ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #10

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I had a crippling bone disease as a child and had to wear a brace on my leg. I was made fun of and ostracized by all of the "cool kids". I think that is where my need to understand humanity comes from. Why would they treat me like that? What was wrong with THEM that made them try and make ME feel bad? I found the following story years ago, and I have it hanging in my office, over the brace that I wore as a child.

The Two Wolves
An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life.

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves." "One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego." "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." "This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied, "Whichever one you feed."
Thank you for sharing that!
Clearly the officer standing to LRM's left was NOT my boyfriend Officer McCutie at the airport (ssshhh... don't tell my gaysbund, he gets super jealous)

lol. So many inappropriate jokes, so little time :)
Thank you.

This also confirms what I have said a bunch of times about Lin Jun's name. We here in North America have it backwards! Family names go first in China, and 'Jun' is NOT a family name over there (it is a given name), but Lin is a common one. I think he should be referred to by his proper name, Lin Jun, not the backwards Western version of it. :moo:

This has been brought up a couple of times and because Jun Lin had chosen to Americanize his name including when he signed up for his website, I've been using it that way, too.
This has been brought up a couple of times and because Jun Lin had chosen to Americanize his name including when he signed up for his website, I've been using it that way, too.
Jun Lin decided to Canadianize his name to Jun (Justin) Lin, and I think people should respect his wish to do so.
I'm still so curious/confused as to how they met. That's the dark mystery that haunts me about this case. A man like Magnotta who, as other have suggested, did not converse/fraternize with anyone, awash in the dark under belly of society and the internet - somehow coming into contact with the seemingly innocent/naive Lin Jun.

What happened? How did it happen? What was going through Lin Jun's mind as he traveled to the victim's abode. I'm just so haunted by this; quite frankly it's making me experience anxiety... it makes me feel so unsafe. I need to know these facts to learn and grow from them. I'm haunted by the poor victim's reality; the sadness his parents must feel wondering the same things about their son's demise.

Is anyone else troubled by this like me?
I know that Lin Jun had engaged in what some would perceive as questionable internet activity and posted gay personal ads, so I don't think he was naive at all. I'm guessing he just met Luka at a gay bar in town or something.
Well, slap my butt and call me Sally, ya learn something new every day! I had no idea that was a word. I'm afraid I would have said "Americanize," too lol

I knew I was going to catch a ration when I posted it. I should have said, Westernize.
I'm not sure I understand all the debate about Lin Jun's or Justin's or Jun Lin's name. I'm in China and most here, that have western contacts, have two names, one western, and one Chinese. They are often used interchangeably. Both are respectful. This new found patriotism regarding a Canadian name is silly. America includes Canada, does it not? I know...thank me for clarifying the obvious.
I'm not sure I understand all the debate about Lin Jun's or Justin's or Jun Lin's name. I'm in China and most here, that have western contacts, have two names, one western, and one Chinese. They are often used interchangeably. Both are respectful. This new found patriotism regarding a Canadian name is silly. America includes Canada, does it not? I know...thank me for clarifying the obvious.

I think the word you're looking for is matriotism -- what with the Queen and all :wink:

'k'k...I'll stop now :)
Hmm, you might be on to something. But then again sometimes the angle and darkness of a photograph make all the difference. I'm not sure...:kimsterwink:

I agree... I did a comparison of his alleged abuse photo with his Berlin mugshot and IMO his nose, particularly the rounded end is very different.
For those curious as to what the interrogation of Magnotta might include [or have included], Global News has an interesting Q&A
Q&A: Will Magnotta's interrogation lead to a confession?

HastingsChi, thank you so much for this link, very useful! :rocker:
I hope that with such techniques, they will be able to get a confession.

"Global News: What will the interviewers capitalize on to elicit a confession from Magnotta?

Somebody like Magnotta who is in my opinion is a narcissist and who has psychopathic tendencies, he’s somebody that you’re going to have to manage quite carefully. You’re going to have to stroke his ego and you’re going to have to fuel some of that need, by the language that you use and the manner in which you treat him.
Narcissism doesn’t necessarily lend itself to a confession but it could."
Is it common to enter the case with a plea of not guilty, and upon discovery, change the plea if the evidence is overwhelming to the defense? Or is this more of a sign that he won't talk and fight the charge?
Is it common to enter the case with a plea of not guilty, and upon discovery, change the plea if the evidence is overwhelming to the defense? Or is this more of a sign that he won't talk and fight the charge?

