Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#16

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Police often withhold the cause of death in murder inquiries, with Det-Supt Mark Ainsworth yesterday saying: "We won't be releasing any details in relation to the cause of death at all."

But soon after finding her body, police had clear views on how Ms Baden-Clay died, people close to the case say.

It is understood the body was cleared for burial only a day after the discovery with police confident they had the information they needed.

Its quite possible this could mean Allison was strangled. Could be easy to see due to classic internal damage to neck/spine. So that basically even though there were effects of being in water for so long, it didnt matter in determining that she was strangled. As for who did it, well thats a different matter - anything underneath fingernails due to scratching the perp to try to stop him, would have been gone.
But I am saying this is the third tragic home/domestic/murder in a very affluent part of Green Brisbane.........WTF is happening please someone let the media free to investigate this tragedy too.

Berry, I feel the same way you do. People from interstate may think we are naive, but this is strange for Brisbane, and in the suburbs where it has happened. It just seems lame that the Courier Mail hasn't been exploring the cases more, as a public duty to give us closure.

In the case of the daughter who was killed by her mother, we did hear locally that the case was going to be closed down by the police. But it still left us wondering why it happened. Even if there had been a report that the mother was so mentally ill that she was psychotic that would have been a closure of sorts.
wow i don't know where the time has gone it's already 1:10am. Take care everyone i'm off to bed

Nigh Nighs.....Time for me to snooze too....Lovely chatting with you all. :)
I just thought of something and it's only my opinion not fact

I wonder if he was told he could move into the other office but just hasn't got the official paperwork or whatever he needs yet???

However Century 21 owner Charles Tarbey yesterday said he was yet to receive the required application to relocate the business.

i doubt it, IMO sounds risky
maybe he is using the new office as storage...
I am not great at this sleuthing stuff but after Indromums post about seeing the car today, I do have a theory about the change-over of the number plates which makes sense. Imagine on the morning the police come to the house they notice something strange about one of the cars - the number plates are missing from the Captiva. GBC is at first unable to explain why this is the case. A few days later, after a bit of time to think about the situation he realises he can explain that Allison must have removed them - they had been planning to changeover their cars as it made more sense for him to be driving the Prado with the company advertising on it and for her to be driving the Captiva and she wanted her own plates on the car she would be driving. Perfectly rational explanation don't you agree? .OF course it was important to make the switch to be in line with this story. Now we must ask ourselves was the real reason the number plates were off the car because the car used to dispose of Allison's body needed to be as untraceable as possible - no plates, no signage. Would explain why the police are talking to as many local Captiva drivers as possible about their movements. A captiva with no plates and no headlights on seen going around the roundabout a few times and a captive with no headlights on and no plates at Anstead .... mmm starting to add up. He has just followed through as though the number plate change was part of their plan - All this JMO of course.
Berry, I feel the same way you do. People from interstate may think we are naive, but this is strange for Brisbane, and in the suburbs where it has happened. It just seems lame that the Courier Mail hasn't been exploring the cases more, as a public duty to give us closure.

In the case of the daughter who was killed by her mother, we did hear locally that the case was going to be closed down by the police. But it still left us wondering why it happened. Even if there had been a report that the mother was so mentally ill that she was psychotic that would have been a closure of sorts.

Thanks Rudra, just thinking it will be then the 'privacy' for Mental Health diagnosis excuses? etc etc etc........but why>?>? because open investigative reporting would help rid the stigma surely.............

Allison is passed away because of someones actions, simple, report it Brisbane for once we are sick of being subjected to this gagging in our state!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should add had another dog who is now in doggy heaven, who hardly ever barked unless there was something really worth barking about. Even the neighbour said if they ever heard her barking they would check things out. Because usually she only barked if there was someone about or something going on.. Perhaps the dogs the owners mentioned, are also like this and so therefore they feel there is a reason that they were going off and something worth reporting.. MOO.

Sorry for morbid comment. BUT, dogs have acute sense of smell. Would the smell of death make them go crazy?
Exactly what I thought, would sell her car too I guess.

Perhaps the police have only released the Prado. Perhaps the captiva is still impounded? If this were the case then the captiva probably has evidence in the car? Hmmmm??? IMO and Moo moo
Im not surprised some people may want to meet....Many a kinship has been made in here. I could imagine, sitting in the passenger seat with spratsmum, Indromum or a few others driving....Me running up GBCs driveway, just to find out the number plate.....Him running out, yelling at giving him the bird...and running away.................Yeah, I know, im very dramatic...Laughing

hahahaha...........Now that would be funny! Can one of you video tape this please.
i am there been thinking we should meet up. I am not quite sure about the location though. Next weekend is a long weekend as well, so three full days. Yes I am into "spying" on others, if you pushed me far enough I would even walk up the driveway and find out about those b****y plates!!
And if GBC came out I would start a conversation and find out where the children were on the Thursday night !! I don't know whether you would call me game or stupid!!

Ballsy is the word that came to my mind.
How cool if you had the courage. Personally I would poop myself and wouldn`t have the guts to approach him.
Lol, if he`s waiting at the driveway with lemonade we know he`s reading.
I also think the number plates will change soon and I also believe there are far more ``in the know`` people reading here.
Doggy facts-
A dog can locate the source of a sound in 1/600 of a second and can hear sounds four times farther away than a human can.c

Dogs in a pack are more likely to chase and hunt than a single dog on its own. Two dogs are enough to form a pack.

Dogs can smell about 1,000 times better than humans. While humans have 5 million smell-detecting cells, dogs have more than 220 million. The part of the brain that interprets smell is also four times larger in dogs than in humans.

Some dogs can smell dead bodies under water.
TM and the affair

As stated before, I do know the people first hand but obviously have no links to support what is fact to me so I will preface with – the following is based on my knowledge and perception only.

