Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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here are the first thoughts posted..... its long, but I think reading it side by side, some common denominators will present themselves.......each post is separated. Also, I think within these 'quick posting, no thinking' responses there is still a lot of assumption...someone help me whittle it down to the logical and what we all agree on???

business failing, financial trouble, parents house mortgaged, infidelity with other woman wants to move on, domineering father telling son he has failed his family about to put his mother on street, pressure to find solution, time running out, life insurance/super, does deed, tells father, combined dumping of body near scout camp familiar territory.

1. IMHO...this is how I speculate things may have happened...
ABC murdered at home following argument; body disposed near camping grounds, phone dumped locally to coincide with "she went for a walk.." must have been (abducted, decided to commit suicide etc), reported next morning as she was due at training seminar that morning. Observations made by police that Friday lead to a massive search-IMO police already suspected foul play early on-just need the hard evidence. AS for the significance of roundabout-who knows whats on the camera???

Same theory here - RE business failing,BIG financial trouble, parents house mortgaged, wife confronts him for a divorce or $, they argue, things get heated, time running out, life insurance/super, does deed probably in heat of the moment, tells family, combined dumping of body near scout camp familiar territory, hope that body not found but rains wash her down the creek.

Came home from hair appointment arround 7.30 ended up in discussion, told lets go for a drive maybe were we used to kids camping became heated from here things went very bad was already heading along boscombe rd where Mr Trutter heard screams, GBC lost it or went too far,
OMG call Family ... just my 2cents

Allison came home lookin and feeling smokin' from her hair app, GBC with his insecurities starts on her in true narcisistic style, with no kids around they argue in a way they don't normally, he strikes out, she falls and either dies or is knocked unconcious and is killed later.
GBC freaks, calls someone in a panic and they plan to dispose of the body
I have NFI if I'm right or wrong, but you asked for my gut and here it is... That seems like the most simple of scenarios.

RIP Allison, I really didn't like typing that because I just don't know...
I think Allison was murdered by GBC at their home that Thursday night for financial/personal gain....I believe there were marriage problems and he was having an affair and wanted her gone and also saw the financial benefits of her being out of the picture (life insurance, no child support etc.).

I don't think he expected to be seen as a suspect. I think he thought no-one would be suspicious of him and that it would be treated as a random attack/missing person/mugging gone wrong etc. IMO.

Agreed to scheduled meeting as per counsellor's instructions. To really be able to talk without little ears listening children to sleep at Nigelaine ('mummy has to leave early tomorrow as she has conference').allison arrives home from hairdresser feeling confident and looking good thinks 'what am I doing with him?' tells him she wants out, he sees the financial implications and looses the plot, starts yelling and screaming, strangles her, rings his father, who agrees to meet him at bus stop so no one else will see. GBC bundles Allison in car, picks up daddy at Bus stop who has parked the car near shopping centre. Body dumped away from scout camp, but gets dislodged by heavy rain. Daddy gets dropped by GBC who drives home, daddy discards tarp body was wrapped in in bin. Both drive home. Daddy has instructed son 'you do not need to tell police anything, just tell hem you last saw her watching telly, and that he kids were asleep than in morning we say she went for a walk, I will back it up because I drove that way anyhow, and we will get you a lawyer ASAP'. Spokes in wheel were: neighbours hearing argument, GBC having affair, kids deciding to quickly saying hello to mummy across as only across road and seeing her car here and discounting in fRont of police that they were not home.

2 adults home alone-fidelity, finances, etc- plenty of reasons to get into an argument. Fight escalates and in a rage G lashes out and Allison is fatally injured. Panic ensues and must get rid of body, A is left in creek in a rush. G calls another party in a right state, they sense from his demeanor something dire has happened. Police are alerted to the suspicions, big fuss follows.

IMO! And I hate writing this about Allison.
For whatever reason (financial/other love interest)GBC laced Allisons coffee/hot chocolate/cup of tea (narcotic?prescriptive?) after she returned from the hairdresser.
He waited & waited & waited (cause he could, the kids were at a sleepover) but she still was breathing, sitting there watching TV, the footy show!!
He was getting anxious by 11.30pm - rang NBC "help me Dad".
Not sure who strangled her, but she was semi conscious, and managed to scratch, claw and kick out.
Realising that they need to get rid of DNA - research had been done on a computer.
They then cut her nails, changed her into clothes that GBC had chosen and bundled her into the back of the Prado - and took off - around the roundabout at Kenmore and out to Scout Camp.
I feel ill writing this..........................could it really be true?

