Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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If there is a trial then the media can only publish what takes place each day. Anything else risks a sub judice contempt charge. This applies to owners of Internet fora also. Transcripts are generally not available to those not involved in the matter. The public can attend the trial each day. At a murder trial there is often only a presentation of circumstantial evidence and some witness examination. The real details will only be known to the accused (assuming they are the real culprit), who will not give evidence. The real story often follows the offender to the grave. This matter will spawn a frenzy of documentaries, magazine exposes and books eventually. Even confessions are usually self serving and unreliable in terms of detail. At trial the prosecution does not have to prove exactly what occurred, just that the accused was responsible for the death. Don't allow yourself to become obsessed with ever learning the full details of the matter, go hug your kids instead is my advice.

Thanks Hawkins,
You are correct that during the trial, the media are limited in their reporting of proceedings; however, i can guarantee that there will be enough info reported previous to the trial to keep us all sated for a little while ;). The basics of COD, the basic M.O and the main suspects (arrestees) will likely be revealed, whilst the nitty-gritty technical details will be covered only during the trial (think back to previous cases, as to what can be expected to be released prior to a trial). Fear not, people :)
Originally Posted by maverik1
From what I know (fact to me, but I agree that it is speculation to everyone else)...the lady partner left sometime in July/August 2011 to join another agency

#Maverik 1- IMO & an ex colleauge (receptionist) of TM's, TM left an agency in december 2011, with intention to move overseas, .(obviouslly 'something' kept her from going.

I think she has children. Family court orders may have kept the children in Qld and therefore their mother.
I don't think TM was ever a business partner. Neither of the 2 people I was referring to were TM.
Someone came in the other night who seemed in the know (dont think it was Hawkins, but who knows). Where they mentioned that the person who is involved as a major player is someone, that we have not touched on.

Someone else metioned (a few people) that GBC was having an affair with a blonde)

The police have indicated on a few occasions with comments about the "Killer being someone Allison knew" "The killer being closer to home".

The last person to see Allison visually was supposedly, GBC.....The last person to hear from Allison otherwise, was Kerry Anne Walker. Did she hand these messages to police, or were these messages deleted.

There was talk in the media, that the "murderer was at the funeral".

At the beginning of the investigation, the media said that a close "family" friend was being extensively interviewed by police. I do not under any circumstance feel they would call "Toni McHugh" a close "family" friend (not to Allison).

Do you see where I am heading, without naming her?

This person really, in inadvertant tone, may also have been hinting at suicide....but not in the obvious way, we thought as much with the "depression" comments from Olivia.

A person indicated, along the lines of "I knew, there was something wrong, I should have done more" (which was open to interpretation - could mean DV or could mean Allison was depressed and could harm herself (NOWAY)). A person (same) made it seem items were being bought to her home after Allison's conference (possibly childrens items for a sleepover - cant find link though). Which could indicate, Alison was leaving children at her home, so she could finish herself off. Something I do not buy into.

This lady close to the Dickie's perhaps, could persuade the Dickie's quietly that things were going on, thus the Dickie's comment "She was too proud to come to us, we didnt know".

Allison's phone was key.......................and the police cant find it. They need the phone :(.

Who do men often have affairs with other than work colleagues?...Just a different theory..

Interesting theory Wliiough.

Along those lines.....maybe there are a few SWINGERS in Brookfield.
Remember the murder of Herman Rockefeller in Melbourne a few years ago.
It goes on.
oooh he won the quadrangle run!

supposedly Brookfield has lots of swingers...
Wouldn't that have been moving from a modest office space, with a modest lease, into a ginormous office space, with an exorbitant lease, right before most of the area with which they list flooded..? That would then logically explain why one of his ex-staff stated "it could have worked, it should have worked, but it just didn't".

Rain just doesn't seem to be the friend of GBC!

