Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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I'm not going to search back through all the media articles to find where they state he has not provided a statment to police, it has been stated a number of times by police, if you can somehow twist and turn that to think that he is actually assisting police then that is your call.

I agree, I have seen it stated.

I know there is a nice comfy chair waiting for him when he is ready, he can even have a cuppa while he chats to the detectives.

Just man up Gerard and get it over and done with, you will not get away with it IMO.
Cant stop thinking about my hot water bottle.....Which means it's time to head to the land of snooze.....ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ

Nigh Nighs lovelies....Thank you for making my night much more fun :) I really needed a few laughs.

Me too. It is lights ut here too shortly lol.
The only time I can recall that GBC has visited police was to retrieve photos from his computer for Allison's funeral and they made a point of saying that he was only at the police station for 10mins or something.

I think we can safely assume that GBC has not assisted the police in any way thus far, if you wish to continue to think otherwise that is your right to do so.

Yes. it is. What I was trying to point out when it was said as fact that he has not assisted. I believe that to be interpretation, not fact. I do also think that he has visited more than just to retrieve photos. But I do not have the link to that.
Very plausable Mum73 although it has never been stated that GBC has assisted or co-operated in anyway with the police.

The police have also stated that the first attending police made observations at the house that set off alarm bells which they alerted detectives about and that is why police went all out so soon after she was reported missing by GBC.

An observation doesn't necessarily mean they saw something incriminating, it could also mean they were provided information that had them concerned or sensed the level of panic in GBC; remembering that police initially stated they were looking for someone who they believed could be alive.

But the main point of my post was to state my intrigue as to why the affair is central to the investigation and to put forward various scenarios as to why this may be the case.

I believe the information about the affair would only be "confirmed" and released if it were integral to the investigation.
I know its been stated he has not given an offical statement to police. My question and point I was trying to make is, it has not been said GBC has been un co-operative and has not assisted police with their enquires. It could be interpreted as such by the fact he has not given an official statement. I am not sure on how the requirements work for that, but usually you do it when the police require you to(lawyer or not). But it has been reported he has been interviewed and that the police has visited his parents and he has visited police.

Got it. However, he does not have to make a statement. He can remain silent until the end of a trial (if any), if he wishes, and this cannot be used against him or as a sign of guilt. I believe he is now only talking through his lawyers, as stated initially by the lawyer.
I know. We have a lot of youngsters read our site so we try to keep it PG rated is all. :kimsterwink:

You would have to admit that so far the information supplied by the locals, while initially being scoffed at as gossip, has been pretty much on the money
Goodnight all - time for my beauty sleep.
You would have to admit that so far the information supplied by the locals, while initially being scoffed at as gossip, has been pretty much on the money

Yeah the old bush telegraph still works a treat lol.
Yes. it is. What I was trying to point out when it was said as fact that he has not assisted. I believe that to be interpretation, not fact. I do also think that he has visited more than just to retrieve photos. But I do not have the link to that.

He was supposed to be on his way to the police station when he had that horrible (sarcasm) car crash where he got "a little bit hurt"

I know what you are saying re him assisting with police, but the police never come out and say such and such has not been assisting with our enquiries. I think you can simply read between the lines of them stating that GBC has not provided them with a official statment.

I watched the press conference online at the time and the reporters asked them several times if he was cooperating/assisting and they always came back with the same answer.....he has not as yet provided an official statement.

So that makes it pretty clear to me that he is not actively assisting them.
You would have to admit that so far the information supplied by the locals, while initially being scoffed at as gossip, has been pretty much on the money

Yes! And that is not always the case, which is why we don't allow rumours. It has been surprising this time.
Goodnight. I'm losing sleep over this case. I won't rest until she gets justice.
I read the articles tonight and I'm more of the opinion now that she did love him, and was trying to save her marriage. I'm back to an altercation followed by accidental death then help to cover the crime. She was a tough woman who never gave up. I don't see her giving up on the father of her 3 beautiful daughters. I see him giving up on her. To learn your husband had an affair would be devasting, but then to find out it hadn't ended after he promised you it had, would be 10 x worse.
The only have one listing atm. I wonder where they will "do their business" now.

