AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #4

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Just an update on the previous note that I posted about a tweet from a reporter. I was told that they would look more at doing a follow up on Cassie after they were done "covering the snow." So after a WEEK went by I compiled a list of things that were red flags on both the case & questions for BR (because seriously getting him on camera would be helpful to all possible scenarios), and sent it to the email address. I basically said "I haven't heard from you so here are some thoughts from people that are concerned for Cassie....." and included the report that we have here on WS. I will let you know if I hear back.

Back to lurking.....
Thank you, Caring4
Wow, 'the snow' huh? We were out that way during 'the snow' and all I could think about was missing people, lost in the cold, and how much even an inch or so of precipitation changes scent for K9's. And umm...that it wasn't quite so bad as the news was making it seem. But maybe I'm biased, growing up in a place where they didn't cancel school unless there was at least a good 18 inches on the ground lol.

Wish they had taken the opportunity to maybe do an article on Cassie (and so many other missing persons, perhaps even elderly Mr. Gibbs) and the ramifications of extreme weather on the missing...and search efforts for the missing.

Thank you so much for trying, and I guess we can hope they get back to you after all the excitement of snow in winter dies down. It's uber frustrating, isn't it?
All someone in the media nerds to do is start bringing this case to the forefront, people will start talking. There are at least 4 males that need to be questioned at length.
Bumpity bump, for our Cassie.
Anyone else wonder about the situation with the Searcy OK police chief, ATF involvement, and the arson fire? With little missing Malik?
Some coincidences....just odd. Multiple missing persons cases, multiple suspected arson fires, multiple issues within local LE agencies, multiple jurisdictions involved (specifically, federal)... all in a relatively small regional area.

Certainly, correlation and causation a probability nightmare when it comes to theory... But makes me go hmmm, anyway. Anyone else wonder?
All someone in the media nerds to do is start bringing this case to the forefront, people will start talking. There are at least 4 males that need to be questioned at length.

I don't think that anyone will disagree with you. We have all said from the beginning that the media needs to cover this story better & differently. Problem is that you can't get them to pay attention or to look at it. I have said things to them on Twitter & FB using the facts of the case & the missing persons report. Most times I get the blanket response that they have talked to her mother, or LE or that they have covered the case, etc. Once I even got a response that BRs charges weren't related to the case so it wasn't coverable. This latest time with the response tweet was the most interest I had seen from media....then it was dropped like a hot potato. I honestly do not get it. Apparently media in AR is just lame. I know in my area I get a little annoyed with media when I am working with a family, they many times cross the line in questioning and ask things you would never ever want someone to be asked, just inhumane. BUT I think I would rather that than acting as if they don't exist. I have never seen media so laid back and not all up in peoples face about a story, especially about a missing person- child or not.

Frustrated right along with you.
I was just thinking this morning how interesting/perplexing/sad/confusing it is that one child's missing can gather such a wide audience (Hannah Thomas-Garner) while another child's missing, such as Cassie, seems to lose steam quickly ....
I was just thinking this morning how interesting/perplexing/sad/confusing it is that one child's missing can gather such a wide audience (Hannah Thomas-Garner) while another child's missing, such as Cassie, seems to lose steam quickly ....
Parental involvement? Cassie has a father too! A married sister. Brother. Aunts......
It is strange how some kids get national attention and some get a lot of state or local attention and others seem to get no attention at all. I have pinpointed a few reasons why but you just never can tell which will be followed actively or not. The fact is every lost child deserves all of our attention. Back in the day when a missing child was not an every day occurrence , they did get a lot more attention than today. I think the public has ' missing child fatigue' because some one's kid goes missing literally nonstop and your average person cannot follow them all and doesn't even hear about them unless the child is in their own local area and if the local news gives no attention, no one knows. :( Evan on WS and checking in daily you will miss 90% of them or more .
I've been reading this case for some time now and this is my first message here! A lot of ppl mentioned the non-interest of medias in Stuggart but are we talking about televised medias only? Couldnt a newspaper reporter be helpful as well as a photo of Cassie in a newspaper would lastd longer as ppl can look at it over and over again compared to an one-time 2-5 min segment on the news? I think she should get some sort of coverage in both the local tv news as well as newspapers! Eventhough I hate the woman, could this be a topic of interest for Nancy Grace with all the infos available in this case?

