GUILTY AR - Malik Drummond, 2, Searcy, 23 Nov 2014 - #1

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Searcy police set up road blocks to find missing boy
Alexis Rogers Updated: Nov 30, 2014 11:47 PM EST

"There hasn't been any evidence so far that has come up to suggest that Malik didn't walk away,” Hernandez said. “We haven't counted anybody out as a suspect. Until we get evidence pointing towards a single person or persons right now we are looking at everybody.”

Until not unless. I don't know if that means something or not :thinking:

(road blocks have been added to the map)
"There hasn't been any evidence so far that has come up to suggest that Malik didn't walk away,” Hernandez said. “We haven't counted anybody out as a suspect. Until we get evidence pointing towards a single person or persons right now we are looking at everybody.”

Until not unless. I don't know if that means something or not :thinking:

(road blocks have been added to the map)

Interesting catch Ski. Its' as if they're looking for that evidence that points to something other than walking away because they know walking away is highly unlikely , if not impossible. Mooooo
If the female adult was there alone, I would lean towards her as the possible guilty party. But with the male there, I am unsure. I don't think he would cover for her. At least I hope not.

I hope so too. I know it is probably unlikely, but I want to believe if something did happen he slept through it and really doesn't know.
Why would they be setting up roadblocks if it wasn't believed that someone has possession of this boy ??

It's an opportunity for questioning in addition to searching. Maybe someone saw something they wouldn't call in, but would mention at a roadblock?

Additionally, it's not unusual to set up road blocks for intoxicated drivers on holiday weekends. It's possible they combined both the search and checking for inebriated drivers.
I believe that if in fact something did happen in the home it was accidental and not intentional. Could the responsible adult hide Malik in a place and have been able to talk someone else into moving the body to an area outside of Searcy altogether? Maybe the plea was "I didn't mean to hurt the baby but now it's too late but I can't go to jail because I have to take care of my kids". Maybe even the other adult in the home. Just thinking out loud and it's JMO>
I have felt from the beginning that something happened to poor Malik at home. We have seen cases like this so many times that it feels like we just KNOW right at the start what is going on. I've had that awful gut feeling that someone in that house hurt him. I wish with all my heart that I am wrong....this is one instance that I would be happy being wrong ;) I think most of us can agree that there is no way this boy walked out of that house to take an evening stroll before dinner and still hasn't been found a week later. The idea of that just seems impossible to me. I believe he would of been found by now if that was the case. He is 2. He just doesn't have it in him to know how to survive on his own.

Every once in awhile a case comes along and it just grabs me harder than other cases. This seems to be one that is grabbing and clenching my heart. I got kicked right in the feelings! All cases here make me feel awful for them and their families but some just get you so involved and all tore up. I think we all know and understand that, right guys?

I may have missed this somewhere in the thread but what has the weather been like this last week. Sorry if this was asked, I may have missed that post.

I have felt from the beginning that something happened to poor Malik at home. We have seen cases like this so many times that it feels like we just KNOW right at the start what is going on. I've had that awful gut feeling that someone in that house hurt him. I wish with all my heart that I am wrong....this is one instance that I would be happy being wrong ;) I think most of us can agree that there is no way this boy walked out of that house to take an evening stroll before dinner and still hasn't been found a week later. The idea of that just seems impossible to me. I believe he would of been found by now if that was the case. He is 2. He just doesn't have it in him to know how to survive on his own.

Every once in awhile a case comes along and it just grabs me harder than other cases. This seems to be one that is grabbing and clenching my heart. I got kicked right in the feelings! All cases here make me feel awful for them and their families but some just get you so involved and all tore up. I think we all know and understand that, right guys?

I may have missed this somewhere in the thread but what has the weather been like this last week. Sorry if this was asked, I may have missed that post.


I feel the same stormy, we see it so often I don't know if it's gut instinct or we just see more of it where something happening in the home turns out to be the case, so we have a biased perspective. I tend to go with the former.

The weather, I remember it stating it dropped below freezing the first couple of nights but one day it was said it was much milder, in the 70's maybe? Maybe a local can help us here?
I believe that if in fact something did happen in the home it was accidental and not intentional. Could the responsible adult hide Malik in a place and have been able to talk someone else into moving the body to an area outside of Searcy altogether? Maybe the plea was "I didn't mean to hurt the baby but now it's too late but I can't go to jail because I have to take care of my kids". Maybe even the other adult in the home. Just thinking out loud and it's JMO>

The thing that gets me about the potential of an accidental scenario is this: If it was truly an accident, then why might someone go to such great lengths to cover things up? This is indicates to me there must be something else hinky surrounding the incident (negligence, drug/alcohol use, etc). Of course there is always the possibility that the person is just afraid of getting in trouble and/or being blamed by family members/LE, but I just don't get the whole going to great lengths to cover up scene if there was nothing hinky...then again, if it was a scenario like he fell and hit his head or something, maybe someone could be afraid that the police might try to say otherwise...maybe the injury is such that it would not be able to be definitely proven to be accident...

no sad

where are you Malik?

LE is doing a very thorough job/search....prayers to all
Additional thoughts:

If something occurred in the home, and Malik is deceased, I don't think they would randomly just dispose of him like trash...I would think they might bury him somewhere in a respectable fashion, perhaps somewhere they can go revisit, a gravesite so to speak...Additionally, I would think they might bury him in a place that they are familiar with, (and maybe even a place Malik might have liked/been (park, etc)), hence the possible importance of considering their potential awareness a panic, how would they think? What places might come to their minds?