I think Allison was murdered by GBC at their home that Thursday night for financial/personal gain....I believe there were marriage problems and he was having an affair and wanted her gone and also saw the financial benefits of her being out of the picture (life insurance, no child support etc.).

I don't think he expected to be seen as a suspect. I think he thought no-one would be suspicious of him and that it would be treated as a random attack/missing person/mugging gone wrong etc. IMO.
n response to Mini s request.

Agreed to scheduled meeting as per counsellor's instructions. To really be able to talk without little ears listening children to sleep at Nigelaine ('mummy has to leave early tomorrow as she has conference').allison arrives home from hairdresser feeling confident and looking good thinks 'what am I doing with him?' tells him she wants out, he sees the financial implications and looses the plot, starts yelling and screaming, strangles her, rings his father, who agrees to meet him at bus stop so no one else will see. GBC bundles Allison in car, picks up daddy at Bus stop who has parked the car near shopping centre. Body dumped away from scout camp, but gets dislodged by heavy rain. Daddy gets dropped by GBC who drives home, daddy discards tarp body was wrapped in in bin. Both drive home. Daddy has instructed son 'you do not need to tell police anything, just tell hem you last saw her watching telly, and that he kids were asleep than in morning we say she went for a walk, I will back it up because I drove that way anyhow, and we will get you a lawyer ASAP'. Spokes in wheel were: neighbours hearing argument, GBC having affair, kids deciding to quickly saying hello to mummy across as only across road and seeing her car here and discounting in fRont of police that they were not home

She usually has her hair done on a Thursday night, while the kids have a sleepover at BC grandparents place. After her hair appointment she usually goes shopping/window shopping. But this particular Thursday, she went home, seeing she had an early start the next day. Came home to find GBC and mistress in comprimising position. It was the straw to break the camels back in her mind. An explosive argument ensued where upon she was killed.

short version - husband strangles wife - diposes body with help from other woman
long version -argument starts as result of money/unfaithfulness, because of previous dv she leaves house by car he chases her drags her into car
returns home continues to argue strangles her
dumps body over bridge
ask other woman to asisst with getting wifes car back to house

police arrive something alerts them to more than missing person -cuts/scratches/punch holes in wall/children say something/
interview other woman

awaiting cause of death and rule out drug overdose and suicide as suggested by husband

only my opionion please dont shout me down

Allison is pushed. Hit her head. Theres panic, other people are called to help (Yes more than one) Shes taken to the river ( or near it, wherever ) I do believe they assumed it would look like suicide and expected she'd be found...eventually. The phone was tossed somewhere so cops look in the wrong place.

No trailers, no drugs, no bikes, no pregnant girlfriends, no swinger groups lol They seem to have had financial probs for ages, maybe they were arguing about not being able to afford IGGS...
MO .....I'm thinking an argument became more heated because the girls weren't home.. things got a bit out of hand and GBC struck out at his wife. When he realised what he had done, he calls daddy for help ... and he follows daddy's instructions to a T.

PS: I prefer to think it happened this way as to it being premeditated. One of the reasons I don't think it was planned beforehand is that it all seems too 'all over the place'. Seems the result of a "Oh no, what do I do now?" kind of thing.

@ Minni,


Increased pressures recently ( financial ) more strain on marriage; talk of divorce. Husband lashes out, fatal blow; calls family for help, disposal of Allison in creek at Mt Crosby ( 1 accomplice - male) calls police next day - reports missing.

IMO I don't think the girls were at a sleepover, think they were at Snr BC because it was Dads access night and as Dad (GBC) was living with his mum and dad that is where they came to visit with him.

Allison came home from the hairdresser, GBC arrived for whatever reason and the situation went very wrong
I have loved and still love all posters on this forum (since Day 1) ........ BUT does anyone get as excited as me when a new poster arrives saying "It's my first post and I heard from/saw/know .............. "??!! OMG! The adrenaline rush is always incredible! I know a lot of it is gossip, but let's face it - there's often a percentage of truth or reality in backyard talk and carpark gossip at school ........... AND there's not much else going on! :/
Well I was a ring-leader there, scouts honour and all

because I was under the impression (until sufficient ridicule disabused me of the notion) that the white 4 x wheel and trailer in the screen-shot were from police re-enactments supposedly held at that location

As well, Brizzychick had a presentiment about a tow-ball, which in turn led naturally to speculation as to 'why', followed some time later by Swinglish's discovering a trailer at Bwanana Lodge

