AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #3

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Karlie died 14 - 15 th December and her card was used the 16th in Charnwood .... the day after. evil ******

Then he goes over to Adelaide for Christmas, up to Alice for a couple of days after new years, and back .. the trip to Alice may have served the purpose of finding out if there was any local concern about Karlie, and to simply set up the beginning of the false narrative. It would be interesting to see what seeds he planted in the minds of people up there during his short stay.
We don't know what she bought at Strandbags. Might have been the suitcase or perhaps a purse or a scarf (they sell them).
However, I do agree that her exit from Alice Springs seemed hurried; like she left after a big argument. So maybe she just chucked stuff into her car and drove off, then needed to buy a bag later.
Perhaps she left Kandles in Mt Gambier and needed a bag for her stuff to go with her.
It's kinda weird that she was in Mt Gambier, isn't it?
I mean, it's not on the way to Canberra, but far out of the way.
So why was she there? Someone there she trusted to mind Kandles for a few day?

I lived in Mt Gambier for a couple of years it is near a prison. There are quite a few residents who have moved there to be close to incarcerated people. There is also a large area which is housing trust, much like Davoren Park/ Elizabeth/ Salisbury - the locals refer to it as the ghetto
Regarding the PIN code -- is it possible Karlie did believe herself to be in love with the killer

he may have persuaded her to leave Khandalyce with a family in the short term

he may have told Karlie that he was well able to care for her financially and to give her card and PIN to those who were taking care of Khandalyce for say -- two weeks, or however long Karlie believed she'd be separated from her daughter

The killer may have told Karlie something like, ' Look, you'll have to give them your card and PIN for the next two weeks, month, whatever. You and I will be doing a lot of travelling. No good for a kid. She'll be better with Dennis and Kaye, BUT they don't have much money and can't afford another mouth to feed. They're good sorts and will look after her, for sure, but you'll have to give them your card and PIN for stuff Khandalyce needs -- you know, clothes, food, that sort of stuff. And if she gets sick, you'll have to make sure they're covered. Don't worry, you'll get your card back when you go to pick Khandy up. And if you don't trust them, you can always change your PIN afterwards .. ok? '
If Karlie was in control of the vehicle, why go to Mt Gambier and buy another bag at Strandbags?

Had Karlie had to make a hasty exit, without clothes or bags? Is this why we saw only minimal clothing in the Khandles bag?

Police believe Khandles was alive after Karlie.


living in Adelaide and getting mixed up in the wrong crowd myself a long time ago I can say that the south east region of South Australia would have been a popular area for people to drop off drugs there from Adelaide, not saying this is what Karlie was doing but I have had my suspicions due to how short her long trips seem to be at her destinations. Towns such as Narracorte & Mt Gambier in South Australias south east could have been locations for drop offs.

this next theory just came to me writing this but maybe Karlie did these drop offs earlier returning the money to the person who got her to do it (these trips to Alice Springs), she meets her old friend from Canberra in Adelaide perhaps, they both do a drop off to SA's south east but flee to Canberra instead of returning to Adelaide with the money. this could explain why there was only one more use of her ATM card for when she was alive, maybe the killer saw her use this or even used it on her behalf. If they had cash on them they wouldn't require an ATM card. Things get out of control one day and he kills her, as they went back to Adelaide I believe they may have returned to pay back who they maybe owed the money, then did some more of these runs to possibly square up the debt, also gave over her ATM card and details for someone else to use.
I am not understanding?
Perhaps he was sure, may have seen her using it.

If this part of her bank card history is complete,

3/11/2008 Purchase at KFC (Port Augusta)

6/11/2008 Purchase McDonalds (Rundle Mall, Adelaide)

9/11/2008 Eftpos Purchase Coles (Alice Springs)

14/11/2008 ATM withdrawal (Kent Town)

17/11/2008 Rabbit Photo/Strandbags (Mt Gambier)

24/11/2008 ATM withdrawal Kippax Fair (Canberra)

16/12/2008 Charnwood (Canberra)

19/12/2008 Deakin (Canberra)

22/12/2008 BP OTR (Broadview)

6/01/2009 Coober Pedy (Coober Pedy)

7/01/2009 EFTPOS Purchase Mobil (Alice Springs )

10/01/2009 ATM withdrawal BP (Broadview)

it seems like she used it (upon arriving in Canberra) once before she died.
And it was 22 days later used again. When she was already dead.