With that being said, the above might not necessarily be the case is they really wanted to dispose/destroy all evidence, say if the body could show signs of violence...then maybe they might burn the body or something else like that...

I find it hard to fathom a family member would just dump a body like trash, but who knows...again, I would like to see past potentially similar cases where the body has been recovered, and analyze those locations.

In other words, I was curious about the dad's bio waste disposal work affiliations, but have a hard time fathoming he would dispose of his own son in such a manner, IF he had anything to do with Malik's possible death.
The thing that gets me about the potential of an accidental scenario is this: If it was truly an accident, then why might someone go to such great lengths to cover things up? This is indicates to me there must be something else hinky surrounding the incident (negligence, drug/alcohol use, etc). Of course there is always the possibility that the person is just afraid of getting in trouble and/or being blamed by family members/LE, but I just don't get the whole going to great lengths to cover up scene if there was nothing hinky...then again, if it was a scenario like he fell and hit his head or something, maybe someone could be afraid that the police might try to say otherwise...maybe the injury is such that it would not be able to be definitely proven to be accident...


I'm asking myself the same kinds of questions. I think the answer lies in the kind of lifestyle one lives. I don't mean in this specific case but in any case. If you're someone who's involved in something shady or illegal and an accident happens, I think you'd be far more likely to try and cover it up, than if you were living a perfectly legal, normal lifestyle.

What boggles the mind in this case, is how utterly thorough the searches have been and even the comments by the searchers themselves in many of the msm articles. This little boy has had hundreds of pairs of eyes searching for him, and **nothing**. It's entirely possible he's not even in that town, and hasn't been for a while now. :(
(My guess and personal opinion in Dylan Redwine's case is that his father, Mark, got angry at Dylan, had a violent outburst, perhaps one smack to the head, and it was over. I wonder if something like that occurred here. It might not have been premeditated...jmo)
The thing that gets me about the potential of an accidental scenario is this: If it was truly an accident, then why might someone go to such great lengths to cover things up? This is indicates to me there must be something else hinky surrounding the incident (negligence, drug/alcohol use, etc). Of course there is always the possibility that the person is just afraid of getting in trouble and/or being blamed by family members/LE, but I just don't get the whole going to great lengths to cover up scene if there was nothing hinky...then again, if it was a scenario like he fell and hit his head or something, maybe someone could be afraid that the police might try to say otherwise...maybe the injury is such that it would not be able to be definitely proven to be accident...


Referring to Malik, here's two reasons that have crossed my mind as far as why someone would cover up an accidental death.

-Someone accidentally killed him while abusing him.

-Someone was scared their significant other would leave them if they knew what happened; they panicked.

(as defined by Merriam-Webster) -n: a state or feeling of extreme fear that makes someone unable to act or think normally
n: a situation that causes many people to become afraid and to rush to do something
I really wonder if there have been any signs of anything that could be viewed as potentially abusive/negligent in the past.
If cps had been to the home before, is this something that would have been made public at this time?

And, if there was a history of violence, wouldn't the mom have mentioned this by now? (unless she was afraid? for herself, or the other twin? But then if she was afraid for the other kids, I would think she would report it so they could be removed...)

And if violence had occurred previously, I doubt the father would have custodial rights, unless these incidents occurred after the court's decisions?

Again, this is all hypothetical speculating/brainstorming---not saying anyone is guilty here, just looking at all angles and asking some general questions.
I'm reaally wondering is he is still on that property somewhere...I know LE has been thoroughly searching, but maybe the signs have been covered up reallly well (the fresh digging, recent work on the home, fresh paint, etc.) and the dogs can't find it (encased in concrete?) There is a window of Saturday and Sunday we don't know about...lots of potential time to cover it up, if the last known whereabouts are false...I hope they have reviewed footage/sales from local hardware and home stores...

Also, how/where exactly is bio waste disposed of?

@AlexisKATV: NEW #FindMalik INFO: @SearcyPD says they're ending the volunteer portion of the search today. #ARnews

@AlexisKATV: "Our investigation is ongoing as is the search for Malik. This agency will not stop until he is found and the truth." - @SearcyPD #FindMalik

@dgoins: .@SearcyPD suspending search for missing 2-year old Malik Drummond, acknowledging a criminal investigation 4 1st time - #arnews #FindMalik
In other words, I was curious about the dad's bio waste disposal work affiliations...[respectfully clipped by me]

Is the dad associated with some kind of biowaste disposal job/work? The only thing I can find refers to a different Jeff Clifton??
A pic oftThe letter from the SPD Is attached to the following tweet, I'm unable to load...

@AlexisKATV: Searcy police now looking at Malik's disappearance as a criminal investigation.
Check this out: #FindMalik #ARnews
And if violence had occurred previously, I doubt the father would have custodial rights, unless these incidents occurred after the court's decisions?

Did the father have custodial rights, visitation, etc.? Sorry to keep questioning on your posts, but you've really got my mind :thinking: this morning. It's something I've been wondering from the get-go.

Were there orders, who had custody, if so, were they going by orders, etc...

Thanks for getting my mind moving this morning Margarita25 - :yourock:
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