AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #5

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My understanding is that ;
on the 24 th of June 2010 , a woman in a wheel chair , accompanied by a man went to the Aust. credit Union in Elizabeth to update banking records and held a conversation with the bank . This male and wheelchair female were able to convince that Bank , that the female in the wheel chair was Karlie.

Then on the 15th of Dec 2010, a female , went to a centre link appointment at Salisbury and said that she was Karlie and also had documents for herself and Khandalyce BUT they do not know , if female is the same as the one in the wheelchair , who attended the Bank , earlier that same year . [ NO MENTION OF A WHEELCHAIR at the centrelink appointment ]

its in my opinion , that they are two different woman , that is why , in the first police interview , they said that they are possibly looking for at least 2 females .

The not knowing if she was in a wheelchair makes a HUGE amount of sense & fits with everything I know/knew as a C'link employee. This may well have been Hazel. No-one documents appearance there, come to Clink with your head bandaged & a broken leg & everyone there THAT day will notice.

A week later, years later though, the only way of confirming your appearance that day would be if you handed in a medical certificate describing those treatments.

If the "two women" scenario is based only on there being nothing to prove the Clink woman attended in a wheelchair, well it's entirely possible there is no second woman.
Would the older man seen walking with the suitcase in Wynarka be a relative of those involved who wanted the remains etc to be discovered?
makes sense.... I maintain that the purpose of the call was not about the money in the primary sense.. that call was about steering anyone of Karlie's family away from the position of considering Karlie and Khandles as 'Missing Persons'.. that was the crucial element, the reason for the risk taking , the basis of the calls, not only to Colleen, but the texts etc to other members of the family and/or friends of Karlie..

It was essential that Karlie not be 'Missing'.. a MissingPerson attracts bloody trackers and whatnot, and the first thing is, bank accounts are checked.

Now.. Karlie's bank account was accessed two days after the police have declared the date of her murder. It is logical to assume that the killer is using the card and accessing the account. And this accessing of Karlie's account goes on, so that by the time they are in the invidious position of having to ring Colleen, ( not a lot of choice at this point for the murderer (s) ) they have left quite the trail of electronic footprints all over Karlie's account, so the call to Colleen is a last ditch attempt and throw of the dice to keep Karlie RIGHT OUT of the Missing Persons registry. If they can fool Colleen they are safe. If not, they are stuffed.

But oddly and probably unexpectedly they actually do put Colleen 's mind at rest, at least in the context of Karlie being alive, although absent and uncontactable..... .. a small victory but it did the trick, until someone threw that suitcase on the roadside.

I think for someone to call KP's mum and impersonate her is soooooo risky. But if KP's mum had received a call from KP'S number and heard a little 2 year old on the other end she could very well assume it was her granddaughter and all is well. Little ones do get a hold of mobile phones....My son has made a few calls on my phone before.

a little far fetched but you never know...

btw im really enjoying your posts trooper :clap:
I wonder how he would have got the bank card PIN? Most people don't share that even with a lover, do they? I wonder if police may have published that list of bank card withdrawl locations while Karlie was alive, to see if they could find any evidence that she let DH use it.

I guess what I'm wondering is, was the bank card the whole point of the murder, or just taking advantage of the situation after the fact.
Would the older man seen walking with the suitcase in Wynarka be a relative of those involved who wanted the remains etc to be discovered?

I'm not sure that the man and suitcase are related to this, people's memories of witnessing random strangers after a long period of time are quite unreliable.
EXACTLY!! These guys do not fit the definition of a syndicate. I still am not making a judgement on HPs guilt in the murder but I think the police are using HPs fraudulent actions as bait for larger fish we don't know about yet.

Agreed. I'm assuming that by "syndicate", the police are referring to a larger group of people involved in this. I'm guessing they were all involved in some kind of operation (maybe drug running, stolen cars), <Modsnip> in virtue of the the following:

a) according to bank card statements, she was traveling rather large distances over a short period of time, presumably with her 2 year old in tow (you would not do that with a small child in the back seat for fun).

b) she came to SA to work but there's no mention of a workplace, or any daycare.

c) as has been suggested previously, these people do not appear to have the know-how to be setting up ABNs for money laundering purposes, or actually carrying out any kind of money laundering.

