Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15

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Yes I did read that but this was regarding the computers not the accounting.
Time to go back lurking....

Dont go back to lurking, it is lonely there lol.

I have thrown out old computers before when they did the roadside cleanup and I made sure I put the hardrive in the pool first so that our personal info wouldnt be out there to anyone who picked it up.
Shamelessly bumping my own post here.

Look, you all have gathered a TON of facts & spent a lot of time thinking about this case. We don't want that collected understanding to go to waste.

The first link I posted above is to Allison's timeline thread. Anyone who is able and willing can compile the knowns about her case and add it to that thread, with the appropriate links. Having everything factual in one place will help us out immeasurably if and when this comes to trial, so it's a worthwhile endeavor even though that thread isn't getting lots of hits right now.

The second link above (which goes to Michelle Parker's case out of Florida USA) is to a sample of how we can track theories here at WS without rancor, in a case where discussion can get testy at times.

Just offering these as examples of what might work well for Allison's case. Differences aside, it's clear to me that all the posters here care deeply about Allison, her children, and the pursuit of justice.

That is all.
thankyou!! there has been a lot of differences on this thread and heated moments. Its nice that you pointed out the one thing that we all feel strongly about, and its a good reminder that we are all on the same side here and want the same thing :rocker:
Then there's this one itsthevibe....

05-13-2012, 01:09 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 35

The gossip around legal circles is GBC did it accidentally and Bwana was called in to help clean up the mess but police have no evidence. Old man spotted sitting in bus shelter outside village at the roundabout late Thusday night or early FRiday morning. Female driver stopped to see if he was ok. Apparently he acted oddly and she thought he might have been crazy. Police are looking for anyone else who might have spotted him.

Make of it what you will.

Edited to add: the legal eagles say it's wasn't strangulation but rather a "love tap gone wrong". I'm quoting here.

[ame=""]Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7 - Page 4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
That would have been his professional year to become a Chartered Accountant

I don't really know, but the original post was more like he could not continue in KPMG's grad program. It wasn't in reference to become a CPA. Also, I would imagine that an accounting degree is longer than 3 years (88-90)?
Fantastic idea - i actually thought of this ages ago and wanted to do it myself but i simply don't have time. It would help so much because we could track theories legitimately and then mark them off if they were verified or not.

Could we include rumours within these theories as long as we stated they were rumours, and then mark off if they became verified or ruled out? I mean, as an example, way back when someone posted that a close friend was a hairdresser at a local salon, and that Allison had been there on the Thursday night, most of us felt it was true as it fitted into everything. She stated that Allison had mentioned about the conference and sleepover, and that all of the staff had been interviewed by police, and in the end it all turned out to be correct. People did come up with theories which included those things, and it was helpful.

I could have spent the last 72 hours more productively - instead of sulking!
Oh I know marlywings, too many in fact.

I do think GBC killed Allison, always have done, and I reckon he thinks he can get away with it too.

I just don't think he'd do it that night if it were true that police had made a visit a day or so beforehand, especially a visit regarding possible DV.


I agree with you Laura.
Dont go back to lurking, it is lonely there lol.

I have thrown out old computers before when they did the roadside cleanup and I made sure I put the hardrive in the pool first so that our personal info wouldnt be out there to anyone who picked it up.

.. hahahah ... I keep my HDs and just throw away the rest. One day I will burn them or something.
A resident on a neighbouring property said her dog was disturbed on the night Ms Baden-Clay disappeared.
"It is unusual for Scraps as she is never yapping, but she went crazy on Thursday night ... she went out like a bullet down the yard and kept barking," she said.

I love dogs too :heartbeat:
POSSUMHEART: Can we establish a time frame when Scraps ran down the yard like a bullet and kept barking? Could be important to this case.
"batwater' ??

I am not sure about the computers hard drives. too much hearsay I know from all different places, lol. I have heard from direction of Law enforcement(take what you will of it). that there was legal searches/advice sought on BC computer, in which case hard drive would not have been blank? (I am not technically minded there, whether this info can still be retrieved somehow)

yep I heard same from same direction
GBC panicks and calls daddy. GBC has accomplice in the car picks up daddy and goes to brookfield house picks up other car with body and goes to dump body.

see, this is where stuff starts making sense - If GBC was to dump her where she was found, he'd be stupid to drive the way he did - it's longer and a busier road. BUT, his parents live not far from the roundabout, so if he was picking up his Dad it makes sense.
The only other thing I heard from a VERY reliable source (a relative) was that a car of the same colour and make to the fathers car was seen in the area near the Scouts. So that blows that theory as he'd have his own car...

