Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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Going back to the courier mail piece-
It is alleged a white four-wheel-drive didn't have its headlights on, only parking lights, and was closely tailing a smaller, blue four-wheel-drive at about 4am on April 20.

The witness told of noticing the vehicles at Anstead in Brisbane's west - within 2km of where the 43-year-old mother of three's body was found 10 days later. Police said Mrs Baden-Clay was reported missing by her husband Gerard at 7.30am Friday after she failed to return from her usual morning walk.

Back to the morning walk thing.

Hate to admit but in a fit of road rage I did tailgate someone I was very angry at.
Possible if it's not the accomplice and perp it`s someone angry with the other driver???
Someone angry at the person in the blue car. Although in road rage incidents you generally high beam them?
Oh Mani,
Beautifully written.
`I think about the police officer whose shoulder Geoff Dickie cried on and how resolute that person will be in finding who did this to Allison after having shared Geoff Dickie's grief that day.
***serious tears ATM*** It`s all too sad.[/QUOTE

Yes, same here. it is very sad. Thanks to the person here who posted a link to photos of the funeral. It was very sad and a reality check to see the looks on people's faces. However, the look on the mum-in-law was fierce. She looked stoic, resolute and IMO arrogant and that whole pash for the media stunt; that was a show of defiance.
All IMO:I get the impression from the word "tailing" that the cars were really close together...Someone mentioned it sounds like one car towing another. That was my immediate I was thinking perhaps it's an attempt at looking inconspicuous...Unfortunately for them, it's had the opposite effect... do get the impression that this drip-feed of information from the police is an attempt to make the person(s) responsible confess...

Sorry to hack at your post, but I just wanted to show the parts that I totally agree with!

All IMO - someone said, right at the beginning in thread 1 or 2: listen carefully to the words used by QPS, rather than media and I think this really applies here. "Tailing" with very specific details of "no headlights, parking lights on" etc, not to mention the colour of both vehicles (no question or doubt implied, not asking for witnesses - and we know they certainly would if they needed to - is very telling IMO.

I wonder if it is easier to have the person confess, even if there IS sufficient evidence? I'm not really sure why this would be the case though, maybe someone here knows?

In agreement with a couple of other posters, I think that this has been known from the beginning, IMO. This is a bit out there, but what if an off-duty police officer was a witness to the 4wd's? It does seem that the witness has retained a lot of detail, which LE are obviously trained to do. It must be at least possible, they do drive don't they?
Anyway, hope this means we are closer to a resolution.
"Witness saw two four-wheel-drives at 4am on April 20
Police awaiting results from forensic tests, toxicology
Command post to be set up at this week's Brookfield Show

That article is talking about the command post they originally set up:

Direct quote: "The show, which begins tomorrow at Brookfield Showgrounds where police set up a command post while they searched for Mrs Baden-Clay, was sponsored last year by Gerard Baden-Clay's Century 21 real estate franchise."

Read more:

"Witness saw two four-wheel-drives at 4am on April 20
Police awaiting results from forensic tests, toxicology
Command post to be set up at this week's Brookfield Show

Hi AllyG,

I think that article refers to the fact they had the command post set up in showgrounds while they searched, can't find a reference to them setting up a command post during show from the article you linked. ( I may have missed that though)
That article is talking about the command post they originally set up:

Direct quote: "The show, which begins tomorrow at Brookfield Showgrounds where police set up a command post while they searched for Mrs Baden-Clay, was sponsored last year by Gerard Baden-Clay's Century 21 real estate franchise."

Read more:


I think we're referring to the :

Witness saw two four-wheel-drives at 4am on April 20
Police awaiting results from forensic tests, toxicology
Command post to be set up at this week's Brookfield Show

Sorry Thinking, I would have replied sooner but I had to wade thru the offers of hand relief and hand-hunting contract killers since my last visit. This forum seriously has something for everyone. :what:

I was conscious of saying blue car before because the other white 4WD theory seemed too obvious to be true :). I was told the witness saw the white 4WD parked near the Anstead store/shops with a smaller blue car parked right up close - so close the witness thought they'd had an accident (a different order to that reported by others, from the sounds of it). At least it sounds like there were a number of witnesses including seeing the vehicles on the move.

