AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #2

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And where are Khandalyce's stroller and car seat? Maybe you mother's have some idea's about that?
How do you dispose of old car seats and strollers? And would you get rid of your kids old cothes together with the stroller and car seat? And in what way? Take it to a dump all at once?

What's the logic of storing the clothes, but apparently get rid of the car seat and stroller?

If you really wanted to get rid of the clothes, you could have burned them right away?

Well, the car seat you can't give to Vinnies, they won't take them.
You have to leave it out for council pick-up (if you have those in your council area) or take them to the tip (they take up a lot of space in a wheelie bin).

The stroller and clothes you could just drop off to Vinnies if they were still good. Disposal: Umbrella strollers fit into a bin easily; bigger pram-style ones go out to council pick-up (like the seat; if you don't have roadside hard rubbish collections you'd have to go to the tip yourself).

Storing the clothes is a bit weird tbh. It would be very easy to chuck a bag of clothes into a Vinnies bin somewhere.
And where are Khandalyce's stroller and car seat? Maybe you mother's have some idea's about that?
How do you dispose of old car seats and strollers? And would you get rid of your kids old cothes together with the stroller and car seat? And in what way? Take it to a dump all at once?

What's the logic of storing the clothes, but apparently get rid of the car seat and stroller?

If you really wanted to get rid of the clothes, you could have burned them right away?

I'm not a mum, but I think it would be easy to sell on baby gear like child seats and pushchairs without causing suspicion. Parents are always getting rid of old baby stuff they don't need any more. I reckon the killer would have sold/donated them, as well as any clothing that was not implicated in the actual crime.

I reckon the killer thinks the clothing disposed of with the suitcase and body has incriminating evidence on it, and needed to be dumped.
Wow! I am wayyyy behind but it seems like lately everytime I'm away from this forum for a few days things blow up with one case or another. I am just shocked at the developments in this case and that they not only identified the girl in the suitcase but that they tied her to the mother and she was a murder victim as well. I can only hope they find out who did this now that they have their names back so justice can be served. I admit I didn't see this coming at all but good job to LE for IDing both of them.
She'd have been the perfect victim for a serial killer, young, small, with a child, out on her own in the world .. loose family ties, and no guy around to protect her.
And it would be really stupid (huge risk), to hide the body in NSW for years and then drive across the border with a little girls remains in your car/truck, that was battered to death. And why do that. The Belanglo Angel was supposed to be most likely a teenager that hadn't spent much time in Australia. So no reason to move Khandalyce's body 1200 miles away.

If the two bodies had been found together I think it would have taken a lot less time for them to be connected.
Regarding the suitcase by the way. What if there are 2 suitcases. It looks like a substatial part of Khandalyce's belongings (or maybe even all of it) was contained in the suitcase that contained her remains.

But where are Karlie's clothes, phone etc.

I think we can assume that the item with the Miss X Australia the police wanted info about, probably has been Karlie's. And there was hearsay about a woman's string being in it as well. Assuming that that's true. Then there are things of Karlie in "Khandalyce's suitcase". But there was (as far as we know) no suitcase full of Karlie's clothes found with Karlie's body.

So what does it mean?
- Is there a second suitcase with Karlie's stuff out there?
- Is suitcaseman carrying it around?
- Was Khandalyce killed first in/around Wynarka where she was staying with Karlie (Karlie's items in Khandalyce's suitcase). And was Karlie transported to BS Forest after that and killed there?

I do not think Khandalyce was also killed in/around BS Forest as well and then transported back to Wynarka, right away or recently. Khandalyce's body must have been in a place where the body could have decayed to bones first, before it could be put in a suitcase with 50 items (or it couldn't have fit in the suitcase).

And it would be really stupid (huge risk), to hide the body in NSW for years and then drive across the border with a little girls remains in your car/truck, that was battered to death. And why do that. The Belanglo Angel was supposed to be most likely a teenager that hadn't spent much time in Australia. So no reason to move Khandalyce's body 1200 miles away.
2 suitcases, great thinking :)
Miss X Australia ... Are we sure that's clothing as there is another company called this in Australia.
So a total cost of $300 in fuel and 26 hours driving time to dump the suitcase. Who would do that and why?

Wonder if whoever it is moved from one place to another. Brought the remains with him/her/them?
Wonder if whoever it is moved from one place to another. Brought the remains with him/her/them?

Could be that. But if avoiding getting caught and thrown in jail for life was the aim the $300 in fuel might be money well spent.
Karlies car was on sold. That information would be gold. Police would be backtracking that version of events. Someone sold Karlies car in NSW. If Karlie was murdered in NSW. There is an engagement ring, or to that effect on the finger in Adelaide soon after departure from Alice. karlie got engaged in Alice? Or the image in the shopping centre is wrong time place?