GBC has spoken to lots of people I know, and he's mainly talked about how everyone thinks it was him. You'd think he'd be talking about his grief... odd, no? Her parents have made it clear they think it was him too
was it definately NBC or just an unidentified elderly man that was seen sitting at bus shelter in the early hours of the morning? I know that my head wants to THINK its the old marriage enhancement facilitator...but I think thats just because I want to pin something on him, if it was identified as him, this story would be pretty close to wrapped up wouldn't it?
definately. they know him and stopped and asked if he was ok as they thought it very odd
Thats ok..I do plenty of typos! As I said I have heard differently regarding the computer coming from area close to investigations. Wonder whether he would have had time to get an expert in to wipe the computer given when the computers were seized, and unless it was a friend who was covering(IF GBC is perp).. you'd think they would report to QPS they had been asked to wipe the computer. Given this would likely have happened after Allison had been reported missing and the media had started covering the case. Just my thoughts.

Interesting point you've made and a couple of things came to mind about this. I wonder if companies that offer data cleaning/wiping services have reporting and record keeping requirements by Govt or Law Enforcement? I would think that these firms could be dealing with a lot of 'dodgy' type of clients trying to wipe all sorts of unsavoury things. Maybe if they are not required to as yet, then they wouldn't report these sort of things because they'd start losing business.

It just made me think about the old days when pawn shops were used to offload stolen goods. Then they introduced a register so every pawn shop had to record details of the person pawning the items etc which police would regularly check. (something like that, anyway).
This might be a silly comment, but could QPS have been delaying the release of COD to prevent any lodgement of insurance claims? As we know, they have had the tox results since Monday, therefore they must be able to confirm how she died. I would assume that without the cause of death, you wouldn't be able to lodge any financial claims over any of her assets/bank accounts/insurance, etc.
CASECLOSED: Good thinking Max!
I don't really know, but the original post was more like he could not continue in KPMG's grad program. It wasn't in reference to become a CPA. Also, I would imagine that an accounting degree is longer than 3 years (88-90)?

commerce used to be 3 years then a professional year at a practice to be a CA
dont you think the strangling thing is valid, thats why they are quizzing the hairdresser about marks on the neck etc. I thought tox results only eliminated foreign substances like poison and overdoses of medication etc. MOO dont know
SQIZZEY1: Seeing husband allegedly had scratches on him prior to Thursday evening, the Police may be enquiring if Allison also had scratches, bruises, cuts on her, etc. prior to leaving the hair salon that evening. Checking out family violence?
Interesting point you've made and a couple of things came to mind about this. I wonder if companies that offer data cleaning/wiping services have reporting and record keeping requirements by Govt or Law Enforcement? I would think that these firms could be dealing with a lot of 'dodgy' type of clients trying to wipe all sorts of unsavoury things. Maybe if they are not required to as yet, then they wouldn't report these sort of things because they'd start losing business.

It just made me think about the old days when pawn shops were used to offload stolen goods. Then they introduced a register so every pawn shop had to record details of the person pawning the items etc which police would regularly check. (something like that, anyway).

One thing I know, because it happened to me, is that if for example you have a virus and the only way out is to re-load Windows and start from scratch, the info of the past is still buried deep in the hard drive somewhere. I recovered all of my photos by just doing a search and then they popped up in my new Windows environment.
I believe you are right, however the perp may not have intended to kill her that particular day ... another argument just got out of control and she was gone in a second.

Quite possible CaseClosed. I just don't know. I used to think maybe it was DV leading to death, but as time has gone on I fear it may have been premeditated.

Sorry peeps if my last few post were confusing. I was not implying there was no DV in this relationship, as I think it's likely there was. I just meant I doubted whether police had been there earlier the Thursday night, or the Wednesday night, but anything's possible.

Probably still not making sense so I better go and do my shopping - very late - I was supposed to go this morning but I've been here all day! :)

I could have spent the last 72 hours more productively - instead of sulking!

Ha ha..could have been like writing lines in detention sought of thing(not that I would ever have known what that was about.:angel:;))
One thing I know, because it happened to me, is that if for example you have a virus and the only way out is to re-load Windows and start from scratch, the info of the past is still buried deep in the hard drive somewhere. I recovered all of my photos by just doing a search and then they popped up in my new Windows environment.

I had the same thing awhile back. Everything was wiped. But thankfully someone I know who is Tech wizz was able to recover some of my photos etc. But alot of stuff was too badly damaged or risky to retrieve(due to virus). So had to just let it go and reload windows etc.
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