Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15

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Interesting point you've made and a couple of things came to mind about this. I wonder if companies that offer data cleaning/wiping services have reporting and record keeping requirements by Govt or Law Enforcement? I would think that these firms could be dealing with a lot of 'dodgy' type of clients trying to wipe all sorts of unsavoury things. Maybe if they are not required to as yet, then they wouldn't report these sort of things because they'd start losing business.

It just made me think about the old days when pawn shops were used to offload stolen goods. Then they introduced a register so every pawn shop had to record details of the person pawning the items etc which police would regularly check. (something like that, anyway).

Interesting. I guess I was just thinking from my point of view if I was in that field and was asked by the husband of someone who's wife has gone missing, to wipe all his data, around the time she went missing..I would think I possibly should give a heads up to the Police. I had not looked at it the way you said. But also, I would think there could be a market to do the same thing for perfectly innocent people say for example if you wanted to sell a computer and therefore wipe any of your info. I get what you say about the Pawn shop thing, and maybe that sought of thing hasn't caught up with the tech world yet.
IMO the questions posed to the hairdressers (re marks, bruising) could well have been posed because bruising/marks were detected in the autopsy. Police could be trying to establish they had happened AFTER her visit to the hairdresser. I would think if there were signs of trauma on her face/neck it would have been easily spotted by someone doing her hair.
This is from a report back on April 28th after police had taken the computers....

Mr Baden-Clay remained sequestered at his parents' house in nearby Kenmore.

Police continued to visit him and on Thursday, eight detectives armed with a search warrant entered the Kenmore home and left with a laptop, a hard drive and bags of evidence.

Next, they visited his Century 21 office at Taringa, calling the raids "standard" for such an investigation.

Dr Bradley Schatz, from Schatz Forensic, said searching computer hard drives was a lengthy operation.

"Much of it tends to centre on the history of the computer, related to communications records like emails and social networking and search engines," he said.

"As a general rule, there are ways we can find emails that have been deleted."

As an example of the types of things this type of company searches for...

Our expertise in computer forensics, electronic discovery & disclosure and internet security incident response enables our clients to employ otherwise hidden evidence in digital devices ranging from mobile phones to computers; to assure that evidence produced in disputes is reliable; and to turn complex computer related evidence into simply explained, independent, and credible testimony
Thanks. I just didn't understand what you meant, as I thought we were saying similar. Thanks for making it clearer.

Thanks UT. I often find it difficult to write exactly what I am trying to say on here and thank God for the edit button. lol....

Interesting. I guess I was just thinking from my point of view if I was in that field and was asked by the husband of someone who's wife has gone missing, to wipe all his data, around the time she went missing..I would think I possibly should give a heads up to the Police. I had not looked at it the way you said. But also, I would think there could be a market to do the same thing for perfectly innocent people say for example if you wanted to sell a computer and therefore wipe any of your info. I get what you say about the Pawn shop thing, and maybe that sought of thing hasn't caught up with the tech world yet.

It depends exactly what he was trying to conceal. You do not have to wipe your hard drive if you are just trying to cover your internet history. The software used in the Sica case is what's called Privacy Software. There are many different packages and any Joe Bloggs can download them from the Internet.
Educational Background

1988 - 1990
B.Bus Accounting, Computing - University of Southern Queensland

ha ha, accountant at KPMG at 20 y.o straight out of 3 years at uni...dooon't think so!
running for the coffee more likely...
Trainee shi* kicker at best.
At first glance, a career spent trying to be someone you're not. any sort of success seemed to have come in the form of a RE Agency in one of QLD's biggest property booms in history. So big in fact that we are unlikely to see another one like it for another 30 years.
ABC on the other hand....clearly a natural born achiever..
real interesting physcology at play in that relationship IMO
Just reported ch9 - exclusive info on 9 news tonight on ABC case. Not again!! Wonder what it is tonight.
yeh but seems to be alot of QPS interest in whether she had marks on her neck or not when she was at the hairdresser. questioned witness told my informant 2 weeks ago she was strangled. just putting it up there.MOO

