ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#25

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Actually her reaction in court is very Kath Pettingill and Judy Moran.....Another two ladies that refused to believe her relatives were criminals, and often degraded to such acts in the courtroom.

Nah, she's not that good at being bad.
I believe OW is so on the edge and probably thought she was being asked to exit the proceedings (not be witness to them) for her to to say "I'm not going anywhere". I doubt OW would want to create a scene by disobeying court orders and placing a negative light on anyone. She probably had been told previously she was allowed to be there. I'd like to give her the benefit of doubt.
I'd hate to be in her shoes.

There was no explanation given for the clearing of the court. As everyone left, OW stood in front of the public gallery (probably like the rest of us wondering what what going on). I don't think there was any big deal at all...
I know nothing about the other one educate me, I can't be bothered googling.

Gangster sons.....One accused of the Walsh street killings of two officers.

I try not to judge people on whether they are low socio/middle class and so forth. I have learnt from my husbands work as a police officer that it comes in all shades.

Another similarity with the three families is that all had a sense of entitlement. For different reasons. But what they wanted, they got....and it always involved money..
Just wanted to let everyone know that there was news reports online and video of the raid on BC father's car this evening but was removed from all media outlets approx 29minutes later or less.

Very suss, it could be by request of police in regards to 'media trial'

Thanks Lovely. I feel another arrest coming on. :woohoo:
Maybe the phone call re: a bomb has been traced to a particular number.

Just saying.
Funny that. Read post from Aberline_1979 re bomb scare at Supreme Court this afternoon:

ABERLINE_1979 Post no: 376
' ...So are we guessing (repeat: I said GUESSING!) that someone has phoned in a bomb threat?

I don't know about everyone else here, but that's what my logic would suggest. I'm not saying that it isn't just a coincidence that this "security threat" has occurred when it did...but really, what are the odds?

I wonder if the voice on the phone had a slight South African accent to it? Was there a female voice in the background? Did the call end with the sound of a garage door closing and an aging couple tongue-pashing?...'
In my opinion... if the public, the media, the police and the investigators saw right through him, how can his close family not see what we see? Perhaps it is hard for them to accept what is happening.

It can happen. It's called denial.

My brother has been a long term drug user. I can see it, my husband can see it and my friends see it. My parents however choose to deny it and state he's off the drugs. Then he comes home after an OD. I give my parents a hard time and 'oops, he's just slipped again. He was drugged.'

Some people just choose to ignore it for their sanity. I believe that's what my parents do.
Just wanted to let everyone know that there was news reports online and video of the raid on BC father's car this evening but was removed from all media outlets approx 29minutes later or less.

Very suss, it could be by request of police in regards to 'media trial'

I wonder if it was the BWANA car or the gold suzuki 4Wd GBC has been driving around.
I agree MG.....Shee looked on the edge going in and looked on the edge sitting down. I feel even sending the emails was possibly an on the edge thing to do.

As a side note (and not directed at you MG)

I have an incredibly uneasy feeling of the lengths she is going to to "support" him. Some posts have displayed that this is very normal.....BUt I feel absolutely not. Many who state it fully normal behaviour, were those the other night....crying that this case now is "purely about Allison's children".....But dont bat an eyelid at the fact that while this support is going on...................................a lady has her children in Townsville....who have a mother on the edge who isnt there looking after them.

I dont think this is where Olivia needs to be........unless there is more to this than meets the eye..............AND I THINK THERE IS.

In extraordinary circumstances people behave in extraordinary ways. Let's hope that none of us have to be tested in the way she has been. I agree her place and more importantly her desire IMO is to be with her husband and children. Her husband may have encouraged her to help her brother and assured her he could care for the children. It's a big call all round.
She would be going through the full gamete of emotions and would only be human if doubt was in the mix.What a horrific situation. IMO
Originally Posted by spratsmum I thought the exact opposite Mothergoose , I thought a lot of what was written today was quite understanding to the BC and empathetic. There was certainly a very different from posts a couple of weeks ago.

