? Or maybe he did? Very confusing case.

Maybe the perp was nervous about someone knowing that she was there showing the house & showing up while was committing the crime? MOO & a possible scenario would be that he had a weapon of some sort & forced her into his car. Told her as long as she complied she would be okay. Then he could drive out to one of the many, many desolate roads/areas near there to commit his crime. IMO - theory only.
This truck was not long wheel base the guy had a short beard with baseball hat and it was salt and pepper beard, I know there are a zillion beat up gray trucks with bearded guys wearing caps in south Arkansas that's what makes it so frustrating

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I'd report it just in case.

Eyewitnesses aren't always right.

And think about the Hannah Graham case - it was a female in TX who had the suspect double take and give her a long look that ended up getting him arrested. It'd have been SO easy for her to discount it, especially being over a thousand miles away.

I'd definitely say better safe than sorry.
So touching! There is another Beverly Carter (different maiden name) in Arkansas who has turned her fb page into a missing person site for Beverly Carter that is missing. I found it when I went to pull up Beverly (the realtor) fb. She keeps posting the missing posters and has her pic as her profile pic now. I don't think they even know each other.

Maybe Facebook Beverly Carter wanted to be the only Beverly Carter in Arkansas and decided to do away with realtor Beverly Carter :D just kidding!

I live somewhat close to the area but don't know if I have ever been to Scott. But the description of the bearded man fits half the white males in Arkansas, in fact I recently had to file charges against a guy fitting that same description, same color vehicle (not a truck though).

I have a lot of thoughts on this case, but it's late and I'm afraid I will ramble so I will hold off until tomorrow.
Would someone be so kind to give a description of the suspect, because I have seen tall white now with beard. Just a refresher please trying to put it together, and does anyone know the make of the truck? Today when I went into LR about 10 miles out from Scott I noticed a truck that was beat up a little especially tailgate and it was gray covered in dust like it had been down several dirt roads or gravel anyway it sped up and slowed down and when my daughter and I went to pass he would speed up I was going 75 trying to pass, I brought up the fact to my daughter hey it's a truck that they are looking for and that's beat up some and gray, just making conversation because he was driving like a nut and kept stariing back in his side mirror at us constantly anyway when I was able to get close enough to try and look at the man, I said oh nevermind that guy has a beard and no one mentioned a beard. But it was not a thick beard like the duck dynasty guys. I noted the details of the truck before I saw the beard that changed my mind but I will not post them, I don't want anyone getting confused about what I saw and the actual truck, so could someone please post what make model the suspect was in? So I can compare to what I saw? Would not have mentioned it but now I have read a about the man having a beard so I gotta know now. If it is the same type truck I will definitely be calling authorities with tag info. Like I said this was not to far from the Scott area right on the outskirts of Little Rick

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If you ever suspicious of a vehicle jot down or record the tag numbers
Would someone be so kind to give a description of the suspect, because I have seen tall white now with beard. Just a refresher please trying to put it together, and does anyone know the make of the truck? Today when I went into LR about 10 miles out from Scott I noticed a truck that was beat up a little especially tailgate and it was gray covered in dust like it had been down several dirt roads or gravel anyway it sped up and slowed down and when my daughter and I went to pass he would speed up I was going 75 trying to pass, I brought up the fact to my daughter hey it's a truck that they are looking for and that's beat up some and gray, just making conversation because he was driving like a nut and kept stariing back in his side mirror at us constantly anyway when I was able to get close enough to try and look at the man, I said oh nevermind that guy has a beard and no one mentioned a beard. But it was not a thick beard like the duck dynasty guys. I noted the details of the truck before I saw the beard that changed my mind but I will not post them, I don't want anyone getting confused about what I saw and the actual truck, so could someone please post what make model the suspect was in? So I can compare to what I saw? Would not have mentioned it but now I have read a about the man having a beard so I gotta know now. If it is the same type truck I will definitely be calling authorities with tag info. Like I said this was not to far from the Scott area right on the outskirts of Little Rick

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IMO... Call it in...

LE appreciates all and any information that seems in the realm of possibilities... And yours does...

especially since you know the tag numbers of this gray truck with the wild driving man with a beard...

I kinda don't like that Mr. Carter's fingerprints and DNA are now all over that house.
I wonder if it was routine of her to leave her purse in her car and if not why would our perp have her leave her purse ? I'm thinking it was routine but I'm sure Co workers could answer that.

With her car being locked, and if it was routine for her to leave her purse in the locked car, then I guess she would have her car keys in her pocket, perhaps?
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