Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Maverik I am wondering about that too.....when there was no arrests made I thought talk of the confession was just gossip but now I think about it they would have to verify and double check all the details of the persons confession before they would be able to arrest anyone else.

I really wondering if TM is being held in custody at the moment awaiting charges to be laid.

Yes interesting. I dismissed the confession info, or at least put it to the back of my mind because I thought surely if it were true arrests would have been made.
Ok, lets agree to disagree. I saw the press conferences too. I have not interpreted it as such. I have heard the not given an offical statement and just took it as that. I was simply responding to the statement of fact that he has not assisted as I didn't see it could be stated as fact. Interpreted yes and an opinion yes.

Perhaps I need sleep.:eek:fftobed:

Yes we shall just agree to disagree on that one. Night.
Going, going ... gone! :eek:fftobed: Good Night All.

This is an international site isn't it?
Do we really need all the good-night messages here? It is bothersome for those outside Australia to have to read them.

The Dark Shadow gave us a link that is to assist us in checking for arrests. My problem is that I don't know the area enough to use it. :sigh:

Here's the link:

The police will make an announcement when a person is or persons are arrested. Let's be sensitive to what is going on. If someone takes his or her life because of the gossip and speculation, it will be a double or triple tragedy for those B-C children and for the families of the others involved. Let's try not to increase the body count here people.
The Dark Shadow gave us a link that is to assist us in checking for arrests. My problem is that I don't know the area enough to use it. :sigh:

Here's the link:

Thanks Kimster, good thinking that will be the first place that arrests will be posted as the court lists go up the night before. (But only during the week the courts don't operate on the weekends here except for special circumstances).

We will have to check the Brisbane Arrest Court lists every night to see if we find a familiar surname listed!
Now that the affair has been published as fact I wonder if ABC family or her best friend will now come out and publicly comment further about their home situation.
.Unfolding Truth, your post reminded me of a few things. We do have to be careful in how we judge people based on what they do/ don't do, and how they act. Some years ago a friend of mine's child was murdered. I hadn't known her for long, but for various reasons I became her primary support person...walking that horrid journey with her. Initially at the hospital the doctor's thought that he died for some previously undiagnosed medical problem. She was a single mother and it was a real shock when2 days after he died, she discovered the cause of death after the autopsy results came back. She was hauled into the police station for hours and hours of questioning (7 or 8 hours plus). I wasn't with her then, but she reported that they held her there with aggressive questioning to the point that she sometimes was lying on the floor as she was nearly passing out from grief, distress and even hunger. She was confused and she was treated like the perpetrator which is a VERY distressing experience when you are already in grief and shock at the death of your only child. She was a single mother. For various cultural and religious reasons she and her mother (the only relatives) had cleared out all of the child's things like bedding the day that he died. I think that they had Buddhist beliefs and there was superstition about the belongings of a dead person. They had unknowingly gotten rid of the evidence of the crime and this also seemed suspicious to the police.....that they were covering up the crime etc. In the end they found the offender and he pleaded guilty to manslaughter and the prosecution accepted that as it was hard to have enough strong evidence for the full charge of murder. The point is that people do react differently for cultural and religious reasons. all of this woman's behaviour seemed suss to the police..... but it was an appropriate cultural response.

I think that this could be applied to how the public's perception of the Baden Clay's response to grief. Some cultural groups do have a reputation for being very stoic and less outwardly emotional than other cultural groups. Of course I am generalizing here..... but cultural responses do need to be considered and respected.

Just because you may be outwardly stoic doesn't mean that you aren't inwardly grieving and distressed and it doesn't make you guilty or innocent for that matter. Just like people who display their grief/ distress in more public and sometimes histrionic ways are not necessarily more grief stricken internally than a more stoic person, and it doesn't make someone less guilty/ more innocent either.

People are all different.

All well and good but after reading all of the media reports and police statements, and discussing on this site for 4 weeks now with a lot of highly intelligent people, I sure of the perpetrator. I dont have all the facts, but this is websleuth where you can take as many facts as possible and try to solve the case. I looked and looked for explanations for much of his behaviour, and cultural or not, and I dont see everything explained away by that.

People have talked about GBC's cold and uncaring behaviour because of more than just things that indicate being stoic about ones grief. I believe, for the most part, people have been taking this forum very seriously.
Yey goodnight sweet dreams everyone
WEbsluting rocks
*advertiser censored*
This is an international site isn't it?
Do we really need all the good-night messages here? It is bothersome for those outside Australia to have to read them.

The police will make an announcement when a person is or persons are arrested. Let's be sensitive to what is going on. If someone takes his or her life because of the gossip and speculation, it will be a double or triple tragedy for those B-C children and for the families of the others involved. Let's try not to increase the body count here people.


oh and here is a bloomin oinion

you get them at the outback steakhouse...its got video's of Fraser and pics of the whitsundays etc...I love it...
All well and good but after reading all of the media reports and police statements, and discussing on this site for 4 weeks now with a lot of highly intelligent people, I sure of the perpetrator. I dont have all the facts, but this is websleuth where you can take as many facts as possible and try to solve the case. I looked and looked for explanations for much of his behaviour, and cultural or not, and I dont see everything explained away by that.