So giving someone else her code to use the card to me doesn't seem likely. Even if she did, that person didn't try till after she died.
I keep coming back to this map:!2m2!1d138.5999594!2d-34.9286212

I really think that Khandalyce's remains had been in Canberra until DH was incarcerated, then 'someone' from SA drove over, put Khandalyce's remains and belongings into the Lanza suitcase, took them back across towards Adelaide, took a turn off the highway, and dumped them at Wynarka, then drove on home.
But why Wynarka when there were endless square kilometres of rugged virgin bush south-east of Canberra -- hundreds of heavily forested, deep gorges where the suitcase would be unlikely to ever be discovered and where the only partial access is by logging roads where another vehicle isn't seen in an entire day. Why Wynarka and why just off the side of the road opposite a tiny hamlet where there are less than a dozen people with not much too do all day apart from notice anything that's out of place?
If it turns out that she did in fact purchase the suitcase from strandbags it is a possibility that if Karlie left home in a hurry she may have just thrown Khanalyce's and her clothing into the one bag.

Then maybe a situation arose for whatever reason and Karlie had to send Khandalyce with someone back to NSW or wherever, then she would need another pack to separate the clothes. Maybe even some of Karlie's clothes got mixed up with Khandalyce's......
But why Wynarka when there were endless square kilometres of rugged virgin bush south-east of Canberra -- hundreds of heavily forested, deep gorges where the suitcase would be unlikely to ever be discovered and where the only partial access is by logging roads where another vehicle isn't seen in an entire day. Why Wynarka and why just off the side of the road opposite a tiny hamlet where there are less than a dozen people with not much too do all day apart from notice anything that's out of place?

No idea .. Laziness or spite?
However, I do agree that her exit from Alice Springs seemed hurried; like she left after a big argument. So maybe she just chucked stuff into her car and drove off, then needed to buy a bag later.

3/11/2008 Purchase at KFC (Port Augusta)

6/11/2008 Purchase McDonalds (Rundle Mall, Adelaide)

9/11/2008 Eftpos Purchase Coles (Alice Springs)

14/11/2008 ATM withdrawal (Kent Town)

17/11/2008 Rabbit Photo/Strandbags (Mt Gambier)

24/11/2008 ATM withdrawal Kippax Fair (Canberra)

16/12/2008 Charnwood (Canberra)

19/12/2008 Deakin (Canberra)

22/12/2008 BP OTR (Broadview)

6/01/2009 Coober Pedy (Coober Pedy)

7/01/2009 EFTPOS Purchase Mobil (Alice Springs )

10/01/2009 ATM withdrawal BP (Broadview)

When you look at the bolded part of the list. She drives 2200 km without using her bank card (only 2x fast food and supermarket 1x, no major purchases). Goes 11 or more days without an ATM withdrawel. Doesn't use her bank card for petrol. Which makes me wonder if someone gave her a lot of cash to do all that driving and not having to use her bank card for hotels etc.

Then I agree with you, she may have made some sort of discision (maybe getting out of what she was involved in). And could very well have left Adelaide hastely, as in getting away fast. Probably used the ATM withdrawel from Kent Town for petrol etc. till she arrived in Canberra and used an ATM again (so nobody was paying her for this trip?).

After she died someone else used her bank card in a different way, buying pertrol with it, which Karlie (it seems like) never did.
At parties, if someone is doing a pub or a pizza run it's not unusual for friends to hand over their card with their orders and their PINs.
I have seen this numerous times.
I don't find it odd that friends know each others' PINs.
You may not remember them, but you often have them written down somewhere.
Hopefully we'll find out very soon!

But why Wynarka when there were endless square kilometres of rugged virgin bush south-east of Canberra -- hundreds of heavily forested, deep gorges where the suitcase would be unlikely to ever be discovered and where the only partial access is by logging roads where another vehicle isn't seen in an entire day. Why Wynarka and why just off the side of the road opposite a tiny hamlet where there are less than a dozen people with not much too do all day apart from notice anything that's out of place?
I think police have left off a lot of transactions from the list we have been given ..
It' always possible Karlie had more than one bank account and more than one card.
I assume most people do.

