Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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We are not allowed to post rumours so instead I will put my theory forward.

So in my humble opinion

GBC was not the most faithful of husbands, ABC was aware of that and hence the marriage was on the rocks, ABC recently became aware of the result of her husband's womanising ways (set to make an appearance in 9 mths time).

Divorce wanted, explosive argument ensued, GBC lost his temper and accidentally killed Allison, confided in his family to help cover up his crime.

Hi again Ixnaye. Thread's moving so fast had to scroll back to Page 15 to find it

The 9 months element is certainly possible. In fact we could conjecture that a wife might feel (aged 43 and with 3 growing girls, the youngest being say, 5 years old) that her child-bearing days were behind her. Time now to get finances in order. Put something away for the girls' futures. Time to get a home of their own and for her spouse to match his ambitions to his abilities and get stuck into some work and quit messing around

The husband's father, on the other hand, might feel she had not completed her task in producing an heir to the deed-poll family-name? May have chided his weakling son about it. Might even have suggested the son find himself a new brood-mare - who knows?

So, if a filly happened to discover herself pregnant, the husband might have regarded the situation as providing him a phoenix from the ashes opportunity - new life, new wife, new lease on life and possibly a little male BC to keep the old bwanana happy? As we know, some men choose to blame their wives and families for their own failures. Their ego persuades them that a new woman (one who hasn't heard their jokes, suffered their moods, seen through their BS) will render them decades younger. Grass is greener, etc. Such men are usually fantasists by nature and a new partner allows them to create an entirely new set of fantasies

So I can see the above being possible, sure

It's the wife's reaction I'm more dubious about. The wife in question is intelligent. Disciplined. Experienced. Psychologist. Mother of three. And 43 years old. A realist, for how could she be anything else, considering her work and life experiences?

It's said her spouse had pretty much shown his colours, fidelity-wise. So she'd suffered the big hurt, Time One. And if the rumours have any basis in fact, she'd probably suffered Time Two, Time Three and who knows how many other disillusioning experiences

Experiences like that (if they don't break you) make you stronger on the way out. At 43, she'd have been focused on her children and their futures, as well as her own future. She would have weighed the options, i.e., better to stay in the marriage a while longer until the girls were older (?) or quit now before finances destroyed all their futures and concentrate on establishing a new career and life with the girls (?)

News of an impending addition to the family via a casual fling would have been the clincher, no doubt. But how would a disciplined, 43 mother of three with a psychology degree react? Would she accept an impending step-sibling for her children as a fait accompli? Would she welcome the opportunity to leave a charade of a marriage as the 'one in the right'? Would she state quietly and without rancour that she and the girls would be leaving asap and good luck to you and your new girl, boyo? Would she methodically go about organising a new place for herself and her children? Or would she blow her top and participate in a blazing row with the potential to end her life? For surely after more than a decade's experience with the man in question and particularly as a psychologist with a lot of people-experience, she'd know (especially if there'd been DV in the past) when to push and when to walk away without further escalating a potentially dangerous situation?

It's not the 18th century. Divorce raises no eyebrows these days. And as the wronged ex-wife of a big-noting blow-hard, her standing within the community would probably rise if she divorced him. Don't think there are many who do not suspect she married beneath her. I think the marriage to him could have occasioned her humiliation, in fact

So, although I may be far wrong and remembering we're just speculating on unsubstantiated rumours here, I tend to the belief that the idiot husband chose to eliminate his wife for his own convenience and financial benefit and that he was under various pressures to boot. He probably thought the new one with-child (if in fact such a person exists)would be 'delighted' to play step-mother to 3 in addition to coping with a new baby, new weird in-laws and with the biggest child of all being the one she stupidly allowed to impregnate her

(edit: adding MOO)
Came home from hair appointment arround 7.30 ended up in discussion, told lets go for a drive maybe were we used to kids camping became heated from here things went very bad was already heading along boscombe rd where Mr Trutter heard screams, GBC lost it or went too far,
OMG call Family ... just my 2cents :maddening:

And you have a link for this? Please note that the moderators have been on our backs for not working within their rules. Posting MOO after pure speculation might be okay.
Sorry, what I meant was in regards to you saying that usually someone who knows the victim tries to conceal them in some way, ie: buried or wrapped in blanket, tarp etc. I just put forward that perhaps placing her where I suggested that may have been concealed enough in their eyes. Thinking that the body would either skeletonise or be washed away. Just as an alternative theory.

