Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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Once again here is the link to the video where the Pathways conference that Allison was to be attending on the Friday if discussed.

Watch from approx. the 6 min 30 second mark. This information was also in a written media article which I am sure is posted in the media timeline as I remembering reading it as well while putting the timeline together.

This link along with many other media links is posted in the timeline which can be found here

[ame=""]AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Just putting it out there... What if GBC had already hired a lawyer or was getting advice from a lawyer about his business and finances weeks before ABC's disappearnce as word has it that his business wasnt doing well and was soon to go under administration? What if GBC had a meeting on Thursday morning with this lawyer about business matters coincidencently? As GBC was a POI immediately (then withdrawn) wouldn't an ordinary lawyer advise to get a criminal lawyer asap and not talk incase anything GBC would say could incriminate him. ABC's murderer was known to her ( according to media reports and QPS) ABC worked at Flight Centre, was a Sports Pyschologist for a short period, worked at Century 21, had children at school etc. How many people do you meet each day. "Known to her" can be an acquaintance, a client not necessarily a friend or family member.
Both families must be going through so much stress. The Dickies because of the loss of their much loved daughter and the mother of their grandchildren and the BC's because no matter what they do they have been criticised, judged and been put in a bad light.
I find this a bit strange. The night that the police set up the road block at the roundabout, there was an embargo until 5 am. I saw on Twitter a radio host hinting at QPS doing something that night, but he couldn't say what it was until 5:05 am. The boss of QPS Media tweeted back to him blasting him for not respecting the embargo.

yep..spencer whatshisface!! there was specific talk about QPS embargo, and I remember the tweet, she reprimanded him...but in a lighthearted way wasn't it? I remember thinking...if he really broke taht embargo, wouldn't he be in the ****? yet she jsut kind of ribbed him about it...a stern admonishing
How DO you ignore?

It's a pity we can't ignore off topic posts.
It would be even better if posters could somehow flag their posts as off topic so we don't waste so much time having to read all the trash.
I think what frustrates some here is that GBC seems fair game for character attacks - he's been called scum, liar, cheat, violent sociopath, etc on the basis of one known affair and looking a bit shifty under close media scrutiny in a high pressure situation.

He may not be guilty people. All we know is he had an affair and was the one to report ABC missing. It seems to me he was open about this affair as it has been said he went to public dinners etc and did not really sneak around. Also it is clear ABC was very intelligent. Probably the more intelligent of the two. So fair chance she was well aware of the affair. And she judged him to be of good character and gave him a 2nd chance. So maybe we should give ABC some credit here, she knew him best and had a psychology degree so was actually trained and qualified to make a well considered character judgement.

We don't know that he was continuing the affair at the time of the murder. We don't know that there were multiple affairs. We don't know that he was domestically violent. That is all pure heresay and conjecture drummed up by the likes of the local hairdresser and so on.

There is a fair chance some or all of it is true, I accept that. But until we know for sure I think we should tone down the slander of GBC because he may not be guilty in which case what would ABC think of all this slander and what would and his daughters think should they read it?

I'm all for an open mind, a fair trial and innocent unless (note, not until) proven guilty.

We don't know if GBC
you know the business of the BC being class helpers together bothers me, I know when I have done these sort of thing in the past a husband certainly puts a different feeling to the event, then a single spouse (of either gender) Was GBC afraid of what Allison might say if she was alone? Did he cling to her all the time and not want her to have experiences he was not part of? Did he think the school was "his" field (I find the Linkedin blog where he notes under positions held that he is the PC vice president in NFP organisation very odd)

There is a couple at my kids school ( husband and wife ) they are involved in EVERYTHING ( helping in class, theyre both on pafa committee, they are class coordinators, basically any event the school is involved in, theyre front and centre ) About the only thing they dont dominate is school banking... thank god because I help with that and love it lol

Now, its great hes involved ( I guess lol ) but it has always struck me as odd. In fact, they both have always struck me as odd lol. Theyre friendly I suppose, but its hard to converse with them, because its like 3s a crowd. Alot of the mothers feel this way ( it hasnt gone unnoticed how hes always around, doesnt he have a job to go to? ) I say hi to them, but it is like he shadows her. Hes there with her at pickup time, if I ever see her somewhere, hes right there. School things is *usually* womens domain isnt it? and certainly as far as class helpers, hes the only guy that I know of ( at least in Prep - Yr4 ) I dont know who helps in 5 / 6.

