ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge #9

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Who would be releasing the complete video?

Released was the wrong word, uncovered and released would have been better.

I only skim read from pg24 looking for reference to decomposition, but seemed to see many references to information on the video which I assumed to be 'new'..
A simple Branch cutter would cut bone with no problem. With no Noise

One of the first questions I had after watching that horrible video: What was the item that LM picked up towards the beginning of the video? It was an object on the floor that appeared to have been hidden behind the bed. Was it a saw?
sorry...i was not trying to start some drama....
but i swear i read somewhere and i cant remember who that they created the timeline....and i scanned the document...days ago...

and when i saw it again, under a new name it thru me for a loop.....

so doesnt matter to ME who created it....i was just confused.....
I know exactly what you mean. I felt like a cartoon character doing the double-take-head-thing when I saw it LOL

Ah well, it's done. :)
Released was the wrong word, uncovered and released would have been better.

I only skim read from pg24 looking for reference to decomposition, but seemed to see many references to information on the video which I assumed to be 'new'..

There is lots of speculation, but nothing new. Whatever evidence police have may never be released to the public. In the past, when really disgusting things were filmed, sometimes only transcripts were made available to a limited audience. Police, and especially friends and family of Lin Jun, want the video removed from the internet ... understandably.
I've been off the LM threads for a few days. Just needed a break from it. Being absorbed in this case has been very...intense. The first thing I saw when attempting to catch up today was this. I can't even. Has it been posted yet?

i believe there are a number of them on FB.....
just like there is a perfect match for everyone out there (there must be :/ i hope ) i believe there is a fan for every ****ed up person out there...

ETA...either the owner of that group is just as ****ed up as LM or he is pulling everyone's leg and getting everyone riled up (which is working)...there are some really ****ed up things being posted by the owner of the group.... *vomit*
One of the first questions I had after watching that horrible video: What was the item that LM picked up towards the beginning of the video? It was an object on the floor that appeared to have been hidden behind the bed. Was it a saw?

I brought this up in a previous post detailing things I noticed in the vid. He picks it up and puts it back a few's definitely "hidden" behind the pillow though...the ice pick...the blade that cut his throat? That is why I feel JL was there willingly in the beginning and then things took an unexpected turn for him...why else would LM have something hidden like that. :waitasec:
I was wondering,has it been released anywhere how much money LM had on him when arrested?
I'm still not so sure about the lawyer story, but if true, the lawyer is most likely certain he can't be charged with any wrong doing before speaking up. In fact, he is not representing LM any longer (even if all he did was advise), is not his attorney, and did not incriminate LM in any way. It all just sounded so bungled to me.

It would seem to me that any lawyer would advise LM to get proof about the kidnapping and abuse, then file charges for kidnapping and several forms of assault. In addition, the lawyer would advise to print any perceived threats from kitten group, and to take out charges about internet threats and restraining order or cease and desist, some sort of charges, to stop any threats of harm.

If LM did talk with this lawyer, and those emails are real and not made up by some magazine or weirdos, then this lawyer did not seem very bright in not stating he advised LM how to protect himself or not further incriminate himself. We all know if it happened, all that LM said is bunk to cover his gigantic trail of evidence. The lawyer would have no way of knowing that, unless he was getting paid big bucks to research his own client for a very publicized trial. Then the lawyer would figure out a good bit of the bunk. No lawyer has time to chase down all the internet activity that LM left behind just out of curiosity.
ive noticed magnottas mis spelling of the words ludicrous and alcohol on some of his posts, they appear to be mis spelt in the lawyers emails too
i believe there are a number of them on FB.....
just like there is a perfect match for everyone out there (there must be :/ i hope ) i believe there is a fan for every ****ed up person out there...

ETA...either the owner of that group is just as ****ed up as LM or he is pulling everyone's leg and getting everyone riled up (which is working)...there are some really ****ed up things be posted by the owner of the group.... *vomit*

The fact that it's probably just a troll makes it less ridiculous. But then I started reading comments from other people on the page, and just...there can't be that many trolls. I can hope. But I don't think so.
Lot's of inaccurate information has been confirmed in MSM in this case...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II

the police are quoted:

Toronto police confirmed that they received a call from Renville late Sunday evening and that the operator suggested Renville call Crime Stoppers.

Const. Wendy Drummond said the response was reasonable given the information the call-taker had.

“Obviously hindsight is 20-20 and would we do different if we had the information? We can only act with the information we had at the time.”
The fact that it's probably just a troll makes it less ridiculous. But then I started reading comments from other people on the page, and just...there can't be that many trolls. I can hope. But I don't think so.

what i find truly disturbing too is the amount of people online arguing w/ either a troll or a turly ****ed up person who post using their real FB accounts revealing every single piece of pesonal information about themselves.

even the FBI has warned over and over and over not to put such personal details out there on the web....yet people do it.

cant fix stooopid i guess....
slightly off topic, vancouvers kitten killer has been identified.. looking for a msm link. as im watching it on the news..

