Australia - 3 dead after eating wild mushrooms, Leongatha, Victoria, Aug 2023

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Something that sticks out to me as odd is that in the interview she says “they never did anything wrong to me”. Why would you say this when referencing something that had nothing to do with you? Why even say this at all?
I think she's saying she would have no motive because they didn't do anything wrong to her.

I didn't take it to mean that she would kill anyone who did something wrong to her.
Well if you're going to take micro expressions as a sign of, or lack of guilt, note the following:
Erin shakes her head no when she says that and and Heather and Gail were some of the best people she had ever met.
Lack of tears
She shakes her head no when she says that she prays that Don pulls through
She states that her children love Don. What about her? Doesn't she love him?
At the end of the video she shakes her head no again when she says that she hopes with every fibre of her being that Don pulls through
I feel like the “can’t fathom what happened” and “every fibre of my being” just sounds fake and rehearsed. That, the facial expressions, the weird non crying but trying to….whole package says to me guilty
I feel like the “can’t fathom what happened” and “every fibre of my being” just sounds fake and rehearsed. That, the facial expressions, the weird non crying but trying to….whole package says to me guilty

She has a legal right to refuse to answer questions put to her by police -- and I gather from the MSM that's what she has done -- but I'd like to know from cops how often it is that innocent people elect to do that.

(OTOH, I'm also aware that guilty people will often freely co-operate with police in the mistaken belief that they won't therefore appear to be guilty and that they can fool the police.)
About her wiping of her eyes and examining her hands after each wipe, it's not really consistent with a person who would cover their face with their whole hands when crying because they are embarrassed about the contortions of their face when crying in front of others. Speaking for myself, I think it is eye blocking, a reason to hide her eyes, and to hide the fact that there are not many tears flowing and to exaggerate any small drop of a tear that she has found. I think anyone crying and starting to have a runny nose, in front of TV crews, would rummage for a tissue in their bag, instead of using their hand. The crying all seems like a bit of a charade.

Yea, that's another feasible explanation as long as it's known that she didn't like mushrooms and it's known that her in-laws enjoyed locally foraged mushrooms. It's not sus, Imo, that her kids ate separately. If it's true that the dining room table talk was expected to include marriage/personal/adult matters that makes sense. But to me also makes sense that the kids being teens ate their own thing separately even if the reports re purpose of lunch are inaccurate or based on the skinniest of rumours.

If it's true that she told the police that the mushrooms were store bought then Imo that's a real issue. Moo
Tbh she could/should have said that Heather or Gail brought the mushrooms for the meal. I mean if you are going to fabricate the story, atleast fabricate it where it can’t be fact checked!!!
Oh, she said the mushrooms were bought in a store? That sounds a bit fishy to me…

The Daily M said she said hearsayish! (Imoo).I'm taking that the origin of the mushrooms used for the lunch is unknown at this time as is what EP said to Police about that in initial interview. So it's just speculation at this point from my POV. Just been speculating various scenarios vis a vis my imagination. Moo
Is there any way to remove the poisons from the [Death Cap] mushroom?
Years and years ago I was reading pre-1900 agricultural journals for fun and one had instructions on how to make any mushroom edible. From memory it involved hours upon hours of boiling and discarding the water over and over. It was difficult to understand the point, especially given it the risk if it was unsuccessful.

Edit: I just looked it up and apparently death caps weren’t recorded in Australia until the 1960’s so my tidbit probably doesn’t cover them. I guess it’s good I’ve never been in a situation where I felt compelled to try it.
Tbh she could/should have said that Heather or Gail brought the mushrooms for the meal. I mean if you are going to fabricate the story, atleast fabricate it where it can’t be fact checked!!!
From my POV we don't know what she said to Police for sure. Speculating - if she said in her initial interview with police that they were store bought and she didn't add that she also used some wild mushrooms in the dish/a sauce or whatever then I think she would have some explaining to do and that would naturally add to any police suspicion.Moo
Beef Wellington strikes me as a very odd dish to serve for lunch. It's elaborate and showy and takes a long time to prepare. It's also very filling.

I know in some parts of the world, especially in rural areas, the big meal is served at mid-day and at night only a light meal is eaten. Would that be the custom in Leongatha?
Something that sticks out to me as odd is that in the interview she says “they never did anything wrong to me”. Why would you say this when referencing something that had nothing to do with you? Why even say this at all?

It seems strange that that’s what her mind comes up with when talking about the other two people. Almost as if others did do something wrong and she’s feeling guilt without realising about them being killed by association? Odd choice of words if this was just a mistake.
Idk, guilty (of premeditated poisoning) or innocent, it's hard to imagine the stress she is under (especially given social media speculation and press rabble etc) so I kinda hold off on analysing her words etc too closely- it's not a stretch Imo to imagine stress leading to confusion and even anger. People react in a myriad of ways when under stress, Imo. Some people really do not like having their privacy invaded and don't necessarily feel they are beholden to the media when they arrive at the door step. When people are angry or overwhelmed by emotions they often stop making sense. But that is jmo.
I keep seeing Beef Wellington “pie” mentioned. I could see individual pies with a layer of phyllo dough on bottom the normal type ingredients then sprinkle the mushroom powder and top with another phyllo sheet. For hers she just cuts a different number of steam holes, or doesn’t put decorative element on top or some how otherwise differentiates hers from theirs. Everyone sits down to eat and she happily eats right along knowing hers isn’t poisoned because she marked it differently. Individual pot pies if you will. I am wondering if there were any leftovers or if the pies were small enough to be entirely consumed. If there were leftovers, where are they? Did she trash them and wildlife could get to them? Did she incinerate them, thereby destroying the evidence? Does she have the ability to incinerate them? Trash barrel, fireplace, etc..

IMOO, speculation only.
That probably could be fact checked via receipts and cctv.
Ditto for mushrooms purchased the day before or recently. Mushrooms do keep for a long time though. Point being I guess , that whatever she said to police is probably quite easily verifiable, apart from if she said she picked wild mushrooms alone at some point and had preserved them alone with a dehydrator. There's also the children's recollections - they would need to be interviewed with a guardian present - possibly the dad or another relative. Moo
I keep seeing Beef Wellington “pie” mentioned. I could see individual pies with a layer of phyllo dough on bottom the normal type ingredients then sprinkle the mushroom powder and top with another phyllo sheet.

Beef Wellington -- By Gordon Ramsay [bbm]

250g/9oz chestnut mushroom, include some wild ones if you like

Hmmm, I'm out to lunch on this one; pardon the pun.

I wonder what the grandy's did after lunch....where they went, if they ate together again for dinner...and with whom? Even if they had morning tea together before lunch.

Something just doesn't sit right.

I guess more will be revealed over the next week which will hopefully give a clearer picture.

The police did say it was complex, so I'm sitting on the fence for now.....erring on the side of innocent until more facts err toward guilty.

Agree, EP's confrontation with reporters doesn't look great, yet pressure from this confrontation would create confusion.

It just doesn't make sense that anyone in their "right" mind would get away with this....perhaps, if anything she wanted to make them ill, but the consequences of that, for her, wouldn't go down well anyway.....

Guess we just have to wait for more revelations....
I do not care about her words or body language at all when there’s cameras and pressure there in front of her- that would greatly effect anyone, me especially.

It’s the facts of the case that are adding up, for me… Occam’s razor is in full effect. We don’t really need to sit on our hands because police have literally called her a suspect, so discussing this doesn’t make us biased, cynical or close minded. Moo
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