AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #2

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Wouldn't the family payment for the little girl still go into Karlie's account regardless of Karlie receiving a centrelink payment herself?
Dear filthy low life *advertiser censored*****s. I will be sitting back enjoying every minute of watching you in handcuffs on the news. I don't drink but I might even pop a bottle of champagne when you are arrested. And you will be arrested!!!! I also hope you read this just so you know how hated you are and how disgusted people are by your actions!! You are the lowest of the low. You deserve to rot in hell !!!
Sorry makara if this isn't allowed. Just so angry!!
the woman in the wheelchair that was in the bank with Karlies identification would probably be able to answer that , maybe changed her name and has more fraudulent papers to do it and show them , the scum , nothing surprises me now .
I just listened to the video again and he says wages of A person, with an emphasis on the A (at about 3.10). It's possible the wages
were Karlie's (depending on timing) or another person. I suspect the emphasis was just to leave it open.

Can anyone recall whether the impression that Karlie did not receive welfare payments was based on a previous police statement? I had the strong impression that they said she did not and did not have a bank account, but perhaps what they said was that, at that point, they did not have that information.

I think I read that Karlie's family set up a separate "find Karlie" facebook page when Karlie's mother Colleen was known to be very ill. There was a reference to someone, I think it was Karlie's cousin, asking her to contact before it was too late (ie before Colleen died). I'm sure I read somewhere that the find Karlie facebook page was closed by the family at some point. Karlie also seems to have a facebook page opened in 2008 under her first name and last surname (Karlie Stevenson) that has no sign of use since 2008 (ie the timeline only has 2008 on it but no public entries, no photos, although it shows 21 friends and their facebook profile photos.
17/11/2008 Rabbit Photo/Strandbags (Mt Gambier)

Interesting to note that there was a purchase at Strandbags. The Lanza suitcase apparently was marketed solely by Strandbags.

7/01/2009 EFTPOS Purchase Mobil (Alice Springs )

Whoever was using Karlie's EFTPOS card was in Alice Springs in early 2009. This would have been just after she was murdered.


Maybe someone that knew her then. Knew enough to impersonate her too.

Righto so we know that Karlie was in Adelaide and met a friend at a shopping centre there, was it around the 2nd of nov? Then it appears she was travelling north back towards alice springs - then inexpliciably decides to travel over to the ACT before christmas (and I think this is where and when she was murdered - dec 08) and then back to sa in the new year. in fact, in alice springs 7th of Jan!

I'm beginning to think it wasnt an opportunistic murder - someone/s knew Karlie and not just as a fleeting aquaintance.

I wonder if this transaction was to purchase the suitcase

17/11/2008 Rabbit Photo/Strandbags (Mt Gambier)
If loans were applied for through Centrelink I wonder if they could locate the date through bank/Centrelink records and go back and check surveillance on that day. From memory, loans had to be applied for in person at Centrelink back then. I'm sure they'd be looking into it. I just thought if they had footage of the identity thief it would be easier for the public to help id them.

I think they'd be lucky to get any CCTV footage after all these years, but I'm sure they're trying.
So these people used her phone till 2011 and her bank account till 2015. Just wow!! Posed as karlie at centrelink and the bank! Surely there is a paper trail leading back to these scum!!!

Dear filthy low life *advertiser censored*****s. I will be sitting back enjoying every minute of watching you in handcuffs on the news. I don't drink but I might even pop a bottle of champagne when you are arrested.

You won't be the only one popping the champagne cork on that day
I wonder if this transaction was to purchase the suitcase

17/11/2008 Rabbit Photo/Strandbags (Mt Gambier)

For a lady that travelled a lot - she must of decided she'd need a new once if she was going to be awhile - hence over to Canberra a few weeks later. I know there's perhaps a lot to be deduced from that - maybe she had a broken suitcase that needed replacing... or she expected she would be away from NT/SA for a longer period. For work? Fleeing someone?
Maybe someone that knew her then. Knew enough to impersonate her too.

It just gives me chills. The EFTPOS transaction was at a Mobil service station and I'm wondering if it was Karlie's car they were getting fuel for in Alice Springs? My hinky meter is rising by the minute here!
If loans were applied for through Centrelink I wonder if they could locate the date through bank/Centrelink records and go back and check surveillance on that day. From memory, loans had to be applied for in person at Centrelink back then. I'm sure they'd be looking into it. I just thought if they had footage of the identity thief it would be easier for the public to help id them.

Nah,I think phone application was brought in earlier than that. However they may have decided to apply by form rather than over the phone just cos that's less contact. What makes me wonder is are there any lodged forms of any sort on file or in batch store? Are they glossy enough paper to hold a good print for years?
For a lady that travelled a lot - she must of decided she'd need a new once if she was going to be awhile - hence over to Canberra a few weeks later. I know there's perhaps a lot to be deduced from that - maybe she had a broken suitcase that needed replacing... or she expected she would be away from NT/SA for a longer period. For work? Fleeing someone?

The suitcase Khandalye was found in was distributed solely by Strandbags. We're wondering if the purchase at Strandbags at Mt. Gambier in November 2008 was when Karlie (or someone else) actually purchased that suitcase.
Nah,I think phone application was brought in earlier than that. However they may have decided to apply by form rather than over the phone just cos that's less contact. What makes me wonder is are there any lodged forms of any sort on file or in batch store? Are they glossy enough paper to hold a good print for years?
Most of the paper or forms for centrelink have no gloss but are smooth

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I think they'd be lucky to get any CCTV footage after all these years, but I'm sure they're trying.
Yes I meant to ask if anyone knew how long they kept cctv footage for. another thought, don't Centrelink check photo ID? if so this person must have resembled Karlie in some way. Even if this person went to the rta and got her own licence/photo ID in Karlie's name you would think they would have had other photos of Karlie on file to compare to considering she had a drivers licence unless of course they don't keep a record from state to state.

sorry I was assuming that the woman in the wheelchair must have presented herself to Centrelink pretending to be Karlie with her id, cards etc etc.
It just gives me chills. The EFTPOS transaction was at a Mobil service station and I'm wondering if it was Karlie's car they were getting fuel for in Alice Springs? My hinky meter is rising by the minute here!

Alice is essentially a small town. Her car would have been recognised I'm sure. I wish they would release some CCTV pics of the perpetrators....
Yes I meant to ask if anyone knew how long they kept cctv footage for. another thought, don't Centrelink check photo ID? if so this person must have resembled Karlie in some way. Even if this person went to the rta and got her own licence/photo ID in Karlie's name you would think they would have had other photos of Karlie on file to compare to considering she had a drivers licence unless of course they don't keep a record from state to state.
Im a carer for my mum centrelink have never asked me for photo id just my centrelink number which is on health care cards and concession cards

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I'm starting early - it's a done deal that they WILL be caught.

I think it's just a matter now of dotting the i's and crossing the t's. What's the bet they all rat on each other? Hope so!
centrelink last payments were in 2011 and bank card in march 2012 cannot remember the phone
When did phone and bank access stop? I imagine when Karlie's body was found although it wasn't identified would have been a pretty close call for the preps...... Time to stop all trace.

makes me sad, so trashy and opportunistic..... Bastards!!
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