SPCA says its coyote or another similar predator. or alteast the more recent ones are..

Remove the space before "video" and there you have it

bizarre footage.
the voice Oh,stop it sounded like over a phone or recorded not from a person videotaping.
I brought this up in a previous post detailing things I noticed in the vid. He picks it up and puts it back a few's definitely "hidden" behind the pillow though...the ice pick...the blade that cut his throat? That is why I feel JL was there willingly in the beginning and then things took an unexpected turn for him...why else would LM have something hidden like that. :waitasec:

Thanks Jujercu.... I tried to catch screen shots of the object LM is picking up from behind the bed.


I just tried again, and everything is too blury to really see, but now I am wondering if maybe it was an electric carving blade? After he picks the item up, he kneels down and is fiddling around with it out of camera shot for several seconds. Maybe he was having to put the blades into the device and/or plug it in? I also noticed that the cuts on the amputated torso, i.e. the legs, and the head, look too clean to have been done by the knife that LM is using for his disgusting 'show'. By that, I mean the cuts have sharp, even margins. I also just want to say that this kind of analysis probably seems strange and inappropriate to some readers. That is why I put the "Warning - Graphic" disclaimer before I posted this. I believe that trying to understand the crime involves trying to understand HOW the crime happened. I work in Pathology, and it is standard protocol to perform this kind of analysis on tissue and body parts we receive from surgical cases. I am sure this is also what forensic people in LE are doiing with this horrible video. I certainly mean NO disrespect to JL by watching this video - quiet the opposite in fact. I want to see justice, and I want the REALITY of what happened to be known and dealt with by society and the Canadian legal system.
Another finding:

A post made in March 2012 by LRM about pyromania with the title "pyromaniac serial killer" with pictures of him wearing a Santa Clause hat. Disturbing.

Very interesting, I had not seen that before. Also interesting because of the fire that happened at his family's place that some ascribe to him.
Thanks Jujercu.... I tried to catch screen shots of the object LM is picking up from behind the bed.


I just tried again, and everything is too blury to really see, but now I am wondering if maybe it was an electric carving blade? After he picks the item up, he kneels down and is fiddling around with it out of camera shot for several seconds. Maybe he was having to put the blades into the device and/or plug it in? I also noticed that the cuts on the amputated torso, i.e. the legs, and the head, look too clean to have been done by the knife that LM is using for his disgusting 'show'. By that, I mean the cuts have sharp, even margins. I also just want to say that this kind of analysis probably seems strange and inappropriate to some readers. That is why I put the "Warning - Graphic" disclaimer before I posted this. I believe that trying to understand the crime involves trying to understand HOW the crime happened. I work in Pathology, and it is standard protocol to perform this kind of analysis on tissue and body parts we receive from surgical cases. I am sure this is also what forensic people in LE are doiing with this horrible video. I certainly mean NO disrespect to JL by watching this video - quiet the opposite in fact. I want to see justice, and I want the REALITY of what happened to be known and dealt with by society and the Canadian legal system.


I totally agree...and good eye with saying it looks like an electric knife...that would make so much sense!SO much sense ...With the nice clean knife cuts...and it wouldn't be very loud either. Great call Reannan!!
Very interesting, I had not seen that before. Also interesting because of the fire that happened at his family's place that some ascribe to him.

That is interesting, especially about the pyromania. Have we researched fires that have happened in areas LM has lived? That is the EXACT reason an accurate timeline is essential! Wish I had more time to work on one! Cudo's to those who are!
Thanks Jujercu.... I tried to catch screen shots of the object LM is picking up from behind the bed.


I just tried again, and everything is too blury to really see, but now I am wondering if maybe it was an electric carving blade? After he picks the item up, he kneels down and is fiddling around with it out of camera shot for several seconds. Maybe he was having to put the blades into the device and/or plug it in? I also noticed that the cuts on the amputated torso, i.e. the legs, and the head, look too clean to have been done by the knife that LM is using for his disgusting 'show'. By that, I mean the cuts have sharp, even margins. I also just want to say that this kind of analysis probably seems strange and inappropriate to some readers. That is why I put the "Warning - Graphic" disclaimer before I posted this. I believe that trying to understand the crime involves trying to understand HOW the crime happened. I work in Pathology, and it is standard protocol to perform this kind of analysis on tissue and body parts we receive from surgical cases. I am sure this is also what forensic people in LE are doiing with this horrible video. I certainly mean NO disrespect to JL by watching this video - quiet the opposite in fact. I want to see justice, and I want the REALITY of what happened to be known and dealt with by society and the Canadian legal system.


I'm happy to say that the only thing I've ever used an electric carving knife on is a turkey. Does anyone know whether such a knife could cut through a human thigh bone? I won't ask how you know, promise!
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