Outside of a plea bargain, I think it would be almost unheard of to change a not guilty plea -- except maybe to change it to the Canadian equivalent of an insanity plea. jmo
I'm not sure I understand all the debate about Lin Jun's or Justin's or Jun Lin's name. I'm in China and most here, that have western contacts, have two names, one western, and one Chinese. They are often used interchangeably. Both are respectful. This new found patriotism regarding a Canadian name is silly. America includes Canada, does it not? I know...thank me for clarifying the obvious.


Thank you for clarifying that. Respect is what concerned me. That information is much appreciated. :seeya:
It scared me when I discovered that Luka's username that he used when posting to the neoseeker forum, was briankinney556. The reason this scares me is because the guy I met online who seems from my recollection to be eerily like Luka, told me his name was Brian. Also, I've now seen a couple different references to Luka having pretended to be a woman he knew online. This Brian person told me that when he was upset with me because I had cut him out of my life for a while (we talked very infrequently through IM and phone for about a two year period) he had made various accounts online with my full name, flirted with men, and then made them angry. That was when I told him that I couldn't trust him anymore and that I didn't want him to contact me again. He didn't until a couple years later when he found a video of me singing online. He left comments about how nice I had been when I sent him a scarf and gloves. And then the pianist from the video deleted this guy's comments because he left a lot of goofy comments that rambled and contained personal details and my friend felt that would detract from our musical effort, otherwise I would link to those comments. I winced when I realized that my friend had deleted the comments because I knew this Brian guy was lonely and genuinely valued me.

In any case, if Luka is the person I know as Brian then I already know a bit about him. If it is him, I must admit to having a degree of caring for him because he told me about his horrible childhood, his schizophrenia and how he had to do twisted things so that he could keep the aid and medication he was given for being insane, how angry he was at his mother for not being more empowered (he and I debated about this and this was the one subject that made him less charming, more upset), being homeless for a while with his brother living in the woods, that he wanted to be my boyfriend now that I'd sent him a scarf and gloves because I was unusually caring... Sorry if this seems incoherent. I'm wondering increasingly if I did meet this person online. If it is him he's a lot more intelligent than people realize. He was into beat poetry, his mind worked really quickly, he recognized his own dysfunction but seemed to lack self-control and intimate connection with people, he told me about using computers to watch the computer screens of girls he had crushes on (there are programs that allow for this). ...I did find some photos of Luka standing in a forest, wearing gloves and a scarf but since I sent the Brian fellow these items some 7 years back and ordered them through the internet quickly, it's hard to remember exactly what they looked like.

Even if Brian isn't Luka, he is the closest person I've known of to compare Luka to. He talked about his sexual strangeness. He couldn't enjoy normal sex but liked when women masturbated. He had a fetish for women reading books; he asked me to take photos of myself reading and I did and sent them to him over the internet. He mentioned that he was into violent *advertiser censored* and thought that the stuff should be illegal because of how it influenced people badly. This is interesting because Ted Bundy said something similar. He also told me that his friends said he changed his mind a lot as if he didn't know how to have any set desires/orientation and that he thought this was due to the schizophrenia. Anyway, I didn't have any inkling of just how dysfunctional this person was until he told me about making all of the accounts in my name. And then I felt torn because I cared about him but knew that I had to protect myself by ending our long-distance friendship.

He had the same deep voice as Luka. He told me he lived in the same city as I did and then later told me he'd moved to a city in California and was living with his brother in the mountains. One night he said he could easily come meet me in person and I'm really glad I talked myself out of that one.

sorry if this rambles. late night, not alone, so not very focused.

so there we have it on the psych eval.

As for talking about if this guy is any shade of mentally ill make sure you include that in your post that it is your opinion/speculation.

This seems to be a defense tactic imhoo and may go over like a lead balloon especially if he has a personality disorder :moo:

Exactly! His attorney MAY request a psych evaluation. As of right now, there is nothing to suggest he has mental illness. A defense tactic indeed.

