AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #2

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Suitcase 'black or grey' issue solved:

The suitcase is variously described as “faded blue” or “grey”, although police have used a black model to use for publicity purposes. Whatever its original colour, it looks as if it was severely weathered before the guilty party put the clothes and the bones in it.

The police themselves say it was black, but has faded to grey. I believe them over a newspaper.

Edit: I should have read to the end of the thread before replying. Amee already covered it.
Task Force Mallee say it was originally black but has faded.

Task Force Mallee

I did see that one thanks Amee. It still doesn't gel with me though. I'm going with Mrs Norris' quote (even though it's a newspaper quote). The police aren't infallible in my opinion, and could have either made a mistake or misquoted, as the original suitcases came in grey and blue. Looks like I'll have to do the experiment after all.:gaah:
thanks so much for this . has anyone else noticed that the hand made quilt that Karlies mum made for Khandalyce is very worn and falling apart compared to the little pink dress that is pictured in this link . i read some where that most of the clothes that were found in the suitcase were mass produced and of a cheap quality . In my opinion , i would think that the hand made quilt would stand up a lot better then the little pink mass produced dress .

Not if it originally had a decomposing body wrapped in it (in my opinion).
The suitcase the police used in the press conference isn't even the same model as the one Khandalyce was found in .. so I think the whole thing is misleading.



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On October 8, they took call 1267: maybe the little girl was Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, the caller suggested........
Police searched government records; Khandalyce had her 18-month vaccinations but no other medical treatment and she hadn’t been enrolled in school. They knew they were onto something.

Shortly afterwards, someone associated with the first caller provided a photograph of a younger Khandalyce, smiling out from her pram with a distinctive blanket her grandmother had made for her. It was an exact match to a tattered rug found with the body.

Police tracked down a friend of Karlie’s, who had a photo of Khandalyce taken at an Adelaide shopping centre in November 2008. She was wearing the pink dress that was in the suitcase.

So the person that took the photo at the Adelaide Shopping Center did not come forward to police ...they were tracked down.

I think the person who took the photo did contact Crime Stoppers as the SA police reported that call number 1271 provided vital evidence, being the photo of Kandalyce in the pink dress.
The suitcase the police used in the press conference isn't even the same model as the one Khandalyce was found in .. so I think the whole thing is misleading.

In their defence, the police said very clearly when they first put the suitcase on display that it was a newer model, not identical:

Clothing and a suitcase – a new version of which was also displayed by police today - were found along with the remains.
(from the task force Mallee link I posted above).
BBM. That was my thought too. If the skeleton was in tact, I would find it unlikely that all the bones would have been present. Also, didn't they say there was no evidence of sun-bleaching, indicating that the bones weren't left in the open? Though I can't remember exactly. So my guess was that she had been killed and put in the suitcase with her belongings pretty much straight away and stashed somewhere. A shed on a property, which is away from the main house would be my thought - somewhere that people (and specifically kids) wouldn't go poking around in. I'm still not sure on the original colour of the suitcase. I know the police said it was originally black, but I'm not entirely convinced. I'm actually going to dig out an old black suitcase and leave it outdoors and record the deterioration over time, just for my own interest.:thinking: It just doesn't quite gel with me.

further back I posted about the case, being a myrray mallee resident, the case EASILY could bleach in 2-3 months in our climate. To recreate you will need to put the case in blaring high30s- mid forties sun for 3 months. It is etremely HOT and the sun is very bright and a very high dry heat.

The cold case of the woman dubbed ‘Angel’ has haunted University of Wollongong facial anthropologist Dr Susan Hayes.

So when police this week publicly identified the woman whose skeletal remains were discovered in Belanglo State Forest in 2010 as Karlie Jade Pearce-Stevenson, Dr Hayes felt a sense of peace.


Dr Hayes - currently on an archaelogical dig on a remote Indonesian island - said the identification would also allow her to analyse her unique facial approximation technique.

‘’From what I saw (of Karlie’s photo) I think there are some aspects that worked well and others that could have been done differently,’’ she said.

‘’… But although the identification of ‘Angel’ is going to be very helpful at an academic level, the most helpful thing is that Karlie and her little daughter will finally get to go home.’’

(more at link).
The blog in The Australian really paints a very nasty picture of Karlie and her family.
It's paywalled but the summary is that the Police find no evidence of her receiving welfare and yet she comes from a very welfare-dependant family.
The "friends" they spoke to seem to think Karlie was drug running for some time before disappearing and that her mother and step-father knew it.
They mention posts on the down defunct FB "Help Find Karlie" page as implying that Mum and Karlie had a bust up over her drug involvement.
I know it is a blog and mostly opinion based on unnamed sources, but if it's correct, then the murders may have been a drug deal gone wrong or a retribution for ripping off a major dealer.
It's a horrible article as it seems to be blaming Karlie for her own murder.

Karlie looks neither well, nor happy, in the photo that was taken of her at Marion shopping centre, IMO...
I cant find the article now, but I read in a recent report that police believe the man reportedly seen carrying the suitcase is no longer 'relevant' to the investigation - but they still want to know who he is, for completeness.
That surprised me. He may not have committed murders, but how can he be no longer relevant if he was carrying a suitcase with the child's remains in it? Where did he get it from? Why did he dump it?

