Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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What do you mean 'if the same DNA'? The same DNA as who? Anyway, as i mentioned in an ealrier post Detective Ainsworth indicated in an interview that GBC hadn't been asked not to participate in the search.

Thats right no clones eligible to attend the command centre

For all we know, he may be the only one allowed to leave the country

Totally agree. Everybody else would still be in scope at the moment, as being suspect, accomplice or having evidence to divulge. Not sure what the legal situation would be though. Let's say he wanted to take himself and his daughters out of the country, would he be allowed to? And I am not saying he did it - I'm keeping an open mind about this case - but in this situation could he legally jump on a plane and leave with his daughters, if he wanted to?
I'm officially out of here. .... Best post of all was the one that suggested "every minute we spend here is time not spent with our own families that millions $ wouldn't buy back". Reminiscing, my best post, following my suggestion of best movie names, was "West Side Story II".
Loved you guys, but life moves on ... I have faith in the QLD police, all will be revealed.

Shame... don't be a stranger : )

But I know what you mean about Laserdisc10's posts...
I'm officially out of here. .... Best post of all was the one that suggested "every minute we spend here is time not spent with our own families that millions $ wouldn't buy back". Reminiscing, my best post, following my suggestion of best movie names, was "West Side Story II".
Loved you guys, but life moves on ... I have faith in the QLD police, all will be revealed.

You will be missed.....Have loved your posts. You are so right though. Look forward to you coming back in when there is news......Big cyber hugs.
Shame... don't be a stranger : )

But I know what you mean about Laserdisc10's posts...

Like many of us here, this crime has consumed my time. I've met the guy and have difficulties believing he did it, albeit I have only met him once, but it is a case that so many of us in our normal family lives can relate to, hence the interest. That said, having been here from thread 1, I think we have little to add. To all the newbies, start from post 1 thread1, and try to come up with a new theory .... Don't think it possible. Some great contributers, Hawkins is a stand out for his obvious expertise and insight.
Justice will prevail .... I hope we are all wrong
I'm officially out of here. .... Best post of all was the one that suggested "every minute we spend here is time not spent with our own families that millions $ wouldn't buy back". Reminiscing, my best post, following my suggestion of best movie names, was "West Side Story II".
Loved you guys, but life moves on ... I have faith in the QLD police, all will be revealed.

Thanks HN you will be missed, and i think your reasons for doing so are without dispute the best reasons one can have.
The Courier-Mail reports Allison as having worked with Pathways for 5 years, and touring schools with the program. I posted the link to the article earlier today. Allison on LinkedIn describes herself as a partner in Pathways.

My wife and I, and our children went through the Pathways program. None of our children have autism. The Pathways program is very broad. In our case it was about dealing with our three young daughters fighting with each other all the time. Twins, plus a younger daughter 20 months later. The dynamics were diabolical when they hit the 4 to 6 year range.

I didn't say that they ONLY work with children with Autism. I said that they work with a lot of children with Autism. I have two boys on the spectrum, and pathways was recommended to me to help with diagnosis, at the time, and has again been recommended for their programmes, over the years for their varying issues.

I brought it up, because where I was up to in this thread, was the discussion about working vs career. And posted the links to show that you don't have to work at "the pathways building" or be on the pathways payroll, to work with pathways as a licenced partner or facilitator. The media outlets states that she was going to a conference. She was going to a training day. I see those as two different things. And going to pathways to do their training, doesn't automatically mean that she is then putting that training into action. Or working on a regular basis putting that training into action. Doing the training doesn't mean a full time job/career. It could mean working just 1 day a month.
I am a newbie but have watch from thread 1 but just found it to hard to get involed but now just hoping 4 answers & news & you guys have been there 4 me you may not have realized that but... many thanks
I can PM on my iPhone

I'm going to pm you let me know if you get it. All of icons on my phone are little question marks and it is very cold here and my network is *advertiser censored*
Nope .The BC's Junior & Senior Houses do not have Pools.
Also "Fact" .................Adam ( Brother to GBC) flew home to Canada yesterday! Maybe doesn't want to stick around when the s......t hits the fan!

or thinks his brother is innocent and is in the capable hands of their parents. I beleive body language of the sister was I know something is not quite right but I won't let myself beleive it.
Itsthevibe, IMO this is the biggest question that needs to be answered if he is in fact innocent!

assuming he is innocent, would police advise someone to get legal advise if they were unsure of a situation involving a missing person? is this normal procedure?....I am talking specifically for spouses....has anyone looked at other cases with missing persons reported by spouses (IS IT USUALLY THE SPOUSE WHO REPORTS SOMEONE MISSING? I imagine it must be?)
whats the norm??
of course I could search for information of this type online, but am hoping someone has already done it for me!!!!
or thinks his brother is innocent and is in the capable hands of their parents. I beleive body language of the sister was I know something is not quite right but I won't let myself beleive it.

Yes I've quietly thought that to myself about the sister too :-( poor thing.

without thinking AT ALL.....type in and post 'WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED' ....avoid all assumptions and just go with the simplest choice that you see.

The reason I asked this is a little principle called Occam's states that the hypotheses which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation is usually the right one....I had a much better 'intelligent-sounding' post before, but it wouldn't log me in, so this is it plain and simple (BTW, when I mentioned Occam's Razor earlier, a much wiser fellow sleuther with WAY more knowledge on occam's razor than me gave some wonderful insight but I can't remember who it was)

basically you 'shave away' unneccesary assumptions....GIVE IT A GO...I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RAWEST OF THEORIES BY ALL ON THIS FORUM
Lol coolcat,thanks for asking the question we all immediately wanted to ask but I was a bit too shy ; )

Pharmacy? Fuel station? (Did he smoke?)

So much for me trying to take a break from here today......

OMG! I and just got back on and cant believe they answered me....I feel bad now because I think it has exposed them way to much...I dont know how many chemists there are in Kenmore but there cant be that many??

Do you think we should get him to delete it??

Does make you wonder though....MMMMM? Toxicology report will be interesting??
A few thoughts.

Originally it was reported that the last time GBC saw his wife she was watching The Footy Show on TV at 10pm. Then the story changed to her going out for a walk at 10pm. Which is true and when did the story change? Maybe police became suspicious immediately because of inconsistencies in GBC's story.

The fact that the children were not at home may have been an opportunity for ABC to bring up a problem. But why would she deliberately plan to do that when she was set for a full day conference which I assume was important to her considering she had her hair done the afternoon before? I think that maybe the children's absence was anticipated and seen as an opportunity by GBC to act out on a plan. Whilst GBC does look guilty of something I am not quite sure what.

The police seem mostly interested in GBC and his former business partner to whom he owed money. The bags of evidence were retrieved from the places where GBC most likely would have accessed a computer and stored business documents. This would suggest a very strong link to business and it could also account for a few more people being "involved" (up to 5). Maybe there was pressure from the ex business partner to settle the debts and a hitman (or men) were employed to do the job.

The back and forth movements of the family vehicles through the roundabout may have been GBC checking that the job was done and paying money to the person who organised the "hit."

Okay, that's enough for now. What do you think?

There were also bags of evidecne taken from the B-C parents home and shed.
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