I think now that the suspicion has gone from Nigel Baden Clay posters are starting to feel for them as well as for Olivia.

As I said before every day someone else seems to be suffering from this murder and you feel for them all on some level. The Baden Clay's are elderly and have had an enormous stress put on them in the last weeks.
Olivia looks to me, like she is going to crack under the pressure. She has a young family and a husband who is a minister. I once had neighbour who's husband was a pastor and the amount of work she was required to do was extraordinary and she bore it all with good grace. I can imagine a lot is expected of Olivia on many fronts, her parents not being the least. I have always felt some sympathy for them, I found the business about the kiss quite wrong as I do now about the email. Many people on here are afraid to post because they a frightened by the criticism if they post an alternate view ( I have got a number of private messages that attest to that) but if you are strong enough and keep putting another idea out there, you will surprised how many people will agree with you.

I think regarding the BCs it is a somewhat difficult scenario in relation to empathy. It is almost a two pronged effort.

On one hand, if they had nothing to do with this crime, then how can one not feel for them. Although I feel their reaction to Allison's missing status and their reaction to her being dead was absolutely flatlined, I feel so very sorry their son has done this to their family.....I feel sorry that they are not seeing the girls because of his mistakes......I feel very sorry that they are being hounded by the media and even feel sorry for criticising them at times, including the "pash".

But on the other hand, if they were involved.....then PLUCK the lot of em.

Simple.......and I think that is why some who may have empathy for the family, dont display it. They are either waiting to hear what comes next.....As to whether there are 4 more bottles of beer on the wall, so to speak. Also I feel some just cannot get past the fact they were so unsupportive at the command post....I have a bad taste in my mouth about that too.

Willough I agree and thanks for illuminating this subject further. I have based my own views of what happened on a few things and a big part of that are the Police actions, reports and ultimate arresting of GBC. They have also alluded to more than one person involved in the murder or body disposal, and the 2 cars that were sighted implies that is the case. So for me I can't really see many alternatives in who the guilty parties might be, and I can't see that it is only one person involved. I questioned myself often in the early days but there's been a lot of time since then.

But - I still find myself feeling sorry for GBC - Yes, I looked at that photo of him in handcuffs in the car and I felt sick and I felt so terrible for him, like he was a child or someone who had a degree of innocence and vulnerability showing through and he was shattered and scared about how it has come to this. I also can relate to his sister and feel for his family to some extent in having their son and brother arrested for a horrible crime, and now having to navigate the court and jail system.

But then I feel guilty for feeling those feelings about him and his family, when I remember what Allison must have felt in her last moments of life, possibly a horror that is unimaginable. And I don't have a favourable view of people who hunt and kill animals for sport and personal glory, and display trophies of animal heads in pride of place in their homes. I consider these people have a different way of looking at the value of living things. I also don't have much time for pretentious people who do things like change their names to be associated with someone they consider to have more prestige than they themselves have. Not that it's a crime, but to me it's trying to be what you are not, and placing more of a value on image than other things of more substance.

Then, of course, there are the reactions of GBC and family to the Allisons disappearance and the discovery of her body, which I find hard to justify and really can't accept that everything can be explained away by saying "everyone is different and everyone reacts and handles things differently".

After todays opening comments at the bail hearing before everything went pear-shaped, and GBC's lawyer referring to some of the allegations being 'extraordinary' I do wonder if the murder and interference with the corpse involve something more confronting than a violent attack such as strangling and then the placing of the body under the bridge (as if that isnt bad enough).

I think some of these things are what holds people back from being empathetic to GBC or his family, because in the back of minds there is the feeling the case is worse than we expect and some of the family are involved. Even if the involvement is simply knowing it happened, it's hard to feel sympathy for anyone who said nothing and allowed the incredible waste of time and money and all of the associated stress and anxiety for so many people.
Just wanted to let everyone know that there was news reports online and video of the raid on BC father's car this evening but was removed from all media outlets approx 29minutes later or less.