And with that picture I bid ou goodnight.

We have been pretty wonderful verging on spectacular today. Nite Kimmy.

In the words of the great Jeff Fenick "I love yooooz all"
What do you think? His wife was murdered over 4 weeks ago......yes I think they would have asked him to make an official statement regarding that.

Well obviously that hasn't happened. You may well think they have requested, as I have not seen it said they requested and he refused. Then no I don't know.
'he has not provided a statment to police, it has been stated a number of times by police, if you can somehow twist and turn that to think that he is actually assisting police then that is your call. '

No offence. I don't see how me stating it has not been officially said he hasn't assisted police is somehow twisting and turning things one way any more than you interpreting that he hasn't because he hasn't given an offical statement. I am not debating the fact of no statement. That is different to stating for fact he has not assisted- when we don't know what has gone on.
In another article in the Sunday Mail it tells of GBC visiting the show but more interesting it says that a third vehicle was impounded by police after the crash at Indooroopilly which belonged to a friend!
This is what I was hinting at yesterday....I was told about it, but just didn't know whether it was true.

Just goes to show that we cannot discount and scoff at local gossip and the jungle drums! There was a poster who can on on Thurs nite and mentioned that TM had spilled the beans to the police earlier in the day. iMO this confession is what has given the press the freedom to publish details withou worrying about defamation!
Goodnight. I'm losing sleep over this case. I won't rest until she gets justice.
I read the articles tonight and I'm more of the opinion now that she did love him, and was trying to save her marriage. I'm back to an altercation followed by accidental death then help to cover the crime. She was a tough woman who never gave up. I don't see her giving up on the father of her 3 beautiful daughters. I see him giving up on her. To learn your husband had an affair would be devasting, but then to find out it hadn't ended after he promised you it had, would be 10 x worse.

I agree with most of what you say except I wonder what you mean by accidental death? If he strangled or smothered her it's no accdient, even if it wasnt premeditated. It's unlikely it was bashing as it didnt seem like the body had obvious injuries. In the scenario you gave, getting into a rage and killing someone isn't usually accidental, it happens because you can't and don't control your rage or urges to destroy the person who might be saying things you dont like.
<kimster busily tucking all the dear Aussies into bed>

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This is what I was hinting at yesterday....I was told about it, but just didn't know whether it was true.

Just goes to show that we cannot discount and scoff at local gossip and the jungle drums! There was a poster who can on on Thurs nite and mentioned that TM had spilled the beans to the police earlier in the day. iMO this confession is what has given the press the freedom to publish details withou worrying about defamation!

Maverik I am wondering about that too.....when there was no arrests made I thought talk of the confession was just gossip but now I think about it they would have to verify and double check all the details of the persons confession before they would be able to actually arrest them or anyone else.

I'm really wondering if TM is being held in custody at the moment awaiting charges to be laid.
He was supposed to be on his way to the police station when he had that horrible (sarcasm) car crash where he got "a little bit hurt"

I know what you are saying re him assisting with police, but the police never come out and say such and such has not been assisting with our enquiries. I think you can simply read between the lines of them stating that GBC has not provided them with a official statment.

I watched the press conference online at the time and the reporters asked them several times if he was cooperating/assisting and they always came back with the same answer.....he has not as yet provided an official statement.

So that makes it pretty clear to me that he is not actively assisting them.

Ok, lets agree to disagree. I saw the press conferences too. I have not interpreted it as such. I have heard the not given an offical statement and just took it as that. I was simply responding to the statement of fact that he has not assisted as I didn't see it could be stated as fact. Interpreted yes and an opinion yes.

Perhaps I need sleep.:eek:fftobed:
Maverik I am wondering about that too.....when there was no arrests made I thought talk of the confession was just gossip but now I think about it they would have to verify and double check all the details of the persons confession before they would be able to arrest anyone else.

I really wondering if TM is being held in custody at the moment awaiting charges to be laid.

The Dark Shadow gave us a link that is to assist us in checking for arrests. My problem is that I don't know the area enough to use it. :sigh:

Here's the link:
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