AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #4

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The BBM is kind of my point. I guess what I am dancing round is does her use of an attorney in this specific situation give a clue as to her thinking about Cassie's absence, KWIM :(

I realize that LE has clearly stated at one point that JC and BR are still considered suspects. But I am not convinced that JC has done anything wrong aside from possibly using poor judgment in hooking up with BR depending on if he is tied to Cassie's absence. And yet I am very confused by the way the entire situation has been handled, by JC, by the town in general and by LE specifically. I know, clear as mud. Don't mind me, just puzzling stuff out over here.

Ok OLD question. Maybe a mod can help me out here? We were told that DB was not possibly involved because he was "in custody" when Cassie went missing. We know now she was reported missing on 9/15 & he was on FB the same day talking about leaving Stuttgart. I guess I'm confused how we know he was "In custody" at the time of her disappearance of he was posting the day she was reported missing.
Also wanted to note-he must expect not to be out anytime soon as he is still "in custody" today & someone posted an address for him(Lonoke County Jail) in 12/20 & a status update to his mom from him the same day. Seems a lot for parole violation?
I wanted to make sure this was still a hands off topic as it seems DB may not have been "in custody" until after Cassie was reported missing.
Ok OLD question. Maybe a mod can help me out here? We were told that DB was not possibly involved because he was "in custody" when Cassie went missing. We know now she was reported missing on 9/15 & he was on FB the same day talking about leaving Stuttgart. I guess I'm confused how we know he was "In custody" at the time of her disappearance of he was posting the day she was reported missing.
Also wanted to note-he must expect not to be out anytime soon as he is still "in custody" today & someone posted an address for him(Lonoke County Jail) in 12/20 & a status update to his mom from him the same day. Seems a lot for parole violation?
I wanted to make sure this was still a hands off topic as it seems DB may not have been "in custody" until after Cassie was reported missing.

I would say unless we have positive proof he should still be considered off topic.
Wasn't a particular unnamed person in custody on 9/14?


TOPIC of that individual
Sorry if my post was vague about the letter-my question was whether or not he was asked not to contact Cassie as well. *If* JC is/was custodial parent, Cassie is a minor and JC was well within her rights to demand that butt head leave her daughter alone. Make more sense?

And where did she send the letter? Did she send it to the jail? I mean, this guy is a ghost as far as I can tell who was arraigned, tried and convicted in absentia.

We have a whole lot of hearsay regarding what was actually found in the house and it is based upon the statement of a woman who has barely supplied the minimum of identifying information regarding her child. If you have confidence in the moving target of clothing description for Cassie, I can see accepting her word as to what was found in the house. She is a named suspect in MSM and her strange SM posts make it very very difficult for me to be on her side. The idea that she has access to an attorney and yet her participation in this investigation has unfolded in this way...well that makes me nervous for her if the spotlight stays on her that is for sure. I hope she isnt relying on this attorney for her defense.

Honestly, and to be completely frank, the only sympathetic character in this case is Cassie imvho. In all of this time, we dont know who she is. We are skeptical about her listed height/weight, the clothing, what phone she was carrying and now her medical condition at the time of her disappearance. We are using her self reporting on her own SM, photos and the police report to try and establish the facts of the case. This is nuts.

The harm being done to Cassie after her disappearance by the lack of credible disclosure is huge. Who is going to be brave enough to step forward, end their nightsweats, and provide some information? This is a child....a living breathing child who has been failed so much in her life. Be the change, make a call from a payphone, spit it out...please. :(
OK, sleuthers a little weirdness-

I was texting someone today using the voice feature on my phone and right in the middle of the txt conversation the name "Brandon Lee" auto-corrected over what I actually said. In fact, it wasnt even close to the words I was speaking. It was uber creepy...
I was looking at a Facebook page for Megan Nichols. She is a 16 yr old girl that has been missing from IL since July of 2014. The difference in the response to her case when compared to Cassie's makes me want to cry. Her family has set up this page, and they post on it EVERY day, and many many friends, neighbors and family members also post. Megan's family appears to be working so hard to try to find her: they have the page, and they hold fundraisers and make posters and hold meetings, etc. The love that they have for that child and their dedication in finding her really comes across when you look at the page. Wish someone in Cassie's family would expend that much effort. :(

Edited to add link to Megan's page if anyone wants to look:
That is a beautiful page-thank you for sharing it! From what I can tell, Cassie has an extensive extended family. Surely one of them would like to combine all of the efforts on SM and spearhead a family based page?
I was looking at a Facebook page for Megan Nichols. She is a 16 yr old girl that has been missing from IL since July of 2014. The difference in the response to her case when compared to Cassie's makes me want to cry. Her family has set up this page, and they post on it EVERY day, and many many friends, neighbors and family members also post. Megan's family appears to be working so hard to try to find her: they have the page, and they hold fundraisers and make posters and hold meetings, etc. The love that they have for that child and their dedication in finding her really comes across when you look at the page. Wish someone in Cassie's family would expend that much effort. :(

Edited to add link to Megan's page if anyone wants to look:

That is a beautiful page-thank you for sharing it! From what I can tell, Cassie has an extensive extended family. Surely one of them would like to combine all of the efforts on SM and spearhead a family based page?