Very suss, it could be by request of police in regards to 'media trial'

I wonder if they will report it at all - perhaps wait until after the bail hearing tomorrow? The timing is really bizarre.

It can happen. It's called denial.

My brother has been a long term drug user. I can see it, my husband can see it and my friends see it. My parents however choose to deny it and state he's off the drugs. Then he comes home after an OD. I give my parents a hard time and 'oops, he's just slipped again. He was drugged.'

Some people just choose to ignore it for their sanity. I believe that's what my parents do.

Hugs to you alicat. That must be so hard for you and your family.
I have been reading this forum for some time now and just thought I should add some info as I am surprised it has not been written"I think"

At around 6pm this evening 5 detectives raided NBC home (search warrant I guess) searched his car and spent the best part of the hour inside the home.
I hope I am not doubling on this info already.

And the plot thickens... can it thicken any more before it sets into concrete??? This is driving me crazy!
Willough I agree and thanks for illuminating this subject further. I have based my own views of what happened on a few things and a big part of that are the Police actions, reports and ultimate arresting of GBC. They have also alluded to more than one person involved in the murder or body disposal, and the 2 cars that were sighted implies that is the case. So for me I can't really see many alternatives in who the guilty parties might be, and I can't see that it is only one person involved. I questioned myself often in the early days but there's been a lot of time since then.

But - I still find myself feeling sorry for GBC - Yes, I looked at that photo of him in handcuffs in the car and I felt sick and I felt so terrible for him, like he was a child or someone who had a degree of innocence and vulnerability showing through and he was shattered and scared about how it has come to this. I also can relate to his sister and feel for his family to some extent in having their son and brother arrested for a horrible crime, and now having to navigate the court and jail system.

But then I feel guilty for feeling those feelings about him and his family, when I remember what Allison must have felt in her last moments of life, possibly a horror that is unimaginable. And I don't have a favourable view of people who hunt and kill animals for sport and personal glory, and display trophies of animal heads in pride of place in their homes. I consider these people have a different way of looking at the value of living things. I also don't have much time for pretentious people who do things like change their names to be associated with someone they consider to have more prestige than they themselves have. Not that it's a crime, but to me it's trying to be what you are not, and placing more of a value on image than other things of more substance.

Then, of course, there are the reactions of GBC and family to the Allisons disappearance and the discovery of her body, which I find hard to justify and really can't accept that everything can be explained away by saying "everyone is different and everyone reacts and handles things differently".

After todays opening comments at the bail hearing before everything went pear-shaped, and GBC's lawyer referring to some of the allegations being 'extraordinary' I do wonder if the murder and interference with the corpse involve something more confronting than a violent attack such as strangling and then the placing of the body under the bridge (as if that isnt bad enough).

I think some of these things are what holds people back from being empathetic to GBC or his family, because in the back of minds there is the feeling the case is worse than we expect and some of the family are involved. Even if the involvement is simply knowing it happened, it's hard to feel sympathy for anyone who said nothing and allowed the incredible waste of time and money and all of the associated stress and anxiety for so many people.

I agree with you too isthevibe......Spot on post :)

It can happen. It's called denial.

My brother has been a long term drug user. I can see it, my husband can see it and my friends see it. My parents however choose to deny it and state he's off the drugs. Then he comes home after an OD. I give my parents a hard time and 'oops, he's just slipped again. He was drugged.'

Some people just choose to ignore it for their sanity. I believe that's what my parents do.
Yep... I totally agree with that... denial is a coping mechanism just as strong and as valid for some people as affirmation is to others.

We each have our own 'nightmare(s)' and something that doesn't seem to be such a big deal for one person, is for another.
Does anyone know what this means please?

"An examination of it will demonstrate the weakness of the case against my client," he said.
Does anyone know what this means please?

"An examination of it will demonstrate the weakness of the case against my client," he said.

I gather the Barrister will come up with things refuting whatever the prosecution is basing their case on. But I'm not a lawyer.
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