AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #4

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And we sit in the peanut gallery scratching our heads waiting for the 'AHA moment' ...

We know the score don't we my friend. So good to see you again Poss.

I'm interested in this pic that 'the bloody media' took for us. (Tongue in cheek comment)

Noticed what looks like a Holden shirt being a little worn but who is standing nearby side the car with their face blurred out?
It's not a member of the media.


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Your Crackbook is not private. Crackbook will sell your images to anyone. Crackbook own the images you upload.

If the media take your images you took on your Facebook, they must reimburse you for the 'money they made' out of the image.
Thats the difference, unless they buy the image off Crackbook.

This is why it is also important you reference your image sources. Because someone else might have paid for that image even though you didn't make money out of the image. That way Websleuth traffic goes through the news article and checks out the advertising revenue. Its the circle of love.

The problem is, the photos of DH were found on her and HPs facebook pages, that were available to the public. The newsmedia has taken them and published them more widely, but they weren't confidential or private.
Great question . I would of thought DH would of taken care of the child .

On second thought, I'm not so sure. <modsnip> I wonder whether the hospital and social services (not to mention HP) would have released her into his care after the crash? I would imagine they'd insist she go with someone else, like family of HP.

And where would she have been when DH was (allegedly)committing his crimes?
A house at Hillbank was also raided by police last week, Holdom and Passmore once lived there together.

They left abruptly in 2011 leaving behind their possessions, including a shrine to her two children killed in a car crash, and her prosthetic leg.

Not covering any new ground here, but he seems to have had a hell of a hold over women, which leads me to wonder if it is chemical, financial, or just general intimidation or even codependency. You don't leave a home and shrine abruptly for an adventure. (I accept that prosthetic legs get uncomfortable and are upgraded).
My opinion only
As mentioned by someone else, this information must be incorrect, since HP lived in Hillbank up until 2011. Not sure when she moved to Davoren Park, but it would have been after that.

I think the reporter from 7 News was confused. Some might say he was lying, but given how much confusion there is on this board, I'm not surprised that the reporters have a hard time keeping it straight.

DH and Kandhalyce may have been seen by someone at the Hillbank home without Karlie, which could possibly be the source of information that the little girl survived longer than her mother.
The reporter did not attempt to indicate *when* D H and Khandalyce were seen at the property, and did not attempt to indicate *who* resided in the property at that time.

The thing the reporter emphasised was *this house.*

Why are people assuming that the Davoren Park property was unknown to anyone associated with this case until a certain person moved into it sometime after leaving Hillbank in 2011?

It is possible that the reporter ‘got it wrong’.

It is also possible that the reporter knew exactly what he was saying and that he said it for a reason.

In other words: It is possible that *this house* was connected to this case as early as c. 2008.

It is also possible that it was not connected. Unfortunately, the general public doesn’t have access to all the information.
Well, I kind of feel sorry for the egg throwing guy (he should have tried a garden hose). As far as we know, he has nothing to do with this case. How hard is it to put a police guy next to their house to keep the press at a distance. There's also kids involved whose lived are turned upside down right now.

I do wonder however who's standing at the door opening at 4.22


I imagine you would have to ask for police to stay at your house but if I was him I would stay inside and call the police and tell them they are being harassed and let the police move the media on. Then again, I think the police have a vested interest in the media being at the house, most likely waiting for the residents to crack and say or do something they're going to regret.

Reminiscent of the Baden-Clay case? Hiring the services of a high-powered and expensive (criminal?) lawyer very early on before being named a suspect or charged with anything?

Someone earlier on mentioned the lawyer often does pro-bono work, as do many others. I believe this may be the case here.

What ... she wrote on Facebook "have you ever looked at someone and thought ... yep, you have a person locked in your basement" ,
wowsers , she wrote that , i was wondering where that info came from as I've seen it mentioned here a few times . IMO , surely she had to be referring to DH but then again who knows what or who she was referring to . yes i also believe IMO , that TB would be a great witness too, at the time intentionally NOT knowing then , what she may know Now , poor thing , things maybe falling into place for her , now , regarding DH's actions , back then . its also I'm my opinion , that she didn't have anything to do with the fraud as , i believe she met DH in 2012 and also , later in 2012 , they were engaged . By 2011 , Karlies centrelink had be cancelled due to an issue . BUT she may know something about the ABN .. IMO

I didn't think we could mention what is written on a person's FB page but if we can then I've got questions about stuff I've read.

