Area Body Found in "Too Strange" Was it Searched?

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Does anyone know if there's a culvert or pipe that connects the two ponds? Many are connected for flood control. The bag may have moved from one to the other during Fay...we had a LOT of water back then. Not likely, but hey...what is in this case?

Aww I love your baby avie:) Who knows your right anything is possible in this case:)
bold mine

It appears from your posts you have read all the docs and followed the case as close as most of us on here. Curious how you can come to that conclusion, knowing all that we know? As far as your opinion of the location of the remains, have you seen the crime scene photos? How would one assume it was in a visable location prior to the flooding of that area?

I was just given this impression by all the news reports about how it's such a short walk from the street or paved trail, and that it was just sitting on the surface, it was not buried or concealed, the 911 call indicating it was just lying there and the utility worker just saw it when he walked up and nudged it with his foot, Tim M's description on the NG show of the same. Also because it's reportedly not a remote area but is an area where people go, near the school, near the houses, near the street, etc. Others have reported here that this area was searched at other times and that other items were found there, the piece of pipe, etc. KMT indicated this area to LE in her interview early on, so one would assume it was searched by LE back then. You'd assume it was searched by LE in any case since it was right in the A's neighborhood.
No, I have not seen the crime scene photos (how would I???) My visual impressions were from the news videos and the amateur video by the young man from the house behind, showing the area and the authorities standing at the site, etc, gave me the impression the terrain is some trees and ferns, not dense undergrowth. It also showed how close to the houses the site is, etc., and that the fence is chain link with gates out the back to this area, not a big fence obstructing the view of this area. Why, was I misled somehow by these reports? Have you been there?
Sorry, I disagree! Cindy's washing the pants is enough alone to convince me that at least she, if not George and Lee as well are covering up for Casey!

That's ok. We can agree to disagree. ;)
I was just given this impression by all the news reports about how it's such a short walk from the street or paved trail, and that it was just sitting on the surface, it was not buried or concealed, the 911 call indicating it was just lying there and the utility worker just saw it when he walked up and nudged it with his foot, Tim M's description on the NG show of the same. Also because it's reportedly not a remote area but is an area where people go, near the school, near the houses, near the street, etc. Others have reported here that this area was searched at other times and that other items were found there, the piece of pipe, etc. KMT indicated this area to LE in her interview early on, so one would assume it was searched by LE back then. You'd assume it was searched by LE in any case since it was right in the A's neighborhood.
No, I have not seen the crime scene photos (how would I???) My visual impressions were from the news videos and the amateur video by the young man from the house behind, showing the area and the authorities standing at the site, etc, gave me the impression the terrain is some trees and ferns, not dense undergrowth. It also showed how close to the houses the site is, etc., and that the fence is chain link with gates out the back to this area, not a big fence obstructing the view of this area. Why, was I misled somehow by these reports? Have you been there?

Why is it unbelievable to think the area was searched, yet they missed her???
That's ok. We can agree to disagree. ;)

As far as the pants go.....yeah....She admitted it smelled like a damn body had been in the car then she goes and washes the pants.....Maybe she was just trying to rid of the smell.....Maybe she was all "in a tizzy." If I found clothes that reeked you bet your butt I would throw them in the wash lol.......As far as her logic at the times goes........Who knows!!
Why is it unbelievable to think the area was searched, yet they missed her???

The area was SUBMERGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like WAIST deep!!! The water receded only recently. The bag was submerged.....I can soooo see the scenario. Water recedes......bad comes up. It does not take rocket science.
The area was SUBMERGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like WAIST deep!!! The water receded only recently. The bag was submerged.....I can soooo see the scenario. Water recedes......bad comes up. It does not take rocket science.
I agree with you, but it appears Seagull thinks differently.
Hi Seagull,

You said it could be a crime against Caylee by a stranger, and I disagree with that point as the smell of death was in Casey's car as I understand. We never heard of Casey's car being stolen that I know of.

Also, I read here on Thursday that the bag was partially buried and was somehow trapped by some common tree or foliage. Tim from Equisearch said that. So even if she left it there carelessly, it somehow ended up in that position, partially buried by the movement of the water and dirt.

We have also learned that mothers who kill their children and hide their bodies usually do it in their comfort zone which is less than 2 miles from their home.

I too want to keep an open mind, but if I were to hear of something indicating another person being involved I would be open to searching it out. There just seems so much to every aspect of the case about Casey's involvement, even to where before they had a body, the prosecutor was able to give just cause to arrest her for the murder. That doesn't happen that often IMO. xox

Why would someone have to steal the car to place a body in the trunk?

