Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I am sure of that because I did CPR at the weekend at our local shops and it happened than.

yes I meant leaking off the tarp-if put down to accomadate bodily fluid leaking and prevent DNA leakage.. But I know what you are saying.
Quote added:

Today, 04:19 PM

Hi Everyone

I told you I was going to the western suburbs today and would talking to a few people, I have some news to tell you all.

A friend of mine, is friendly with someone who was a good friend of Allison, known her for years apparently, primary, secondary school and kept in touch. The are what Allison's friend told my friend.

1. Allison was not the goodie two shoes she is being made to be.

2. The children were at the grandparents that night, because Allison planned to have it out with GBC

3. The girlfriend was pregnant, but no longer is (I don't anymore about this)

My friend also knows someone who is the mother of one of the policemen who first attended on the Friday:

1. The reason the search escalated so quickly was that BC had a history with the police of domestic violence and when they got into the house on the Friday morning the walls were covered in holes that had been made from someone punching something.

That is what I have heard today. My contact is a credible person, and I wouldn't believe she would lie. Some to said they know the person who contacted the police regarding the two vehicle at Kholo creek and they were seen there at 4am.

I know nothing else and just open this up for your opinions.

Wow. Spratsmum. Nice work!
I look forward to reading the new theories tomorrow.

Pregnant girlfriend would make me pretty dam mad and I would confront him about it but only w/o kids around.

Hopefully we can get more local info soon.
Bye for now and yes it's much nicer without all the nastiness x

Mmmmm interesting ingredients for the recipe of death Spratsmum thanks. I can see a woman on a new career path and a trip to hairdressers would make me 'bring on the truth serum discussion'. However in that vein of new self confidence and planning it, I would go into a CATATONICAL STATE OF CALM, STATE THE FACTS, THEN GIVE MY NEW LIFE PLAN CLEARLY TO HIM.

I feel she was not in a reactionary phase but a proactionary calmness.

Holes in the wall...meh she's over that, almost gornsky now.

In that mind set I see her as strong now/then.

How was her mind set previously then if you said this was a not goody two shoes person??
Even if there is no tiny bit of evidence, cadaver dogs can identify the smell of a dead body.

But, if they had found this type of direct evidence in the car, would they not have made an arrest by now (I think Unfoldingtruth was getting at this earlier)?
Harvey Keitel got a mention, so hey, why not the trolley boy?
Unless he has income protection, it is unlikely he will receive compensation re the accident. Drivers are not covered by 3rd party insurance. More likely he will get a driving offence infringement.
Watching the <> interview just now did it for me yet again &#8230; Every alarm bell in the world goes off &#8230; And the poor young crime reporter (Alyshia Gates) seemed to be buying it too &#8230;


.. furtively looks up, with right eyebrow raised, at Alyshia to see if she is buying it (she is) tries to think ahead because his biggest line of deceit is coming &#8230; Then looks down:
... (another quick look at reporter to see if she is duped)

It's completely incorrect to assume any reporter "buys" the stories of the people they are interviewing. Any journalist worth their salt learns very early in their training that portraying hostility and overt aggression towards any interviewee is a waste of time (and unethical).

This is just a basic tenet of interviewing; unfortunately, I think this interpretation is entirely off-base.
But, if they had found this type of direct evidence in the car, would they not have made an arrest by now (I think Unfoldingtruth was getting at this earlier)?

They may have found evidence in the car but they'd still have to determine who was driving the car??
Indro/Kenmore whatever shopping center the chains came from. There would still be cameras. There even car park cameras at quikimarts these days. They are everywhere.

Agree. But maybe they aren't clear enough to distinguish facial features for identification of people.

I'm not sure why I'm still discussing the chain :waitasec: It seems so unlikely to be involved, but it's interesting to consider!
A local commented in the last thread.
They have a PO Box at the post office in the complex and it's accessible 24 hours a day. They have never known it to have been locked.

The Po Boxes are accessed via the Brookfield Road Entrance and Exit. I think Moggil Rd entry and Ceaderleigh entry/exit are locked, but I would have to check.
Maybe, at this point, it might be helpful to step back and get an overview: do a recap in one post of everything that is hard, solid fact. It might help you contextualise and add clarity.

there is a timeline that Kimster usually posts on the first post of each thread that is really helpful. It just covers the timeline AS REPORTED BT MEDIA. In other threads this has been tried, but I think with each recap, posters add to and query so much of the factual data that it becomes opinion again. But IMO its a good idea and it might help bring things back to Keep It Simple Stupid! or Occams RAzor etc.

IMO respectfully
I think you should do it
I don't think that would be the case, my point was the lawyer will advise you if you plead guilty or not guilty to a crime you have committed and to the charges. So may be charged with murder and plead not guilty to that, but guilty to manslaughter, the difference being the intent to kill or accidental death. So if you drive at someone at high speed that would be murder if they died, but if you hit someone at high speed it could be neglect and manslaughter - the difference is in the sentence. The crime has taken someone's live but the intent of the suspect was different.

I agree Spratsmum with what you have said about a lawyers guidance in regard to guilty/ not guilty pleas when it comes to the difference between murder and manslaughter.

The true example that I gave about an innocent person being recommended to plead guilty by a barrister was not a case involving the death of a person. It is true. I was there supporting the person and heard the barristers reasons for recommending the man plead guilty for something that he didn't do. This was just an example of how lawyers advise their clients by taking into consideration many factors. It demonstrated how they will make recommendations based on what they believe is in the best interest of their client.....even if it is to plead guilty to something that you haven't done. From what the barrister said, this was not an uncommon occurrence. this story also reflects how in this imperfect world with an imperfect justice system....mistakes do happen...innocent people sometimes do go to jail...just as guilty people sometimes do get away with it and don't end up in jail. Yes, it is unfair....but it is reality.

Let's hope in the case that we are focusing on that the justice system gets it right and the right person(s) pay for the crime.
That is a very good question. So far, we can speculate:
Possible Allison's superannuation
Possible $600,000.00 Insurance payout
Any assets and property in common (unknown amount)
Possible Victims of Crime Compensation for himself and each child (up to $100,000.00 each victim)
Possible Transport Accident Commission payout for car accident
Possible what else? Anybody have more to add to this list? MOO.

Not to mention starting a new life with mistress that's 'unemcumbered' by ex demanding child support or dramas around shared custody for the next ten years - that adds up to a lot. IMO - People with a DV background tend to want to control their domestic situation and view their children as goods and chattels. Sad situation really.
A local commented in the last thread.
They have a PO Box at the post office in the complex and it's accessible 24 hours a day. They have never known it to have been locked.[/QUOTE
Thanks for that local.
But, if they had found this type of direct evidence in the car, would they not have made an arrest by now (I think Unfoldingtruth was getting at this earlier)?

They need a lot more than that. They need to prove it was her and that he killed her.
They need a lot more than that. They need to prove it was her and that he killed her.

I think they'd determine fairly quickly if it was her, dna... but they'd still have to prove he was driving the car to dump the body??
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