IIRC the media camped outside Baden-Clay until he relented with that blubbering interview and the same with Kristi Abrahams she relented with her memorable performance. Hopefully the same will happen in this case....its actually started already with the egg throwing and the abuse...they will trip up and the media and police know it. Do you honestly think the media would actually waste time on innocent people?
I care only for any children involved.

IMO the media help the police and the police help the media.

The newbies will see this over time just wait and see.

Agree. As Baldrick would say, "I have a cunning plan."

We know the score don't we my friend. So good to see you again Poss.

I'm interested in this pic that 'the bloody media' took for us. (Tongue in cheek comment)

Noticed what looks like a Holden shirt being a little worn but who is standing nearby side the car with their face blurred out?
It's not a member of the media.

Could it just be a friend or neighbour and they've asked the media to blur out their face? I see tv shows (like Border Security etc) where bystanders and others have their faces blurred out and I'm assuming they would have said they didn't want to be identified. I don't know how it would go if it was for a near-live or otherwise news report. After the confrontation I can't imagine the person walking up to the camera person and asking to have their face blurred. But yes, I did wonder whose face was hidden.
You don't leave a home and shrine abruptly for an adventure.

Just speculating, but perhaps they broke up at that point (neighbours report they fought a lot, perhaps there was some kind of violence) and she left without a chance to take everything. He was with a different woman in 2012.
It occurs to me, I wonder who took care of HP's daughter while she was in hospital in Adelaide in the last months of 2008? Obviously we can't know, but was she at the house in Hillbank with DH?

Don't know when they started leasing the Hillbank property.

Found a news article online -- 31 October 2015 -- which added a few small pieces on information (for me) about vacating the Hillbank property.
All of the above? A, B, C., and D

They may not have retunred to the house they were in for a reason, which is unbeknown to us

Not covering any new ground here, but he seems to have had a hell of a hold over women, which leads me to wonder if it is chemical, financial, or just general intimidation or even codependency. You don't leave a home and shrine abruptly for an adventure. (I accept that prosthetic legs get uncomfortable and are upgraded).
My opinion only
Your Crackbook is not private. Crackbook will sell your images to anyone. Crackbook own the images you upload.

If the media take your images you took on your Facebook, they must reimburse you for the 'money they made' out of the image.
Thats the difference, unless they buy the image off Crackbook.

This is why it is also important you reference your image sources. Because someone else might have paid for that image even though you didn't make money out of the image. That way Websleuth traffic goes through the news article and checks out the advertising revenue. Its the circle of love.

According to the FB terms and conditions,

"You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings."


"For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it."

And finally,

"When you publish content or information using the Public setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture)."

Then there is this confusing clarification...

I agree that FB is not private, no matter how locked down your profile is. I hate when people tag others in a post or photo on my page and I will remove those tags if I feel it necessary. I also have anything that I am tagged in set so that I have to approve it to my timeline or not. Generally I don't unless it's a funny video or the like. If I have posted something and I see someone has shared it and it's not something I want shared I will delete my original post.

In a nutshell, people should have their FB locked down as tight as they can and be vigilant about what they post and who they 'friend'. Then again if it wasn't for lax profile settings people can't go sleuthing...
Don't know when they started leasing the Hillbank property.

Found a news article online -- 31 October 2015 -- which added a few small pieces on information (for me) about vacating the Hillbank property.

From above article. I had to screenshot as I couldn't cut and paste the individual paragraphs without getting the whole article.



  • image.jpg
    77.7 KB · Views: 415
The reporter did not attempt to indicate *when* D H and Khandalyce were seen at the property, and did not attempt to indicate *who* resided in the property at that time.

The thing the reporter emphasised was *this house.*

Why are people assuming that the Davoren Park property was unknown to anyone associated with this case until a certain person moved into it sometime after leaving Hillbank in 2011?

It is possible that the reporter &#8216;got it wrong&#8217;.

It is also possible that the reporter knew exactly what he was saying and that he said it for a reason.

In other words: It is possible that *this house* was connected to this case as early as c. 2008.

It is also possible that it was not connected. Unfortunately, the general public doesn&#8217;t have access to all the information.

True, it's possible that, for eg, HPs current partner and family were friends with HP and her family in 2008.