If KC was the perp, I still think she would dispose of the body in a place far from her parents' own neighborhood, and a remote place where it would be much less likely to be found, she wouldn't want to spend her life in prison, much less even admit to her parents that Caylee was dead. I think since she drove all over town all the time, and there are so many lakey, foresty places to hide a body better, even if she had dumped the bag there in the neighborhood in the first moments of panic, she would have moved it as soon as possible to a less findable location.

But you're right about the incriminating factors against her (mainly her failure to report the disappearance, jmo). Have a good night :)

p.s. I heard Tim M say on Nancy Grace that it was his understanding the bag did not show any signs of having been buried. That there was just an indentation under it from sitting there for some time, and just a little dirt washed up around the edges. But he was saying that's what he had been told, he had not seen the bag himself. I'm not sure if more has been reported now about this that is different.
I doubt KC would have wanted to return to "move" the body as it was already in a state of severe decomposition.
Why would someone have to steal the car to place a body in the trunk?

If KC was the perp, I still think she would dispose of the body in a place far from her parents' own neighborhood, and a remote place where it would be much less likely to be found, she wouldn't want to spend her life in prison, much less even admit to her parents that Caylee was dead. I think since she drove all over town all the time, and there are so many lakey, foresty places to hide a body better, even if she had dumped the bag there in the neighborhood in the first moments of panic, she would have moved it as soon as possible to a less findable location.

But you're right about the incriminating factors against her (mainly her failure to report the disappearance, jmo). Have a good night :)

p.s. I heard Tim M say on Nancy Grace that it was his understanding the bag did not show any signs of having been buried. That there was just an indentation under it from sitting there for some time, and just a little dirt washed up around the edges. But he was saying that's what he had been told, he had not seen the bag himself. I'm not sure if more has been reported now about this that is different.

Agree. Bag was not buried....I think water was lucky....And as far a perps and the bodies....Apparently they DO indeed stash that close to home. I heard somewhere that it is a fact that a body being that close in proximity to the perps home is very common.
The area was SUBMERGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like WAIST deep!!! The water receded only recently. The bag was submerged.....I can soooo see the scenario. Water recedes......bad comes up. It does not take rocket science.

Yeah, the area was submerged but later after the hurricane, (giving KC the whole month before that she could have moved the bag to a less findable location). From the reports I've heard so far, the bag did not show signs of having been submerged, but is there something new?

And reportedly there were times in between when the area was searchable and was searched..... :confused: That's when they found the piece of pipe, etc.

Hey, here's the smiley I was looking for earlier,
too much absinthe! :yuck:
Here are the pings for June 24th.
KC's Cell Pings 6/24/2008Calendar: Caylee Anthony CaseQuietStorm 06-24-2008 *The times shown may change, depending on DST settings

12:40 am - cell tower pings near AL's apt until . . .
8:04 am - cell tower pings continue near AL's apt until . . .
2:42 pm - cell tower pings near the Anthony home until . . .
2:59 pm - cell tower pings near Chickasaw Trail until . . .
3:12 pm - cell tower pings near AL's apt until past midnight into the next day

*All distance calculated by Lat/Long.
*Address converted from Lat/Long at Steve Morse's
*All pings detailed on AT&T cellsite report for KC's cell phone; posted on WS by Musikman
I doubt KC would have wanted to return to "move" the body as it was already in a state of severe decomposition.

If she is the cold-blooded, psychopathic murderer some people like to insist she definitely is (I personally am not sure yet if she's the perp), then she wouldn't have had a problem returning there with a new bag or bags, simply lift the first bag into the new one, to dump it at a remote location where no one would look --- to save her own life. Like she would risk going to jail for life?
:waitasec: If perps so often deposit bodies in their own neighborhood, then it could be anyone in the neighborhood.

But point taken, for sure. I wonder how the people in the houses that are so close wouldn't have smelled it during that whole time, particularly the weeks before the storms and high water, if it was there the whole time.
I'm bringing this post over. It has alot of good info from as far back as Sept, as to the area being flooded and how it hampered the search.