If Allison and Gerard were like these two, nobody from school would have been able to get "close" to her. Its like he knows if hes around she cant make friends. This may not have been the case, but thats the feeling I get around these two at my kids school!
I must be the only one here not wanting to watch State of Origin :fence:
As for the media being gagged - I spoke to a friend who is very high up with regards to Brisbane media. This person said that there has been absolutely no gag order issued by the police.

I would say that is right. <mod snip>. They would print whatever they got their hands on if they could.
By them telling that person they have heaps more information than they have printed just keeps people reading their stuff in a hope that something will come up.

I bet they have plenty of information on who they think did it, but wont print it until the police confirm it.
I looked for missing chains @ Coles. I laughed thinking I'd meet one of you there...

So were the chains missing?
It should be obvious if a brand new chain has been installed. Fresh welds, paint, new chain etc.
There is a couple at my kids school ( husband and wife ) they are involved in EVERYTHING ( helping in class, theyre both on pafa committee, they are class coordinators, basically any event the school is involved in, theyre front and centre ) About the only thing they dont dominate is school banking... thank god because I help with that and love it lol

Now, its great hes involved ( I guess lol ) but it has always struck me as odd. In fact, they both have always struck me as odd lol. Theyre friendly I suppose, but its hard to converse with them, because its like 3s a crowd. Alot of the mothers feel this way ( it hasnt gone unnoticed how hes always around, doesnt he have a job to go to? ) I say hi to them, but it is like he shadows her. Hes there with her at pickup time, if I ever see her somewhere, hes right there. School things is *usually* womens domain isnt it? and certainly as far as class helpers, hes the only guy that I know of ( at least in Prep - Yr4 ) I dont know who helps in 5 / 6.

If Allison and Gerard were like these two, nobody from school would have been able to get "close" to her. Its like he knows if hes around she cant make friends. This may not have been the case, but thats the feeling I get around these two at my kids school!

Thats never a good thing....I help out alot at school....and hubby occasionally. Hubby though is a volunteer firefighter and is well known around the local traps....and he always brings the trucks to the school for the little ones, and the local kinders etc....He helps with sausage sizzles (GOD I HATE THOSE)...But not often together...Unless it's a working bee.
Just putting it out there... What if GBC had already hired a lawyer or was getting advice from a lawyer about his business and finances weeks before ABC's disappearnce as word has it that his business wasnt doing well and was soon to go under administration? What if GBC had a meeting on Thursday morning with this lawyer about business matters coincidencently? As GBC was a POI immediately (then withdrawn) wouldn't an ordinary lawyer advise to get a criminal lawyer asap and not talk incase anything GBC would say could incriminate him. ABC's murderer was known to her ( according to media reports and QPS) ABC worked at Flight Centre, was a Sports Pyschologist for a short period, worked at Century 21, had children at school etc. How many people do you meet each day. "Known to her" can be an acquaintance, a client not necessarily a friend or family member.
Both families must be going through so much stress. The Dickies because of the loss of their much loved daughter and the mother of their grandchildren and the BC's because no matter what they do they have been criticised, judged and been put in a bad light.

Statistics say in 9 out of 10 cases like this, the spouse is the perp. I don't think this is the 1 out of 10 cases that is not, IMO.
No you are not - I have no interest whatsoever in any form of football' I would rather watch paint dry.
Statistics say in 9 out of 10 cases like this, the spouse is the perp. I don't think this is the 1 out of 10 cases that is not, IMO.

Yep....I think it's more of a who helped him with this in any way, how and why.
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