Either there's someone else running the whole operation, or perhaps they sold karlie's identity post 2011, which is being used by a separate group of people for laundering, or even someone without a work permit.

My other question is how they got her bank card pin? According to the police info, her card was used the day after she was killed. yeah, she could've been threatened into giving it over just before she was killed, but it would've been fairly easy for DH to forget it. Perhaps her account was already being used for some other purpose and she wanted out?
I think for some to call KP's mum and impersonate her is soooooo risky. But if KP's mum had received a call and heard a little 2 year old on the other end she could very well assume it was her granddaughter and all is well. Little ones do get a old of mobile phones....My son has made a few calls on my phone before.

btw im really enjoying your posts trooper :clap:

Not at all far fetched, I could well imagine a sick grandmother not sure about the distant adult daughter she is speaking with (with whom she has obviously had difficulties in the past) but then being delighted to "speak" with the now 3-4 yr old "Kandals" who says to this little girl "guess what! I have Grannie in Alice on the phone who really wants to speak with you" (this child is Hazel's daughter of the same age.) Would also explain how they got Connie to send money. My children at three/four years would have had no idea who they were speaking with... they just loved speaking to anyone on the phone!
None of the people we are talking about are living in the lap of luxury. They are small fry and I doubt their abilities to set up companies, ABNs etc. I think someone / group is profiting from all of this. The group needed a social welfare dependent with violent propensities to carry out their plans. HP could simply be the person partnered with the psycho. All the irrational dumb lazy actions are them acting on their own without direction.

Something to consider re ABN use in Australia -

In the 00's especially there was a mad flurry of longterm C'link customers (usually those on job seeker payments) registering for an ABN & suddenly declaring themselves business owners or sole traders for the purposes of C'link & the ATO.

They weren't running businesses, they were doing the same menial, casual jobs they'd always done but their employers were now recording them for their tax/super/insurance purposes as sub-contractors.

& so suddenly, Australia's huge casual/temp/seasonal workforce were applying for ABN numbers & creating business names for themselves. I heard talk that some were registering only because they'd been told an ABN rego was all they needed to shop at the biggest wholesalers - something that definitely appeals to those with low income/large families.

Anyway, it's possible ABN is a bit of a red herring in that it doesn't indicate anything especially clever or out of the ordinary.
Agreed. I'm assuming that by "syndicate", the police are referring to a larger group of people involved in this. I'm guessing they were all involved in some kind of operation (maybe drug running, stolen cars), possibly including Karlie, in virtue of the the following:

a) according to bank card statements, she was traveling rather large distances over a short period of time, presumably with her 2 year old in tow (you would not do that with a small child in the back seat for fun).

b) she came to SA to work but there's no mention of a workplace, or any daycare.

c) as has been suggested previously, these people do not appear to have the know-how to be setting up ABNs for money laundering purposes, or actually carrying out any kind of money laundering.

Either there's someone else running the whole operation, or perhaps they sold karlie's identity post 2011, which is being used by a separate group of people for laundering, or even someone without a work permit.

My other question is how they got her bank card pin? According to the police info, her card was used the day after she was killed. yeah, she could've been threatened into giving it over just before she was killed, but it would've been fairly easy for DH to forget it. Perhaps her account was already being used for some other purpose and she wanted out?

I think it would be quite easy for a boyfriend or girlfriend to see and memorize a bank PIN by watching the person at the ATM. A lot of people do not suspect those closest to them to be trying to see their PIN No. He would only need to give her a kiss on the cheek from behind and murmur sweet nothings as she entered it. I also saw a young mother challenged once for using her partner's credit card with PIN in a supermarket. He had given her the PIN so she could do that. If we assume Karlie trusted DH at that time, it's not hard to imagine he obtained the PIN. We know he kept the card from the police stopping him in 2013.

