AR AR - Cassie Compton, 15, Stuttgart, 14 Sept 2014 #5

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yeah I was thinking freudian slip there, like who else was in that vehicle... not necessarily BR

eta-well I just don't about the 'seen'em' being used to describe one person though....& quickly recovered to Cassie..... would say you seen him, or you seen her...getting out IMHO

I for one am so southern yet I never call one person 'them/'em" and likewise would never call one person y' is you and y'all, singular and plural...just like you and you'uns...

and coke is in you wanna coke? Yeah. What kind?

I am pondering with you on the plural issue . . . what if "them" means HS and Cassie because if she sat next to him in center of bench, he could have gotten out the driver's side to let her slide out to the left to go inside Compton house. Regardless of whether third party was there.
but, but any self respecting southern boy is gonna get out of the vehicle and come round and open the door after sweetie slides her butt over to get out...(or granny or any women folk...don't y'all's men do that?)

and anyway we don't even know they was dating, do we? Almost sounded like Cassie was a outreach project to go to youth group.
You know what I've been wondering about that whole clip? The change in language from 'truck' to 'vehicle.'

I know I've had to catch myself a few times, when making a statement about an event that I know occurred, but perhaps I'm not supposed to say anything about just yet. I've also known people to correct their statements to something that LE is advising them on correcting. And I've known people to correct themselves on wording when they are unsure of what the event actually was. AND I've known some people to correct wording when they are trying to distance from an event, or want to make sure they are distanced from an event.

I can understand TS adjusting that wording. But I do wonder, in the moment- why go from truck to vehicle specifically? Was that prompted? And if who?

I'm no profiler, but I am a curious person by nature; and as a result curious about why that specific clarification was made during that interview.

To me and my acquaintances, a "truck" is a pickup and a SUV is a "vehicle." I don't say, "I left my keys in my SUV." In my mind, I was thinking the TS/HS family had been to DeWitt (35 miles one-way) in a SUV vehicle which seats more people comfortably. But that HS returned Cassie to Stuttgart alone in his pickup (which only seats three legally) across the bench seat. His truck doesn't have an extended or crew cab (second row). I think TS drives something like a Chevy Trailblazer or Ford Explorer considered a SUV. I can check in town later today.
I am going to be a dog with a bone on this one:

So I brought that up to him and told him that he seen him get out of my son`s -- seen
Cassie get out of my son`s vehicle, so he knew she was no longer with him or with us.

Maybe she meant BR saw HS get out of "my son's truck" or maybe she means BR saw someone else get out of her son's truck. But I am not seeing the "'em." here. Because of the lack of transparency and the statements from all sides that seem to defy reality and the sheer lack of information about this girl who disappeared, I think it is very possible that someone is covering for someone. Like there was another guy in the truck. Or BR was in the truck.
Stories are falling apart on all sides here.

We pretty much established that the lead detective in Cassie's disappearance didnt show to the balloon release correct? And neither did TS or HS?
and then that darn 9 a.m. ish whatever text from Cassie to mom is puzzling and something else, if Casie had been sick enough for medicine, then why was she traipsing to outdoor football games and dusty or damp derbies?? Seems like she would need to stay in some I would tell my child either you are sick , or not, you want the 'monia?
extended cab, just saying

we always call a car a car and a truck or suv, a truck

nah, the lead detective didn't but

Stories are falling apart on all sides here.

We pretty much established that the lead detective in Cassie's disappearance didnt show to the balloon release correct? And neither did TS or HS?

Actually, MD's daughter was in the front-page newspaper picture of the balloon release. I can't say that he was not there or nearby.
are we gonna talk about a marionette show now?? like with strings?
in all seriousness though...IF Cassie was dropped at home, could someone else have gotten out with, and stayed outside...until she came back out? How would it change the case if there was another person around/involved at that point in time? If Cassie sent that text, did she mistakenly send it to HS not JC, because why would he care? It's not like he or mommy have come out and said they had some prearranged code so they could came fetch her back to the safe haven, is there?

Because until he has the chance to explain his side, we do not know what BR claims to have seen or not.
To me and my acquaintances, a "truck" is a pickup and a SUV is a "vehicle." I don't say, "I left my keys in my SUV." In my mind, I was thinking the TS/HS family had been to DeWitt (35 miles one-way) in a SUV vehicle which seats more people comfortably. But that HS returned Cassie to Stuttgart alone in his pickup (which only seats three legally) across the bench seat. His truck doesn't have an extended or crew cab (second row). I think TS drives something like a Chevy Trailblazer or Ford Explorer considered a SUV. I can check in town later today.

Got it.
But for example do you say I took my truck, oh I mean my SUV in to have it's oil changed today?
If I'm understanding correctly you don't say, I took my SUV. You say I took my truck. (If that's what you took.) You also say I took my truck if that's the only vehicle you own.

I say I took the truck to go get the oil changed this morning- or I took the Honda- or I took the Chevy.

What I don't say (unless under advisement) is I took my 'vehicle.' I might say I took another persons' vehicle to have their oil changed if I can't recall what their vehicle was. But I think it's very unlikely that TS does not know what very specific vehicle her son was driving when he left their home to drop Cassie off.

I am totally onboard with southern and Midwest dialect. And maybe that is, in part, why I am questioning that change in wording during that interview. A 'vehicle' is something specific or nonspecific, depending on who uses that word, why, and when,
Got it.
But for example do you say I took my truck, oh I mean my SUV in to have it's oil changed today?
If I'm understanding correctly you don't say, I took my SUV. You say I took my truck. (If that's what you took.) You also say I took my truck if that's the only vehicle you own.

