GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 1

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Not sure if everyone saw, he was arrested. Posted 8 minutes ago...
This provides more details on the timing re: the warrant, etc and answers my above question, on how he slipped away (why they weren't watching him closely during the cat scan if he was a poi)

I actually think part is even more interesting:

Pulaski county says Lewis was a person of interest before he was involved in a Sunday afternoon car accident. Following the accident, Deputies took a picture of Lewis' facial injuries. Because of his injuries, he was taken to Baptist Health in Little Rock before the arrest warrant was issued by a Judge

So that's saying POI PRIOR to even the crash.

Such a shame that the only reason he wasn't arrested on scene is because he was injured :scared: They'd have been able to go back with him if they had arrested him AND he'd not have fled as easily (making the warrant even necessary)

When Lewis went back to get a CT scan, because of Hipaa [/I]and the fact he was not under arrest - Deputies couldn't go back with him - it was then he slipped out of the hospital.

I wonder if we're going to find out he was a POI, and like we saw with JM in the Hannah Graham case, he was being followed by LE?

I could see him trying to get away or shake off officers, and inadvertently crash - I mean, we know he is a daredevil, that wouldn't shock me.
I'm looking at his timeline right now. The last thing showing for 2013 was a pic 9/11/213 of a dead bird. Nothing in October at all, on his timeline.

From this FB? Because I just pulled it up yet again, and the 10/31/2013 post listing his criminal record is still there.

[ETA: And I ain't looking again, because every time I do I have to scroll past that disgusting 11/02/2013 picture he's got posted].
Maybe if they matched fingerprints at the scene with the Data Base then they had him ID'd at the scene? The police did a good job of keeping their prime suspect a secret from the public. The car accident happened at 10am this morning. LE was on to him before the accident.
BTW, you guys are awesome. Keep up the good work..
I'm looking at his timeline right now. The last thing showing for 2013 was a pic 9/11/213 of a dead bird. Nothing in October at all, on his timeline.

I don't know why it's blocked for you, but I logged out and back in and see all the same stuff I've been seeing all along, below the dead bird is the money pic, then the house for sale, and all that was on the timeline from before. The Oct 31 listing of his felonies is still there for me too.
He may have needed a real woman to stage seeing his son, if his son is in Little Rock. Someone of extreme stature in nature to get his son for any extended period of time. Theorizing here.

I don't understand what you are saying. Could you please explain?
With all due respect, LE is not required to release any information to the public in regards to what evidence they have. They only have to convince a judge/the DA that there is probable cause.

I realize that. And stated that in my post prior to that.

I was replying to a person stating they didn't think LE really had any info or they'd have released the probable cause.

I was simply giving an example of a case that's even had more publicity and people saying the same thing to show it's not at all unusual, even when more has happened than we even know in this case.
Working on a new thread, this one is getting long... Will be closing this one shortly...


From this FB? Because I just pulled it up yet again, and the 10/31/2013 post listing his criminal record is still there.

Yes, from that FB account, the very same one I posted earlier this evening when I found it. Interestingly enough, if you look at the sidebar timeline for 2013, the last update was for September. I wasn't going by that though, I was just clicking the links folks here were posting and it kept yielding the same "this content has been removed" error page.

HOWEVER, I see now if you just scroll down his timeline, the links are all still there. So please DISREGARD my earlier comments that content was being removed. It wasn't, it's just that FB is as stupid as it's always been.
Glad to see that there's a warrant for an arrest.

Back to reading/catching up.
From my experience with working in the ER, if someone is a person of interest before they're sent to the hospital, the officer usually accompanies them and remains there until necessary. If they were in the process of securing the warrant, the officer should have never left the hospital in my opinion. Because supposedly, he checked out of the hospital, not snuck out.
I saw one of his previous girlfriends posted his bloody nose article on her facebook. She'd also posted an article about Beverly earlier.

If I were her I'd be deleting my pics from his page, if I had the password.

That's...different! :scared: Did it seem like she was doing it because she believed it or like in a 'ha ha' way? Or?

Considering how quickly he seems to go through women and not really seem to...value (wrong word maybe?)...them, several others might be feeling awfully grateful that it's not them
Do we know it's for things they found at the scene of the crash only? Could it have been for things found at the house? Things found at the scene of the crash which matched up with things found at the house? (I have a huge headache, so please cut me some slack if this doesn't make any sense based on what we know :) ).

With what they're saying now in a newer article, they're saying he was a POI even prior to the crash. So... :dunno:

"Pulaski county says Lewis was a person of interest before he was involved in a Sunday afternoon car accident. Following the accident, Deputies took a picture of Lewis' facial injuries. Because of his injuries, he was taken to Baptist Health in Little Rock before the arrest warrant was issued by a Judge

But it does seem like it could mean maybe they got prints back or something? And maybe more a matter of finding a way to have him there that day and him not trying to claim he saw the house another time? That or something with cell phone pings or records seem like something they could have gotten back in a short enough time span for it to factor in, yet not having gotten him yet. Maybe?

Or maybe even a combination? It'd seem like prints coming back could make him a POI, but then needing to show he was there with her so he couldn't say he looked at the house months ago or something, maybe then finding a business card in his vehicle or something could have been what sealed the deal?

Just seems like something may have come up in the crash too, though :thinking:

If they had enough to do before the crash, it seems like they'd have done it...

And since that article also seems to indicate they only didn't arrest him at the crash scene because of injuries, then it seems like something else may have arisen?
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