Very second hand but for a source better than the jungle drums I also heard one of the close neighbours heard a definite yell/scream from the BC residence and a loud single thumping noise (this would have to be very loud to be heard from the distance involved), then later a car driving off at speed, supposedly the same time as the dog barking (you know Spike or Stripe or whatever his name was, that 'usually never barks' from the Courier Mail). The person reporting this also said they told all of it to police on the first day of door-knocking. All sounds too obvious to be true but then again blind panic does strange things to people.

No idea if that second bit should be completely trusted, but came from someone connected to the neighbour professionally, who was kind of disinterested in the case.

I still haven't heard anything that makes me want to change my bet on what happened. I'd also guess we might see another few days (weeks?) at least of slightly more detailed clues being released to the media. I think those hitting refresh on the Courier Mail site after 11pm are always going to get the latest ;-)

Thanks KB - you certainly seem to have the knack for discerning which sources are credible.
[respectfully snipped :)]

All IMO - someone said, right at the beginning in thread 1 or 2: listen carefully to the words used by QPS, rather than media and I think this really applies here. "Tailing" with very specific details of "no headlights, parking lights on" etc, not to mention the colour of both vehicles (no question or doubt implied, not asking for witnesses - and we know they certainly would if they needed to - is very telling IMO.

I wonder if it is easier to have the person confess, even if there IS sufficient evidence? I'm not really sure why this would be the case though, maybe someone here knows?

Yes, I think it's important to remember that it's the media's job to make stories compelling enough to keep readership up and, hence, why I always go back to direct quotes from the police because they're the ones who are going to give you the straight facts without any embellishment.

I would think that anyone involved in the investigation would hope for a confession rather than having to charge someone and then they have to either a) try to get a confession out of them or b) take them to court. It's possible in court that the person(s) responsible could get off, even if there is both circumstantial and factual evidence. IMO If GBC is the prime suspect, the fact he has "lawyered-up" has probably meant the investigators feel they need to cover all bases (have as much evidence as possible) to charge him. If GBC was charged he would be questioned (with lawyers present). If the lawyers can find any holes in the evidence (circumstantial or not) presented they will be able to walk out of that police station with GBC still a free man BUT the lawyers will have a whole lot more to go by. The questioning by the police will give the lawyers a new insight into how much information the police have on the case. That will give them more time to work on a defense for GBC before the police bring him in for questioning again.

I think the investigators feel they have one shot at this or, at least, one best shot. If they don't get it right the first time it's going make this thing drag on for months/years.

All IMO.

As an aside (still IMO): this has been a very emotional case for all involved including investigators. I have thought that if GBC is their main suspect, and even if investigators have a fair bit of evidence to prove he did it, they might also be thinking "no need to rush" because of ABC's three girls. Regardless of whether GBC is guilty or not, imagine the impact losing their father straight after losing their mother. I know some will probably think "But if he did it, imagine how they're going to feel if this drags on and then eventually they have to face the reality their father killed their mother!" However, in my heart I think that having him around at the moment is the lesser of two evils. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves his girls. I think the grief he displayed at the funeral was more about them than Allison but I think it was heartfelt nonetheless. My thought has always been this was not premeditated. Things got out of hand. If he did do it, I think in his mind he's probably thinking "OMG what have I done!" not anything like "well, I'm glad she's dead". I think he panicked and now he can't undo what he's done. I'd be guessing he wishes he could.
Wonder if they got License plates - the personalised ones are a dead giveaway but the 3 number 3 letter are often hard to read and remember.

I would think if they have the license plates then some people are going to be very very nervous!
Oh they are really <modsnip> with his head now aren't they?
Hi everyone,

Have been lurking for a while and enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I've been following the case since driving through Brookfield a few weeks ago and wondering what the heavy police presence was all about. Great to see the Police putting everything they can into solving this.

