Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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North West - thanks for correcting me. So sorry everyone for getting The date Sarah went missing wrong. 🙄

"...investigators can interpret the behavioral characteristics of a serial killer is by looking at the manner in which he leaves the victim's body. After killing, the murderer must dispose of the body, but he chooses whether or not the victim is easily visible, the clothing they are wearing, and the positions of the body. First of all the victim's body may be hidden to avoid detection, or it may be left in the open, because the circumstances do not allow the murderer to hide it...
...It is important to remember that every behavior of the serial killer is very intentional (being a characteristic of their particular style), or the act has an underlying meaning that they themselves may not even be aware of. Everything is done with a purpose."

"Victim Selection

Often times a murderer will select his victim so that they will perfectly fit the characteristics of a victim he had previously visualized in his fantasies. He will go "hunting" every night for a victim. Because they have a specific type in mind, they would wait until an appropriate on appeared. In some cases, the victim will some how relate to a disturbing part of the killers history (disturbing to him that is), or will be symbolic of someone in the murderer's past. For example, one killer had numerous conflicts with his mother, who often reminded him of his inability to develop relationships with a certain type of woman. The killer than hunted attractive, wealthy, female college students - the women his mother claimed were unattainable for him."

A possible scenario for our alleged CSK?

I've just considered the statement, 'where Capicse says a Muso would know where SS is'. Could a muso be a DJ?

I realize BRE is incredibly boring but could he have had a weekend job as a DJ.
I have just recalled something. Yes Capicse said maybe a Muso might know & someone, maybe Capicse said SS is in Parkerville. I cannot recall who said what. But I now remember someone saying the clue ; Hypnotise. Now; I WANT TO STATE SOMETHING. I NEVER PUT FORWARD Parkerville UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE SAID SS WAS THERE. AND THAT PERSON IS NOT ME. Maybee the clue; A muso might know, might not be about the Parkerville Amphitheatre. Maybe Alan Newton can refresh my mind, by saying what blogger said what? The word Hypnotise/Hypnotize. Wasn't there an Australian stage hypnotist called Riley? Riley Rd? A muso might know? Bugle Creek? I have said this ages ago. Bugle creek crosses Riley rd.
Sixty or so metres east of Kintore Rd, along Riley is a one spot parking bay. That is where Bugle Creek crosses Riley Rd. There are a lot of big goldfish in that lil lake 13 m in from there. Now I m thinking of that spot again. I keep focussing on the Amphitheatre.
I don't think BRE was in a team. So who was at Claremont? Doing the other attacks? Fake taxis?
Also re the amphitheatre; There were 2 houses there when SS disappeared. So I presume someone was living in the 2 houses. Go to Google Earth & go back in the timeline button at the top. You will see the 2 houses by Falls Rd. I can only work on the clues posted. Albeit some time ago.
I don't think BRE was in a team. So who was at Claremont? Doing the other attacks? Fake taxis?

Are you thinking these other attacks were NOT committed by the accused?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

I have just recalled something. Yes Capicse said maybe a Muso might know & someone, maybe Capicse said SS is in Parkerville. I cannot recall who said what. But I now remember someone saying the clue ; Hypnotise. Now; I WANT TO STATE SOMETHING. I NEVER PUT FORWARD Parkerville UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE SAID SS WAS THERE. AND THAT PERSON IS NOT ME. Maybee the clue; A muso might know, might not be about the Parkerville Amphitheatre. Maybe Alan Newton can refresh my mind, by saying what blogger said what? The word Hypnotise/Hypnotize. Wasn't there an Australian stage hypnotist called Riley? Riley Rd? A muso might know? Bugle Creek? I have said this ages ago. Bugle creek crosses Riley rd.

Busy right now -but a bit later I'm definitely checking this out
Thanks PCS
Good work [emoji106]

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
CanningVale would you be interested in helping me compile a list of locations, places, and street names that include the word "red"?
Eg Red Hill
Red Hill Auditorium

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

As per your request, a list of WA places starting with the word red, for your current project.

Red Rock BeachMundrabilla, Dundas
Redcliffe Bridge6104
Redgate 6286
Red LakeMindibunga, Bayulu
Red Hill6056
Red Gully6503
Redcliffe Jetty6104
Red Bluff Camping GroundMacloud NW
Red Bluff RdKalbarri
Red Brook CircleMooranbup
Red Cap RiseBedfordale
Red CreekKunnunarra
Red Emperor DrGreenough
Red Gully RdMindarra, Mugumber, Nunile
Red Hill RdMarradong, West Pingelly, Narrikup
Red HillAuditorium
Red RdParklands Mandurah
Alfred Cove
As per your request, a list of WA places starting with the word red, for your current project.