The cold case of the woman dubbed ‘Angel’ has haunted University of Wollongong facial anthropologist Dr Susan Hayes.

So when police this week publicly identified the woman whose skeletal remains were discovered in Belanglo State Forest in 2010 as Karlie Jade Pearce-Stevenson, Dr Hayes felt a sense of peace.


Dr Hayes - currently on an archaelogical dig on a remote Indonesian island - said the identification would also allow her to analyse her unique facial approximation technique.

‘’From what I saw (of Karlie’s photo) I think there are some aspects that worked well and others that could have been done differently,’’ she said.

‘’… But although the identification of ‘Angel’ is going to be very helpful at an academic level, the most helpful thing is that Karlie and her little daughter will finally get to go home.’’

(more at link).
Really interesting read, thanks Fruity..
I remember reading a description of Angels features recently and have to say it was quite accurate, broad face, widely spaced eyes, small mouth and side parted hair. If the reconstruction had less hair I personally think it would have looked more like Karlie.
On thread 1 Freddo Frog posted a response to a previous post of mine which related to the question whether it made sense that Kassidi Lally, Karlie's former short term boyfriend of between one and three months, said he didn't recognise Karlie's name (Karlie Pearce-Peterson or Karlie Jade Pearce-Peterson) when it was read out by his current girlfriend from a news item. My post and Freddo Frog's follow and I wish to add another comment.

Quote Originally Posted by Theodora:
There is never any mention of Karlie's father, only her stepfather whose surname was Povey. Perhaps she was known by his name but started using her birth father's name, or another name, as a rebellious act?

Freddo Frog's reply Post:
My husband grew up known by his step-father's name but was never adopted by him. When he went to get his licence he had to use his birth surname, his father's, as that is what is on his birth certificate. He was known by both surnames growing up depending on who knew him. Maybe Karlie was never formally adopted by her stepfather?

Further comment
I noticed that a couple of news items refer to Karlie simply as Karlie Peterson or Karlie Jade Peterson, including the recent public statement put out by Karlie's family. I don't know whether Pearce is the surname of Khandalyce's father, Andrew? However former boyfriend Kassidi might only have known Karlie as Karlie Peterson and therefore not immediately recognise the name when his current girlfriend said it. On the issue of Karlie's name, do we know whether Peterson was the surname of her birth father?

Thank you :) I have seen different combinations of her name, too, and wonder what name she herself went by.
Bikies are certainly feral enough to do something this heinous, also it may explain why others would willingly (and uselessly) dispose of a suitcase containing a child's body.

Would they necessarily kill a little girl, though? Many of the bikies I know of all have kids of their own. Maybe I'm just too naive.
More dashcam photos - IMO clearly showing the fading from black to grey over time (the videos were taken in May and June, then the suitcase was photographed by police in July).

Yes, I did have a look at that original dash cam footage in the other thread. I'm still not convinced that the suitcase that was found by the side of the road was originally black and that it faded to grey in a 2 -3 month period whilst on the side of the road, in autumn/winter, given the evidence supplied in the dash cam videos and the evidence supplied showing the suitcase after it was found. This is only my opinion. I wanted to try and establish whether "suitcase" man was valid, from the eye witness accounts that he was seen with a black suitcase, prior to the suitcase being found on the side of the road. (If he was seen with a black suitcase to start with - or maybe with the lighting, it was really grey, lol? :facepalm: ), as the coincidence of him being there, at that particular time, in those particular circumstances, with a suitcase, in my view, is quite extraordinary.

Regarding the date stamps on the dash cam video, trying to fathom them out, as I think I stated in a previous thread, they don't appear to make sense, as one of the earlier date stamps appeared to show the suitcase looking greyer, (when one would expect it to look blacker) and in one of the more recent date stamps the suitcase appeared blacker, (when one would expect it to look greyer), which as I said, could have been from the actual time of day, cast shadows, etc, etc. Unless I read that incorrectly, which I'm quite sure someone will point out.

In any case, I think the police have already said they don't think the "suitcase" man is relevant, so it's all mute. I just wanted to work it out for myself to enable me to come to an informed opinion. Everyone else could be right and I could be totally wrong, which is fine. I'm always the first to admit when I'm wrong. But based on the evidence at this time, I don't believe the suitcase was originally black and faded to grey.

Would they necessarily kill a little girl, though? Many of the bikies I know of all have kids of their own. Maybe I'm just too naive.

You could say the same thing about any group though .. would a washing machine repair man kill a child? No, many do not .. is it possible .. yes. I think bikies are just as likely to be kid fiddlers and as scout leaders are, I'd say they're MORE likely to be homicidal based on what we know outlaw motorcycle clubs are about, ie shifting drugs.
I cant find the article now, but I read in a recent report that police believe the man reportedly seen carrying the suitcase is no longer 'relevant' to the investigation - but they still want to know who he is, for completeness.
That surprised me. He may not have committed murders, but how can he be no longer relevant if he was carrying a suitcase with the child's remains in it? Where did he get it from? Why did he dump it?

There is a video at the below link of DS Bray - at the 7.58 mark he says the Man with the suitcase is largely irrelevant because he continues to be seen carrying his suitcase since the recovery of Khandalyce. But they would still like to talk to him.
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