Karlie's family probably knew she was with DH when she last saw them. I think the way the bodies were concealed, hard to locate and far apart, was purely to ensure they did not realise she had been killed and then immediately tell the police that he was the last person they had seen with Karlie. That may also explain the speed with which the Police located and questioned DH once her body and Khandalyce's had been identified
Agreed. I'm assuming that by "syndicate", the police are referring to a larger group of people involved in this. I'm guessing they were all involved in some kind of operation (maybe drug running, stolen cars), possibly including Karlie, in virtue of the the following:

a) according to bank card statements, she was traveling rather large distances over a short period of time, presumably with her 2 year old in tow (you would not do that with a small child in the back seat for fun).

b) she came to SA to work but there's no mention of a workplace, or any daycare.

c) as has been suggested previously, these people do not appear to have the know-how to be setting up ABNs for money laundering purposes, or actually carrying out any kind of money laundering.

Either there's someone else running the whole operation, or perhaps they sold karlie's identity post 2011, which is being used by a separate group of people for laundering, or even someone without a work permit.

My other question is how they got her bank card pin? According to the police info, her card was used the day after she was killed. yeah, she could've been threatened into giving it over just before she was killed, but it would've been fairly easy for DH to forget it. Perhaps her account was already being used for some other purpose and she wanted out?
The bank pin is pretty easy to get .If she trusted DH she may have asked him to get her something giving him the pin . Or he may of gone and stood next to her while she put the pin in .

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Or, I have Khandles. Put money in Karlies bank account or you wont see her again. Hence Colleen Povey died of heart ache

Not at all far fetched, I could well imagine a sick grandmother not sure about the distant adult daughter she is speaking with (with whom she has obviously had difficulties in the past) but then being delighted to "speak" with the now 3-4 yr old "Kandals" who says to this little girl "guess what! I have Grannie in Alice on the phone who really wants to speak with you" (this child is Hazel's daughter of the same age.) Would also explain how they got Connie to send money. My children at three/four years would have had no idea who they were speaking with... they just loved speaking to anyone on the phone!

Or just watched her put the pin in at the EFTPOS machine?

The bank pin is pretty easy to get .If she trusted DH she may have asked him to get her something giving him the pin . Or he may of gone and stood next to her while she put the pin in
I do think the man in his 60's is possibly important and fits in with a drug syndicate or relative of the killer(s) as he was thought to be carrying the suitcase on the Karoonda Highway and dumping it, perhaps deliberately to ensure it was found . "Police said Khandalyce's remains were originally dumped in a suitcase up to three months earlier, before somebody unknown tipped out the contents, including the child's remains, before dragging the suitcase onto the verge.

Investigators are still trying to identify a man, believed to be in his 60s, who was seen in the Wynarka area with a dark suitcase on both April 13 and May 26." and "Residents living in the handful of houses at Wynarka noticed a ‘mystery man’ carrying a suitcase on the Karoonda Highway on April 13 and May 26. The man was about 60 years old, of Caucasian appearance, average height, lightly built, clean cut and neatly dressed"
Anyway, it's possible ABN is a bit of a red herring in that it doesn't indicate anything especially clever or out of the ordinary.

With an ABN you can get countless 30 to 90 day credit 'ACCOUNTS' off companies

Police have probably checked all the companies with bad credit under KP Exploration Drilling

Were two grey Commodore station wagons bought under ABN? Some car companies give GST ABN rebate

I wonder if someone bought a Commodore then it was stolen claimed on insurance

Someone might of got the Kevin Rudd $750 too
That phone call to Karlie's mother has been bugging me. Ever since I heard about it I keep trying to come up with scenarios of how you could possibly get away with that. It's one thing to ring a distant cousin but quite another to fool someone's mother. Another idea I came up with is that you could ring up hysterically saying Khandalyce was sick and you needed money urgently. No time to go over past regrets just focussed on the facts of the current emergency. Please help. Have to go now and attend to her.

Karlie's mother was clearly very concerned -- the missing person report in 2009 indicates that.

