GUILTY AR - Beverly Carter, 49, Little Rock, 25 Sep 2014 - # 5

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You know you can delete your search history, right? Not from what a forensic investigator could find, of course, but your general search history....
Yep, but sometimes I go back in my history to find certain things I've searched on this case that I haven't bookmarked, soooo I haven't deleted.
Have any of you formulated a theory now that AL and CL have been arrested for murder and kidnapping?
Not any "solid" theories, but lots of theories. Why did I have to pick this to be my first sleuth? Dang it, it's just not fair we don't have much to go on! *kick stomp pout* Can you imagine how many whys the Carters have no answers to also? I know how frustrated I am over this case, can't begin to fathom how they're feeling! Holidays coming up and no Beverly...
Sorry for O/T, but I have had this happen when I have my Bluetooth keyboard on. When I turn it off it rarely happens!

And I'll add that when I bought "tapatalk pro" all my problems stopped as well!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yes, I remember that too. I was just reading up on why people want to steal or have access to realtor lock boxes. It's usually to commit more crimes with access to other houses to steal things. Brokers have even been caught stealing from their clients and non clients. Could be why AL didn't ditch BC's phone? Geez, who knows at this point.
I would probably be a better sleuth if I had a criminal mind!
I'm sitting here in panicked paranoia [emoji33] hoping there is never a need to do history searches on my phone, ipad or laptop! Ohhhh the things I've Googled the past month since sleuthing this case?!? My hubs does a random history search? He's going to think I'm trying to plot his murder! Funny...but not!

I read some about that too. My mind just started trying to think like AL's might. He was obsessed and proud of his ability to get around security devices, to the point of making "how-to" videos. In order to learn this he had to practice on the actual devises to perfect his skills. If he acquired a lockbox he would have one to practice the skill of unlocking the device, perhaps with his magnet technique. He could easily enter homes for theft. Here is an article about that very thing happening in the Little Rock area.

Again, that is just a brainstorming idea when trying to think of a motive and recalling that the media said the door was left open and the lockbox was missing. It just doesn't seem like he would have bothered taking it while struggling to get his victim out of the house in a hurry.

I still lean toward a kidnapping/ransom gone wrong. I do not think a sexual assault would have been the main motive since he seemed to have no shortage of connections for hookups using his dating/meeting/trolling websites. Granted, that isn't all that is involved in a sex crime, but it just doesn't add up for me.

He seemed more motivated by acquiring goods. He needed money. Since he didn't take her purse, an intended ransom is still at the top my list, with her murder being an accident in the committing of that crime either because she could identify him or because in his effort to subdue her, he killed her .

I also wonder if BC's wedding rings or other jewelery could have been found at CL's house. It doesn't fit with his greed to leave those behind with her body. Those that knew her say she loved "bling" so I am guessing she had some valuable rings.
Since a spouse does not have to testify against a spouse, I wonder how the divorce filing might effect this case. It could be on hold now. Or when his time is up to respond or not, then it will/can move forward. Does anybody here know how that works? Maybe if one was married when crime occurred it goes by that?
If you look up "sherwood shelter" on fb, they have a post on 10/21 that 2 dogs were adopted together. One looks like a Chihuahua, and the other could be a pit. Also, if you look thru the photo albums, you'll see the pic of the pit being surrendered to the pound. There is a police badge on the guys hip, visible in dog photo. Maybe this would be helpful in determining what happened with the dogs, but I don't think it makes a difference the case.
This looks like AL pit for sure. It does look like a badge as well. Good find.
I read some about that too. My mind just started trying to think like AL's might. He was obsessed and proud of his ability to get around security devices, to the point of making "how-to" videos. In order to learn this he had to practice on the actual devises to perfect his skills. If he acquired a lockbox he would have one to practice the skill of unlocking the device, perhaps with his magnet technique. He could easily enter homes for theft. Here is an article about that very thing happening in the Little Rock area.

Again, that is just a brainstorming idea when trying to think of a motive and recalling that the media said the door was left open and the lockbox was missing. It just doesn't seem like he would have bothered taking it while struggling to get his victim out of the house in a hurry.

I still lean toward a kidnapping/ransom gone wrong. I do not think a sexual assault would have been the main motive since he seemed to have no shortage of connections for hookups using his dating/meeting/trolling websites. Granted, that isn't all that is involved in a sex crime, but it just doesn't add up for me.

