Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15

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Hey zookyliz, thanks for your posts. Don't take it to heart if people dissect them if they are hearsay. Most people are here to find out what happened. As you can appreciate it is hard to make heads nor tails of so much local gossip and hearsay and so people will tend to question things to work out if this is something to take note of in their mind or dismiss/put it to the back of their mind. Facts are different and are things that can be verified, but admittedly there are not too many we know from this case yet.
UNFOLDING TRUTH: Thanks for explaining that information. It is helpful to know that we sleuthers are merely questioning, for the purpose of exactly what you say there.
they would have been wiped before he engaged the lawyer. i am sure QPS took computers before he cot the lawyer.

Don't know, lol..he was pretty darn quick on that.. had the lawyer the day Allison was reported missing.
I'm not really buying into the police possibly turning up earlier than reported (either earlier Thursday night or even Wednesday night) due to call about possible DV, mainly because IF they had, and IF GBC is the main perp, he's surely not going to kill Allison a day or so later and think he could get away with it?

And IF it was some random killer, that would just seem way too much of a coincidence that she would be murdered a day after her husband has been questioned by police.

JMO though.

Some think they can get away with murder...police have to prove them wrong.

So many crims have loads of "history" & still keep on committing crimes.
yeh but seems to be alot of QPS interest in whether she had marks on her neck or not when she was at the hairdresser. questioned witness told my informant 2 weeks ago she was strangled. just putting it up there.MOO

I know a poster indicated QPS went back to the hairdressers after the body was found and asked about any marks, etc. That could just be standard to establish if there was any previous domestic violence. Yes, she could have been strangled.
it was in that timeframe that witness saw BC senior at bus shelter at roundabout and stopped and checked if he was ok apparently about 10.30.

I thought I recalled that when someone came on and posted about the NBC at bus shelter thing, they said it was at 4am. I may have this wrong, but wouldn't know where to find it now as it was a post buried within a thread somewhere - maybe thread #7 or 8? It was just after the Police did tests, and had a post at the Kenmore Roundabout, within the week or so after that.

I remember thinking "4am - very late and unusual to be out at that time sitting in a bus shelter."
I know, but I was responding to a comment by Pugsandfrogs regarding legal advise to delete computer data. Pugs comments relate to another rumour that indicated the husband may have had legal advise before QPS arrived at the house, but we don't know if that is true.

sorry missed that one of Pugs
Shamelessly bumping my own post here.

Look, you all have gathered a TON of facts & spent a lot of time thinking about this case. We don't want that collected understanding to go to waste.

The first link I posted above is to Allison's timeline thread. Anyone who is able and willing can compile the knowns about her case and add it to that thread, with the appropriate links. Having everything factual in one place will help us out immeasurably if and when this comes to trial, so it's a worthwhile endeavor even though that thread isn't getting lots of hits right now.

The second link above (which goes to Michelle Parker's case out of Florida USA) is to a sample of how we can track theories here at WS without rancor, in a case where discussion can get testy at times.

Just offering these as examples of what might work well for Allison's case. Differences aside, it's clear to me that all the posters here care deeply about Allison, her children, and the pursuit of justice.

That is all.

Fantastic idea - i actually thought of this ages ago and wanted to do it myself but i simply don't have time. It would help so much because we could track theories legitimately and then mark them off if they were verified or not.

Could we include rumours within these theories as long as we stated they were rumours, and then mark off if they became verified or ruled out? I mean, as an example, way back when someone posted that a close friend was a hairdresser at a local salon, and that Allison had been there on the Thursday night, most of us felt it was true as it fitted into everything. She stated that Allison had mentioned about the conference and sleepover, and that all of the staff had been interviewed by police, and in the end it all turned out to be correct. People did come up with theories which included those things, and it was helpful.
I do not agree that police attending the night before would necessarily lead to GBC's immediate arrest (note: IF they did in fact attend). The poster did not allude to who called the police, or for what reason.
Neighbours may have called the police after hearing a loud argument (and an argument was mentioned in early media reports). This would not necessarily mean that there was violence involved. Nor does it mean that it was GBC was the one causing the most commotion. Let us not forget that ABC was the one in this relationship that had the most reason to be aggrieved.
It has been mentioned by several posters that GBC had scratches BEFORE that fatal night. IMO, I'm seeing a "battered husband" defence.

