AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #4

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An Admin was talking about a timeline. I tried to put one together using the bare minimum facts known. The times we know that relate directly to the little girl are in bold. Items not related to her or her items are italicized.

2003 - 2005 potential birth years
2007 - ? potential murder years
Mid-march, 2015 suitcase containing remains are noticed
April 13 2015 mystery man in Wynarka (Monday)
May 26 2015 mystery man in Wynarka (Tuesday)
July 14 2015 suitcase containing remains reported to police
August 5 2015 large scale canvass by police

​I know there was road construction in there, but couldn't find the dates for sure.
I believe several people reported they had stopped and looked at that suitcase between mid March and July as well.
Wasn't there a festival around there? Maybe that should be added in?

Thanks CSI! It might be a good idea to provide sources for such a list to enable verification, since the purpose of this list to clarify the facts and not present any more wobbly information. For example, if I recall correctly, the first sighting of the suitcase was noted as being some time after the roadworks finished in mid-March (ie, we've been told that the roadworks finished mid-March and the sighting was sometime after that, not that the first sighting was in mid-March). Of course, my memory might be wrong. Sources would help convince me otherwise! I also feel it is worth using only SAPOL press releases as sources, as all other MSM articles are pulled from that information and too often get it wrong. Unfortunately it seems that not all of the SAPOL press conferences are available in their entirety. I watched at least one on ABC24 which went on for quite some time, but the version of that press conference available on SAPOL's site has the end chopped off. And I can recall some very interesting questions at the end! If anyone is able to find a source of the entire, unedited press conferences this would be very helpful.
I think he got mad no one found her and came back. There's no telling how long the child sat in someones garage.
They should be looking at who moored their boat there in that year and who just moored when the suitcase showed up.

Welcome to Ws. browneyedsusan!

I wish we had an accurate timeline of suitcase man including exactly when he was seen, what direction he was travelling and how many times was he seen carrying the suitcase. Unfortunately trying to put this together based on media reports is almost impossible because the stories are all over the place and totally contradict each other, so annoying.......
They'd probably have came by ocean to go that direction, but not sure. Last time I went to Australia (I'm from the U.S.) I left from the west coast via air.​

They might come from Adelaide. The road links up.
Thanks CSI! It might be a good idea to provide sources for such a list to enable verification, since the purpose of this list to clarify the facts and not present any more wobbly information. For example, if I recall correctly, the first sighting of the suitcase was noted as being some time after the roadworks finished in mid-March (ie, we've been told that the roadworks finished mid-March and the sighting was sometime after that, not that the first sighting was in mid-March). Of course, my memory might be wrong. Sources would help convince me otherwise! I also feel it is worth using only SAPOL press releases as sources, as all other MSM articles are pulled from that information and too often get it wrong. Unfortunately it seems that not all of the SAPOL press conferences are available in their entirety. I watched at least one on ABC24 which went on for quite some time, but the version of that press conference available on SAPOL's site has the end chopped off. And I can recall some very interesting questions at the end! If anyone is able to find a source of the entire, unedited press conferences this would be very helpful.
Not sure which press conference your after because there's quite a few but this link is to SAPOL youtube account so there's a good chance the full versions are on there.
Many farmers/rural residents I know here very seldom go into town, especially if they raise their own food and animals for food. When they do go to town, they often don't bother cleaning up much because they're just going for hardware, lumber, seed or whatever. I've seen guys I knew fairly well who were dressed up for a funeral or something, and they looked like totally different people..

The thing about Wynarka though, is that there is absolutely no reason for anyone to go there unless they live in one of the 12 inhabitable houses or are visiting someone there.
There are no shops and although the Australia Post site ( says the post office is only open from 8.30 am to 10.30 am on Monday to Friday, it doesn't even look like there is a post office there to me.

The is no open business on that street at all, as far as I can see from Google Streets (!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1)

So no reason for a person from an outlying property to go there. They'd go to Karoonda for all services.
Thanks CSI! It might be a good idea to provide sources for such a list to enable verification, since the purpose of this list to clarify the facts and not present any more wobbly information. For example, if I recall correctly, the first sighting of the suitcase was noted as being some time after the roadworks finished in mid-March (ie, we've been told that the roadworks finished mid-March and the sighting was sometime after that, not that the first sighting was in mid-March). Of course, my memory might be wrong. Sources would help convince me otherwise! I also feel it is worth using only SAPOL press releases as sources, as all other MSM articles are pulled from that information and too often get it wrong. Unfortunately it seems that not all of the SAPOL press conferences are available in their entirety. I watched at least one on ABC24 which went on for quite some time, but the version of that press conference available on SAPOL's site has the end chopped off. And I can recall some very interesting questions at the end! If anyone is able to find a source of the entire, unedited press conferences this would be very helpful.