The reporter says "they were both seen at this house and neighbours are now worried about the welfare of the children still inside" Around the 2:40 mark

I think his comment may have come out of his interview with the (unofficial) Child Services Advocate guy that was featured just before the 2:40 mark. I wouldn't depend on that person's information being insider knowledge.
Not covering any new ground here, but he seems to have had a hell of a hold over women, which leads me to wonder if it is chemical, financial, or just general intimidation or even codependency. You don't leave a home and shrine abruptly for an adventure. (I accept that prosthetic legs get uncomfortable and are upgraded).
My opinion only

He's not my packet of biscuits but I wonder if he is providing some kind of father-figure element to their lives? I don't know about their backgrounds, so it's only speculation and my opinion. Has he come in like a knight in shining armour and vowed to take care of them and whisk them away to a 'better' life? I imagine he would be smooth and charming and then slowly grind them down and lift them back up. I totally agree with a previous poster who wondered if there's a history of DV in his relationships, I don't doubt it.

There is a missing teenager in Brisbane who is believed to have been murdered by a much older man she met online for paid sex. I can't remember her name (now know her to be Tiffany Taylor), I think she is only 16 or so, but she was living with her much older boyfriend (I think I read the had known each other since she was 12 but he is adamant they only developed a sexual relationship shortly after she turned 16 and I must stress that I have not read that he is a suspect in her suspected murder) in a motel and their car and wherever else they could sleep. When I read her story I wondered what it was that she felt she was missing in her life to be attracted to that man and why she felt it was okay to leave home for him, what is the attraction to a man old enough to potentially be your father? I wonder the same thing about Holdom and the young women he has been linked with through the media (and I think more women will either come forward to say they were involved with him or they will be outed by the media).
We also wondered if witnesses could of gotten confused between khandalyse and HP's daughter who is around the same age as khandels was

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I suggest that any Davoren Park neighbours who claim to have seen Khandalyce have been neighbours for a loooong time. I would credit them with knowing the difference between Khandalyce and a child with whom they are by now well acquainted.

Further: there's something unique about Khandalyce.... And that is her name. I had not heard of the name Khandalyce before Wynarka Angel was identified. If witnesses are saying that they saw Khandalyce then I suspect they're going on more than age and blonde hair.
He's not my packet of biscuits but I wonder if he is providing some kind of father-figure element to their lives? I don't know about their backgrounds, so it's only speculation and my opinion. Has he come in like a knight in shining armour and vowed to take care of them and whisk them away to a 'better' life? I imagine he would be smooth and charming and then slowly grind them down and lift them back up. I totally agree with a previous poster who wondered if there's a history of DV in his relationships, I don't doubt it.

There is a missing teenager in Brisbane who is believed to have been murdered by a much older man she met online for paid sex. I can't remember her name, I think she is only 16 or so, but she was living with her much older boyfriend (I think I read the had known each other since she was 12 but he is adamant they only developed a sexual relationship shortly after she turned 16 and I must stress that I have not read that he is a suspect in her suspected murder) in a motel and their car and wherever else they could sleep. When I read her story I wondered what it was that she felt she was missing in her life to be attracted to that man and why she felt it was okay to leave home for him, what is the attraction to a man old enough to potentially be your father? I wonder the same thing about Holdom and the young women he has been linked with through the media (and I think more women will either come forward to say they were involved with him or they will be outed by the media).

The young woman you are referring to is Tiffany Taylor. Thanks for bringing her up. Let's not forget her!

As for DJH and the young women he's preyed on a lot DV work focussed on teaching women to have the kind of boundaries they were never taught at home. All too often we hear about young teenage girls who form relationships with an older friend of their parents'. You have to wonder what kind of friend would choose to be with a teenage girl rather than someone their own age. Likely they are the controlling and sometimes violent types.
Not covering any new ground here, but he seems to have had a hell of a hold over women, which leads me to wonder if it is chemical, financial, or just general intimidation or even codependency. You don't leave a home and shrine abruptly for an adventure. (I accept that prosthetic legs get uncomfortable and are upgraded).
My opinion only

I have wondered if they left in a hurry because either they thought the law was catching up with them or someone was after them. Even though they got away with this for years they'd be stupid not to worry that they might eventually get caught:
Reminiscent of the Baden-Clay case? Hiring the services of a high-powered and expensive (criminal?) lawyer very early on before being named a suspect or charged with anything?
AFAIK it hasn't been officially stated, but W Boucat SC has done a lot of pro bono defence work in the past so he may be working pro bono for HP.
Doesn't legal aid pay for any lawyer you want for criminal matters?
Doesn't legal aid pay for any lawyer you want for criminal matters?
In my previous experience on this matter, I was given a list of lawyers who were registered to represent legal aid clients. My first post BTW [emoji4]

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