I say I took the truck to go get the oil changed this morning- or I took the Honda- or I took the Chevy.

What I don't say (unless under advisement) is I took my 'vehicle.' I might say I took another persons' vehicle to have their oil changed if I can't recall what their vehicle was. But I think it's very unlikely that TS does not know what very specific vehicle her son was driving when he left their home to drop Cassie off.

I am totally onboard with southern and Midwest dialect. And maybe that is, in part, why I am questioning that change in wording during that interview. A 'vehicle' is something specific or nonspecific, depending on who uses that word, why, and when,

(I am wracking my brain so hard this morning.)

I actually say, "I took my vehicle for an oil change." I also tell the girls to, "Go put the cardboard recycling in the 'way back' of my vehicle." We just don't use SUV much around here and a truck has an exposed bed for hauling stuff that gets muddy, especially four-wheelers. Part of why we say vehicle is that there are lots of Suburbans, Yukon XLs and Tahoes among families with active kids in town. There can be confusion or snobbery distinguishing between the them. So we moms call them all "vehicles." Trucks are what daddies drive. It even sounds uppity if you claim a having a Surburban over a Yukon or Tahoe. If SUV is used, it is mid-size or smaller hatchback (not very popular here and lower class). Teens call their vehicles their "rides" sometimes.

There are only domestic dealerships in town. I am in a farm family that almost always buys Chevy because they are the simplest and least expensive to get fixed when a part wears out.
Cassie was home for a short period of time before she bailed, if we believe any of it. It makes no sense to me that her mother would have a clue what she was wearing and yet TS/ HS could provide it so easily. That makes me even more uncomfortable with the NAMUS clothing description if it was provided by JC. Let's face it-if JC never laid eyes on her daughter, she has no idea what she had on. But the peeps who saw her get into the truck and who dropped her off know what she was wearing.

As for dialect, I have read enough local posts in these last months that I kind of feel like I have a pretty good sense of the colloquialisms in that area. I really think Truck is kind of all encompassing in the area. jmvho.

On the JVM show, Marc Klaas' statement has always stuck with me. I will bring it forward.
are we gonna talk about a marionette show now?? like with strings?

Lol. No. BUT.

In all of the early reporting, basically everyone had the same thing to say: Cassie was here/there/everywhere, and then she came home/was dropped off/ walked out the door again and was gone like a (don't make me say it again) you-know-what.

And reported missing by JC the following morning. More than 12 hours after she had allegedly been last seen.
This is just paperwork, you know?

There is precious little to go on, paperwork-wise. I mean, social media is insane from the getgo- raising funds for burials, raising funds for SAR, raising funds for nothing that needs funding. What? Why? By who?

Awareness for runaways and the dangers associated with the situations they are in, I am a huge advocate for.
But when local LE is saying wild boars might be a problem, people are raising money online for the potential death of a child who has gone missing, local searches are being conducted under the premise of remains, no one can say why, there is no established crime scene because local LE took a MP report from the childs' residence and then apparently left?? and no one can describe the child or more specifically- no one is WILLING to give a last seen description, and attach their name to it?

Can't ignore these issues.

I call Pinnochio all around.
KLAAS: Well, they -- if any of this stuff is true, and it`s just the word of one woman on your show -- I have seen nothing about any of this

previously -- but if this is true, they`re obviously going to be investigating the boyfriend very, very carefully.
In other words, after the girl texted him, where was he? Is his space and his time accounted for in the hours after this little girl made her final

test -- text and walked out of the house, or is there something more nefarious going on?

I have always believed he was talking about HS. I would like to know if he and Cassie were actually seeing one another.
ohhh hmm. could someone have gotten ticked that Cassie appeared to be 'seeing' HS??? KWIM?? She wasn't like 2 timing was she?? (NO I do not mean her any disrespect AT ALL...just trying to figure out where this child is!)
or giving an appearance of?
(you know how boys can be sometime, especially if they have a tendency to get a little angry over stuff on the romance dept)
(I am wracking my brain so hard this morning.)

I actually say, "I took my vehicle for an oil change." I also tell the girls to, "Go put the cardboard recycling in the 'way back' of my vehicle." We just don't use SUV much around here and a truck has an exposed bed for hauling stuff that gets muddy, especially four-wheelers. Part of why we say vehicle is that there are lots of Suburbans, Yukon XLs and Tahoes among families with active kids in town. There can be confusion or snobbery distinguishing between the them. So we moms call them all "vehicles." Trucks are what daddies drive. It even sounds uppity if you claim a having a Surburban over a Yukon or Tahoe. If SUV is used, it is mid-size or smaller hatchback (not very popular here and lower class). Teens call their vehicles their "rides" sometimes.

There are only domestic dealerships in town. I am in a farm family that almost always buys Chevy because they are the simplest and least expensive to get fixed when a part wears out.

Got4, I think I understand what you are trying to say.

What I am wondering of people is if they commonly interrupt themselves *mid-conversation* when saying to someone something such as "I took my truck/SUV/Chevy/whatever into the shop today" to "I took my (correction) 'vehicle' into the shop today."

This is common practice, tbh, by a lot of people who- as I stated upthread- are being advised by LE or an attorney, or their own good judgement, or sometimes as a cover for something imvho.

I am simply curious as to why that specific wording was changed during that specific interview. Make sense?
"That morning, Monday morning when I got to work, I called and spoke with a detective. And he said there was actually no report filed. And he come and spoke to me, and we filed the missing report on Monday."


I STILL want to know who is 'we'
what time 'he' went to speak to her (before or after however the report with JC was made?)
If he said 'no report' was actually filed, was he implying that BR DID go to police dept, but no report filed Sat nite??
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