Then, early-morning brain-fatigue turned a bit to stubborness in face of said ridicule

But I'm not prepared to dismiss Brizzychick's strong interest in the tow-ball, because only a short time later a man reported as a 'perfect neighbour' killed his wife of several decades standing with -- a tow-ball

So if nothing else, the tow-ball/trailer discussions led to my suspecting that Brizzychick is possibly psychic with a leaning to precognition

Said brain fatigue understood after night of watching traffic cam change every 60 secs! what were we thinking! we should have been snuggled under our duvets. And what has happened to Swedish Swingler, who is guilty of the googling?
It has entered my head occassionally {and exited again quite quickly} that maybe GBC's father could have killed her, and the son is covering? GBC seems whimpy enough, but on the other hand it makes more sense that his father helped him after the fact.
here are the first thoughts posted..... its long, but I think reading it side by side, some common denominators will present themselves.......each post is separated. Also, I think within these 'quick posting, no thinking' responses there is still a lot of assumption...someone help me whittle it down to the logical and what we all agree on???

business failing, financial trouble, parents house mortgaged, infidelity with other woman wants to move on, domineering father telling son he has failed his family about to put his mother on street, pressure to find solution, time running out, life insurance/super, does deed, tells father, combined dumping of body near scout camp familiar territory.

1. IMHO...this is how I speculate things may have happened...
ABC murdered at home following argument; body disposed near camping grounds, phone dumped locally to coincide with "she went for a walk.." must have been (abducted, decided to commit suicide etc), reported next morning as she was due at training seminar that morning. Observations made by police that Friday lead to a massive search-IMO police already suspected foul play early on-just need the hard evidence. AS for the significance of roundabout-who knows whats on the camera???

Same theory here - RE business failing,BIG financial trouble, parents house mortgaged, wife confronts him for a divorce or $, they argue, things get heated, time running out, life insurance/super, does deed probably in heat of the moment, tells family, combined dumping of body near scout camp familiar territory, hope that body not found but rains wash her down the creek.

Came home from hair appointment arround 7.30 ended up in discussion, told lets go for a drive maybe were we used to kids camping became heated from here things went very bad was already heading along boscombe rd where Mr Trutter heard screams, GBC lost it or went too far,
OMG call Family ... just my 2cents

Allison came home lookin and feeling smokin' from her hair app, GBC with his insecurities starts on her in true narcisistic style, with no kids around they argue in a way they don't normally, he strikes out, she falls and either dies or is knocked unconcious and is killed later.
GBC freaks, calls someone in a panic and they plan to dispose of the body
I have NFI if I'm right or wrong, but you asked for my gut and here it is... That seems like the most simple of scenarios.

RIP Allison, I really didn't like typing that because I just don't know...
I think Allison was murdered by GBC at their home that Thursday night for financial/personal gain....I believe there were marriage problems and he was having an affair and wanted her gone and also saw the financial benefits of her being out of the picture (life insurance, no child support etc.).

I don't think he expected to be seen as a suspect. I think he thought no-one would be suspicious of him and that it would be treated as a random attack/missing person/mugging gone wrong etc. IMO.

Agreed to scheduled meeting as per counsellor's instructions. To really be able to talk without little ears listening children to sleep at Nigelaine ('mummy has to leave early tomorrow as she has conference').allison arrives home from hairdresser feeling confident and looking good thinks 'what am I doing with him?' tells him she wants out, he sees the financial implications and looses the plot, starts yelling and screaming, strangles her, rings his father, who agrees to meet him at bus stop so no one else will see. GBC bundles Allison in car, picks up daddy at Bus stop who has parked the car near shopping centre. Body dumped away from scout camp, but gets dislodged by heavy rain. Daddy gets dropped by GBC who drives home, daddy discards tarp body was wrapped in in bin. Both drive home. Daddy has instructed son 'you do not need to tell police anything, just tell hem you last saw her watching telly, and that he kids were asleep than in morning we say she went for a walk, I will back it up because I drove that way anyhow, and we will get you a lawyer ASAP'. Spokes in wheel were: neighbours hearing argument, GBC having affair, kids deciding to quickly saying hello to mummy across as only across road and seeing her car here and discounting in fRont of police that they were not home.

2 adults home alone-fidelity, finances, etc- plenty of reasons to get into an argument. Fight escalates and in a rage G lashes out and Allison is fatally injured. Panic ensues and must get rid of body, A is left in creek in a rush. G calls another party in a right state, they sense from his demeanor something dire has happened. Police are alerted to the suspicions, big fuss follows.

