Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Hee hee Hee and when you google the Tahitian Prince Joel you will see that Toni M was at his fake perfume launch.

Good catch. Someone here in Websleuths mentioned several days ago there may be a connection between GBC and the fake prince
Hi. Long time lurker, first time poster. Thank you all, your posts have been thought-provoking and revealing. I'm not sure I have anything new to add except some observations regarding the latest news regarding the affair. I agree that having an affair, however morally questionable, does not make one a murderer. However, the fact that it was the police who 'officially' released the information regarding the affair (something they would not normally waste their time on) leads me to the , possibly erroneous, conclusion that the affair is critical to their investigation.

I agree that the police have been drip-feeding the media with info and rightly so, but to actually come out and officially name the parties involved in the affair is unusual I think (I could be wrong). Are they trying to ruffle some feathers? Further alienate those involved to encourage them to come clean with all they know as a result of further public vilification? Just thoughts.
I posted awhile ago a theory that he was very deeply in debt (fact) and borrowed from loan sharks. When He was continually unable to pay they came to the house that night tortured and murdered ABC right in front of him got him to drive in front in one car to show a place to dump a body. Returned back "Your kids will be next if you tell the cops what happened" etc etc It's far fetched but still possible.

A man is more likely to prioritise his children above his wife in such a scenario, imo, therefore, if the loan-sharks were going to hurt someone to hurt him ... they'd take a child with ' She's dead if you call the cops'

But from all I've heard and read, they'd be more likely to break his legs with the warning, ' Next time, you'll lose an arm'. If that didn't result in payment, they'd simply slice off his nose. In fact, they'd probably go for the nose first, seeing he's so conceited. You don't sell much real estate or appear on tv when your nose is gone and they'd know that
Well this could be fact or fiction

Did a property search for historical property owned by TM and well this is what I found...note - I can not with 100% certainty say this is the TM related in this case as it may another one with the same name...

1. This TM owned previous properties.... You ready.... Guess where???? Bellbowrie, Corinda and Pullenvale.
2. These are now sold. Guess who was the Agent on the Bellbowrie and Corinda property??? ready....GBC

Goodness gracious me....
I just feel there is something more sinister to all this other than affairs and financial difficulties which resulted in this horrible crime. IMO and in other people's opinions, from what I've read, Allison knew something really damaging about her husband, I don't want to conjecture what this may be but I'm sure others will! However, when computers are removed the police are usually looking for something specific.
Hi. Long time lurker, first time poster. Thank you all, your posts have been thought-provoking and revealing. I'm not sure I have anything new to add except some observations regarding the latest news regarding the affair. I agree that having an affair, however morally questionable, does not make one a murderer. However, the fact that it was the police who 'officially' released the information regarding the affair (something they would not normally waste their time on) leads me to the , possibly erroneous, conclusion that the affair is critical to their investigation.

I agree that the police have been drip-feeding the media with info and rightly so, but to actually come out and officially name the parties involved in the affair is unusual I think (I could be wrong). Are they trying to ruffle some feathers? Further alienate those involved to encourage them to come clean with all they know as a result of further public vilification? Just thoughts.

I agree it is a unusual to name and shame like this article does Mac01 so I think there is a reason for this, I suspect that arrests are imminent and that is the only reason the police are letting them release this information.

I will be very surprised if someone is not arrested this week. Let's hope there is justice for Allison soon.
You would have to admit that so far the information supplied by the locals, while initially being scoffed at as gossip, has been pretty much on the money

I think we have to acknowledge that's only been 5 percent of the local gossip, so while GBC affair was well known, a whole bunch of other stuff is completely insane :)

I wonder whether investigators approve of the Sunday Mail article. I cringe for the kids at school on Monday. I hope most of the local parents are diplomatic.
Well this could be fact or fiction

Did a property search for historical property owned by TM and well this is what I found...note - I can not with 100% certainty say this is the TM related in this case as it may another one with the same name...

1. This TM owned previous properties.... You ready.... Guess where???? Bellbowrie, Corinda and Pullenvale.
2. These are now sold. Guess who was the Agent on the Bellbowrie and Corinda property??? ready....GBC

Goodness gracious me....

The profile on old website and newspaper article said they met when he 'presided' over the sale of her Pullenvale property.
Wow, just read the news.

I guess all the speculating about a mistress was not in vain after all.

