AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #3

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While the sisters never directly addressed the scandal, Jill did say that one of the messages of their hit show, 19 Kids and Counting, is that their family has struggles.

"Hey we’re not a perfect family, we mess up," she told the crowd during a Q&A-style session on the festival's Beach stage. "Imagine what life is like with a family with two or three kids and multiply that about 10 times over and that's what you get."

I won't lay any blame on Jill for her comments because I believe she doesn't "hear" the message she's sending. Nevertheless, it's an unfortunate choice of words. I'd hate to think that some Quiverfull parent is out there saying "See little Sally, the Duggars aren't perfect either. They mess up too. That's all this is, it's just a mess up. Now go forgive your brother."

I'm happy that the girls have been able to move past the molestation by Josh; maybe it's a testament to their brainwashing, er, I mean faith, that they've handled it so well. But I'm not happy about the way the whole family has minimized sexual abuse publicly. I can only hope that their experience isn't going to be used as some sort of model for parents who are dealing with the very serious issue of sexual molestation.

Sad that she feels she needs to include everyone in the ' who messes up ' part. Yes , we all mess up but this is not mere messing up and this girl had NOTHING to do with the messing up. :(

ETA It's honestly a beautiful thing when one family member falls and the rest of the family swoop in to surround and protect that family member. That is what family is all about. But there are some circumstances where I don't believe that family member deserves support and it' s certainly an indication of how differently this family thinks than most that the victims are swooping in to protect that family member. Bizarre, sad and I am sure the subject for many an upcoming psychology thesis .
Respectfully snipped/bold by me...
Originally posted by SCHMAE;

But there are some circumstances where I don't believe that family member deserves support and it' s certainly an indication of how differently this family thinks than most that the victims are swooping in to protect that family member.

I respectfully disagree. This is actually very common in families where there is/has been sexual abuse committed by a member. Far too often families have knowledge of a member's sexually predatory behavior and remain silent - EVEN at the expense of continued child victims. I have seen it time and time again in families, even absent religious beliefs, where they will lie, make excuses, cover for, and enable the family-member-offender. Just as an example in a high profile case; Jessica Lundsford - Couey's sister initially lied to the police. Unfortunately this is far more the "norm" when it comes to offenders within the family.
Respectfully snipped/bold by me...
Originally posted by SCHMAE;

But there are some circumstances where I don't believe that family member deserves support and it' s certainly an indication of how differently this family thinks than most that the victims are swooping in to protect that family member.

I respectfully disagree. This is actually very common in families where there is/has been sexual abuse committed by a member. Far too often families have knowledge of a member's sexually predatory behavior and remain silent - EVEN at the expense of continued child victims. I have seen it time and time again in families, even absent religious beliefs, where they will lie, make excuses, cover for, and enable the family-member-offender. Just as an example in a high profile case; Jessica Lundsford - Couey's sister initially lied to the police. Unfortunately this is far more the "norm" when it comes to offenders within the family.

But I understand both points, because I have experienced them both.
JBD got a lot of praise and thanks on the Duggar website.

Which, as a still virile/fertile/authoritarian patriarch is only his due.


When they take a wrong turn somewhere, he tries to get them back on track — which is No. 3 on Michelle's list. "He loves his children by restraining their sinful teaching them that true freedom is doing what is right before God regardless of what others, or even their own flesh may want to do!" she wrote.

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According to Radar Online, JBD and JD are perjurers.

On August 2013, the 19 Kids And Counting patriarch, 49, and his eldest son, 27, sued Acceptance Casualty Insurance Company and Joe Brown Insurance Agency for nearly $85,000 over an insurance deal gone wrong....
“Please produce copies of any reports, statements, or other documents provided from or to the Springdale Police Department, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, or the Arkansas State Police,” the defendants asked next. “The Plaintiffs state that no such records exist,” they replied.

The statute of limitations has, once again, run out so no charges.
Most people I know think that having two or three children, providing for their health, giving them a sound education in line with the demands of the current (and projected) economy (for both genders), giving them a safe place to live can be a financial strain. Having three, one on the way, and no job could be overwhelming.

So JD, may finally be facing the reality that people who don't have a reality TV series deal with every day.
Anna, 26, added her own message at the end before planting a kiss on Josh's lips. "Thank you for raising such an awesome husband," she gushed.

