ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#25

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I hope that is the case squizzey but I can't see it happening. Overtime and all that.
see what you mean but would judges and asistants and QC s be on overtime. guess i was just hoping
Assuming both the Prosecution and Defence teams have no other cases to attend today....I'd assume not every per case on the books can be pushed aside at a moments notice?

as well sometimes courts don't sit on Friday's - Judges have other things to do, like read evidence and decide on sentencing. Then of course ther are the cases that where scheduled for tomorrow, they can't be put off just because there was a bomb threat today.

I really can't see how GBC is benefiting by a delay, it will increase his costs, may lengthy the time he spends in custody or the time he spends without normal jail provisions (visits etc) and it of course increase and lengthens the anxiety for everyone. Hope they can resume today or tomorrow.
Absolutely.....What do people want us to do? Cry? SHout in disgust about the happenings?......I mean, as if anyone would want to pervert the course of justice going ahead....including the case. To see the lighter side is just one aspect of ones being.

Personally, I find it all rather bizarre....I mean bomb scare...WOW. COuld be someone who hates him...or could be someone who wants to stop the hearing today to help him.

There sure are some weird Cocko's around.....Im glad im not near that place now, even if at one time i wanted to throw tomatoes. :)

I agree.....bomb threats...very serious. But this is a little light hearted humour over the situation.

What is serious is the fact that there are people in this world that have sticks up there ***** that require surgical removal! That is NOT funny!

And 99% of the posters on this site are the most 'reasonable' people I have ever had the pleasure of conversing with.

I rest my case!

I think some people just don't understand Aussies at all...we're renowned for taking the piddle out of anything &

Absolutely true MW! Humour has gotten me through many a stressful situation. That's what Aussies do!
It may still go ahead today, the barristers chambers are only across the road from the court you would thInk they would head back instead of sitting in the courtyard if it was going to be adjourned, just a thought
I am VERY surprised his parents were not in the Court room! We know they left the home all dressed up, but why not attend this hearing, at least to support OW??
see what you mean but would judges and asistants and QC s be on overtime. guess i was just hoping

fter hours.i think people like judges and associate are salary based rather than wage based, so overtime is not issue for those employed by the government. the hours though of people like GBC legal team would be added to by this waiting.

the overtime issue would come in for the clerks and staff employed by the court, and it would considerable number of people to keep a building like that secure and safe after hours.
We have to agree to disagree. 'always look on the bright side of life .. Doo do do doodooo.'

Suited in my full suit of armor I ask------What IS the bright side of this previously described absolute tragedy ? Wait till I lift my shield before you answer.IF you answer It's a heavy son of a -----h :truce:.
Wouldn't surprise me if this is used by GBCs' legal team as an indication that he will be unable to receive a fair trial.

Options for motive behind bomb threat:

1. Total nutter with no other purpose in mind other than to cause trouble - no actual bomb

2. Real bomb threat by persons unknown

3. Stunt by someone favouring GBC to try to show that he can't receive a fair trial - no bomb just an attempt to influence ultimately getting him off

4. Stunt by someone believing in GBC's guilt, to try to show that to release him on bail would be a danger to him and the public - no bomb just an attempt to ensure he stays in jail

5. Stunt by someone with an interest in ensuring the public are not allowed to be present at the bail hearing, or possibly any other hearing for that matter - as a way of ensuring the public hear very little of the facts of the case - wanting to prevent any chances of the prosecution case being ruined by accusations of trial by media and social media

6. Stunt by someone with an interest in ensuring the public are not allowed to be present at the bail hearing, or possibly any other hearing for that matter - as a way of ensuring the public hear very little additional facts of the case - someone involved who doesn't want the public to know how bad it was and what actually happened, which could be worse than we imagined

What do you think?
Yes, that is so odd all those people so close to the doors. I would have left the city as fast as possible.
If you really thought there was a bomb scare would you not get the hell away from that building??? I know I would.
Suited in my full suit of armor I ask------What IS the bright side of this previously described absolute tragedy ? Wait till I my shield before you answer.
IF you answer.:truce:

I've never laughed at Allison's senseless murder or the effects on all those involved

so I find this question (if in fact it is one) more than a little provocative
Nothing more frustrating than waiting outside a court with a barrister who is still charging by the minute - been there myself!
see what you mean but would judges and asistants and QC s be on overtime. guess i was just hoping

Judges and QC's probably not but clerks of court, security and the rest of the circus would be IMO.
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