So, does TM drive a blue car or what?
Just goes to show that we cannot discount and scoff at local gossip and the jungle drums!
Agreed, provided you run a common-sense/reality filter over things first. This one piece of info being vindicated doesn't give free reign for the banjo pluckers. Remember at least 2 innocent women were incorrectly named previously.
someone has responded to this and said it was ..
Absolute rubbish. They loved her dearly and were a big part of her life.

It was earlier reported the last time the Dickies saw Allison was family Easter holiday when Mrs Dickie remembered the last thing she said being "love you" from memory
It's not just the affair they have highlighted in the article, but the finacial difficulties. I don't much like what that combination is implying.
Keyboredom, thanks, that is kind of my point. There has been so much speculation about who's doing who, which is twitchy net curtain stuff, but the police have now named those involved in the affair. If I'm correct, the Qld Sunday paper has their photos splashed on the front page. For the police to name and shame, well it has to mean something. I'm sorry for those who were implicated unjustly. It is just more reason to be patient and trust that the police are doing their jobs. However frustrating it is for us!
Keyboredom, thanks, that is kind of my point. There has been so much speculation about who's doing who, which is twitchy net curtain stuff, but the police have now named those involved in the affair. If I'm correct, the Qld Sunday paper has their photos splashed on the front page. For the police to name and shame, well it has to mean something. I'm sorry for those who were implicated unjustly. It is just more reason to be patient and trust that the police are doing their jobs. However frustrating it is for us!

Agree, wasn't having a go ;)
My knowledge of Australian law isn't what it should be (most of my legal training is courtesy of Law and Order). However, if GBC is a POI and has been questioned, not charged, does he have to remain in the city/ State/ country? My apologies if this has been answered before. Thanks.
Isn't there an expression that goes something like:

If you lie with dogs you will wake up with fleas

How true
Agree, wasn't having a go ;)

Well the cops have gotta let the press say something...cos we all knew it was fact....

Now....with luck, the rest of the stuff will come out....

My American husband,....who still thinks she accidently fell to her death...(yeah wotever...I been telling him but he dont believe it...) he reckons that TM has spoken to 60 minutes and is about to make some big bucks out of it...

I am smiling a little today. Just imagine how she felt waking up today. I wonder if she gets the paper delivered or has to go out in disguise to pick it up.

Anyone see the rumor she lives in (just about to write suburb but don't think I can) For locals it's got a university and initials SL. Would this be why the roundabout would be interesting??
Hi. Long time lurker, first time poster. Thank you all, your posts have been thought-provoking and revealing. I'm not sure I have anything new to add except some observations regarding the latest news regarding the affair. I agree that having an affair, however morally questionable, does not make one a murderer. However, the fact that it was the police who 'officially' released the information regarding the affair (something they would not normally waste their time on) leads me to the , possibly erroneous, conclusion that the affair is critical to their investigation.

I agree that the police have been drip-feeding the media with info and rightly so, but to actually come out and officially name the parties involved in the affair is unusual I think (I could be wrong). Are they trying to ruffle some feathers? Further alienate those involved to encourage them to come clean with all they know as a result of further public vilification? Just thoughts.

Yes, agree - the article in the paper was nothing 'new'. Everyone in the 'know' has known about the affair for some time. ABC seemed to be a very astute person so deep down she would have known her marriage was in trouble. Honestly if this was leaked by the QPF then they don't have much evidence for the charge against GBC. It is just hype to keep the case more talked about and in the media. They are not dealing with the everyday Joe here - I don't foresee an arrest in the immediate future myself with this article. Having an affair is not a crime... maybe wrong... but not a crime. There are lots of marriages out in the world like this one. Maybe this article in the paper today is to make the 'person' who actually did it think the 'heat' is on GBC and off them. Who knows... lets hope the QPF have something on whoever did it - but if they did then an arrest would have been made. It may take a year before an arrest is made via gathering the evidence but if they are waiting and watching for 'slip ups' by the person - then they may be in for a long wait - they are not dealing with someone stupid. We may think GBC or the girlfriend are but they had enough sense to lawyer up and will stay lawyered up. Personally speaking, I would have lawyered up as well if I was in that situation... after all, we have no worries about calling in a qualified person for anything else in our lives therefore a lawyer sounds sense to me. Did GBC do it - IMO I don't honestly know - if the evidence all points to him as we all feel it does - then he would have been arrested by know. I feel he knows who did it - or knows more than he is letting on - but I think there is someone else the police are looking at - therefore while the heat and media stays on GBC - they are working behind the scenes on catching the person who maybe feels that he or she got away with it.
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