IMO! And I hate writing this about Allison.
For whatever reason (financial/other love interest)GBC laced Allisons coffee/hot chocolate/cup of tea (narcotic?prescriptive?) after she returned from the hairdresser.
He waited & waited & waited (cause he could, the kids were at a sleepover) but she still was breathing, sitting there watching TV, the footy show!!
He was getting anxious by 11.30pm - rang NBC "help me Dad".
Not sure who strangled her, but she was semi conscious, and managed to scratch, claw and kick out.
Realising that they need to get rid of DNA - research had been done on a computer.
They then cut her nails, changed her into clothes that GBC had chosen and bundled her into the back of the Prado - and took off - around the roundabout at Kenmore and out to Scout Camp.
I feel ill writing this..........................could it really be true?

I think Allison was murdered by GBC at their home that Thursday night for financial/personal gain....I believe there were marriage problems and he was having an affair and wanted her gone and also saw the financial benefits of her being out of the picture (life insurance, no child support etc.).

I don't think he expected to be seen as a suspect. I think he thought no-one would be suspicious of him and that it would be treated as a random attack/missing person/mugging gone wrong etc. IMO.
n response to Mini s request.

Agreed to scheduled meeting as per counsellor's instructions. To really be able to talk without little ears listening children to sleep at Nigelaine ('mummy has to leave early tomorrow as she has conference').allison arrives home from hairdresser feeling confident and looking good thinks 'what am I doing with him?' tells him she wants out, he sees the financial implications and looses the plot, starts yelling and screaming, strangles her, rings his father, who agrees to meet him at bus stop so no one else will see. GBC bundles Allison in car, picks up daddy at Bus stop who has parked the car near shopping centre. Body dumped away from scout camp, but gets dislodged by heavy rain. Daddy gets dropped by GBC who drives home, daddy discards tarp body was wrapped in in bin. Both drive home. Daddy has instructed son 'you do not need to tell police anything, just tell hem you last saw her watching telly, and that he kids were asleep than in morning we say she went for a walk, I will back it up because I drove that way anyhow, and we will get you a lawyer ASAP'. Spokes in wheel were: neighbours hearing argument, GBC having affair, kids deciding to quickly saying hello to mummy across as only across road and seeing her car here and discounting in fRont of police that they were not home

She usually has her hair done on a Thursday night, while the kids have a sleepover at BC grandparents place. After her hair appointment she usually goes shopping/window shopping. But this particular Thursday, she went home, seeing she had an early start the next day. Came home to find GBC and mistress in comprimising position. It was the straw to break the camels back in her mind. An explosive argument ensued where upon she was killed.

short version - husband strangles wife - diposes body with help from other woman
long version -argument starts as result of money/unfaithfulness, because of previous dv she leaves house by car he chases her drags her into car
returns home continues to argue strangles her
dumps body over bridge
ask other woman to asisst with getting wifes car back to house

police arrive something alerts them to more than missing person -cuts/scratches/punch holes in wall/children say something/
interview other woman

awaiting cause of death and rule out drug overdose and suicide as suggested by husband

only my opionion please dont shout me down

Allison is pushed. Hit her head. Theres panic, other people are called to help (Yes more than one) Shes taken to the river ( or near it, wherever ) I do believe they assumed it would look like suicide and expected she'd be found...eventually. The phone was tossed somewhere so cops look in the wrong place.

No trailers, no drugs, no bikes, no pregnant girlfriends, no swinger groups lol They seem to have had financial probs for ages, maybe they were arguing about not being able to afford IGGS...
MO .....I'm thinking an argument became more heated because the girls weren't home.. things got a bit out of hand and GBC struck out at his wife. When he realised what he had done, he calls daddy for help ... and he follows daddy's instructions to a T.

PS: I prefer to think it happened this way as to it being premeditated. One of the reasons I don't think it was planned beforehand is that it all seems too 'all over the place'. Seems the result of a "Oh no, what do I do now?" kind of thing.

@ Minni,


Increased pressures recently ( financial ) more strain on marriage; talk of divorce. Husband lashes out, fatal blow; calls family for help, disposal of Allison in creek at Mt Crosby ( 1 accomplice - male) calls police next day - reports missing.

IMO I don't think the girls were at a sleepover, think they were at Snr BC because it was Dads access night and as Dad (GBC) was living with his mum and dad that is where they came to visit with him.

Allison came home from the hairdresser, GBC arrived for whatever reason and the situation went very wrong

big job!!!