Knew there was something I forgot. The source! I used the task force information only:

Well my post looks weird. Anyway, there's the link. :)
TIf you, an innocent private citizen, found such a thing in your garden / grounds, wouldn't you put it out for refuse collection ....

Yes, you would.
Which is one of the reason I think the case was stolen from a shed and randomly dumped when the thieves saw here were just ruined clothes inside.
I imagine them pulling off the road and opening the case, seeing revolting clothing, not rummaging into it too far, and then just chucking i n the scrub.
An Admin was talking about a timeline. I tried to put one together using the bare minimum facts known. The times we know that relate directly to the little girl are in bold. Items not related to her or her items are italicized.

2003 - 2005 potential birth years
2007 - ? potential murder years
Mid-march, 2015 suitcase containing remains are noticed
April 13 2015 mystery man in Wynarka (Monday)
May 26 2015 mystery man in Wynarka (Tuesday)
July 14 2015 suitcase containing remains reported to police
August 5 2015 large scale canvass by police

​I know there was road construction in there, but couldn't find the dates for sure.
I believe several people reported they had stopped and looked at that suitcase between mid March and July as well.
Wasn't there a festival around there? Maybe that should be added in?

Karoonda Farm Fair 27 & 28 March 2015
Thanks CSI! It might be a good idea to provide sources for such a list to enable verification, since the purpose of this list to clarify the facts and not present any more wobbly information. For example, if I recall correctly, the first sighting of the suitcase was noted as being some time after the roadworks finished in mid-March (ie, we've been told that the roadworks finished mid-March and the sighting was sometime after that, not that the first sighting was in mid-March). Of course, my memory might be wrong. Sources would help convince me otherwise! I also feel it is worth using only SAPOL press releases as sources, as all other MSM articles are pulled from that information and too often get it wrong. Unfortunately it seems that not all of the SAPOL press conferences are available in their entirety. I watched at least one on ABC24 which went on for quite some time, but the version of that press conference available on SAPOL's site has the end chopped off. And I can recall some very interesting questions at the end! If anyone is able to find a source of the entire, unedited press conferences this would be very helpful.

Task Force Mallee

The following are media releases, photographs and press conferences relating to the discovery of a child's skeletal remains near the Karoonda Highway about 2kms west of Wynarka in the Murray Mallee region.

These items are in chronological order - with the oldest items at the bottom of the page.
I was wondering if he may have been afraid that someone saw him the day he brought it out there and came back a couple more times hoping someone would ask him to show what was in the suitcase. If that had happened, and he just had some of his own clothes packed in the later one, they'd most likely assume that's what was in it the first time too. I know that's not very sensible, but a stranger walking around with a suitcase in a town that size doesn't seem real sensible for any reason.


Yep, that's what I was wondering.

If original dumper was at the Karoonda Farm Fair and dumped it before or after attending, and then saw his photo in the paper or online in a crowd at the event, he may have thought that this could be used as evidence that he was in the area a the time.
So he staged the suitcase walk about later so that when the case was found the police would assumed it was dumped later.

So what about this - he dumped the case maybe before dawn on his way to Karoonda and remembered only the rough location. Once he realised he could be placed at the Farm Fair he decided to move it.
He looked for it but realised he didn't know exactly where it was and searching for it for days would have been noted as odd behaviour on the side of the road.
So he stages his wanderings, intending to be seen but not recognised, so that at least the police will be confused by the dates.
I think he got mad no one found her and came back. There's no telling how long the child sat in someones garage.
They should be looking at who moored their boat there in that year and who just moored when the suitcase showed up.

The ocean is at least 100km from Wynarka, if you exclude the Coorong area which you can't get into anyway, except at one point.
You cannot sail into Lake Alexanderina because of the barrages.
Plus, all that is south of the coast is Antartica so there is really nowhere for someone to sail from to arrive here.
I saw the reef if that is what that is on the map. No shallow boat like a bilge keel boat or trimaran could cross it? Maybe they got the address off off ebay where she sold clothes. There are ways to get there on an island. From either direction. Maybe she is a South African child?
Sorry in advance for the long post: I’m just trying to get my head around a few things and it helps to write it out….

Here’s my (current) theory:

I’m going with a DV situation years ago.

I think Angel was murdered somewhere on the outskirts of Wynarka, family living off the grid. I’m going with Wynarka because I cannot think of one other reason why suitcase man would walk through the small township. I think the suitcase and Angel were located in or near Wynarka. That can be the only reason he would walk through the town. I think he travelled to Wynarka to retrieve the suitcase. I think he is protecting someone.

How did he get to Wynarka?

If he drove or was dropped off, why did he then need to walk through the town and out onto the highway?