IMO, when the defense has NO defense, they go this route and sadly, it could take years for the process hence delaying justice for the victim and the family.
It scared me when I discovered that Luka's username that he used when posting to the neoseeker forum, was briankinney556. The reason this scares me is because the guy I met online who seems from my recollection to be eerily like Luka, told me his name was Brian. Also, I've now seen a couple different references to Luka having pretended to be a woman he knew online. This Brian person told me that when he was upset with me because I had cut him out of my life for a while (we talked very infrequently through IM and phone for about a two year period) he had made various accounts online with my full name, flirted with men, and then made them angry. That was when I told him that I couldn't trust him anymore and that I didn't want him to contact me again. He didn't until a couple years later when he found a video of me singing online. He left comments about how nice I had been when I sent him a scarf and gloves. And then the pianist from the video deleted this guy's comments because he left a lot of goofy comments that rambled and contained personal details and my friend felt that would detract from our musical effort, otherwise I would link to those comments. I winced when I realized that my friend had deleted the comments because I knew this Brian guy was lonely and genuinely valued me.

In any case, if Luka is the person I know as Brian then I already know a bit about him. If it is him, I must admit to having a degree of caring for him because he told me about his horrible childhood, his schizophrenia and how he had to do twisted things so that he could keep the aid and medication he was given for being insane, how angry he was at his mother for not being more empowered (he and I debated about this and this was the one subject that made him less charming, more upset), being homeless for a while with his brother living in the woods, that he wanted to be my boyfriend now that I'd sent him a scarf and gloves because I was unusually caring... Sorry if this seems incoherent. I'm wondering increasingly if I did meet this person online. If it is him he's a lot more intelligent than people realize. He was into beat poetry, his mind worked really quickly, he recognized his own dysfunction but seemed to lack self-control and intimate connection with people, he told me about using computers to watch the computer screens of girls he had crushes on (there are programs that allow for this). ...I did find some photos of Luka standing in a forest, wearing gloves and a scarf but since I sent the Brian fellow these items some 7 years back and ordered them through the internet quickly, it's hard to remember exactly what they looked like.

Even if Brian isn't Luka, he is the closest person I've known of to compare Luka to. He talked about his sexual strangeness. He couldn't enjoy normal sex but liked when women masturbated. He had a fetish for women reading books; he asked me to take photos of myself reading and I did and sent them to him over the internet. He mentioned that he was into violent *advertiser censored* and thought that the stuff should be illegal because of how it influenced people badly. This is interesting because Ted Bundy said something similar. He also told me that his friends said he changed his mind a lot as if he didn't know how to have any set desires/orientation and that he thought this was due to the schizophrenia. Anyway, I didn't have any inkling of just how dysfunctional this person was until he told me about making all of the accounts in my name. And then I felt torn because I cared about him but knew that I had to protect myself by ending our long-distance friendship.

He had the same deep voice as Luka. He told me he lived in the same city as I did and then later told me he'd moved to a city in California and was living with his brother in the mountains. One night he said he could easily come meet me in person and I'm really glad I talked myself out of that one.

sorry if this rambles. late night, not alone, so not very focused.

Interesting and bizarre. Brian Kinney is a character from the show "Queer as Folk" which was on TV from 2000-2005.

I also have a feeling that I have encountered Luka before, but on the Montreal metro system. I moved here in the beginning of the year and was taking government funded french courses in the Plamondon area on Cote de Neiges, disturbingly close to LRM's apartment. I was living in Verdun, so often traveled from Verdun station to Plamondon. One evening on the metro I saw a thin, feminine and almost "plastic" looking man with short unnaturally blonde hair who I remember thinking looked very empty, vacant. He was alone, standing and not making eye contact with anyone. Something about this guy caught my eye at the time, and after viewing recent photos of LRM... I am almost 100% sure it was him. But I'll never really know.
Magnotta's lawyer will have 'unusual challenges'

Toronto lawyer Anthony Bryant, who defended Bernardo from 1994 to 2000, says a video that police believe shows the killing will present Panaccio with "unusual challenges."

Bryant said grisly video will certainly be part of the evidence at Magnotta's trial.