TM is 41, has 1 son late 20’s and twin boys 12 or 13yrs old. Separated so no need to go to scout camps to hook up with GBC. She is very much in love with him and did not leave the business of her own accord – the outing of the affair meant she was given her marching orders. GBC broke things off a couple of times previously leaving TM devastated. Not sure who was responsible for getting things back together each time.

She used to drive a black Holden Captiva wagon but traded that for a dark coloured Lexus IS250 and was still driving that when she left C21. NO BMW’s.

IMO being seen at dinners etc was more than likely work related socials only. As far as the family is concerned I doubt she was accepted as a partner to GBC. She started when both NBC and EBC worked full time in the business and staff were very much a part of the family – she would have been included in gatherings that involved staff as she was highly regarded as an agent.

I think the whole rumour about her acceptance by the senior BC’s stems from a poster on here having seen a photo of ‘G & T’ on OW’s FB page when the C21 ‘family’ helped with the clean up of the Durness Street property which flooded in Jan 2011 – something like a metre of water went through.

Affair aside, she is a nice lady who should have moved on ages ago. IMO she could have been pressuring GBC and that may have lead to GBC and ABC arguing. She would have loved to be more than just a mistress.

Could she be involved in the death (which IMO was an accident) or cover up? I hope not, but given that she is reported to have got a lawyer it cannot be ruled out at this stage. IMO.

Have to go but will try to answer any questions over the weekend.

TM is 41 with a son in his late twenties? How old must she have been to have a son that age... 13 or 14?

When I saw the pics of the awards dinner, Allison and GBC did not appear to be a couple who were separeted and living apart. JMO
A respected radio journalist (not a news one though) told my OH today that ABC was strangled. Take it or leave it, as I don't know how he would have any extra info. So I'll put it out there, and see if it ends up being right.

I haven't speculated on how Allison was murdered because so few facts are available to base speculation on. However, I do believe that a number of people in this forum have genuine inside information from locals and others with close involvement in the case.

Although there are many conflicting reports and theories, some stand out because they have come up often and consistently & they fit logically and easily with what we gererally know.

Nads, I think that the strangulation theory has much to support it based on it fitting logically with other facts and strong rumours:

  • Strangulation would be apparent on the body when it was found. Some might suggest that this constitutes "foul play", but perhaps they can't tell immediately if the strangulation was accidental or murder.
  • Strangulation appears to be a common cause of unplanned domestic homicide.
  • Unplanned domestic homicides usually occur in the context of a history of DV.
  • The time involved means that the victim in trying to save herself can inflict injuries on the attacker
  • Such a murder would not involve the administration of sedatives, poisons etc by the murderer - fits with nul toxicology results

There are probably a number of others that I can't think of at the moment.
However Century 21 owner Charles Tarbey yesterday said he was yet to receive the required application to relocate the business.

i doubt it, IMO sounds risky
maybe he is using the new office as storage...

I know little about franchise contracts, but I'd expect Centry 21 to have some pretty strict rules about the location of their offices. Afterall, you can't have one of your prestige offices located in a dunny.
Ah, on the 7 am weekend Sunrise it just said the cause of death will remain a secret til someone is arrested. So, let's hope it's soon.

I saw a post put up overnight {while I was sleeping} that the Herald Sun said the police said they would not be releasing a cause of death? Wonder which one is correct?

They also said something about GBC not having permission to relocate the business as yet... he has to do something first??? Something like that. I heard the first part, as my son drew my attention to it. :)
I can understand forming a kinship but I just sincerely thought she was making a joke about meeting at Brookfield of all places. No offence meant but I just thought she was being funny.

Hilarious........why would yo want to meet. Creepy idea.
I haven't speculated on how Allison was murdered because so few facts are available to base speculation on. However, I do believe that a number of people in this forum have genuine inside information from locals and others with close involvement in the case.

Although there are many conflicting reports and theories, some stand out because they have come up often and consistently & they fit logically and easily with what we gererally know.

Nads, I think that the strangulation theory has much to support it based on it fitting logically with other facts and strong rumours:

  • Strangulation would be apparent on the body when it was found. Some might suggest that this constitutes "foul play", but perhaps they can't tell immediately if the strangulation was accidental or murder.
  • Strangulation appears to be a common cause of unplanned domestic homicide.
  • Unplanned domestic homicides usually occur in the context of a history of DV.
  • The time involved means that the victim in trying to save herself can inflict injuries on the attacker
  • Such a murder would not involve the administration of sedatives, poisons etc by the murderer - fits with nul toxicology results

There are probably a number of others that I can't think of at the moment.

Here is a link to this,
If I can ditch my hubby, I was going to go up Wirrabarra to see how much water was in the creek. Its raining now - but I'm not game to go out in the dark.
I drove there yesterday and there was very little water in Ugly Gully. Although if it has been raining overnight it could be a different story today.My ex hairdresser lives in one of the 3 (i think)houses. I used to drive there every 6 weeks until about 18 mths ago. Not a road I would like to be driving at night.
Ch 7 news stating QPS won't be disclosing COD until they make an arrest.

This infers to me that they know COD.
Yep, I was saying in PM.....They could even end up with some BCs coming to threaten/confront them. Or anyone that disagrees with their views....Must absolutely be done in private....I dont even think the allocated chat room is private enough....As we both said, this is about Murder.....and the reality is, some peoples obsession with murder (not even necessarily Allison's murderers) is very unhealthy in comparison to others. Im with you all the way on this Babe!!!

That's right these people have murdered, and some of us have seen on here already the unhealthy carry on that the sympathizers have displayed in both posts and pm' if you want to have a meet make the first time at one of those cafe/bars in the middle of queen ST mall, Theres always lots of people around and police presence nearby.
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