ARREST!!! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#25

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Is it full moon tonight? ... :truce: :banghead:

New moon and a Thursday again, same as Allison's last night on Earth. However it is Winter Solstice tonight (shortest day) and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, so it is a mega-natural time
It's called unconditional love IMO, some would call it denial. I am not in her head and I don't know her but she seems like a very devoted sister a pretty nice person and passionate supporter to GBC's innocence to me. Pretty simple really IMO

Mothergoose, do you think it's possible for OW to worry about her own reputation, her husband's reputation and consequences for their religious enterprise? It's not that I don't believe in unconditional love and devotion.. I do, but I just fail to see the connection of all this to the family in question. The case has made international headlines. Townsville is a small town, where OW's family it somewhat in the centre of something. If GBC is convicted of murder, his sister will automatically become the sister of a murderer, and so on for other family members. Friends will go like autumn leaves.. So in my opinion, OW is fighting for herself and her family. JMO.
New moon and a Thursday again, same as Allison's last night on Earth. However it is Winter Solstice tonight (shortest day) and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, so it is a mega-natural time

Love the way you think possumheart :rocker:
Does anyone know what this means please?

"An examination of it will demonstrate the weakness of the case against my client," he said.

Lawyer speak trying to get a client off charges or out on bail. I would take it with a grain of salt. I am not saying the accused is guilty, but that his lawyers are employed to defend him and so they will say- within reason what is necessary- then again maybe the case is weak against him. I am doubting that., because I really do not believe police would just arrest with out some substantial evidence. But his lawyers will do what they need to disprove it. it is their job.

I wonder if this news about NBCs car is true.....I cant stop thinking about it...
Lawyer speak trying to get a client of charges or out on bail. I would take it with a grain of salt. I am not saying the accused is guilty, but that his lawyers are employed to defend him and so they will say- within reason what is necessary- then again maybe the case is weak against him. I am doubting that., because I really do not believe police would just arrest with out some substantial evidence. But his lawyers will do what they need to disprove it. it is their job.


Thankyou for that i understand it now :)
It could be that I have an unrealistic expectation of where we are at as a society these days. In some places in the world that I've been there is almost no law and order and what law they have seems almost barabric to me. Stoning women to death, genital mutilation of young girls and assasination of lawyers, judges and government officers seems to be accepted in some places. I've seen people laughing while they watch victims of mob violence bleed to death. And worse. I condemn that stuff from a position of thinking wecin this country are better, and when some idiot threatens violence at a court it feels like I am being hypocritical. It just seems to me that what this fool did today (assuming it was a considered act and not the result of a mental health issue) strikes right at the heart of our society and our decision to settle disputes nonviolently. We can't let our fundamental institutions be abused like that or we are no better than those other places I was referring to. End of rant.

I've not been to any of those barbaric countries you mention...have no desire at all to do so although I have seen plenty online, all of which I wish I hadn't's horrific you, I condemn it....just as I condemn the barbaric murder of Allison.

Whatever happened at the courts today which delayed proceedings, I'm sure police will get to the bottom of it & whoever was responsible, probably some tosspot from the backblocks of nowhere, will face the consequences..... perhaps even in the same court building he/she/they disrupted.

In your previous post you said you were ashamed to be Australian today because of that. I wasn't ashamed to be an Australian today....I'm ashamed of the human species that allows these barbaric murders to happen in the first place.

What cheers me though is the fact there are all these good people, not only on this forum but countless other forums, of this same human species who continually speak out loud against these barbaric acts ....& that makes me damn proud to be an Aussie.
I wonder if this news about NBCs car is true.....I cant stop thinking about it...

Mmmmmm. Me too

Wondering also which 'family member' advised investigators that the accused's mental state was rapidly deteriorating (as has been claimed)
Is there anything on Twitter about NBC? Mine isn't working atm.

It can happen. It's called denial.

My brother has been a long term drug user. I can see it, my husband can see it and my friends see it. My parents however choose to deny it and state he's off the drugs. Then he comes home after an OD. I give my parents a hard time and 'oops, he's just slipped again. He was drugged.'

Some people just choose to ignore it for their sanity. I believe that's what my parents do.