I've been looking at Brookfield on a few maps and looking at the distance between all the key points and was hoping someone knows exactly where the screams were heard on the night she disappeared. I read here it was possibly Winrock St. The papers just say near Rafting Ground Rd, which is quite a long road. Does anyone know for sure?

Thanks. :)
Latest news story re 4WDs.

1. Gold star for the sleuther who identifies the "friend" who owns the blue car that GBC crashed.

2. What thoughts do you have about why one car would be closely tailing the other car?

3. What thoughts do you have re the larger white 4WD only having parking lights on?

I agree that the the police are using the media to drip feed the suspect(s) (like chinese water torture) in the hopes that someone will crack.

Re the Parker lights on only. If this car was involved in Allisons murder, it is a very silly thing to do. Someone(family) who is ex police used to say that its always a dead give away to them that a person is often up to no good(or for them to at least investigate things) when they drive around at night without lights on! For some reason they think they are more invisible doing that, when in fact they are drawing more attention to themselves!
I think we're referring to the :

Witness saw two four-wheel-drives at 4am on April 20
Police awaiting results from forensic tests, toxicology
Command post to be set up at this week's Brookfield Show


Oh thanks. Apologies for that. My mistake (I wasn't reading the top bit). IMO that's an error on behalf. They've done this a lot during this case (and probably do it elsewhere). No where in the body of the article does it say that they're setting up a command post. No other article I've seen says this. I think who ever has written the point form at the top (as this is done usually by someone else, not the writer of the article) have misread the sentence that says "The show, which begins tomorrow at Brookfield Showgrounds where police set up a command post while they searched for Mrs Baden-Clay, was sponsored last year by Gerard Baden-Clay's Century 21 real estate franchise." Terribly written sentence. IMO.
[respectfully snipped :)]

I think the investigators feel they have one shot at this or, at least, one best shot. If they don't get it right the first time it's going make this thing drag on for months/years.

All IMO.

As an aside (still IMO): Regardless of whether GBC is guilty or not, imagine the impact losing their father straight after losing their mother. I know some will probably think "But if he did it, imagine how they're going to feel if this drags on and then eventually they have to face the reality their father killed their mother!" However, in my heart I think that having him around at the moment is the lesser of two evils. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves his girls.

Oh totally agree. It is the case in any of these sorts of things. They have to be absolutely sure of charges sticking, before they proceed. As much evidence, proof and witness they can gather the better. And they won't proceed until such time as they have everything they think they need. The risk of the case being overturned or getting out because of insufficient evidence and the like, is too big a risk. They will take as long as they need.

As for your IMO about the girls and loosing both parents and the timing. I do actually agree there too. IMO!
"Few men have received such universal acclaim. His public image was that of a warm, jolly, considerate man, exuding tolerance and goodwill, and, in spite of his bare knees and a little eccentricity, a personality to be admired and respected. It thus seems almost sacrilege to suggest anything that might mar such an estimable reputation. But the evidence suggests that ?????? was something of a fake and a charlatan."

Words that could easily describe GBC and "Bwana", but they are actually describing Sir Robert Baden Powel, GBCs Great-Grandad.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, chip off the old block perhaps.

Hi everyone,

Have been lurking for a while and enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I've been following the case since driving through Brookfield a few weeks ago and wondering what the heavy police presence was all about. Great to see the Police putting everything they can into solving this.

I've been looking at Brookfield on a few maps and looking at the distance between all the key points and was hoping someone knows exactly where the screams were heard on the night she disappeared. I read here it was possibly Winrock St. The papers just say near Rafting Ground Rd, which is quite a long road. Does anyone know for sure?

Thanks. :)


In case there is someone who hasn't noticed :whistle:, we've been having some issues with the forum tonight. Many apologies that this is happening, especially to our new members. Our beloved is working overtime getting things resolved. :heartluv:

Thank you everyone for your patience! :blowkiss:
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