I thought I had put some quotes in of what you had posted, to post about those points. But it obviously didn't work, seeing I was cutting and pasting from the printable version.

we( as in myself and some posters on this thread) talked about this earlier and considered that someone might want to somehow protect their loved one this way, but would come to their senses and remove evidence like that so as to protect their own arse. We also thought maybe if someone was assisting in disposal, that they may have taken over because the other couldn't leave her out in the cold like that.
IMO, if it was my partner, and I dumped them that way...I think I could only tolerate a minimal amount of time before I caved and somehow 'had her found' (if you know what I could you sit in your living room day after day, night after night, and do nothing? you would be a heartless cowardly PR^%K)
For minni...

2 adults home alone-fidelity, finances, etc- plenty of reasons to get into an argument. Fight escalates and in a rage G lashes out and Allison is fatally injured. Panic ensues and must get rid of body, A is left in creek in a rush. G calls another party in a right state, they sense from his demeanor something dire has happened. Police are alerted to the suspicions, big fuss follows.

(purely my own under-informed opinion based on the very small amount of info we have)
In the news report where the BC are shown kissing


at time 0.27 where GBC is unloading the car at the parents house, is that the trailer people have been talking about just to his side?

Anyone know if this has been tested? Moved? Maybe they unusual thing that might have happened that night?

Sorry to anyone who watches and sees that kiss like something people say dont watch....but you just cant help yourself and then its too late...
And you have a link for this? Please note that the moderators have been on our backs for not working within their rules. Posting MOO after pure speculation might be okay.

this response was to a question that asked specifically for the posters personal immediate thought...there is no link as it was designed PURELY to get people to state their opinion minus all the hype and assumption :)
Someone forget to tell the Dikies that then??

Where are you getting your facts from 543...I am sorry for sounding a little doubtful but they seem a little random?

unfortunately facts are irrelevant to 543, for reasons best known to herself she has her own agenda to push...

apologies in advance to anyone offended by this.
IMO! And I hate writing this about Allison.
For whatever reason (financial/other love interest)GBC laced Allisons coffee/hot chocolate/cup of tea (narcotic?prescriptive?) after she returned from the hairdresser.
He waited & waited & waited (cause he could, the kids were at a sleepover) but she still was breathing, sitting there watching TV, the footy show!!
He was getting anxious by 11.30pm - rang NBC "help me Dad".
Not sure who strangled her, but she was semi conscious, and managed to scratch, claw and kick out.
Realising that they need to get rid of DNA - research had been done on a computer.
They then cut her nails, changed her into clothes that GBC had chosen and bundled her into the back of the Prado - and took off - around the roundabout at Kenmore and out to Scout Camp.
I feel ill writing this..........................could it really be true?
HN MAN makes me feel like a bit of a looser now. But right none the less. i started only couple of days ago and read back from post one.

In April last year I was involved in a nasty Domestic when I went to my daughters place to pick up her and her four month old son.
I was pushed through a window with my grandson in my arms. He was covered in blood as I ran out in the street and into a nearby church with him in my arms. Some men from the church went back for my daughter. Her defacto had her on the ground trying to stomp on her neck. Who knows where we would be had I waited another day or another hour.
She is with a wonderful guy now who loves my grandson like he was his own. After all that we are now having to fight in court against an application for joint custody.
I raised a confident assertive educated young woman. It can happen to anyone. Just be there. Don't judge or nag just be there.
I shall return when further evidence comes to hand as I'm sure HN man will also. Big Cyber Hugs.
:hug: how awful for your daughter, your grandson, and for you! Hope to see you back soon
QPS Visit to Durness st neighbours was the first time!
Resident told by Detective " Our investigations have bought us back to this area".

Thanks again Saffron! Did your sources mention if any activity in the street WAS reported to the police?