The decision to move and set up on a larger scale I am sure was probably made before the floods as you have pointed out and arrangements made in advance of the floods and perhaps it was too late with leases signed and lease on the other place not renewed so perhaps this factor was simply bad luck on his behalf.
The market nose dived EVEN MORE and houses in his 'catchment' were not selling real well.
But I think you will find the staffer who said it could have worked and should have worked but didnt' was also referring to expansion plans on a grander scale. Such as targeting more commercial leasing and sales (which I don't think was part of their business model whilst at Kenmore), consultancy work which included advice and consultancy on 'purchasing a business'.
It seems his plans and business model was to expand somewhat, which is fine, and to be commended for trying of course. However whilst doing that a company must still have their core business in full swing, to pay the bills, whilst the new initiatives had time to develop.
Core business in this instance being residential sales that he had done for 7 years previously and had done quite well by the looks.
Rather than blaming the floods completely (which yes was bad luck) I would also hasten to add that the timing of said expansion was not properly thought out because the market had actually already nose dived well before the floods of Jan 2011. In fact around 2 years prior to that. Probably should have battended down the hatches in 2010/11 rather than expanding in my view. In business, timing is vital. Some in certain sectors would argue timing is in fact more than vital, its EVERTYTHING!
Having said that, benefit of hindsight is a wonderful thing....
Interesting theory Wliiough.

They change everyday it seems (my theories). lol

I agree about Rockefellar......That was the case (and another case my father was jury on - I best not discuss) that seriously opened my eyes up to the fact, that although one can apply the KISS theory to things.....Outlandish things do at times happen.

Hawkins did say that this was going to worse than first thought and the jury will find this one very difficult.

I just want to add.....I dont necessarily think that what I wrote about Allison's best friend, to be truth. But, part of sleuthing, I guess, it to throw out there, as many perspectives as possible.....and in the light of there not being much info lately, it's odd, and nasty....but with some comments made, plausible too.
Re the phone...always possible they did find it seeing as police seemed to stop mentioning it a while back.

I still like AllyG's suggestion...on a roof or suggestion was a septic tank...though I never did find out if the phone would still send out signals if underwater.

This would be interesting if we are able to find this out.
I did a google search and found the answer to be no.
IMO the phone has been stratigically hidden.
IMO the phone has been stratigically hidden.

I think so too.

Just to add.....Whoever had this phone, maybe couldnt unlock it to delete messages....They have hid it well and good......Because somewhere, is a person who has deleted messages, and it appears different to what Allison (her actual self) sent. ie "I know about what was going on, I am coming to see you". Deleted from the receivers phone.................But, not deleted from Allison's.
I am persisting with an alternate theory, on the off chance the main theory is not correct!

I've fleshed it out a bit since this morn. Please bear in mind this is purely for arguments sake only in the absense of fresh news/evidence to fuel the main theory that GBC is guilty.

3. GBC and ABC at some point along the way made a poor business decision which resulted in a substantial bad debt to one or more unsavioury people. Over time the pressure builds, perhaps even threats are made, ABC returns to work to help make repayments but ultimately with the property slump in full swing they are in too deep.

"Good post Toowong, have to disagree on point 3. My opionion is that poor old ABC would have had little input into business decisions. I think you only have to look at the individual & his family concerned here to probably come to that conclusion yourself...
I also know that the bad debt to unsavoury people to be incorrect. Debtors were/are run of the mill ordinary people, ex employees in fact.
Personally I don't blame GBC for securing investment from other individuals either by the way, good salesmanship in many ways. Its 100% the responsibility of the investor to do their due diligence. nothing is 100% certain in life or business. There is always a risk involved. I don't know the intricate details of any contracts or agreements in place of course or any safety nets, if any, that the investors had in place to protect their investment of course. I am sure its turned sour.....Personally I could find better ways to invest $150-200k in than in a real estate business in 2009/2010 in Brisbane - expansion plans included!!
This would be interesting if we are able to find this out.
I did a google search and found the answer to be no.
IMO the phone has been stratigically hidden.

Goggle searched...iphone?? Do the signals cut out immediately when put long would it take for them to cut out??

