Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #19

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to me it means Estimated time of arrival, glad someone said what MSM means I was wracking my brain about that one too.

I have been wanting someone to ask since 5 threads ago but they never did so I thought I would have to. Glad I did, had no clue lol
I thought the strangest thing that Olivia said in that interview was "Gerard loves Allison". Why would she say that. She is/was his wife. It would be assumed. Why stress it.

TBH I'd guess that by now she feels like a right royal twat having said that... IMO she was given the heads up by the family about all the things that have been said about GBC, possibly they even said Allison was saying these things??
IMO they sat her down and said, now we need to protect poor Gerard, this isn't fair on him, those horrible people will say that he didn't love her, that he was having an affair - this is not true, poor Gerard wouldn't do that. She was a silly attention seeking lady and has probably just run off somewhere, she had depression you know, poor Gerard has been trying so hard to help her but she just throws it in his face you know.... Poor Gerard...
^^ I do not believe these statements!!! I'm just saying that the BC's could have told OW anything, we really don't know! She could have said that about Gerard loving Allison to pre empt what she believed they were going to say based on what she was told...

Does that make sense?? It's all me MOO'ing of course ;)
the point about the imagined and constructed suddenly enraged lover of Allison that is proposed as a possible suspect is that it is never substantiated.. this mystery figure flits about, never nailed as to which gender it or woman, height, weight, occupation, history, sighting, record, gossip, previous form, and most amazingly, considering the emotions this activity brings out, Our Boy Gerard has never pointed a finger in that direction. Or any other. Neither has the diagnostic wizard, Olivia, who stated quite firmly and straight faced that Allison 'was depressed'... odd for someone with a Merlin like lover, who appears and disappears like that bloke was able to.

Depression would be the last thing, I would think, under that circumstance. Stuck with Gerard and his ridiculous horizontal adventures, his fiscal nincompoopery, the in laws, she would have been as happy as a clam, if such a creature existed. The holders of this scenario never point out the location of this amorphous being's residence, suburb, car, links, meetings, assignations, friends of friends.. HIS or HER friends... nothing , nothing, nothing.. just ... nothing. This is probably why it is discarded, really. Its simply unsustainable in the cold light of day.

Don't forget the prangs :bump:
If I was good hearted kind of gal, ready to see the best in everyone, I would say that Olivia mentioning Allisons depression was to give us all a bit of a heads up that this whole search and rescue panoply was most likely not going to end up a happy event.. we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable discovery of poor Allison having thrown herself off the nearest bridge, or in her amazing way, buried her own self whilst dead under a sandbank, or perhaps,... perhaps... never being found again..

Preparing everyone for the most likely outcome, and he, Gerard, the bereaved , tired, been thru the wringer, only a little bit hurt, speechless, grieving widower, luckily with an upright sister to assist and help in any way possible, and..

oh yea.. sure..
TROOPER - very plausible and intelligent inference.
off topic but does anyone else find themselves saying to people during conversations "in my opinion??"
I have caught myself out a couple of times...and then I laugh, and then I look even stupider

Not IRL, but on a parenting forum I'm a member of I find I've totally changed the way I post. I'm less fluffy, more to the point and lots of IMO's LOL. I also get annoyed at how off topic threads get because this forum is so well moderated :D
SHe did not commit suicide, she was murdered as stated quite clear by Supt det Ainsworth 'unlawful homicide'. What posters are trying to get at here is what is the motive behind the BCs and OW trying to raise the issue of depression starting some days after her disappearance.

The husband and his sister said she had depression so he could make up a reason for Allison's disappearance . A diversion tactic. Its a common statement by ex husbands to blame the wife for the failed marriage on her depression.
They wanted to use her inability to reply, to coverup his heinous crime.
It wasn't me , it wasn't me! It was her!
tbh i'd guess that by now she feels like a right royal twat having said that... Imo she was given the heads up by the family about all the things that have been said about gbc, possibly they even said allison was saying these things??
Imo they sat her down and said, now we need to protect poor gerard, this isn't fair on him, those horrible people will say that he didn't love her, that he was having an affair - this is not true, poor gerard wouldn't do that. She was a silly attention seeking lady and has probably just run off somewhere, she had depression you know, poor gerard has been trying so hard to help her but she just throws it in his face you know.... Poor gerard...
^^ i do not believe these statements!!! I'm just saying that the bc's could have told ow anything, we really don't know! She could have said that about gerard loving allison to pre empt what she believed they were going to say based on what she was told...

Does that make sense?? It's all me moo'ing of course ;)
shelbinator - what you suggest does make sense in this post and your earlier post. Its possible from the look of things.
I am not seeing the importance of OW allegedly knowing that ABC allegedly had depression. they are sisters in law. and they talked apparently. This is something family is often aware of, and maybe something that they didn't want to mention until they actually became concerned?