As for how anyone could have got away with a call to Karlie's mother: Sometimes people believe what they want to believe because the alternative is too horrendous to contemplate.
I do think the man in his 60's is possibly important as he was thought to be carrying the suitcase on the Karoonda Highway and dumping it, perhaps deliberately to ensure it was found . "Police said Khandalyce's remains were originally dumped in a suitcase up to three months earlier, before somebody unknown tipped out the contents, including the child's remains, before dragging the suitcase onto the verge.

Investigators are still trying to identify a man, believed to be in his 60s, who was seen in the Wynarka area with a dark suitcase on both April 13 and May 26." and "Residents living in the handful of houses at Wynarka noticed a &#8216;mystery man&#8217; carrying a suitcase on the Karoonda Highway on April 13 and May 26. The man was about 60 years old, of Caucasian appearance, average height, lightly built, clean cut and neatly dressed"

I'm pretty sure those witnesses have never claimed to have seen him dumping a suitcase or walking back without the suitcase. They said he was carrying a suitcase. One news report some time back suggested it might be a travelling salesman who came and went from the small town from time to time.
yes I've seen media reports that have said that as well . I'm referring to the police interview that was held last Tue . I'm learning towards the police interviews to be more correct then the media , although , I've found myself reading a lot of media reports , and find them very interesting , im taking the police interviews more seriously.
There was a report in The Advertiser on 31 October 2015 which mentions a woman in a wheelchair at both the credit union and Centrelink.

“They said a woman in a wheelchair had visited a credit union in Adelaide’s northern suburbs and posed as Ms Pearce-Stevenson to update her records in June 2010.

A woman in a wheelchair also had gone to Centrelink at Salisbury claiming to be Ms Pearce-Stevenson in December 2010.”

The not nowing if she was in a wheelchair makes a HUGE amount of sense & fits with everything I know/knew as a C'link employee. This may well have been Hazel. No-one documents appearance there, come to Clink with your head bandaged & a broken leg & everyone there THAT day will notice.

A week later, years later though, the only way of confirming your appearance that day would be if you handed in a medical certificate describing those treatments.

If the "two women" scenario is based only on there being nothing to prove the Clink woman attended in a wheelchair, well it's entirely possible there is no second woman.

The Joint Statement from SA and NSW Police on 27 October 2015 says that they are investigating whether the woman who attended the credit union is the same woman who attended Centrelink.

It also says that they know that "a man and at least two women" were responsible for financial transactions:

" appears that in June 2010 a woman in a wheelchair impersonating Ms Pearce-Stevenson attended Australian Central Credit Union at Elizabeth to update banking records.

In December 2010 a woman claiming to be Ms Pearce-Stevenson also attended a compulsory interview with Centrelink at Salisbury.

Detectives are investigating if it was the same woman on both occasions.

However, police know that a man and at least two women have been responsible for the financial transactions and have lived at, or been associated with, homes in Davoren Park, Hillbank, Holden Hill and Charnwood, Canberra."

yes I've seen media reports that have said that as well . I'm referring to the police interview that was held last Tue . I'm learning towards the police interviews to be more correct then the media , although , I've found myself reading a lot of media reports , and find them very interesting , im taking the police interviews more seriously.

The police did not say that the woman who went to Centrelink was in a wheelchair.

However, they did not say that she was not in a wheelchair.
i agree with everything that you are saying , Except :) the red herring part of the ABN. IMO, i believe , its connected , as this guy , DH , as another form of identification.
Something to consider re ABN use in Australia -

In the 00's especially there was a mad flurry of longterm C'link customers (usually those on job seeker payments) registering for an ABN & suddenly declaring themselves business owners or sole traders for the purposes of C'link & the ATO.

They weren't running businesses, they were doing the same menial, casual jobs they'd always done but their employers were now recording them for their tax/super/insurance purposes as sub-contractors.

& so suddenly, Australia's huge casual/temp/seasonal workforce were applying for ABN numbers & creating business names for themselves. I heard talk that some were registering only because they'd been told an ABN rego was all they needed to shop at the biggest wholesalers - something that definitely appeals to those with low income/large families.

Anyway, it's possible ABN is a bit of a red herring in that it doesn't indicate anything especially clever or out of the ordinary.
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