This is what breaks my heart for Cassie-those extra pages that aren't being posted on? They were set up by family! The only page posting is the one FB group set up by a group of people on town that either slightly knew her or were strangers!!!! Wth? Where are her family & friends screaming that they miss her, posting memories, old photos, silly stories, etc etc etc? I have never ever ever seen anything like this-especially with a girl you'd think you'd have some friends posting SOMETHING!?!?
I feel like the letter through the attorney was to show she really meant it. Not that her letter couldn't have done the same but she clearly wants him out of the picture and away from her now and to know she was serious about it. I just wish she hadn't allowed him around in the first place.

Why a letter (written with help of attorney) versus a sworn affidavit used to file for an "Order of Protection" (restraining order) at the county level? Is JC actually seeking a protective order for if/when BR gets out later this month? In Pulaski County, battered (or threatened) women who went to a shelter would come in to the courthouse with an experienced lay advocate who would walk them through the statement, affidavit and filing process. A lawyer was not necessary as a majority of women in that situation do not have access to money for a lawyer. Was said attorney someone already familiar with her history who helped with the removal from RSO list?
Which to me indicates she isn't fearful of BR. Why? Imo she should be.
Maybe HE should be fearful of HER now.

I don't know how long he'll keep a low profile, but I have a feeling he'll do something dumb sooner than later.
Maybe HE should be fearful of HER now.

I don't know how long he'll keep a low profile, but I have a feeling he'll do something dumb sooner than later.

I think she'd be stupid to do anything. But then again imo she isn't innocent. If she was she wouldn't be acting how she has.

I think if she was ever afraid of BR or he was controlling as she claimed in interviews a lawyer would have recommended a restraining order. BUT she chose to have a letter worth no weight when just delivered by a lawyer. Sure it could be a cease & desist-but even if it was its not like a restraining order that makes a statement. I think the "letter" she sent made a different statement that she probably wasn't expecting. JMO.
Imo were surrounded by nothing but lies from majority of the parties we should be getting concrete information from.
If / when BR gets out what are his options? He's not returning to the two most recent places where he slept before jail. His local family has kept their distance, in that he did not stay with them when kicked out of 15th Street home. He apparently did not stay with "friends," either. He probably does not have funds for transportation to a "city center" with a half-way house to support a transition to work / job training. Will he be allowed to leave a restricted radius while investigation is open? Will he even keep his FB profile on view? If / when . . . .
You know, we don't even know the 'back story' on what led up to BR leaving the house. Did LE suggest to JC that he be sent on his proverbial way? Did other parties suggest it to her? Did she catch on to the fact people found their relationship...ummm, strange? Or did someone tell her that Cassie had been saying stuff re BR, or did someone tell her BR had supposedly been saying stuff about inappropriateness with Cassie?
Why did she supposedly leave the house and her possessions and go to someone's else's for a few days, per a VI I believe it was? So he could supposedly depart with his stuff? LE couldn't be there while he packed & left?
Did LE hope he would be roaming around so they would have an excuse to snatch him up?

And then,
the following-"Judy sat down with Channel 7 News on three different occasions; Friday was the first time she sat down without Brandon Rhodes.
Judy says Brandon was controlling. He was the first to pick up her phone when it would ring and he interrupted her conversations with authorities.
“There was one time I just turned to him and said ‘can I finish,” said Judy as she grew frustrated talking about him."

Had he ALWAYS been like that or did he become 'controlling' after Cassie was gone?? How was he interrupting her conversations??
Why does it feel like Cassie disappearing is what it finally 'took' to get rid of ole 'butthead'??

ps that news video above? @:40 is where it states LE hasn't cleared anyone , btw...and the print part is where is says JC & BR are 'still' suspects

boy that is a huge pool of non cleared persons, imho
oh yeah, any VI's heard if there is a new police chief coming in? I caught wind there might be. If so , any thoughts as to if he is going to be tougher on crime, or same ole same ole....
oh yeah, any VI's heard if there is a new police chief coming in? I caught wind there might be. If so , any thoughts as to if he is going to be tougher on crime, or same ole same ole....

The best answer I can give you on that is the opponent who ran against Mr. Green had a main platform in her campaign to remove the chief. She lost (but keep in mind the November election was more about the Ruffin case from July than the early part of Cassie's case in September). Green's campaign focused more on changing city finances which is a little strange with his past experience as municipal judge. He was more critical in his speech about the previous mayor than he was critical about the police department. I have faith he will make significant changes, but is wisely taking things slowly. He is a giant man with a quiet demeanor. I respect him a lot as he took time out once a year when he was judge to come speak to the junior high students about how making bad choices as a teen can close doors in the future. I PRESUME there will be a time of interim chief while a search is conducted for new leader from the outside. (This is very similar to the local politics that go on for the search in new school superintendents.)
Forgive me I'm rerunning things in my head. Can someone refresh me on who DR is in connection to BR? He's on Cassie's FB friend list but not BRs & they have the same last name, some resemblance. Brothers? Cousins? Thanks!
The whole BR trespassing thing makes even less sense to me. He had every chance to beat feet after being "thrown out" (if that was even the case) but he chose to go to someone elses property instead, apparently a piece of property where he was unwelcome?

I wonder if someone can explain the docket logs on the SDL-it seems less and less likely that they reflect actual arrests, arraignment and punishments...more like charges and the proposed punishment. I mean a lot of these folks on the dockets seem to be frequent flyers-do they just plead guilty in that county? Doesnt anyone hire attorneys and present a defense? Has anyone actually seen any of the players in Cassie's case or do they charge them and release them pending an actual hearing? I spoke with someone to believed that the charges for BR were just stacked up in order to apply pressure or keep him in the county and that it was unlikely that he was in custody at all still.
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