Red Rock BeachMundrabilla, Dundas
Redcliffe Bridge6104
Red LakeMindibunga, Bayulu
Red Hill6056
Red Gully6503
Redcliffe Jetty6104
Red Bluff Camping GroundMacloud NW
Red Bluff RdKalbarri
Red Brook CircleMooranbup
Red Cap RiseBedfordale
Red CreekKunnunarra
Red Emperor DrGreenough
Red Gully RdMindarra, Mugumber, Nunile
Red Hill RdMarradong, West Pingelly, Narrikup
Red HillAuditorium
Red RdParklands Mandurah
Alfred Cove

Thanks CV you're a legend!
Wouldn't it be a coincidence if SS and JR ate at the French restaurant too - or maybe they worked there or one of their friends did ???
The mind boggles with possibilities.

I haven't checked the maths on their ages and when the restaurant closed.....
Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

Perhaps on the weekends BRE helped out at the French Restaurant. Perhaps IONA College had a reunion and the French Restaurant catered the food and BRE delivered the food. Perhaps all three ladies, at some time, had eaten at the restaurant. If there's a connection we'll get to the bottom of it!

These are only my thoughts and opinion.
Also re the amphitheatre; There were 2 houses there when SS disappeared. So I presume someone was living in the 2 houses. Go to Google Earth & go back in the timeline button at the top. You will see the 2 houses by Falls Rd. I can only work on the clues posted. Albeit some time ago.

Glad to hear from you. I was concerned with you looking in tanks during the dark. I imagined a cranky lady poking you with a broom handle and you falling into the tank! LOL
Hi meticulously - sorry about the long story I posted. I was scared to open the window for air anyway - there was something odd about that night. Maybe it was a full moon  Just an overall feeling of uneasiness. I had no idea there had been a spate of attacks around Claremont 
Hi AL, I'm curious where the big house with the nursing home was on Gugeri?
But if you are right, would he not then be revealing something about the case - which he says he cannot do?

He says he knows a bit about the case and can't give details but under oath in answer to a direct question about whether the girls taken in the CSK was a random attack, he says no he can't accept they were.

Quoting ApplePie80...There is importance in that this statement made under oath, and is able to be taken as gospel.

There are still records of earlier Macro statements around where they said the same thing - 'The victims were all linked to Iona'. Here's a link to one such record:!

So while standpipes and lines are all well and good, keep in mind that there are obvious links between an partner/ex-wife's nationality, the origins of the aforementioned educational institution, the occupation of the accused, and perhaps more. Wouldn't this be a more sensible place to start understanding more about SS than random assumptions?
End Quote ApplePie80:

Will start on that project tomorrow afternoon Can't do it now, I've drunk nearly a whole bottle of Reisling, celebrating because my daughter (aged 33) has just started a full-time job. After struggling from a breakdown which started 10 years ago. Life's fantastic!

Enjoy & relish your celebrations CV.....have enjoyed reading your posts for a long time This article is about when sadistic serial killers keep victims for a period of time before killing them. I have always felt the Claremont girls were held for a period of time - but where is the question IMO

I agree and previously gave examples in earlier threads where the accused may have gone with the victims.
Totally plausible IMO

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
[emoji317][emoji317][emoji317] This article is about when sadistic serial killers keep victims for a period of time before killing them. I have always felt the Claremont girls were held for a period of time - but where is the question IMO

Apologes if you didn't see my question, but I'm curious where the nursing home on Gugeri near Rowe park that you worked in was? Also I've had a quick look at this and Spooks website infomation and have a couple of questions.
1. Isn't there more up to date info that 1997?
2. Is this assuming the the accused was by himself in the abduction and killings?
I have just recalled something. Yes Capicse said maybe a Muso might know & someone, maybe Capicse said SS is in Parkerville. I cannot recall who said what. But I now remember someone saying the clue ; Hypnotise. Now; I WANT TO STATE SOMETHING. I NEVER PUT FORWARD Parkerville UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE SAID SS WAS THERE. AND THAT PERSON IS NOT ME. Maybee the clue; A muso might know, might not be about the Parkerville Amphitheatre. Maybe Alan Newton can refresh my mind, by saying what blogger said what? The word Hypnotise/Hypnotize. Wasn't there an Australian stage hypnotist called Riley? Riley Rd? A muso might know? Bugle Creek? I have said this ages ago. Bugle creek crosses Riley rd.

I think you've put many ideas forward without much practical base. I'd hoped that you might have answered some of the questions put to you by some of us and I'm disappointed you haven't.

I find it confusing instead you've started many separate posts like this one instead. I may as well say what about this hypnotist, Ray O'HARA who was in Perth recently and it would make just as much sense.


  • Hypnotic_Experinence_Ray_OHARA.JPG
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