People have talked about GBC's cold and uncaring behaviour because of more than just things that indicate being stoic about ones grief. I believe, for the most part, people have been taking this forum very seriously.
On yah Itshevibe...

couldnt have said it better...

But I keep coming back to the one very important point.....AUSTRALIA hasnt got a lot of people living in it (compared to usa) And everyone knows each other in Queensland, and/or Brisbane...if you dont them you know someone who does...
its the Aussie way of life to know as many people as you 18 YO son ran into mates at LAX & NYC, not to mention he travelled on the plane over and met some mates from school....

If you live in Brisbane and dont believe this then your either hiding under a rock or you havnt been living their long enough..

People talk and we all know each others business.....Kenmore and surrounding areas dont tend to bang on about gossip like you would expect others suburbs in other cities of australia.....

and most of what is on this site is tru...maybe somewhat exaggerated but for most its true....

in other words...if you wanna be a wont get away with it...neither will you get away with murder....
Re: the latest news reports -- am happy to see Websleuthers vindicated re: TM

Off topic: I have zero time for anyone who plays around with a married man, especially a man with young children and particularly when the man's poor little wife was working in the same office

Barracudas is how I envisage desperate women who try to steal another woman's husband

and any son of mine who played around on his wife would have been getting a slap around the head from me or my husband

and the barracuda husband-stealer would have been sacked and sent packing

Poor Allison. A pearl wasted on swine

Sorry, need to add that there isn't evidence of where they were shagging. The only thing about it that might have to do with this case is if there was a report they were shagging somewhere that Allison caught them, which escalated into a frenzy.

LOL Kimster :)

an American using the term 'shagging', lol

sounds so funny :floorlaugh:
I think it's pretty obvious that the police is working very much with the media on this case. They are releasing one more bit of info almost every day. One of the Members saw GBC at the Brookfield Show tonight and also overheard a conversation regarding GBC being very concerned about this upcoming article revealing his affair (this article hadn't been published yet when she overheard these people talking about it).

Just something else Dad bequeathed to his girls. Won't be too many years before they learn what their mother had to go through. Won't fully hit them though until they're married with children of their own. Then, they'll appreciate just how heroic their own mother was, keeping the family together, putting on a brave face, crying alone then wiping her tears to make dinner for her children, help with their homework and tuck them into bed
The Truth is the Truth! You may not think that it is a crime to have an affair, but in my view is is a "crime to the institution of marriage"! If you want to fool around, then don't get married and have children. Stay single! If you are not happy in your marriage, then get out of the marriage first and then seek new partners.

He and TM deserve everything that is coming to them. I bet you she didn't think of her kids when she decided to sleep with him (and neither did he!).

Maybe you have never been the wife/husband who has been cheated on, but I have, and it is very painful!

How dare you people be horrified she was named. ALLISON and GERARD were married. How dare they have an affair! How dare they parade it around in front of everyone! How dare SHE ruin a marriage, a marriage where 3 children were involved. How dare he think more about himself.


Being offspring from an affair also sux.

anyone else think that the photo of GBC was chosen because it clearly shows his wedding ring followed by the photo of TM

Ah well. Both exposed now as a pair of hypocrites, she with her 'I joined because he had such high level of ethics and integrity, blah blah'

and he with his claim of integrity and ethics ... and all his blather about not telling lies because they turn around to bite you

Hang in there Allison

they're going down
How dare you people be horrified she was named. ALLISON and GERARD were married. How dare they have an affair! How dare they parade it around in front of everyone! How dare SHE ruin a marriage, a marriage where 3 children were involved. How dare he think more about himself.


Being offspring from an affair also sux.

I'm not horrified she was named, Curiousasacat. In fact, I hope their idiot antics hang around their necks for life like rotting albatrosses

One way or another -- IMO -- they contributed to the death of someone who was worth ten of the pair of them combined

They stole what should have been a lovely childhood from three little girls and a peaceful retirement from Allison's parents -- at least

It's claimed by adulterers, 'I couldn't help it'

Yes. Adulterers CAN help it. It takes several minutes to remove one's clothing prior to the act and during that time, there's opportunity and reason to step back and say 'No. I'm not doing this. I'm better than this. My wife/husband/kids/parents deserve better than this. Let's zip up and walk away now. I'm going to put into my marriage and partner the same and more effort as I've been putting into this tawdry, grubby little affair'

So no, I'm not horrified GBC and TM have been exposed. After all, the exposure, shame and condemnation are all their own work
TOni McHugh looks a lot older than Gerard? Anyone know how old she is?

To me, she looks to be mid-40s to early 50s, if the letter-box woman is she. In the letter-box footage, you can clearly see established jowels (which have been shopped from the C21 photo?)

If she's not the woman in the letter-box footage and estimation of age should be based purely on the C21 photo, then I'd still go for late 30s, early 40s

Difficult to say based on a static photo. In real life, if she smiled to hide her intrinsic hardness of features and if she were pretty animated, she might get away with looking a bit younger and softer

One thing's for sure, she's going to age pretty rapidly from here on ...
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