Yesterday, 01:04 PM

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If the A's and "Dream Team" read here, here ya go:
According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain-link fence.
A Texas-based search team looking for Caylee had searched the area where the remains were found, but the wooded area was flooded at the time. Albritton of Texas EquuSearch, which has organized efforts to find Caylee’s remains, said the team could not search the site south of Suburban Drive in September because it was flooded from record summer rains.
When the searchers returned in November, the property had been fenced off, she said.
When asked whether the area in question had been previously searched by investigators, Solomons said “there have been extensive searches in that entire area in and around the neighboorhood surrounding the Anthony home. You can walk right past a significant piece of evidence or the remains of somebody you are looking for”. Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary echoed those remarks at an afternoon news conference. "This area was a flooded area during previous searches." said Beary
A member of EquuSearch -- one of the volunteer groups -- said they did not check the wooded lot at the edge of the outlying suburb in early September
because it was submerged from heavy rains. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off.,311925.story
sept. 8
We soon learned EquuSearch's ground search had been temporarily suspended.Tim Miller, founder and director of Texas EquuSearch, said 2,500 volunteers have searched as best as they could but there was too much standing water."It's a very difficult choice to make," he said. "If Caylee's out there, we are going to find her."
Sept. 5
The founder of a group organizing daily Central Florida searches for missing Caylee Anthony, Tim Miller, said he was furious with Cindy Anthony after what he said was a lack of cooperation."I'm pissed off," Equusearch's Miller said. "I feel as though we have been used in this and we are not getting any cooperation. We have done everything Cindy Anthony has asked us to do."
If she is the cold-blooded, psychopathic murderer some people like to insist she definitely is (I personally am not sure yet if she's the perp), then she wouldn't have had a problem returning there with a new bag or bags, simply lift the first bag into the new one, to dump it at a remote location where no one would look --- to save her own life. Like she would risk going to jail for life? :waitasec: If perps so often deposit bodies in their own neighborhood, then it could be anyone in the neighborhood.

But point taken, for sure. I wonder how the people in the houses that are so close wouldn't have smelled it during that whole time, particularly the weeks before the storms and high water, if it was there the whole time.

my bold..

When would she have had the chance to go back to move the body? Until Cindy found her at TonE's, it appears she wasn't worrying about being caught, as nobody even knew that Caylee was missing. By then, it was too late for her to move the body without being seen IMO.
my bold..

When would she have had the chance to go back to move the body? Until Cindy found her at TonE's, it appears she wasn't worrying about being caught, as nobody even knew that Caylee was missing. By then, it was too late for her to move the body without being seen IMO.

I agree-- I think the 31 days of limbo show Casey was quite comfortable just letting things hang and getting around to them when she felt like it. We've seen tons of behavior that shows Casey's apparent inability to plan and execute a coherent strategy. Draining Amy H's checking account right before going to pick her up at the airport?? Placating Cindy with absurd stories about traveling for work and car accidents and hospitalizations?? Continuing to tell Amy H that she was going to move into the Anthony home??

I think Casey seems very "out of sight, out of mind" when it comes to potentially uncomfortable situations or situations which require sustained effort.
Such impulse-driven deficits in the ability to modulate affective experience are hallmark characteristics of psychopathic offenders. Psychopathic individuals tend to utilize high-risk strategies with negative outcomes because they exhibit low punishment and high reward sensitivity. She could have returned and moved the body, but it was more important and made greater sense to Casey to just go out and carry on as normal. And like you said, time ran out and it was too late to move the body without being detected.
If she is the cold-blooded, psychopathic murderer some people like to insist she definitely is (I personally am not sure yet if she's the perp), then she wouldn't have had a problem returning there with a new bag or bags, simply lift the first bag into the new one, to dump it at a remote location where no one would look --- to save her own life. Like she would risk going to jail for life?
:waitasec: If perps so often deposit bodies in their own neighborhood, then it could be anyone in the neighborhood.

But point taken, for sure. I wonder how the people in the houses that are so close wouldn't have smelled it during that whole time, particularly the weeks before the storms and high water, if it was there the whole time.

Why move the body? The bag was out of Casey's trunk. Problem solved. Out of sight and out of mind. Who has time to worry about the daughter you killed? There are nightclubs to party in and a new fake life with your boyfriend.

I think what's wrong here is that anyone is assuming Casey even looked back after she unloaded "her problem." By then, Caylee was a smell in her trunk and a liability for anyone to get close to her car.

If putting Caylee in an "ingenuous" spot were the goal, well we have a woman with no job and apparently nothing but time. If it were her intention, she would have done it right the first time. A decomposing body is no picnic to move (from what I gather) so who would plan on doing it twice?
She told 2 of her boyfriends that Lee had tried to force himself on her when they were younger and that she had told Cindy about it and Cindy did nothing, and also that George had "abused" her...

This is where the sexual ALLEGATIONS came in...and personally I just don't believe her. I think she is CRAZY and not in a good way...

I completely missed that.

WHo were the 2 Boyfriends....Tony L. & Ricardo ?

Was this in the LE interview?

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