"stratigically hidden" guess is he didn't want or expect Allison's body to be found in that perhaps threw the phone into creek somewhere along the way ??

How long did he have that night??...from 10pm until 7.30am next morning...or from 8pm which was one of the times police were looking at a while back?? Either way that is a lot of hours to hide the body, clean up possibly house & car/s..& dispose of the phone.
Like a prisoner on the rack, with every turn of the handle, day by day, the pressure goes up another notch. How long can the killer bear it?

“What do they know? How can I find out what’s going on? Who can I talk to about it? Have I covered my tracks well enough? What if XX tells them about YY? I Hope ZZ keeps their mouth shut!...”

Mean while, over at Websleuths.... , day by day, the pressure goes up another notch. How long can the bloggers bear it?

“What do QPS know? How can I find out what’s going on? Who can I talk to about it? When will there be an arrest? What are they waiting for? Maybe AA’s theory isn’t really so out there, maybe BB’s fantasy has some merit.”

No disrespect to anyone...I’ve read every post since day 1, and occasionally posted – I’ve appreciated the theories, the links, the argy bargy, witnessing the blossoming cyber friendships. This is how I feel at the moment, and suspect it’s the same for a lot of you.

This report states that police have narrowed the phone's location to 150 m and that they are hopeful of finding it.
I also read somewhere else that police were given clues such as in neighbouring yards...can't find that media report though.

So what would've been hidden first? The body or the phone?
IMO the body would've been a top priority...then the phone hidden when returning.
Any other opinions?
On a serious note. I wonder if that is pure gossip because of that wedding phto, where she is in the background, looking all gritty and jealous about something. Thanks though Reginald....One never knows. I would fall off my chair (not laughing, fainting) if that was the case.....My oh my, the plot

This report states that police have narrowed the phone's location to 150 m and that they are hopeful of finding it.
I also read somewhere else that police were given clues such as in neighbouring yards...can't find that media report though.

So what would've been hidden first? The body or the phone?
IMO the body would've been a top priority...then the phone hidden when returning.
Any other opinions?

I think the phone would've been dealt with as an after thought. In panic mode the body would have been disposed of .. Then afterwards the phone was noticed in an "oh cr@p" moment and hurriedly thrown out the window of the car? perhaps? IMO
On a serious note. I wonder if that is pure gossip because of that wedding phto, where she is in the background, looking all gritty and jealous about something. Thanks though Reginald....One never knows. I would fall off my chair (not laughing, fainting) if that was the case.....My oh my, the plot

Ha ha, I had forgotten about that photo but she was shooting daggers wasn't she?
I think the phone would've been dealt with as an after thought. In panic mode the body would have been disposed of .. Then afterwards the phone was noticed in an "oh cr@p" moment and hurriedly thrown out the window of the car? perhaps? IMO

Perhaps a bin? Rubbish collection is Monday morning in Brookfield.

This report states that police have narrowed the phone's location to 150 m and that they are hopeful of finding it.
I also read somewhere else that police were given clues such as in neighbouring yards...can't find that media report though.

So what would've been hidden first? The body or the phone?
IMO the body would've been a top priority...then the phone hidden when returning.
Any other opinions?

Yes I agree the body would have been top taken care of after that .... or possibly along the way to the creek/return trip/or in area of home somewhere??

Never did get to hear what those "personal items" were that were found during the search for Allison. Police did haul him in to see if he could id them.
Ha ha, I had forgotten about that photo but she was shooting daggers wasn't she?

I thought she was too (not meant as criticism, meant as observation)....and it to me, was so unusual to put that photo forward, with her in the background like that. Someone said a thread or two back, that they thought that the look on her face was more of a "why are you marrying that noodle" look...........I thought it was more sour than that.
I thought she was too (not meant as criticism, meant as observation)....and it to me, was so unusual to put that photo forward, with her in the background like that. Someone said a thread or two back, that they thought that the look on her face was more of a "why are you marrying that noodle" look...........I thought it was more sour than that.

OMG now I will always think of him as that noodle!::floorlaugh:
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