GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 3

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Would he have forced her to give him her iPhone code? How did he access the phone to send text or take (what many people theorize) the selfie? I don't have an iPhone but most everyone I know that does has a 4 digit access code. Do you HAVE to set up an access code?

I believe she WAS texting with the friend at 7' ish saying "[she] couldn't help because [she] was with a client." This sounds like an appropriate response. AL is too much of an idiot to sound remotely professional and use the word "client." Client seems pretty standard lingo for the RE world. I think she was alive at 7:00. I think she was alive when the texts were sent that night, but being held against her will and being tortured. I think he wanted a rich successful person to suffer as he has deep down all of his adult life. I think she fought back and he snapped. I think a firearm was eventually used and will be the cause of death. Is it possible that he offered a ridiculously offensive offer for the foreclosure and she kind of let him down saying that it was out of his range. I can see him being completely PO'd at the fact is this "rich broker" in her caddy, and nice jewelry, telling me I can't have this. He loses it...anger...rage. He is going to make HER pay. He holds her at gun or knifepoint into his vehicle. There was no evidence of foul play at the vacant home. I just don't think robbery was the motive, but believe he would have taken her jewelry for himself before burying her.

And if it was a selfie...I think it was to check himself out to see how bad his face looked.

Just my rambling opinions...
I think he was making her respond to texts to throw people off and stall for time.(She may have told him, "People are going to be looking for me.") I believe its possible she texted her husband.(by force) He knew she didnt drink so what better way to alert him she was in trouble? I think he may have been telling the truth when he said he hadnt seen her for a couple of days. He could have killed her right before the accident and realizing what he did was out of control and driving like crazy.
You do not need a for digit access code on iPhone. You can turn off the feature. Newer iPhones also have the touch passcode (uses your finger print).
"Carfagno didn’t know who the client might be, but said another friend drove by the home and saw a gray truck in the driveway along with Carter’s car before the real estate agent went missing. The friend “gave the police that info,” Carfagno said.

Went back to read previous articles, I cannot for the life of me figure out where it stated that police spent 4 hours talking to the neighbors of the house BC was showing or where it stated that at one point there were three vehicles there.

So I guess what I'm confused about is.. The friend BC friend is referring to... Is that a co worker? Was there another witness beside the neighbor that also saw the truck? Did this friend possibly pull up to the house and that's where the neighbors got the "three" vehicles from?
It was on the Find Beverly page about the 3 vehicles , one being a silver car.
It was on the Find Beverly page about the 3 vehicles , one being a silver car.

So let's say their friend drives by to check it out... Sees both vehicles there to confirm that yes beverly is with a client backs up and turns around, neighbors see three vehicles. obviously BC friend is going to tell LE she had another friend drive by there and if this all checked out then I completely believe LE when they say he is considered the prime suspect and did it alone. IMO that would make sense then if no other suspects are considered at this time. Plus now I realize it was never officially stated that there were three vehicles there, maybe that's why LE never acknowledged this comment bc it. He led out and it was actually BCs friend who did a drive by to check if she was with a client?
So let's say their friend drives by to check it out... Sees both vehicles there to confirm that yes beverly is with a client backs up and turns around, neighbors see three vehicles. obviously BC friend is going to tell LE she had another friend drive by there and if this all checked out then I completely believe LE when they say he is considered the prime suspect and did it alone.
That is possible. I wish we knew if that person had a silver car. That car bothers me and I would sure be glad to put it to rest.
Questions: Is it possible that he offered a ridiculously offensive offer for the foreclosure and she kind of let him down saying that it was out of his range. I can see him being completely PO'd at the fact is this "rich broker" in her caddy, and nice jewelry, telling me I can't have this. He loses it...anger...rage. He is going to make HER pay. He holds her at gun or knifepoint into his vehicle. There was no evidence of foul play at the vacant home.

Just my rambling opinions...

Snipped your post for one observation:

I think in someway, he displayed himself as a long-term contractor and presented a proposal to rehab the house for XXXX number of days expecting the house to sell for higher dollar amount, then getting his pay when it sold. (It had been on the market for four years) This was a no money down deal and the house would still be on the market. I think she hesitated but this trip to the concrete company, was about his ownership of the concrete company and he was presenting himself as the long-term owner. She was suppose to buy it and give in or .... the alternative.
She has a warrant out for her arrest for "theft by receiving", dated the same day Lewis was arrested. She might not be a POI, but should be questioned. She could possibly have had guns, tazers, (as mentioned before that Lewis had shown someone the guns and tazers), or he could have even given her BC's phone or jewelry.

My post was referencing the fact that the girlfriend isn't a POI and therefore shouldn't be sleuthed here.

I'm sure LE has looked into her by now.
That is possible. I wish we knew if that person had a silver car. That car bothers me and I would sure be glad to put it to rest.

Me too!! IMO that's really the only thing that makes sense, considering LE does not consider anyone else a POI at this time and that he acted alone.
Where did he get the $17,000 in 2013 a month after getting out of prison to buy that house trailer? He had $17,000 in 100 dollar bills a month out of prison?