Something else I was thinking about since a lot of ppl were wondering where would Cassie buy her cigarettes since she is only 15yo! I remember someone saying that there was a drughouse near her home.... so could it be a possibility that Cassie got her 'smokes' there? I remember some years ago, here in Canada, they arrested some drug dealers who were going to middle schools to sell cigarettes to young kids so I wouldnt be surprised in the possibility!
:welcome5: glad to have a new voice join the conversation. Good questions.
SCHMAE, I totally agree.

I am amazed at what I see professionally, regarding 'missing child/person fatigue.' I mean, it has become exhausting for so many professions, whose JOB it is work MP cases....the burnout is so high....I can only imagine what it must be like for caring community members. :(

Every missing child and person deserves our attention. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day anymore. :(

I wish a major media outlet would do a documentary series on this epidemic. Like, yesterday.
I think MP goes hand in hand with human trafficking. That seems to be the new go-to trend building steam these days. Of any venue the media might start going with as the new ratings grabber, I will welcome such a media whorring.
I don't know what state Cassie will be in when she is finally found, but in the meantime there is a very dangerous person running loose in the greater Arkansas region. That alone should be a ratings grabber.
I've been reading this case for some time now and this is my first message here! A lot of ppl mentioned the non-interest of medias in Stuggart but are we talking about televised medias only? Couldnt a newspaper reporter be helpful as well as a photo of Cassie in a newspaper would lastd longer as ppl can look at it over and over again compared to an one-time 2-5 min segment on the news? I think she should get some sort of coverage in both the local tv news as well as newspapers! Eventhough I hate the woman, could this be a topic of interest for Nancy Grace with all the infos available in this case?

Something else I was thinking about since a lot of ppl were wondering where would Cassie buy her cigarettes since she is only 15yo! I remember someone saying that there was a drughouse near her home.... so could it be a possibility that Cassie got her 'smokes' there? I remember some years ago, here in Canada, they arrested some drug dealers who were going to middle schools to sell cigarettes to young kids so I wouldnt be surprised in the possibility!

Thanks for posting & for thinking about Cassie! I myself was referring to all media. On social media I send messages to any & all that I can locate. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Sadly the Stuttgart Leader doesn't pay much attention to either of the 2 missing persons cases in their town & they may be the only paper there. I could be wrong, but it's the only paper I can recall off hand.
SCHMAE, I totally agree.

I am amazed at what I see professionally, regarding 'missing child/person fatigue.' I mean, it has become exhausting for so many professions, whose JOB it is work MP cases....the burnout is so high....I can only imagine what it must be like for caring community members. :(

Every missing child and person deserves our attention. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day anymore. :(

I wish a major media outlet would do a documentary series on this epidemic. Like, yesterday.

I know of only one station that does a regular series on their missing & UID in their State. WIS TV in Columbia, SC. Their current director used to live in my area & started doing it here on the station he ran. It was helpful for NYs missing, but it stopped when he left. The missing deserve more than this!
I was just thinking this morning how interesting/perplexing/sad/confusing it is that one child's missing can gather such a wide audience (Hannah Thomas-Garner) while another child's missing, such as Cassie, seems to lose steam quickly ....

I couldn't agree more and I have been struggling with this lately. Breaks my heart for Cassie and other missing persons like her. She matters, everybody matters.
I was just thinking this morning how interesting/perplexing/sad/confusing it is that one child's missing can gather such a wide audience (Hannah Thomas-Garner) while another child's missing, such as Cassie, seems to lose steam quickly ....

Parental involvement? Cassie has a father too! A married sister. Brother. Aunts......

BBM: this x 1000. HTG's father & stepmom were the driving force being looking for HTG. They rallied tremendous support in Ashland, from WSers, & Help Save the Next Girl. They worked (literally) around the clock to keep Hannah's name out there...
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