I’ve checked the bus timetables and stops: LinkSA runs just one service a week - (Fridays only) that passes through Wynarka, or anywhere close. The bus leaves Karoonda at 9.00am and arrives at Wynarka at 9.15am. However, this stop must be pre-booked. I don’t think suitcase man would have done that. He may have alighted instead at the nearest stop: Kulde. This is 9.7 kms from Wynarka – 7 minutes by car or a 1hr 55 min walk. The timing of the bus arrival and the sighting of suitcase man walking through town don’t work.

If, however, he caught the bus the day before, leaving Murray Bridge at 2.30pm, he would have arrived in Wynarka (again, this stop must be pre booked) at 3.15pm. He may have stayed overnight (previously-arranged) or gained entry to a now-abandoned house. This would give him time to collect the suitcase and would explain why he was seen walking through the town at such an early hour.

I do believe the witnesses actually saw suitcase man.
I don’t believe he was a local.
I think he arrived in Wynarka initially without the suitcase. There was no reason for him to be there, other than to retrieve the suitcase.

I think that as he walked through Wynarka, he was so lost in the enormity of his mission that he was actually oblivious to anyone or anything around him.
I think he just kept walking down the highway, struggling with what to do.
Perhaps an oncoming truck jolted him out of his reverie and he quickly placed the suitcase behind the bushes.
I have so many questions about suitcase man.
Where did he go after dropping off the suitcase? Was he picked up?
What was the catalyst that brought him to Wynarka that first day?
Was he Angel’s grandfather….
In any case a black suitcase doesn't become blue when faded, I think. :)

It might, depending on what dyes were used. I've seen fabrics that were black fade out to blue. Note that the "sample" suitcase the police displayed along with the mannikin wearing the tutu was black - if it had originally been blue, I'd assume they would have shown a blue one.
Not sure why he wouldn't have his own car, though....

I'm not convinced that suitcase man -didn't- have a car. It may have been further down the road, or parked in someone's yard or on another street where the women just didn't see it or didn't realize it was connected to suitcase man. Not that this guy was a mail carrier, but as an example, locally there are places where the mail man will do part of his route from the mail truck, but at certain points will park the truck and get out and hand carry the mail to a number of houses. If suitcase man was some sort of inspector or surveyor, he might have needed to get out and do a certain area on foot before getting back in his car and going to another area.
If he drove or was dropped off, why did he then need to walk through the town and out onto the highway?

I’ve checked the bus timetables and stops: LinkSA runs just one service a week - (Fridays only) that passes through Wynarka, or anywhere close. The bus leaves Karoonda at 9.00am and arrives at Wynarka at 9.15am. However, this stop must be pre-booked. I don’t think suitcase man would have done that. He may have alighted instead at the nearest stop: Kulde. This is 9.7 kms from Wynarka – 7 minutes by car or a 1hr 55 min walk. The timing of the bus arrival and the sighting of suitcase man walking through town don’t work.

Looking at this makes me wonder if he had nothing to do with this, if the sightings happened to be on Fridays. It seems entirely possible that he lives out of town and doesn't really know anyone who lives right in town. If he were going to visit his grandchildren (or anyone else), he may have been dropped off in a car and then walked to wherever the bus would pick him up. I'd rather think he was involved just so we have a little more to go on, but I like to look at all possibilities.

Not sure which press conference your after because there's quite a few but this link is to SAPOL youtube account so there's a good chance the full versions are on there.

No, unfortunately this and other of their Youtube press conferences are cut off at the end. If you go through to the end it is clear that it suddenly ends rather than drawing to a proper conclusion where the police office says 'that's it'. It's a shame because I am rather certain that it was during one of these live press conferences that one journalist asked whether the police knew any more about the suitcase man, to which the police responded that they did but they weren't going to release any more details at this time. But now I can't verify this. On this point it's not too important though because common sense tells us that they probably have a much more detailed description but are not releasing further detail so that they can corroborate any further witness statements etc. But it is rather frustrating that they don't show the whole press conference! Oh well.
I just googled Garden Island and it WAS used for landfill, right up until 2000! I know it's not really relevant in this case, but I thought it was interesting. Apparently there are big concerns about leeching, because of all the wildlife, and it is estimated that to sort it out will cost around 14 million. Pretty shocking eh?!

I stand corrected. I never knew they used Garden Island for landfill, and I have lived here all my life. They ought to be ashamed of themselves, but I suppose there was a time nobody knew any better, or cared too much. I bet my dad would have known, but unfortunately he has passed. Thanks for the education Hericania :)

As for the case itself, I am thinking that Angel has been laying on a property at Wynarka or somewhere near for all this time. For whatever reason, she has been moved. If it was in haste, they could have gathered up the quilt with her remains and bundled them into a suitcase of clothes, as it is far easier to handle a suitcase than a quilt with a child's remains in it. I think if I were the police I would be looking at all those houses and properties out there very carefully and looking for any changes that would have indicated a person having to get rid of something they have held onto for a long time. It is far more likely that the remains have not been carted a long way.
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