He could have applied for Social Security Disability, got denied, and then appealed, resulting in a lump sum payment from the time of application, maybe. He strikes me as the type to suck of the system with some invalid excuse for not being able to work. That is of course, if his job at the company was under the table. Who knows. Drug money?
I HATE Monsters like this. MEN and Women both.
Although the pain and torture they inflict on their innocent victims is enough to make you want to single handedly pull the lever on the gas chamber, or, whatever else we find politically okay to do, to exterminate, worse then vermin, that walk on 2 legs.
The pain and suffering, that can last a lifetime for the living, can never be quantified.
Especially in today's world where the killer gets more press and attention then the victim or his/her loved ones.

I am SO done, with the media trying to figure out WHY a piece of dodo would do the most horrific, things to an absolutely INNOCENT person and even animals.

It's very simple to me.
If you rape, abduct, murder, or torture a child, an animal or another living breathing entity..then. You are evil.
There should be a hard line against evil. Period.
Evil should not have stupid, clueless, politicians and lawyers who have the gift of gab to fool the uneducated jurors, media and public.

I am so angry and sad that Beverly was tortured by this creep and criminal.
Just HOW many security measures are WE supposed to take? WHY are WE supposed to be on the constant defence?
WHY wasn't this creep like so many other creeps in Jail?????

I am so angry that this hard working, loving mother, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered.
Actually, I am furious.
Who the he'll is letting these murdering creeps out of jail???
Our elected "law makers".
You know...those highly paid guys that get free medical for their family and a 6 figure salary. Paid for by...wait for
I'm so tired of criminals on our streets. This should never have happened. But, you know that.

God Bless, all of your family.
Would he have forced her to give him her iPhone code? How did he access the phone to send text or take (what many people theorize) the selfie? I don't have an iPhone but most everyone I know that does has a 4 digit access code. Do you HAVE to set up an access code?

I'm a Realtor and I think most of us don't use our access codes or the fingerprint code. It is just a simple setting to disable them. We use our phone to open the lockboxes (which requires a different code) and it is one more step (while people are waiting) to punch in an access code. It also takes longer to text, answer a call, check email etc.
Question for our Realtor s. Have you showed property since Beverly went missing ? Are you taking different precautions than you did before? How are you coping with the tragedy? As a former Realtor I look back and am thankful nothing went wrong. I admit I sure put myself in alot of situations that could have ended badly.
I'm a Realtor and I think most of us don't use our access codes or the fingerprint code. It is just a simple setting to disable them. We use our phone to open the lockboxes (which requires a different code) and it is one more step (while people are waiting) to punch in an access code. It also takes longer to text, answer a call, check email etc.

If AL targeted BC, I am wondering if AL poured any concrete for her husbands construction company, in order to seek her out?

PINSKY: Interesting point. Let me get -- I want to turn to now, Jane Carfagno. She was a friend and co-worker of Beverly Carter.

And, Jane, first of all, thank you for joining us. And everyone here at our show gives our sincerest condolences to you and to everyone in the

community there and Beverly`s family. You were actually texting with her the night of the murder.

Can you tell us what you observed?

JANE CARFAGNO, FRIEND AND COWORKER (via telephone): Well, actually, I had locked myself, I was showing her listing and I had locked my keys in the

house. We have a key fob and then we use our phones and we have several other things we`re carrying and sometime it`s a little complicated.

PINSKY: Jane, can I interrupt you? Is this the very house that she was abducted from?

CARFAGNO: No, no. Beverly was showing another house. I was showing Beverly`s listing.

PINSKY: Got it.

CARFAGNO: So I called her and she didn`t answer. I call her back again after that. She sent a text back that said, "With a client. Call you in a

little bit."

And so I texted her back and said, I`m showing your listing. And I gave the location. And I said, I`m locked out and the buyers have left the

property. Is there any way, are you in the area? Much to my dismay, that I texted back.

And then she texted me back and said in Roanoke.
Them I texted her back and said if there was a possibly a key hidden and she texted back and said,

no, sorry.

You are NOT losing your mind. Like I said I was listening but busy and not watching or focused. I found an earlier transcript that pretty much has the conversation . So, the question is, "Was he texting as Bev at 7:00ish ?

Or was he monitoring Bev's texts, telling her to get rid of the other agent? The woman's already said this was not like Beverly to ignore someone in need (to paraphrase). I wonder if the woman has scoured the text to see if there is anything else about it that might be a clue that Beverly is in trouble at this point.
I think he was making her respond to texts to throw people off and stall for time.(She may have told him, "People are going to be looking for me.") I believe its possible she texted her husband.(by force) He knew she didnt drink so what better way to alert him she was in trouble? I think he may have been telling the truth when he said he hadnt seen her for a couple of days. He could have killed her right before the accident and realizing what he did was out of control and driving like crazy.

Good thoughts, and I agree with you that this scenario is entirely possible.
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