Totally agree. It does happen. I can see how difficult it would be for a family in the situation the family of GBC, to come to grips with the thought he may have allegedly killed his wife. I do think it may be a case of their mind just can not go there. The mind is a very complex thing...
(now on the other alternative considering the info tonight of police raiding BC could be that they are aware and unbelieveably involved...but not jumping to that conclusion yet- just looking at alternatives)
Channel 10 Late News - Police with sniffer dogs have cleared the Supreme Court building.

I gather nothing was found.
Hey Alicat you might be able to answer this.

Do you know if there is any flat land that goes down to the Kholo Creek with horses on it?

Do you know Wirrabara Road? Does that have any horses on it on the creek side?

We have missed you BTW.
Willough I agree and thanks for illuminating this subject further. I have based my own views of what happened on a few things and a big part of that are the Police actions, reports and ultimate arresting of GBC. They have also alluded to more than one person involved in the murder or body disposal, and the 2 cars that were sighted implies that is the case. So for me I can't really see many alternatives in who the guilty parties might be, and I can't see that it is only one person involved. I questioned myself often in the early days but there's been a lot of time since then.

But - I still find myself feeling sorry for GBC - Yes, I looked at that photo of him in handcuffs in the car and I felt sick and I felt so terrible for him, like he was a child or someone who had a degree of innocence and vulnerability showing through and he was shattered and scared about how it has come to this. I also can relate to his sister and feel for his family to some extent in having their son and brother arrested for a horrible crime, and now having to navigate the court and jail system.

But then I feel guilty for feeling those feelings about him and his family, when I remember what Allison must have felt in her last moments of life, possibly a horror that is unimaginable. And I don't have a favourable view of people who hunt and kill animals for sport and personal glory, and display trophies of animal heads in pride of place in their homes. I consider these people have a different way of looking at the value of living things. I also don't have much time for pretentious people who do things like change their names to be associated with someone they consider to have more prestige than they themselves have. Not that it's a crime, but to me it's trying to be what you are not, and placing more of a value on image than other things of more substance.

Then, of course, there are the reactions of GBC and family to the Allisons disappearance and the discovery of her body, which I find hard to justify and really can't accept that everything can be explained away by saying "everyone is different and everyone reacts and handles things differently".

After todays opening comments at the bail hearing before everything went pear-shaped, and GBC's lawyer referring to some of the allegations being 'extraordinary' I do wonder if the murder and interference with the corpse involve something more confronting than a violent attack such as strangling and then the placing of the body under the bridge (as if that isnt bad enough).

I think some of these things are what holds people back from being empathetic to GBC or his family, because in the back of minds there is the feeling the case is worse than we expect and some of the family are involved. Even if the involvement is simply knowing it happened, it's hard to feel sympathy for anyone who said nothing and allowed the incredible waste of time and money and all of the associated stress and anxiety for so many people.

Itsthevibe: What a tremendous post! Common sense with compassion. And I too looked at that pic of GBC cuffed in the car and saw: terror, humiliation and pain. Who amongst us hasn't done something really rotten in their lives that they regret and think of over the years, wishing it had been different? Of course noone can condone killing, but much as I hope GBC experiences the full wrath of the law, I can't help but looking at him and thinking how absolutely horrendous it must be to be in his shoes. I also find myself thinking that if they're all guilty of either assisting with the 'deed' or at the very least knowing about it, and if they were not fond of Allison (or she of them) then it would have been so hypocritical of them to be bleating to the public in the someone said: they're damned if they do, and damned if they don't. It's such a horrible tragedy (including for the BCs) but I feel the most for the SHEs (girls) - innocents who will have to carry this for the rest of their lives, whatever transpires from here on in.

