Aruba - Natalee Holloway, 18, Oranjestad, 30 May 2005 #1

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If the kalpo brothers knew anything about this, this would be a good time for them to come forward.
The lawsuit the Kalpoes filed was recently thrown out.

Has something happened in the lawsuit more recently than Mid-March? Because in this article, it looks like Deepak Kalpoe may not have much standing because he deliberately sought the limelight, which makes it much harder to win in a civil defamation lawsuit. Satish is not under the same ruling he didn't seek the limelight himself, giving him the status of an average person and not a "public figure".

For myself, I'd be happy if this were just settled with Dr. Phil admitting he knew for a fact that the interview his investigator took and aired had been cut and pasted (incredibly amateurishly) to try to fool the public into believe the Kalpoes had stated they had sex with Natalee. Which they never did state. It's not up for debate whether the investigator/Dr. Phil actually did doctor the tape to change the meaning of the quotes, and create answers that weren't spoken - what is at issue is whether they are entitled to damages because of that behavior.

And it doesn't serve Dr. Phil's career interests to say he sat there and heard what everyone else heard, and didn't know (like everyone else, and the courts) that the tape had been altered to mean something completely different from what was spoken.

So I'd just like to hear him say it, and offer an apology to his viewers that he thought they were unobservant enough to believe that doctored interview. He's smarmy, but he's not dumb - and he's not deaf.
On Tuesday, Aruban authorities ruled out claims by a witness who says he knows what happened to the Mountain Brook teen.

However, a private investigator hired by Holloway’s father, Dave, believes that witness is telling the truth.

Holloway says his private investigator talked to Jurrien de Jong over the phone and used a voice analysis tool to test for deception.

“He called me back a day or so later and said, ‘look Dave. This guy is telling the truth,’” said Holloway.

The witness says he saw Natalee and Joran at a part of the Marriott hotel that was under construction in 2005. The witness told police he saw them come inside the construction area that was surrounded by a chain length fence. They went out of his sight for five minutes.

“Then all of a sudden he brought Natalee down the steps in his arms. He laid her down on [a construction] platform and jumped off on the ground. He grabbed her and threw her off on the ground. Then he went a little ways and started digging under the platform area. He said he dug a hole and put her up under there. Then he covered the hole back up and walked out of the gate barefooted,” Holloway recalls.

Holloway says he remembers seeing the construction area surrounded by the fence. He also remembers that no one felt led to look inside the fence because they didn’t think anyone could get in that area.

Holloway says the Marriott is waiting on a warrant from Aruban police before they will allow a search.

If the kalpo brothers knew anything about this, this would be a good time for them to come forward.
They came forward ten years ago and have since left the island JME JMO
If Joran is saying its a lie then its probably true, and really he has the worst background ever so I find that completely laughable.
I say we gather up and go dig if they don't allow Dave to lol but seriously. So sick of this game I am seeing red like many others.
The civil case was recently dismissed although I believe they deserved something for what McGraw and Skeeters did. IMO Skeeters got his...
That said, as soon as those two boys saw Natalees family on the island asking questions they should have come clean from the cover up, therefore karma got them as well.

Gonna say JMO JME IMO since I cannot back up w links, but after they heard Joran blaming them, they came forth w the fact that they didn't really drop NH at hotel where the guards got her.... eye roll.... but instead of saying so the first night they waited until they had been in jail for a while on the island then blamed everybody else but themselves. Punks. Other than that I don't think they came forth w anything else. HTH :)
Natalee Holloway 10 years later: New facts, and doubts, about the case's future
May 24, 2015 at 9:25 AM, updated May 24, 2015 at 9:41 AM

Ten years after Mountain Brook's Natalee Holloway vanished on a high school trip to Aruba – 10 years after news of her disappearance spread like wildfire across cable news channels and the world – Holloway has become both a point of reference and a point of contention in this island nation.

"For us, the case is still open and will remain open until we find out more concretely what happened to this girl,'' said Jossy Mansur, owner and editor of the Papiamento-language newspaper Diario in Aruba. "I want some kind of definite closure in the case and that Beth would finally, finally have some peace of mind by taking whatever is left of her back to Alabama and have her buried there. It's very sad for a mother to lose a child like this."

Mansur said the information he has received consistently throughout the years is that Natalee, van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers never went to the beach. "The information I have, and very few people know this, is that they did not go to the beach,'' he said. "They took Natalee to Joran's apartment. He lived on the same property as his parents, but he lived in an apartment isolated from the main house."

"They took Natalee there. And whatever happened in that apartment happened, but she did not come out of there alive,'' he said. "All this other information that has been floating around for years that she was killed or murdered or whatever on the beach is not true. As far as our information is concerned, she never got to the beach alive. She was in the trunk."

much more at the link
'I don't know how many times I've buried Natalee,' Dave Holloway says
By Carol Robinson -
on May 24, 2015 at 7:15 AM, updated May 24, 2015 at 7:16 AM

May 30 will mark a decade since 18-year-old Natalee Holloway vanished from the idyllic Caribbean island of Aruba.

"I guess most people do look at anniversaries, but I still think about it every day,'' said her father, Dave Holloway. "That's something you'll never get out of your mind."

"The emotional trauma has a way of healing, and a person doesn't realize it until time goes on," he said. "When something comes up significant, you fall back down into that emotional state of trauma. I try to avoid those things as much as I can."

Earlier this month, Holloway returned to Aruba yet another time, chasing a lead after a man named Jurrien De Jong told Holloway and Inside Edition that he saw Joran van der Sloot chase her into a small building under construction. De Jong said he never went to the police because he was involved in illegal activities at the time. He says he has come forward now because of a recent TV report where van der Sloot claims he was part of an undercover operation in which Holloway was buried at sea. Prosecutors in Aruba have dismissed De Jong's claims, saying his claims couldn't be true because the building to which he referred had not been built at that time.

Even before his trek back to Aruba, along with private investigator TJ Ward and a cadaver dog, Holloway said he was reluctant to get up his hopes. "I don't know how many times I've buried Natalee,'' he told, "and I don't want to go through that again."

"The answers lie in Peru and Aruba,'' Holloway said. "Those three (van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers) know exactly what happened. And nobody's ever gotten anything out of them."

He said he has considered a face-to-face meeting with van der Sloot, looking him in the eyes and demanding answers from him. "I still hold out hope that with hard prison life, maybe he'll change,'' Holloway says. "I don't think at this point and time he's ready to do anything, but we'll probably one day make a trip to Peru."

much more at the link
Hard prison life? Joran is married and has a kid now. Really not that 'hard,' which is totally unfair as his victims will never get to experience those things. Can't believe it's been ten years.
If this guy truly waited 10 years to speak out then he is scum of the earth. If he's lying for attention, he's still scum.

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first two points that came to my mind. maybe, he really is being truthful. BUT WHY WAIT TEN YEARS?!!?

I feel like this case will always haunt me. so heartbreaking.
I don't understand why they can't investigate this. Nothing might come of it. Fine. But at least they can check this off the list as a possibility. I wonder if money could be donated to help the effort? In case they need to pay for the damages to the hotel while digging or something? If they offered the Marriott (is it Marriott?) money to allow them to dig there, would it help?
At least this guy is coming forward. And not once, but twice now. I want to believe him.
He's also not asking for any kind of ransom $$ is he? I haven't seen that info anywhere.

Good luck in their efforts...
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