I know this has been said but wonder why they would query marks around Allison's neck before her murder. Was it some sort of "game" they were playing, or had the police been at the house on the Wednesday night and stopped something happening then. Although the girls were probably home on Wednesday night, it is gettin g more confusing
What if police were called to a Domestic at 8pm on the Thursday and when they got there at 9pm Allison and her car were not there, hence the original time of disappearance being set as early as 8pm. In DV situation patrol cars often hang around for a while or cruise by later to make sure things have settled down. They may have seen Allison drive back to the house at around 11pm and all appeared to be calm and therefore they assumed all was ok to leave. Does anyone have the link to the reporter asking a question about whether it was correct that the car had been returned to the house at 11 o'clock and Ainsworth replies " that's news to me" after this, their enquiry changed to what happened after 11pm.

If police had been to your house once already you'd have to be a bit stupid to kill your wife that same night or week for that matter. How out of control would someone have to be? Someone with no control and no common sense.

If police had been to your house once already you'd have to be a bit stupid to kill your wife that same night or week for that matter. How out of control would someone have to be? Someone with no control and no common sense.


I agree - stupid if it was pre-meditated. But if it was accidental he would have panicked his little socks off knowing the police had visited earlier IMO
I asked earlier today why if ABC was drowned in the bath, her murderer bothered to dress her - and the answer I received was so it looked like she was out for her walk.

Have you ever tried to dress a dead, wet body = all floppy and not cooperating at all. It would be interesting to know if she was fully dressed, I can't imagine putting a bra on a body.

There was a lot of speculation in earlier threads that Allison's body was dumped where it was and the murderer did not expect it to be found - this would seem to me to negate the logic of dressing Allison if she was in fact drowned in a bath.

The other thought I had, is if indeed she was drowned there would have been a dreadful wet mess throughout the house, and also it would call for some very cool and calculated thinking on the part of the murderer.
I live close to the BC residence, and a mate of mine was driving past on the night that she went missing and there were cop cars there at 9pm (note, she apparently went missing at 10pm!). My mates sister later told me that when the police door knocked she asked about it and the cops said they were there for a domestic distrubance... and that they were looking for a body (this was about 5 days into her being missing). The domestic distrubance story was mentioned in the first few news stories, but then was taken out - maybe suppressed on request from the police???
All heresay of course ;)
Mind you, I've heard every theory under the sun from the locals - but I trust that this guy wouldn't just make stuff up

but didnt police state that allison may have been dumped as early as 8pm?
I asked earlier today why if ABC was drowned in the bath, her murderer bothered to dress her - and the answer I received was so it looked like she was out for her walk.

Have you ever tried to dress a dead, wet body = all floppy and not cooperating at all. It would be interesting to know if she was fully dressed, I can't imagine putting a bra on a body.

There was a lot of speculation in earlier threads that Allison's body was dumped where it was and the murderer did not expect it to be found - this would seem to me to negate the logic of dressing Allison if she was in fact drowned in a bath.

The other thought I had, is if indeed she was drowned there would have been a dreadful wet mess throughout the house, and also it would call for some very cool and calculated thinking on the part of the murderer.


Perhaps this is what the police noticed when they were in the house and GBC's excuse was something ridiculous.

Allison may have been placed in the bath fully clothed in an attempt to revive her as has already been mentioned. :moo:
I asked earlier today why if ABC was drowned in the bath, her murderer bothered to dress her - and the answer I received was so it looked like she was out for her walk.

Have you ever tried to dress a dead, wet body = all floppy and not cooperating at all. It would be interesting to know if she was fully dressed, I can't imagine putting a bra on a body.

There was a lot of speculation in earlier threads that Allison's body was dumped where it was and the murderer did not expect it to be found - this would seem to me to negate the logic of dressing Allison if she was in fact drowned in a bath.

The other thought I had, is if indeed she was drowned there would have been a dreadful wet mess throughout the house, and also it would call for some very cool and calculated thinking on the part of the murderer.

I can't imagine it being any worse than trying to dress a 1yo in all their Winter layers ;)

Deleted my comments as it appeared I was negating someone elses' opinion. Which was not my intention.
The channel 9 news promo says there is a new twist in the ABC case.
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