Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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Good post on this subject by Wyke showing how terrain has changed (post #699, page 47 on below link). Subject matter also covered in page 46.

- the surrounding area was very remote around time of CSK

Attached also showing outbuildings.



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Screenshot of one of Wykes images showing surrounding area of Lakeway Drive-in in 1995 - link in above post.

With the remoteness and fact the area also backed onto bush and Lake Claremont, certainly a suitable area to conduct an attack/abduction - hence Cottesloe car park abduction victim was brought here.



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    Screenshot 2017-07-27 08.42.01.png
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I've read beforehand that one of BREs wives said something similar to, "Don't tell me he's killed someone". When WAPOL told her about BREs arrest. Would anyone be able to provide a link to that article? I've spent ages looking but cannot locate it.
I've read beforehand that one of BREs wives said something similar to, "Don't tell me he's killed someone". When WAPOL told her about BREs arrest. Would anyone be able to provide a link to that article? I've spent ages looking but cannot locate it.

This is not substantiated in MSM as far as I am aware. Think it is rumour.

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This is not substantiated in MSM as far as I am aware. Think it is rumour.

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I've got a feeling it came from someone on here. It was a totally different group of posters at the time (immediately after the arrest) and I think it may have come from someone who seemed knowledgeable & legit (as far as one could tell) but no longer posts. Of course it could be BS, but seems a strange thing to make up.
Disagree completely about them being kept for weeks. I think its fair to speculate that both girls were in advanced stages of decomposition when they were found. Its been suggested that JR was identified by her navel ring but Ive seen no evidence to support that. I believe the reports that came out within a day or so of CG being found did suggest dental identification was being done.

Hi no name - so you disagree completely that JR and CG were kept for weeks. How long do you think they were kept for - a day, 2 days, two weeks? Yes it has been reported apparently that the girls bodies were decomposed. I havent found any details about the state of their bodies except for the rumours of what was done to the bodies. It was mentioned that CG had to be identified by her dental records. This has been confirmed. I havent seen any confirmed record of the police saying that the ladies were killed and dumped on the same day. Your assumption that the prosecution want to make this a tidy case and not have to go into where they may have been kept (if that is true) or whether they had been moved or not. Since we dont know all the details I dont think there is very presumptious of you. In fact you would be saying that they would be not telling the full stories of the crimes. Im sure forensics would know thing wrong in us speculating on whether they were held for a while or not. Jane Rimmer was missing 20 days (Sun June 9 1996 - Sat Aug 3 1996) and Ciara Glennon 25 days (Sat March 15 1996 - Thurs April 3 1996). Were they laying at the body dump sites all that time. I think they would have been found much earlier than they had been if this was the case. I also think if a serial killer is able to blitz attack someone they would want to keep them until they had satisfied their sick reason for taking them. Also you shot me down immediately when I suggested they could have been kept for a period of time. Then you seemed to agree with other posters that they were not taken straight to the dumpsites ? The decomposition thing to me makes no difference as to whether they were killed at the dumpsite or somewhere else.:thinking:
Hi no name - so you disagree completely that JR and CG were kept for weeks. How long do you think they were kept for - a day, 2 days, two weeks? Yes it has been reported apparently that the girls bodies were decomposed. I havent found any details about the state of their bodies except for the rumours of what was done to the bodies. It was mentioned that CG had to be identified by her dental records. This has been confirmed. I havent seen any confirmed record of the police saying that the ladies were killed and dumped on the same day. Your assumption that the police want to make this a tidy case and not have to go into where they may have been kept (if that is true) is very presumptious of you. In fact you would be saying that they would be not telling the full stories of the crimes. Im sure forensics would know whether they had been moved or not. Since we dont know all the details I dont think there is anything wrong in us speculating on whether they were held for a while or not. Jane Rimmer was missing 20 days and Ciara Glennon 24 days. Were they laying at the body dump sites all that time. I think they would have been found much earlier than they had been if this was the case. I also think if a serial killer is able to blitz attack someone they would want to keep them until they had satisfied their sick reason for taking them. Also you shot me down immediately when I suggested they could have been kept for a period of time. Then you seemed to agree with other posters that they were not taken straight to the dumpsites ? The decomposition thing to me makes no difference as to whether they were killed at the dumpsite or somewhere else.:thinking:

Annalise you may need to check the number of days that victims were missing before their bodies were found. Details are important to sleuths [emoji2]
Good post otherwise