Sorry if this has already been asked, am playing catch-up.....
business failing, financial trouble, parents house mortgaged, infidelity with other woman wants to move on, domineering father telling son he has failed his family about to put his mother on street, pressure to find solution, time running out, life insurance/super, does deed, tells father, combined dumping of body near scout camp familiar territory,

Not a bad scenario at all. But I still think it could turn out to be more complicated. But if I'm wrong, I'll buy what you just said. It was a great summation of potential motive.
Wow! 270 visitors tonight??:rocker:

I think we need to put Laserdisc10's post from last night up as a header for this forum - bit like a health warning on cigarette packets.

This is addictive, great cyber company, takes over your life...but shows how passionate we are - the need for justice : (

without thinking AT ALL.....type in and post 'WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED' ....avoid all assumptions and just go with the simplest choice that you see.

The reason I asked this is a little principle called Occam's states that the hypotheses which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation is usually the right one....I had a much better 'intelligent-sounding' post before, but it wouldn't log me in, so this is it plain and simple (BTW, when I mentioned Occam's Razor earlier, a much wiser fellow sleuther with WAY more knowledge on occam's razor than me gave some wonderful insight but I can't remember who it was)

basically you 'shave away' unneccesary assumptions....GIVE IT A GO...I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE RAWEST OF THEORIES BY ALL ON THIS FORUM

She usually has her hair done on a Thursday night, while the kids have a sleepover at BC grandparents place. After her hair appointment she usually goes shopping/window shopping. But this particular Thursday, she went home, seeing she had an early start the next day. Came home to find GBC and mistress in comprimising position. It was the straw to break the camels back in her mind. An explosive argument ensued where upon she was killed.
Minni.....................I haven't got a clue!! But, I would be darn shocked if it doesn't involve GBC.
this response was to a question that asked specifically for the posters personal immediate thought...there is no link as it was designed PURELY to get people to state their opinion minus all the hype and assumption :)

Just going back to what the moderators have warned us about. There was a specific instruction to post IMO or MOO after pure speculation. Peeps need to follow the rules. I didn't and I got banned for 3 days, and now I'm like a reformed smoker.
unfortunately facts are irrelevant to 543, for reasons best known to herself she has her own agenda to push...

apologies in advance to anyone offended by this.

I'm offended......Trying to keep straight face....(imagine, woman in front of you almost bursting with laughter, bright red face and all).

far out, you guys are freaking many straight up answers then...I have cut and pasted all so far and given up thanking each and everyone...straight away the only immediate thing that stands out???? GBC is numero uno suspect...also a lot of thought that crime scene is the family home. I haven't read it all yet, but I think its a pretty good excercise to try out...keep em comin!!!
In the news report where the BC are shown kissing


at time 0.27 where GBC is unloading the car at the parents house, is that the trailer people have been talking about just to his side?

Anyone know if this has been tested? Moved? Maybe they unusual thing that might have happened that night?

Sorry to anyone who watches and sees that kiss like something people say dont watch....but you just cant help yourself and then its too late...

Oh no, I watched it!

I think we have discounted the trailer - red herring. This all came about because a handful of us stayed up into the wee hours of the morning watching a live traffic camera??? A car towing trailer came in to view, someone saw a trailer on google earth shot from 3 years ago, and it took on a life of its own..
Just going back to what the moderators have warned us about. There was a specific instruction to post IMO or MOO after pure speculation. Peeps need to follow the rules. I didn't and I got banned for 3 days, and now I'm like a reformed smoker.

oh you are probably right! we will find out in the next 3 - 4 seconds if all our posts disappear!! haha but thanks for being my Jiminy Cricket :)
In the news report where the BC are shown kissing


at time 0.27 where GBC is unloading the car at the parents house, is that the trailer people have been talking about just to his side?

Anyone know if this has been tested? Moved? Maybe they unusual thing that might have happened that night?

Sorry to anyone who watches and sees that kiss like something people say dont watch....but you just cant help yourself and then its too late...
Jinkies! That is a trailer!!! Left out in the rain? To wash away sins?
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