Perhaps we only know of this one because it is the account the fraud happened on.
3/11/2008 Purchase at KFC (Port Augusta)

6/11/2008 Purchase McDonalds (Rundle Mall, Adelaide)

9/11/2008 Eftpos Purchase Coles (Alice Springs)

14/11/2008 ATM withdrawal (Kent Town)

17/11/2008 Rabbit Photo/Strandbags (Mt Gambier)

24/11/2008 ATM withdrawal Kippax Fair (Canberra)

16/12/2008 Charnwood (Canberra)

19/12/2008 Deakin (Canberra)

22/12/2008 BP OTR (Broadview)

6/01/2009 Coober Pedy (Coober Pedy)

7/01/2009 EFTPOS Purchase Mobil (Alice Springs )

10/01/2009 ATM withdrawal BP (Broadview)

You know what's odd. If Karlie was killed between December 14-15-2008. The killer and/or the identitity fraud people must have been really sure of the code of her bank card. The card was used 24/11 probably when she'd just arrived, and made an ATM withdrawel (was someone observing her doing so). Then there was no activity for 22 days. And one or 2 days after her death, it was used again.

So was someone who knew her really well with her, who knew her code?

Do you know what is odd now we know when Karlie passed 14th to 15th of December 2008 why did karlie go back to Alice springs on the 9th November?? Rundel mall in Adelaide to Alice springs is 1,530km distance 14hr 51min drive.......I thought Karlie left Alice springs and didn't go back? what am i missing??
I thnk you are probably all right, some more than others.

The thing is, the car was sold to someone. The car has then since disappeared.
What happens when you do none of the above. The car is gone, the rego out, but plates not handed in?

Do they send out Montys on horseback, or wait till something goes down before chasing it, leaving a non-registered, non handed in plates existence. Police must have known straight away where the car was, because it was bought, although as a wreck from South Australia, that could muddie the waters, as again, like Karlie, the problem has ended up in another state in the hands another database.

There is a lot of assets that have gone interstate in this crime. Its like a transcontinental cluster

I suspect after Karlie was murdered, the perpetrator sold her car to someone else (gaining yet more money from Karlie's death). The police have managed to track that person, however, they are not saying why they are unable to find the car now. Given that the police have said that that person who had ownership of the car was not involved in Karlie's death (I think that's right, from memory), they may have passed it on to someone else, or resold it. This is where we are lost, because we don't have any further information. If the car was still registered, (that is by the new owner, or the now 2nd owner after Karlie had the car) the police would have the details of that person from the Roads & Maritime Services (or whatever state it was last registered in). However, we don't know if they have this information, whether the car has been simply passed on, resold again, or left in the street somewhere, abandoned on a remote property, scrapped or whatever. I would think the police would like to get hold of the car for forensic purposes, not necessarily because the person who last had the car is involved in any way with Karlie's murder, but that's just my thoughts.

Normally, they if a car is unregistered and the plates haven't been handed in, the registering authority won't bother to chase it - there are probably thousands of cars that haven't been correctly disposed of. If you own a vehicle and the registration period lapses, the registration authority will send you a letter "reminding" you that it is no longer registered and that you have to hand the plates in, or re-register it. And that's about it. It's all computer generated. They would only look into it if they have a reason to, or rather, the police have directed them to - that is, the vehicle was involved in a crime, or was reported as stolen.

All very confusing ... :facepalm:
Quote: ' Holdom appeared via audio visual link from Cessnock Correctional Centre, wearing prison greens, on Thursday morning.

His Legal Aid solicitor, Peter Cleaves, told magistrate John Chicken that his client did not wish to appear in court in any form - not even by video link.

But Mr Chicken refused the request.

"Given the nature of the charge I think it's appropriate that he appear by AVL," he said
End quote

The accused wanted to be invisible

Maybe he's scared people will come out of the woodwork if by chance they get sight of him?

Scared other crimes he may have committed will surface?
Yes, same here

Looks like they've given us one innocuous transaction from each point of the journeys. Enough to work out the basic travel routes, but not enough to show exact movements at each stage.
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