Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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yes, someone said they had friends who rented a property through c21 and stopped being property manager last week.
Maybe she had another job to go to?

she was a partner or maybe a consultant ( but i think i read partnered) with pathways....perhaps she was going to take on a bigger role there and wanted to focus on this work as it was mor in line with her psychology interest
So here we are, thread 11... Hopefully this thread will offer us closure!!

I am more confused than ever about it all...

Can't be bothered to read all the pages, far too many. Went out for a stickybeak today. First went to gbc parents home, pretty unimpressive, all locked up, curtains drawn, no sign of life whatsoever. I
Reckon they've moved out for time being. Ordinary street in ordinary suburb. The horns etc were unusual to say the least. Not sure about earlier comments about photographers using telephoto lens to film the pash. Garage door is only 5m from the street.

Then checked out the roundabout, bus stop etc. then went to Kenmore Village and Kenmore plaza.

Then went to Taringa to C21. Absolutely dead, almost no sign of life, one girl at the back, no sign of any property details, photos etc, listings etc. even when I went inside the showroom the girl round the back didn't even come out the front. Clearly it's gone out of business. Very glitzy offices on top of the hill and looking back to city.

As I was leaving a bearded guy with green t shirt came up from basement car park and walked in round the back of the office. May have been gbc but can't be certain.

Will check out Brookfield tomorrow.
I don't know about that. Someone linked a video last night stating she had given up her career for her children, that the conference she was going to attend was a pathways conference. The reporter stumbled a bit in the video, but that's how it come out. If anything she was inching her way back into psychology. I'm not going off to find this link AGAIN. Before you guys post it's up for you to research and link, instead of making the same posters link over and over again. If you are going to state something...back it up...Grrrrr

IMO, and it is my opinion only, she had a couple of listings under her name at C21. If anyone knows anything about how Real Estate Agents work, maybe she met the vendors and they wanted her to sell their properties, and in good faith she kept the listings under her name. That does not mean she was sitting in the office all day. In the event they had a buyer that suited the house the receptionist could set up the appointment and Allison could have met the buyer at the house. Apparently she only had a couple of listings. All thisof courses heresy, because I haven't seen one link that backs up the fact she was still working there. I THINK someone stated she had some listings under her name. Basically, you've stated she was working at some supply the link.

Are you addressing this to me?
reading this makes me wonder if he is following this forum, if he is i challenge him to use the word sock in his next article :)

hahaaha the immortal words of barney stinson lets hope he is saying .....'challenge accepted'
I was told this a few days ago aswell.. although the person who told me didnt state how they knew

That would make sense. Who would lawyer up so early with a hard hitting criminal defense attorney such as Mahoney and SC...

At the end of the day, the person who did this lives with this daily and must know they are living a lie especially what they did to the mother of the three girls. Simply, the person is a coward and if a legal team has heard a confession then they have an obligation to the court and not the defendant.
Linette, who took over the property management do you know? Was it another agency? Than k you

Sorry, I was only mentioning what another member posted here either last night or the one before. It was their friend who was renting a house through C21. Someone else then said how she was still property manager the week before she went missing. Sorry, but I can't remeber who it was. Maybe I shouldn't have written it without being able to remember who? Sorry.
she was a partner or maybe a consultant ( but i think i read partnered) with pathways....perhaps she was going to take on a bigger role there and wanted to focus on this work as it was mor in line with her psychology interest

but, if we were entertaining the idea that Allison had learned something 'sinister' regarding the business or her husband, that might fit in with that theory and she wanted nothing more to do with any of it
TRUE - I don't know if your "thank you" for my post was an affirmative answer or what. Please explain.
Sorry, I was only mentioning what another member posted here either last night or the one before. It was their friend who was renting a house through C21. Someone else then said how she was still property manager the week before she went missing. Sorry, but I can't remeber who it was. Maybe I shouldn't have written it without being able to remmber who? Sorry.

it seems to me that it was mentioned weeks ago? I am probably wrong (usually am) just putting it out there that that bit of info might have been mentioned in the first threads :)
Sorry, I was only mentioning what another member posted here either last night or the one before. It was their friend who was renting a house through C21. Someone else then said how she was still property manager the week before she went missing. Sorry, but I can't remeber who it was. Maybe I shouldn't have written it without being able to remmber who? Sorry.[/QUOTEgetrtign rid of the

sorry I didn't mean to put any pressure on you, I was just wondering out loud really. If Allison was getting rid of the rent roll perhaps this was her way of bring the financial mess to an end and forcing the closure of the business, because in all honesty that was what was making money and paying the rent. Perhaps she was tired of being the income earner Alternatively as it seems to have all shut down so quickly after Allison's murder perhaps they had onsold the rent roll and were in the process of shutting the business down. I wonder if this doesn't in some ways tie into the school meeting on the 18th, perhaps Allison needed to do something when she knew GBC would be occupied for a fixed amount of time.

My apologies again Linette
I havent spent much time today reading all the posts but have gone quickly through most pages, and I want to explain for my part, where my questions re: friend came from.