I don't have a strong opinion in any particular direction about OW. At times I have been suspicious, for example, the standover posture in the video and the supervigilant darting of the eyes whilst watching of the media. But at other times, I saw this same behaviour as standing by her brother, and a general anxiety about what was unfolding. So I am making the first comment in general, not in defense of OW.

I actually do not see that it is unusual that her sister in law would know these things about her. All my 3 sister in laws know much about me, and they all live 2000, 5000 and 7000 km away! oh I and I have one who is living in India but I can't calculate the km's

My point was only that OW is reported as having said at one point after the disappearance that ABC seemed fine on the phone the night before, and at another point that she was depressed (or suffering from depression). Point being that these statements are slightly inconsistent (while not mutually exclusive - i.e you can have up days when suffering depression, or down days (reactive depression) when not clinically depressed). I am merely curious at the inconsistency. It may be entirely innocent, but it has crossed my mind whether it (depression) was suggested to OW later, or that the suggestion took some time to sink in, and that MAYBE OW's statements ("she was depressed", "Gerard loves Allison") were in actual fact those of an innocent, ignorant's woman's (understandable) attempt to convince herself of what her family had suggested to her/deny what others in her family may have done. Am I making sense to anyone? ANYONE?
If I was good hearted kind of gal, ready to see the best in everyone, I would say that Olivia mentioning Allisons depression was to give us all a bit of a heads up that this whole search and rescue panoply was most likely not going to end up a happy event.. we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable discovery of poor Allison having thrown herself off the nearest bridge, or in her amazing way, buried her own self whilst dead under a sandbank, or perhaps,... perhaps... never being found again.. BBM

Preparing everyone for the most likely outcome, and he, Gerard, the bereaved , tired, been thru the wringer, only a little bit hurt, speechless, grieving widower, luckily with an upright sister to assist and help in any way possible, and..

oh yea.. sure..

All joking aside... you are giving me the chills Trooper. Has it been made to look like she threw herself off a bridge?
IN MY PERSONAL OPINION...I love people who think outside the square, and aren't afraid to say so! I will never throw mangy fruit or vegetables at you <Mod Snip>

me tooo but sometimes things are so obvious you dont need to
I thought the strangest thing that Olivia said in that interview was "Gerard loves Allison". Why would she say that. She is/was his wife. It would be assumed. Why stress it.

yes, the interaction with the media by GBC and OW was really cautious and pre planned. The words didn't really come from the heart, they seemed rehearsed, and hence, they came across somewhat false and defensive. IMO I still think this could be something innocent people might do in light of affairs, arguments, police visits, and general concern and anxiety.

I am still playing devils advocate today, and putting out comments to support the theory that whilst GBC was a prick in many ways, he didn't kill his wife. I am not wholeheartedly standing behind this theory, my opinion changes all the time which I'm sure annoys the hell out of some or maybe all of you. :maddening: But I am entertaining it quite seriously and waiting patiently for you lot to disprove it.
I realise that this would mean someone else killed Allison, and I am stuck on that one, although still partial to TM or NBC, but to support Mani Maniac, I would be happy to consider other people who may have been in Allison's life that we have yet to hear about.
... It may be entirely innocent, but it has crossed my mind whether it (depression) was suggested to OW later, or that the suggestion took some time to sink in, and that MAYBE OW's statements ("she was depressed", "Gerard loves Allison") were in actual fact those of an innocent, ignorant's woman's (understandable) attempt to convince herself ... deny what others may have done. Am I making sense to anyone? ANYONE?

CLARA123: It does indeed make sense. IMHO some on here believe that OW was 'parroting' what the family had told her, others believe that she was trying to 'convince' herself in a direction other than her family's possible involvement in it. Still there are others who tend to believe that she may have had some involvement as an accessory. My opinion only, not fact.
How do you know they know - or is it just a hunch?

unless one has have been living on Mars for the last two months, anyone who has a grip on reality knows that they know.
I don't understand the constant need to present way out there theories or other possibilities on a case such as this one.
This is an ordinary family living in ordinary Australia (bar his indescretions) with no criminal links to the underworld. She was in the comfort of her own home and is now dead
who do you think killed her!!!
off topic but does anyone else find themselves saying to people during conversations "in my opinion??"
I have caught myself out a couple of times...and then I laugh, and then I look even stupider

Ohhhh dear Mini...pick yourself up.....dust yourself off....and start again....:seeya:
respectfully snipped......