He seemed more motivated by acquiring goods. He needed money. Since he didn't take her purse, an intended ransom is still at the top my list, with her murder being an accident in the committing of that crime either because she could identify him or because in his effort to subdue her, he killed her .

I also wonder if BC's wedding rings or other jewelery could have been found at CL's house. It doesn't fit with his greed to leave those behind with her body. Those that knew her say she loved "bling" so I am guessing she had some valuable rings.

The bling I saw on her was mostly costume. Her wedding ring looked to be less than a carat, so no big things that I saw from all the pics. I love jewelry and it is usually the first thing I notice.
I read some about that too. My mind just started trying to think like AL's might. He was obsessed and proud of his ability to get around security devices, to the point of making "how-to" videos. In order to learn this he had to practice on the actual devises to perfect his skills. If he acquired a lockbox he would have one to practice the skill of unlocking the device, perhaps with his magnet technique. He could easily enter homes for theft. Here is an article about that very thing happening in the Little Rock area.

Again, that is just a brainstorming idea when trying to think of a motive and recalling that the media said the door was left open and the lockbox was missing. It just doesn't seem like he would have bothered taking it while struggling to get his victim out of the house in a hurry.

I still lean toward a kidnapping/ransom gone wrong. I do not think a sexual assault would have been the main motive since he seemed to have no shortage of connections for hookups using his dating/meeting/trolling websites. Granted, that isn't all that is involved in a sex crime, but it just doesn't add up for me.

He seemed more motivated by acquiring goods. He needed money. Since he didn't take her purse, an intended ransom is still at the top my list, with her murder being an accident in the committing of that crime either because she could identify him or because in his effort to subdue her, he killed her .

I also wonder if BC's wedding rings or other jewelery could have been found at CL's house. It doesn't fit with his greed to leave those behind with her body. Those that knew her say she loved "bling" so I am guessing she had some valuable rings.

Great post, lots of things to think about, thank you for sharing.
One thing I just thought of after reading your post was the possibility of AL removing the lockbox prior to BC's arrival for whatever reason; such as having access for himself or someone else to be able to get inside the house before BC arrived? I wonder if any of the lockboxes were missing from the other properties she was planning to show that evening? The reason I am thinking that is possibly/maybe he gained access to one of those other properties as well and that's where she was taken after he kidnapped her? Just throwing ideas out there that came to mind and this is all just speculation and JMO/thoughts...

ETA: Another thing I just thought of is maybe the reason AL and/or CL still had BC's phone was because IIRC her phone possibly had an "app" that realtors use to gain access to the properties?
Yes, I remember that too. I was just reading up on why people want to steal or have access to realtor lock boxes. It's usually to commit more crimes with access to other houses to steal things. Brokers have even been caught stealing from their clients and non clients. Could be why AL didn't ditch BC's phone? Geez, who knows at this point.
I would probably be a better sleuth if I had a criminal mind!
I'm sitting here in panicked paranoia [emoji33] hoping there is never a need to do history searches on my phone, ipad or laptop! Ohhhh the things I've Googled the past month since sleuthing this case?!? My hubs does a random history search? He's going to think I'm trying to plot his murder! Funny...but not!

BBM I joke about this with my friends all of the time. If ever something happens to anyone near to me I am SOL. Since joining this site I have done searches on how to dispose of a body, concrete to aid in body decomposition, how long does a body decompose in water, how to keep a body from surfacing underwater, death by chloroform, mines to dispose bodies in, people who kill their spouse, people who kill their lover, how do submerged bodies move under water, how many dead bodies are in Lake Tahoe, rate of decomposition in dirt, etc. (...and everything in between!) :what:
I read some about that too. My mind just started trying to think like AL's might. He was obsessed and proud of his ability to get around security devices, to the point of making "how-to" videos. In order to learn this he had to practice on the actual devises to perfect his skills. If he acquired a lockbox he would have one to practice the skill of unlocking the device, perhaps with his magnet technique. He could easily enter homes for theft. Here is an article about that very thing happening in the Little Rock area.

Again, that is just a brainstorming idea when trying to think of a motive and recalling that the media said the door was left open and the lockbox was missing. It just doesn't seem like he would have bothered taking it while struggling to get his victim out of the house in a hurry.