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Thank you for raising an unregistered sexual predator.

"He does not ignore offenses, nor does he eliminate the penalty or consequence for their offenses," she continued. "He teaches his children that God loves them so much, that He will chasten them if they continue to behave in a sinful way, and so will their Daddy."

Um, what? There was no consequence, no penalty for Josh because Jim Bob covered it up.

When they take a wrong turn somewhere, he tries to get them back on track — which is No. 3 on Michelle's list. "He loves his children by restraining their sinful teaching them that true freedom is doing what is right before God regardless of what others, or even their own flesh may want to do!" she wrote.

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My emphasis.
You know, Fifty Shades Darker is in pre-production. Perhaps Niall Leonard will want to consult with JBD on possible variations of restraint within different sociological and philosophical milieus. Hey if TLC actually dispenses with them, maybe JBD can rationalize working in the depths of Hollywood on something less than softcore. He's got the clips from the golf course for his reel, after all.

When they take a wrong turn somewhere, he tries to get them back on track — which is No. 3 on Michelle's list. "He loves his children by restraining their sinful teaching them that true freedom is doing what is right before God regardless of what others, or even their own flesh may want to do!" she wrote.

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That was so darn epistemologically confusing I have a headache.
I have not read this thread entirely but here i go anyway...

Some religious sects seem to be a front for pedophilia or a way to have multiple wives under "Gods" approval

These poor women who were molested as children are raised to believe they are somehow less than men and they are irrational beings who feelings opinions just don't matter very much

These sects cut off "mainstream" society for fear of losing their flock to "satanic" views, where women still aren't equal imo, but have a voice

How many cases have we heard withe this same MO that are practicing "churches" as we speak

Also I don't watch this show, but if they renew it i will cut off my cable service if they provide this type of ridiculous programming

Most women teach their daughters the value of their body, the fact her son violated her daughters and she seems to have left her husband to dictate the "punishment" is beyond me, molestation can ruin lives and hopes of future intimacy with another person

Sorry for the rant but the complacency of the parents and perpetrator are so sickening to me, 5 girls are having to live with this forever... but it doesn't matter because God forgave him

all imo

Megyn Kelly offers behind-the-scenes look at Duggars interview

We've got this 50-minute interview, and we have to cut out 25 minutes, and make sure it's still fair. They want to tell their story, but I want to hit them with the tough questions too. It's got to have both. There's only one person who can edit it, and that's me.

"You know how the person finds superhero strength to lift a car off a child? That's where I was at that moment. Everything became clear.
Megyn Kelly did a very poor job: never asked about the parts of the police report where it says the girls woke up. Never asked about how the youngest victim said to LE that josh touched her on skin in her vaginal area.

Should have point blank asked Michelle if she was ever molested. Etd

I do believe more will continue to come out about this family.../
Thanks, Hiandmighty, I appreciate the kind thoughts. It's taken a while to get past it, for both me and my hubs. I'm positive I fell asleep all on my own - I watched all my drinks being mixed and when I zonked it was well past 4 AM, plus I hadn't had a drink for a few hours beforehand.

Knowing that sleeping through sexual assault can happen, it irks me to know that people doubt that the Duggar girls - or by that logic, anyone - could not know that they were molested. Just my two cents on a small part of a broad topic.
Thanks, Hiandmighty, I appreciate the kind thoughts. It's taken a while to get past it, for both me and my hubs. I'm positive I fell asleep all on my own - I watched all my drinks being mixed and when I zonked it was well past 4 AM, plus I hadn't had a drink for a few hours beforehand.

Knowing that sleeping through sexual assault can happen, it irks me to know that people doubt that the Duggar girls - or by that logic, anyone - could not know that they were molested. Just my two cents on a small part of a broad topic.

I would not doubt the possibility. I do wonder how the victim can be asleep and describe the event. It is possible that some were asleep and others awake, but the details and locations don't seem to equate to sleeping victims IMO. I also see your pain and recognise that sleeping victims are still victims and experience the same trauma as awake victims.

I am so sorry you were hurt and glad to see you emerging from the abyss.
Excellent article - thanks!

Yes, especially the part about the dads not having jobs so they can keep an eye on the wimmen and children (and conveniently setting up an environment where no one can ever escape)
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