PS There is software available to effectively "ghost" a hard drive (I used to work for a Government Department, and we did this to PC's before donating them to schools etc. However, I do not believe this happened in this case.
MUM73: If the husband had scratches on him, we don't know who put them there. It is possible they were gained in a family violence episode with Allison. It is also possible that somebody else put them there, either a girlfriend, another lover, or an accomplice put them there. They needed to be seen by a forensic Doctor with more indepth knowledge about scratches, bruises, cuts etc. My opinion only, not fact.
FYI there was a question some weeks ago whether he had actually completed this degree (someone with contacts at KPMG explained that he failed some exams and couldn't continue at KPMG because of that).

Yes I did read that but this was regarding the computers not the accounting.
Time to go back lurking....
Some think they can get away with murder...police have to prove them wrong.

So many crims have loads of "history" & still keep on committing crimes.

Oh I know marlywings, too many in fact.

I do think GBC killed Allison, always have done, and I reckon he thinks he can get away with it too.

I just don't think he'd do it that night if it were true that police had made a visit a day or so beforehand, especially a visit regarding possible DV.

FYI there was a question some weeks ago whether he had actually completed this degree (someone with contacts at KPMG explained that he failed some exams and couldn't continue at KPMG because of that).

It is my belief/opinion he didn't finish his degree. MOO
was it definately NBC or just an unidentified elderly man that was seen sitting at bus shelter in the early hours of the morning? I know that my head wants to THINK its the old marriage enhancement facilitator...but I think thats just because I want to pin something on him, if it was identified as him, this story would be pretty close to wrapped up wouldn't it?
Yes very valid. I asked my informant and they said same thing . must have got it done in a hurry and by a friend. or else coincidence if business was going bad may have wanted a lot of financial and other info deleted. still suss about BC seniors computer though.MOO
SQUIZZEY1: If the wiping of the hard drives are true, then this changes the nature of what we could be looking at here. It takes someone with advanced computer knowledge to assist with this task. I wonder if Army Intelligence teaches these skills? My opinion only, not fact.

This is what I was begging to differ on UT, as I thought a trace was left behind and it could be traced by some IT folk who charge a lot of money per hour to retrieve it. This is my understanding.

However, Indromum has posted that in the Sica case, the QPS could not retrieve the data he deleted from his computer.

Thanks. I just didn't understand what you meant, as I thought we were saying similar. Thanks for making it clearer.
FYI there was a question some weeks ago whether he had actually completed this degree (someone with contacts at KPMG explained that he failed some exams and couldn't continue at KPMG because of that).

That would have been his professional year to become a Chartered Accountant
FYI there was a question some weeks ago whether he had actually completed this degree (someone with contacts at KPMG explained that he failed some exams and couldn't continue at KPMG because of that).

I believe you can complete your accounting or commerce degree then start on with KPMG or start as an undergraduate there. I think its the ongoing CPA training or training to be a chartered accountant that many uni graduates dont go on to complete or fail, or defer. To become an accountant doesn't just require your degree, thats only half of it and that might be where he stopped studying? Just half an opinion really, but think its fairly accurate!
I thought I recalled that when someone came on and posted about the NBC at bus shelter thing, they said it was at 4am. I may have this wrong, but wouldn't know where to find it now as it was a post buried within a thread somewhere - maybe thread #7 or 8? It was just after the Police did tests, and had a post at the Kenmore Roundabout, within the week or so after that.

I remember thinking "4am - very late and unusual to be out at that time sitting in a bus shelter."

I think this may be where the bus shelter thing started...

05-13-2012, 03:51 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by CJ60
Do we know he was there for a long time? I thought he was just waiting to be picked up en route.

The pick-up-on-route idea, that was only my theory, nothing more. All I was told was that the father was seen sitting in the bus shelter at the roundabout that night.

[ame=""]Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7 - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Oh I know marlywings, too many in fact.

I do think GBC killed Allison, always have done, and I reckon he thinks he can get away with it too.

I just don't think he'd do it that night if it were true that police had made a visit a day or so beforehand, especially a visit regarding possible DV.


I believe you are right, however the perp may not have intended to kill her that particular day ... another argument just got out of control and she was gone in a second.
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