I laughed along with you all to defuse the tension of what was 'going down' (I was imagining each of us grabbling one of Unfoldingtruth's koppers logs and marching on the courthouse in our avatar garb with placards nailed to our logs 'JUSTICE FOR ALLISON' etc. - as a group we could be 'The Koppers', rather than the 'coppers'!!)....and I felt nervous waiting for the hearing as if I was going to give a speech in court myself. I am a bit alarmed at feeling so 'involved' when I know none of the players, but as Hawkins and others have pointed out, we are a very giving and caring society, and often feel the pain of others, whether it be through death, floods, fire etc. etc. (Cynics might say we like to 'suffer' vicariously through others, but I don't subscribe to this view!) I was trying to explain the whole story to my husband this afternoon, and honestly, you couldn't write a book of fiction that is more convoluted. But I really think that we have to oust Occam's Razor and the KISS principle, because IMO it IS going to be ugly and complicated in the end. Why? Everything has already been said before but the police were NEVER looking elsewhere for the perpetrator/s and wouldn't make an arrest without being absolutely bloody's just too big a case not to have 'enough' before arresting. As to COD - if there was blood in the car as MSM have now told us, then that had to come from somewhere on Allison. If she was strangled or drowned in the bath = no blood, unless she happened to burst a few vessels and bled. Jungle drums and smoke signals have only mentioned these two possible CODs, so where would the blood have come from? I guess if she was stabbed there would have been a great deal of blood evidence, which I don't think is the case. I don't think we can completely dismiss the excision of the hands hypothesis - it's been bandied about a number of times. The SC in court today got as far as saying there had been outrageous claims about GBC. IMO this means that there IS something very ugly or unusual in the whole business. Whether this is premeditation, the collusion of many others, the excision of hands, strangling in the bath and redressing of the body, and even the most recent 'salacious rumour' ie a 'boyfriend' (which has been alluded to a few times before - yes, I've read EVERY post godammit!), IMO SOMETHING is bizarro here......and I'm going to go MAD if we don't find out soon. I'm nothing but a sloth at the moment....just as I was going to 'retire' from WS GBC was arrested! on we go! I'm supposed to be editing a book for my BIL, but instead of wondering who is going to play who in the 'movie version' (it's a REALLY good book!) I'm wondering who is going to play who in the movie 'Feet of Clay'!!! Thank you all for being such caring folk - any humour here is JUST diffusion, and I know you all care deeply for Allison and her family, particularly the girls. (Any mob of people gathered together for anything at all squabble and carry on don't they? Forums....families.....workplaces...............................
Mothergoose, do you think it's possible for OW to worry about her own reputation, her husband's reputation and consequences for their religious enterprise? It's not that I don't believe in unconditional love and devotion.. I do, but I just fail to see the connection of all this to the family in question. The case has made international headlines. Townsville is a small town, where OW's family it somewhat in the centre of something. If GBC is convicted of murder, his sister will automatically become the sister of a murderer, and so on for other family members. Friends will go like autumn leaves.. So in my opinion, OW is fighting for herself and her family. JMO.

Hi Grannie, Yes of course re the highlighted section I totally agree. I did say in an earlier post that she is a devoted daughter and sister as well.Though my comments have mainly been in response to comments about her loyalty being misplaced or unwarranted. Olivia has been by her brothers side from the very beginning (before his arrest). To me her support has been unwavering. As time has gone on her quest has probably shifted from ----I have to be here for Gerard. I love him and he didn't do this. to OMG they have arrested Gerard . How can they do that !! What will this do to his girls, mum, dad,the Dickies me and my family...I just have to do something.....this can't be happening !!!
By standing by him , she is putting herself on the firing line ,and if GBC is found guilty she will get more than her share flack. Imagine how this will affect her if she unquestionably thinks her brother is totally innocent. Yes she is fighting for her whole family ,and their reputation by standing by her brother. I don't doubt it for a minute. Some would call her extraordinary some would call her a fool. I think she is just doing the best she can under horrific circumstances and I wouldn't want to be in her shoes for anything. Sorry to ramble on. All Moo of course.
One other thing about posters on this site, there are a few people (quite a few really) whose opinions I respect and I am always glad when there names appear as thanks under my posts. Some of these people don't agree with some of my opinions, and I don't agree with all of there's, but I respect what they and am happy when they do the same to me. an example is the post before re the Baden Clay and Willough's response.

Hi spratsmum, I just came across this as I went back to try to read some of the pages i missed earlier tonight, and realised I also quoted your post recently, along with Willoughs response. I agree it's nice to have positive, fruitful discussions with people you respect, whether they totally agree with you or not. Despite the periodic stints of craziness around here, overall I think WS and this whole series of threads is amazing, as are so many of the people posting here. Love youse all!! umm, lol maybe not all ;)
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