This will turn out to be pretty simple (whilst evil) and nothing too complicated and no 'squares to be thought outside of' in my opinion.
They just need to prove it, and admittedly whilst I thought they were just taking their time for completeness, I am now beginning to wonder whether this is not the case. Word on the beat and in legal circles is that they know 100% who committed the crime, the time and how it all happened from absolute start to finish..
no witnesses, no weapon used, lack of useful or compelling forensic results and a very clean crime scene is just making it hard for them to be able to make an arrest and subsequently for the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law.
your work in many ways is done here I am afraid fellow sleuthers...
But we still come back obviously and live in hope that today is the day!!

All jokes aside - Thank you MH for providing us with a very clear snapshot. What you are describing sounds methodical; without panic, as panic can cause slip-ups and I am wondering who, that was close to Allison was methodical, cool under pressure and not prone to panic?
unless one has have been living on Mars for the last two months, anyone who has a grip on reality knows that they know.
I don't understand the constant need to present way out there theories or other possibilities on a case such as this one.
This is an ordinary family living in ordinary Australia (bar his indescretions) with no criminal links to the underworld. She was in the comfort of her own home and is now dead
who do you think killed her!!!

Oh yes, facts here please thanks MH, we are not allowed to think outside the square with some harem scarem idea, unless it has been stated in MSM or by verified insiders.

Who killed her?

Police stated they know she was dead before being dumped

So who transported her if the ONLY cars they have been asking about are GBCs?

Olivia had no 'parrot talk' after Allison was found did she. She RAN through the neighbours to use their car......very guilty behaviour IMO :jail:
My point was only that OW is reported as having said at one point after the disappearance that ABC seemed fine on the phone the night before, and at another point that she was depressed (or suffering from depression). Point being that these statements are slightly inconsistent (while not mutually exclusive - i.e you can have up days when suffering depression, or down days (reactive depression) when not clinically depressed). I am merely curious at the inconsistency. It may be entirely innocent, but it has crossed my mind whether it (depression) was suggested to OW later, or that the suggestion took some time to sink in, and that MAYBE OW's statements ("she was depressed", "Gerard loves Allison") were in actual fact those of an innocent, ignorant's woman's (understandable) attempt to convince herself of what her family had suggested to her/deny what others in her family may have done. Am I making sense to anyone? ANYONE?

its true they are inconsistent, but I will have a go at examining how it may have gone down.

OW at first kept quiet and proclaimed Allison's public persona, happy, content etc....... I mean why air dirty laundry? but days later, as the severity of the situation becomes frighteningly apparent, she is now considering the next possibility (in her eyes) and feels compelled to share a little bit more as it really has become an actual concern for her. She has probably been told by GBC that there was a big fight (supposedly) she has probably been told Allison was extremely upset. She has probably done what I think a lot of us would do at this initial stage and said....'relax, she is fine, she is probably cooling off, calming down, she wouldnt do anything stupid. etc etc'
she may wholeheartedly believe Allison has packed up and pissed off and needs a few days alone. (IMO this happens even with little kids, although often the mother takes them too, but we don't know the situation at that particular time)
It quickly becomes apparent that this isnt likely maybe due to Olivia being given more info about recent events, and she becomes quite worried for Allison, and also how things are looking for her brother now.

So as I write this I am starting to believe it!!!!!! In fact, your comments that Olivia's "statements were in actual fact those of an innocent, ignorant's woman's resonate with me. She may too have been anxious because she had doubts about her own family as you suggested
If I was good hearted kind of gal, ready to see the best in everyone, I would say that Olivia mentioning Allisons depression was to give us all a bit of a heads up that this whole search and rescue panoply was most likely not going to end up a happy event.. we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable discovery of poor Allison having thrown herself off the nearest bridge, or in her amazing way, buried her own self whilst dead under a sandbank, or perhaps,... perhaps... never being found again..

Preparing everyone for the most likely outcome, and he, Gerard, the bereaved , tired, been thru the wringer, only a little bit hurt, speechless, grieving widower, luckily with an upright sister to assist and help in any way possible, and..

oh yea.. sure..

The 'depression' line was also mentioned to the church where Olivia's husband is a Pastor in Townsville very early on. The church was asked to pray for "a relative of the family who suffers from depression and has gone missing" -her name wasn't even mentioned at that stage.
It would be interesting to know if Allison's parents or close friends ever mentioned the depression. Does anyone recall hearing it from another source?
So who transported her if the ONLY cars they have been asking about are GBCs?

you would assume it had to be someone within the family or connected to the family ie mistress.... very good question Berry.....really, who else could have used the cars??

But I feel a bit undecided about the cars...I know they have been over them with a fine tooth comb. But they have ran a lot of tests it appears in relation to said cars, and then they start looking at anyone who has a similar car? I don't feel confident that they have what they need in relation to evidence from the cars yet
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