"I can't imagine that it wouldn't be (played)," Bryant told QMI in an interview on Tuesday.
It scared me when I discovered that Luka's username that he used when posting to the neoseeker forum, was briankinney556. The reason this scares me is because the guy I met online who seems from my recollection to be eerily like Luka, told me his name was Brian. Also, I've now seen a couple different references to Luka having pretended to be a woman he knew online. This Brian person told me that when he was upset with me because I had cut him out of my life for a while (we talked very infrequently through IM and phone for about a two year period) he had made various accounts online with my full name, flirted with men, and then made them angry. That was when I told him that I couldn't trust him anymore and that I didn't want him to contact me again. He didn't until a couple years later when he found a video of me singing online. He left comments about how nice I had been when I sent him a scarf and gloves. And then the pianist from the video deleted this guy's comments because he left a lot of goofy comments that rambled and contained personal details and my friend felt that would detract from our musical effort, otherwise I would link to those comments. I winced when I realized that my friend had deleted the comments because I knew this Brian guy was lonely and genuinely valued me.

In any case, if Luka is the person I know as Brian then I already know a bit about him. If it is him, I must admit to having a degree of caring for him because he told me about his horrible childhood, his schizophrenia and how he had to do twisted things so that he could keep the aid and medication he was given for being insane, how angry he was at his mother for not being more empowered (he and I debated about this and this was the one subject that made him less charming, more upset), being homeless for a while with his brother living in the woods, that he wanted to be my boyfriend now that I'd sent him a scarf and gloves because I was unusually caring... Sorry if this seems incoherent. I'm wondering increasingly if I did meet this person online. If it is him he's a lot more intelligent than people realize. He was into beat poetry, his mind worked really quickly, he recognized his own dysfunction but seemed to lack self-control and intimate connection with people, he told me about using computers to watch the computer screens of girls he had crushes on (there are programs that allow for this). ...I did find some photos of Luka standing in a forest, wearing gloves and a scarf but since I sent the Brian fellow these items some 7 years back and ordered them through the internet quickly, it's hard to remember exactly what they looked like.

Even if Brian isn't Luka, he is the closest person I've known of to compare Luka to. He talked about his sexual strangeness. He couldn't enjoy normal sex but liked when women masturbated. He had a fetish for women reading books; he asked me to take photos of myself reading and I did and sent them to him over the internet. He mentioned that he was into violent *advertiser censored* and thought that the stuff should be illegal because of how it influenced people badly. This is interesting because Ted Bundy said something similar. He also told me that his friends said he changed his mind a lot as if he didn't know how to have any set desires/orientation and that he thought this was due to the schizophrenia. Anyway, I didn't have any inkling of just how dysfunctional this person was until he told me about making all of the accounts in my name. And then I felt torn because I cared about him but knew that I had to protect myself by ending our long-distance friendship.

He had the same deep voice as Luka. He told me he lived in the same city as I did and then later told me he'd moved to a city in California and was living with his brother in the mountains. One night he said he could easily come meet me in person and I'm really glad I talked myself out of that one.

sorry if this rambles. late night, not alone, so not very focused.

Harrowing story if indeed that was LRM...

Still, I'm sure there are thousands of lonely people online, with tales or life experiences similar to LRM (plus LRM has told so many lies and false stories about himself, it is difficult to say what is truth, half-truth, and what is false).

Also, I'm not sure if you've seen it, but people have compiled lists of the hundreds (even thousands) of various usernames, YouTube channels, DailyMotion accounts, and various other online accounts potentially linked to LRM-- and I'm sure there are hundreds, even thousands more, that have not been discovered. In those accounts, you can find pretty much every name under the sun-- Alex, Alexis, Brian, Tyrone, Maria, Richard, Sara, Jonah, John, Amber, etc, etc.

So I would not think it is even a "coincidence" that LRM used an account "BrianKinney556" and this person you met was also named Brian. LRM has probably used every English name online at one time or another.
Police defend putting damper on media circus

Montreal police Commander Ian Lafrenière said the original plan was not to allow any media coverage at all and to announce to the media that Magnotta had arrived only after he was in police custody and behind closed doors in Montreal.

But then rumours began to appear on Twitter and other media, he said, and people started showing up at St. Hubert and Dorval airports looking for the famous suspect.

“We didn’t want to cause a circus,” so Lafrenière told members of the media to meet police at Mirabel, although not on the tarmac. Police asked an airport employee to take photos, which were then given to the press.

“And today we were accused of putting on a show by the same people who used (our) images,” Lafrenière added wryly.
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