I find it hard to believe she wasn't getting benefits. single mums dont have to report every fortnight and she would of been getting atleast $1000 a fortnight, id say police know she was getting benefits because they know of her previous locations that she would of reported to centrelink to claim renting assistance

“We know that at different times they have been in Darwin, Alice Springs, Adelaide, Canberra … we know that they stayed in cabin parks, motels and caravan parks along those routes and possibly along the Murray Mallee and Riverlands,” Bray said.
Sorry Jane, that link is not loading for me. However from the link you posted in your #304 post above, there is the following.

The two were spotted on the highway near Coober Pedy, SA, on November 8, 2008. There was another unconfirmed sighting in December in the Territory. The Territory meaning the ACT?

And further on;

But Karlie didn't call. She had been bludgeoned to death - her skeleton had been discovered by trial bike riders in Belanglo.

This is the first of heard of Karlie's cause of death. I really don't recall ever reading anything about cause of death when she was first found and it is something that police usually don't release to the public until they have made an arrest.

This whole case is absolutely horrific!

I wonder if the reference to being bludgeoned to death is the guess of the journalist, or perhaps an off the record comment by police or someone to the journalist, as I don't recall seeing that before. I think the article in #304 is incorrect in its account of the photo handed to police that shows Khandalyce in the stroller with the quilt behind her. That seems to have been taken a long time before the photo of Khandalyce in the pink dress pushing the stroller. I understand it is the photo of Khandalyce in the pink dress that was taken at Marion shopping centre in early November 2008.

"The Territory" is usually used to refer to the Northern Territory. I have never heard the Australian Capital Territory called the Territory, just its full name or "the ACT".
It would be interesting to know exactly where her body was found, as you can see from this map when you first enter the forest from the Hume Highway you enter a series of fire trails which are quite well used (lots of orientation markers, and clear signs of human activity etc).


However, west of the entry the forest becomes a lot more remote, I believe it was in this second area that Milat killed and dumped his victims, it would be interesting to know if it was the same with Karlie's killer.


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It is horrific, the "bludgeoned" part might be journalist assumption again though (this case is getting way more than it's fair share :( ). Police said in an ABC article I saw that they specifically weren't going to release any details re cause of death. I think one journo assumed it was a beating of some sort because of the repeated police comments that it was violent & because they know that assessment was made using only skeletal remains - so they've come up with something that fits & they've run with it. Broken bones from a beating aren't the only forensic possibility though, there's at least 4 others (2 of them are exceedingly unlikely though).

Found the quote -

Of course there could be a police leak & this journo is 100% right. I guess only time will tell.

An article in the The Daily Mail was a bit more specific, but I do agree that it could be journalistic creativity. Or not....

All that police have revealed so far was that their deaths were ‘extremely violent’. Both died in brutal circumstances and were almost certainly murdered. Certain fractures suggest they were bashed to death.
WIth the latest news that police speculate their deaths could be from the hands of a serial killer this has got me thinking about a number of different things.

How could this link in with the paedophile scenario? I haven't heard of a paedophile serial killer in Australia before but that doesn't say there isn't one or more out there.

Could it have been a transient who is responsible? Someone who has no need to be anywhere at any particular time on any particular route and doesn't have any ties to anyone or anything. I thought a backpacker but they would need to be able to access bank accounts at some stage or do some cash-in-hand or paid jobs to supplement their income and they would have to mingle with others who could possibly identify them. Then again, they might just keep to themselves and become 'invisible' to those around them. If you are 'invisible' to those around you it could help you to fly under the radar as it were.

Could the person who police interviewed have been Karlie's ex-partner, the one who assaulted his wife? I can't find anything to say he is a paedophile so maybe not.

I am still stuck on a possible reason for the two to be so far apart though, other than to make it harder for police to link them. If it's a serial killer why would he or she keep Khandalyce and why would she end up so far away from her mum and why there?

I don't know if I'm sold on the 'suitcase man' but if I had to include him I would say he is a relative trying to protect someone.

Just my pre-blood test morning musings.
These days its called parenting payment, either partnered or single. Karlie also would have been entitled to family tax payments provided she had claimed child support from Khandles father. If you don't make every effort to collect child support they can cut your payments off.
A fortnightly payment, is that right? It used to be called Child Endowment in my day.

Showing your age Makara. I remember this too. Lol[/QUOTE]

When I was born my mum recalled getting like the equivalent of 20c a month or fortnight. When I was in primary school 20c would buy me a heap of lollies at the milk bar :) Freckles and milk bottles were my favourite :D
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Image courtesy Kustom via Google earth

Karlie left where motocross bikes, Candles left where motocross bikes

Good point, Crabstick. Wynarka has a car racing "Enduro" track too. Before I read The Australian newspaper story on Saturday, I am sure I read a report on Karlie's life before she left Alice Springs that said she was interested in "drag racing". Darren Ashley, the older man with whom she was said to have been involved at some point in 2006, was also said to be in the drag racing community. Karlie left Alice Springs in 2006 according to The Australian report.

Police have said they are satisfied that Mr Ashley was not involved in the deaths of Karlie and Khandalyce but it is possible that Karlie continued to be involved in drag racing after she left Alice Springs. Crabstick's observations make me wonder if someone in the drag racing community was involved in leaving the suitcase near Wynarka.
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