There has been a bit of talk about instead of rehashing old theories over and over again, lets start looking at alternate thoeories, even 'lets speculate wildly'. This DOES NOT MEAN IMO 'lets choose someone and have a good old bash. However, a part of sleuthing, i guess, I THINK, should be to look at what you have, maybe identify any specifics that don't add up, and maybe delve a little deeper without attacking someone who is not namely a suspect or person of interest.

What I meant to do , in my post Re: friend, was, firstly acknowledge that I had read others posts which brought her into the spotlight momentarily BECAUSE THE POLICE HAVE STATED THEMSELVES THAT THEY BELIEVE THE KILLER TO BE KNOWN TO ALLISON

So, in light of that, I had a quick look through and IMO, I immediately noticed comments she had made that to me, contradicted themselves. I then posted the two statements to see if anyone else thought they were odd. (I did and I still do, that is not to say I think she killed ABC. It is to state that I think those two or three sentences seem odd to be coming from the same woman)

I am all for new theories. Ive come up with some beauties myself, namely the triads and yes, we all got a good laugh out of that one hey???? ive suggested GBC had a gay political lover again HAHAHAHAHA...and Im suss as about the blond man with the tattoo and the white van. Im also big on the financial problems and have said Allison may have been well off in her own right and even in with GBC on financial illegal business dealings. I also think GBC father is a freaky arse 'big man on campus' at least in his own eyes, and think he comes across like a scary man to mess around with.
the only time Ive been stopped in my tracks was when I said maybe Allison had someone special in her life, and now. But it isnt going to stop me from exploring all sorts of avenues. I dont believe I criticised or insulted ABC friend EVER, and wouldnt be happy with anyone here who started in on someones character without reason or knowledge.

I hope we can get past all this bickering and hot headedness of the last few days, I know I was single mindedly stuck on the sleepover thing yesterday and quite an annoying pain in the arse. so for my part ...SORRY!!

Couldn't agree more with this post minni. This is an unusual case and therefore some "unusual" things may have gone on in this household. It is quite naive for people to get stuck on the GBC is the man angle when really with what little information we have been given as gospel the possibilities are endless. I bet the QPS aren't just focused on basically one line of thinking. Just saying.....
Are you addressing this to me?

CaseClosed, anyone who said she was working for C21 in any capacity that is relevant. One post says she was working there up to the week before her death. I'm sorry but this is very relevant and this info needs to be backed up and linked. Particularly because someone put up a link last night stating she had given her career away to raise her girls. It is quite possible it's true that she was working because her pic was on the C21 Web site, BUT it was way at the bottom of the page with nothing but a picture and a name. Which would probably satisfy the couple of clients who liked her and wanted their house listed with her, that she actually worked there.

I want to know what is meant by "She was still working there up to the week before she died"? Because being on call to show a couple of houses in the off chance they meet a buyers requirement after an appointment is set up via mobile phone, is a far cry from sitting in the office every day in the company of Gerard. Just want more specifics because anyone that is reading some of these posts will believe she worked in there full time up until a week before she died. People have linked to the contrary and really if these statements are not backed up it's a waste of researchers time.
well, I have kids to get organised, nibblies to make, guests coming over.......GO THE MAROONS!!!!!!! hope you all hash out some interesting new ideas, and come up with some fresh takes on the old doubt Ill be back after the game :D
Must go for a while - I wish my family didn't want to eat = it so inconvenient LOL

I think they also think I should iron, these thing used to happen automatically a few weeks ago, but they don't now and they don't understand why!! Men!!
I can't quite grasp why people seem to think that Baden Clay engaging a criminal lawyer is a sign he must be guilty.

If I had been in his position even if I was as clean as the driven snow I would have hired the best legal advice I could.

Lets be honest from the moment detectives arrived on the scene on the very first day Mrs Baden Clay was reported missing the line of questioning would have been intimidating and he would have been left in little doubt that he was a suspect in a possible murder investigation.You go to gaol for a long time for murder, and innocent people have been convicted of it.
it seems to me that it was mentioned weeks ago? I am probably wrong (usually am) just putting it out there that that bit of info might have been mentioned in the first threads :)

Probably was... maybe they just posted the same info again because people were talking about C21.
well, I have kids to get organised, nibblies to make, guests coming over.......GO THE MAROONS!!!!!!! hope you all hash out some interesting new ideas, and come up with some fresh takes on the old doubt Ill be back after the game :D

YES!!! GO THE MAROONS !!!!! Make it 7 years in a row. :)
No, I thanked you, cos I like you and I was about to explain myself :). Not being snarky here, just when important info is posted it needs links. Over the past week I've realized it's one on the most frustrating things about this forum.
Latest from Paul Tully

The last paragraph is interesting!

"The public can only conclude that the killer is so stupid, he or she is continuing to say and do things which amount to admissions of guilt or is engaging in other incriminating actions which are building a rock-solid case which no defence counsel could ever wriggle out of for their client."

Glad I checked as I was about to post this link after having dinner. I check his blog daily for info.
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