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Annalise - perhaps you shouldn't be taking things so personally. I didnt shoot you down. I disagreed with you. I also didnt proclaim to know what the police know or why they have said what they've said. I put forth an opinion regarding their departure from saying the girls were not killed at their dsites, as has been the long held belief in excess of 20 years. You say you have never seen evidence of police having said that.. Ok.. You also claimed K.Okallaghan says he picked them up & dumped them on the way home. Hmmm. Which is it?? I dont believe JR was taken straight to the dumpsite as Ive said. I think its possible CG was, as I said. I dont think he kept them for any length of time. I absolutely think its possible they were left on the night they were taken, they may not have been. Your comments about me insinuating the police would not be telling the full story of the crimes is totally contradictory to what you say 2 sentences later. I dont think you know what your trying to say.
Extended video of announcement:
I'm not especially familiar with the area the man lived, but from my knowledge of the geography between Perth and Kewdale the area that the two bodies were discovered is more or less in between the area that the girls were abducted from and where the man lives. He picked them up, killed them and dumped them on his way home.

According to above statement by Karl O'Callaghan the girls were picked up, killed and dumped by killer on his way home! MOO

Hi no name - I was having trouble with posting on my iPhone last night so yes the post about Karl O'Callaghan was wrong. It was what was written underneath the link to the Police Commissioners Statement that I was trying to show. It was claimed that he said those words about killing dropping body and going home. I was attempting to show how journalists take things out of context. Doesn't matter now. Too late.

Regarding reply to your last post. I do know what I'm talking about. It depends on how you want to see it. You were saying that the police had claimed the girls were found at the places they were killed. No confirmation of that? Would make for a very messy trial if prosecutors go with that. So the police could be lying?MOO
RSBM You were saying that the police had claimed the girls were found at the places they were killed. No confirmation of that?
Yes Annalise, there is confirmation of that. Thats the whole point of us discussing it now. It was said at the last court appearance and documented in the post article that has been posted several times in the previous few pages.
FYI - talk about people taking things out of context & seeing things how you want to see them. I didnt say you didnt know what you were taking about. I said i dont think you know what it is you are trying to say. Not the same.
PCS , do you think the Claremont ghost videos were a hoax , or that they may have been really made by csk ?

You're one of the only ( or only ) sleuths to have ever seen the videos. [emoji165][emoji165][emoji165]

So now , with hindsight do you have any further thoughts about the authenticity of them and who made them , & for what purpose ?
JR - What I think is risky is that whatever occurred with her supposedly did so at her dsite just metres from his car parked in full view at the side of the road. So no, I dont believe she was taken straight there. Do I think he took her somewhere else first, then took her to Woolcoot alive? No, I think thats too risky as well. Do I think she was taken elsewhere, killed, then taken to the dsite? Yes I do, which differs from what the police are saying now & hence my querying their motives for saying it. I think they dont know what happened except she was in Claremont and she was found in Wellard with evidence from fibres from a particular make of car. Hardly a complete picture to convict someone of murder. They know that saying she was killed there probably wont be disputed unless the defence introduces the intermediary place. So, remove the unknown details in the middle and any doubt it may create in order to provide a complete picture, regardless if they think it really happened that way or not.

CG - I thinks its possible she was taken straight there.

Good point. It's the location of the holding site which we've tried to work out. It makes sense that the holding site is close to where the abductions took place. It would be difficult to subdue someone for a great length of time. Some sleuths have suggested the ladies may have been stupefied with a drug.

What are the forums thoughts on chloroform, how difficult to obtain? Only my opinion and thoughts.

IMO, CSK blitzed his victims and took them to Karrakatta Cemetary to do his deeds, incapacitated them (strangulation?) and drove them to a d-site he already planned ahead of time. I'm inclined to think they were killed at the d-site. There's the issue of the car fibre DNA link. If he already killed them pre d-site, he would surely have wrapped them in tarp in the boot unless he wasn't prepared. But that would be harder to explain if pulled over and searched than an unconscious (drunk-looking) person in the backseat. Transporting a dead body for 40-60 minutes just sounds too risky to me.

Dont have a copy sorry but its around somewhere online. Ive know Ive read it. From memory its speaks of Claremont at night being business as usual. Girls are still walking around alone etc despite she'd just gone missing. Thats about all I know.

It was "The Shents" Shenton Park Hotel JR and her mum had a drink at too, her mum worked there.
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