I still lean toward a kidnapping/ransom gone wrong. I do not think a sexual assault would have been the main motive since he seemed to have no shortage of connections for hookups using his dating/meeting/trolling websites. Granted, that isn't all that is involved in a sex crime, but it just doesn't add up for me.

He seemed more motivated by acquiring goods. He needed money. Since he didn't take her purse, an intended ransom is still at the top my list, with her murder being an accident in the committing of that crime either because she could identify him or because in his effort to subdue her, he killed her .

I also wonder if BC's wedding rings or other jewelery could have been found at CL's house. It doesn't fit with his greed to leave those behind with her body. Those that knew her say she loved "bling" so I am guessing she had some valuable rings.


I am still sitting on the fence as to whether or not there will end up being a sexual element to this crime. Yes, AL did seem not to be lacking "attention" from women however he also seemed to have a track record of wanting what he couldn't have and acting pretty irrational as a result. One of the women who turned him down ended up stalked to the point that she had a restraining order. Didn't he try and break into the home of another and then he wouldn't leave another alone when she refused his advances? I seem also to recall a woman that he got upset with and dropped her off at night in an sketchy part of town and told her that he hoped she got raped? He most definitely has little to no respect for women and I am not convinced there wasn't some truth about CL being an "escort" online. If there is any truth to that I think there might be a greater chance of there being a sexual element. MOO.
BBM I joke about this with my friends all of the time. If ever something happens to anyone near to me I am SOL. Since joining this site I have done searches on how to dispose of a body, concrete to aid in body decomposition, how long does a body decompose in water, how to keep a body from surfacing underwater, death by chloroform, mines to dispose bodies in, people who kill their spouse, people who kill their lover, how do submerged bodies move under water, how many dead bodies are in Lake Tahoe, rate of decomposition in dirt, etc. (...and everything in between!) :what:

Sounds like something I would have posted... Except, instead of Lake Tahoe it would have been, Lake Pontchartrain....:)
This may be totally off the wall but-- if one were going to hire someone to do a 'dirty deed', you'd go to a common criminal with a long enough record so that he/she is comfortable in the territory, has some "occupational expertise", has not that much to lose in the event of another possible arrest within a string of them already, and with enough criminal history that they knew some workarounds to evade LE and getting caught. And... someone who needed some fast cash for the deed.

In that respect I see AL as a perfect candidate for a crime for hire. Then he bumbles. Because he's not the best. Or things go awry. Maybe he was hired to just rough her up and give her a scare.... And it went south. This would explain the purse, car, wallet not being taken. As a Realtor I don't think there is much chance of a fellow agent being so jealous they wanted to have her offed because she had more listings! :notgood: That doesn't seem to fit IMO. Too elaborate a set up. I keep feeling like the third party who hasn't been named is the one behind it all and who ordered a hit, but maybe not a murder. I almost believe that AL didn't think he was in it for a murder. But still so many holes it's impossible to feel very convicted in any theory.
One of the dogs they took was a pit bull the other a small fuzzy dog that belonged to the daughter. The pit bull belonged to AL.
One was. Another was a chihuahua, voluntarily relinquished, I hear.

Is this accurate per your source, NoJustice? Thank you.

That is the dogs but when she tried to get them back they told her LE had relinquished them to the pound and they could not return them to her.
The listing referral to BC is still driving me bonkers. It's not adding up if AL was targeting BC...unless it was my wacky theory of a possible rival realtor or someone else wanting BC out of the picture or it was a kidnap/ransom. I can't imagine anyone with any sense hiring AL, but maybe so. If AL called a couple of days before the actual meeting and AL had contacted BC...maybe he had time to check her out online? I'd really like to hear your ideas. I'm assuming the call to the realtor was the very first step in this crime, but who knows.

My guess is BC was not targeted. My guess is that any realtor would have been the target that showed up to show the house. I think it was a money scam.
Scuse' me for just a second....I have read every single post and continue to do so since day one. I just want to say that though I rarely comment, I really do thank you guys. To me, this particular BC forum is what WS is all about. You guys sleuth; respect each others opinions and stay objective about possible outcomes.

The verified insider on this case is awesome. Adds an inside viewpoint while still maintaining an open mind.

Carry on guys - one of the most interesting discussions IMO on all of WS. Thanks for all you do to make sense of such a senseless crime.
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