Good night everyone, I need some zzzzzzs, hopefully tomorrow there will be some news. I just keep thinking this is how I feel, exhausted and frustrated at not getting any results. But that can be nothing compared to how those close to and loved by Allison feel.
You are all terrific and keep me coming back from more.
Speculation....GBC in the chemist buying a pregnancy test?

Pickle99 I don't think he would have done that but you never know. Usually the female would be the one to buy any test, but maybe if a man had been told of an impending arrival and he was not trusting of the source of the news a man may go and buy one himself and present it to the woman in question and ask them to test then and there to provide proof that it was indeed the case.
NO Marlywings no one was suggesting Allison may have been pregnant......maybe another female considering her husbands alleged, cheating ways but not Allison. And that this may have been a reason for an heated argument that turned violent.


Yes I realise that was just a horrid thought I had myself.

Sometimes we hear of women who, for example, have been killed in a car crash...tests come back to say they were pregnant...sadly, it happens.

Trying to distance myself from that thought.
It has entered my head occassionally {and exited again quite quickly} that maybe GBC's father could have killed her, and the son is covering? GBC seems whimpy enough, but on the other hand it makes more sense that his father helped him after the fact.
I don't think this is out of the realm of possibility. However he managed to swallow his emotions pretty quick smart. If he hadn't wanted her dead how could he still not shed a legitimate tear when he was ambushed by the media?
It has entered my head occassionally {and exited again quite quickly} that maybe GBC's father could have killed her, and the son is covering? GBC seems whimpy enough, but on the other hand it makes more sense that his father helped him after the fact.

thats quite possible linette, domineering father could take matters into his own hands as weak son is not capable of being a man and taking care of his own affairs ....
every version has GBC as the likely main man.....almost every version has her meeting her demise in her own reasons seem right up there, followed by marriage probelms. Affair not so important far anyway..
Said brain fatigue understood after night of watching traffic cam change every 60 secs! what were we thinking! we should have been snuggled under our duvets. And what has happened to Swedish Swingler, who is guilty of the googling?
All of us snuggled under duvets? Now that sounds like fun!

I mean...

It has entered my head occassionally {and exited again quite quickly} that maybe GBC's father could have killed her, and the son is covering? GBC seems whimpy enough, but on the other hand it makes more sense that his father helped him after the fact.

one of my favourite theories
Hi willow, have a look at all of our previous threads for our answers :)

The reason I asked all the yes/no question was that most people here have changed there theories over the past 2 weeks... I know I have...

Secondly- most people don't have time to trawl through hundreds of posts

Thirdly - it was to try and get a snap shot response from the people on here... Especially the regulars to see there overall opinion on what happened.

Thanks to Kiwi who responded. I found it very interesting his/her differing yes and no answers....

Maybe some others might feel obliged...

I can re-post if people are interested??
I don't think this is out of the realm of possibility. However he managed to swallow his emotions pretty quick smart. If he hadn't wanted her dead how could he still not shed a legitimate tear when he was ambushed by the media?

That's right. I was thinking more along the lines that if the father did do it, then GBC was very supportive, if you know what I mean. Still could have been in the heat of an argument... I don't like thinking it was planned. Too yukky!!
I have loved and still love all posters on this forum (since Day 1) ........ BUT does anyone get as excited as me when a new poster arrives saying "It's my first post and I heard from/saw/know .............. "??!! OMG! The adrenaline rush is always incredible! I know a lot of it is gossip, but let's face it - there's often a percentage of truth or reality in backyard talk and carpark gossip at school ........... AND there's not much else going on! :/

Just like today's post about the purchase at the chemist shop. Could be a crucial piece of evidence or a red herring. It's bits of information like this that help to build the big picture.
Said brain fatigue understood after night of watching traffic cam change every 60 secs! what were we thinking! we should have been snuggled under our duvets. And what has happened to Swedish Swingler, who is guilty of the googling?

Poor Swinglish, until he came in here he/she had happy memories of Oz and Aussies and seemed to hold us in high esteem

MOO :moo: MOO :moo:
Pickle99 I don't think he would have done that but you never know. Usually the female would be the one to buy any test, but maybe if a man had been told of an impending arrival and he was not trusting of the source of the news a man may go and buy one himself and present it to the woman in question and ask them to test then and there to provide proof that it was indeed the case.

Maybe he was buying cold and flu tabs or something that makes one drowsy- more likely he was buying something mundane like hammeroid cream
KUDOS to CJ60, Greg and ANYONE who decides to read that mammoth essay :)
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