Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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If you really want to enhance and see a picture you must do it yourself,
because i can go thru a spectrum of different shades and see it all ,
but to post a picture i have to stop somewhere in the middle .
So you just see 1% of the potential.

This looks like a close up of a light brick version of a popukar 1960s design houses. Now seeing the closeness of the photo, the plant is definitely not a hydrangea, is more a geranium style plant, and fits the age of the building. Those floor length windows are not federation style despite their wooden frames. More middle class 60s.
pretty clean cut if the DNA matches.. IMO

IMO, without a good motive and corroborating behavioural evidence, relying on DNA evidence alone, might be easy pickings for the defence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
this case is not clean cut is it .

No, its not at all IMO. Certainly not based on what we know anyway. It may be that all their ducks are in a row but we've been kept in the dark completely. Which only fuels my need to scrutinise it all the more when new details come to light. I think this case will be one that leaves many questions still unanswered, long after any verdict is delivered. If there is no trial in the end, we'll probably all just keep posting here. God help us.
What on earth is going on with the quotes being attributed to the wrong people?? Paulrobo, I think you must have something to do with this, no doubt accidently... But..please dont change any of the formatting if your replying to a post, just type below it. Makes it confusing to follow otherwise.. Cheers
IC - No hint 8 pic that I know of. I had a ?? At 8. PCS filled us in on that but says he doesnt have a copy. Fast Eddie is our best bet but so far has not responded to our requests to kindly post the vids for us. Fast Eddie???
IMO, without a good motive and corroborating behavioural evidence, relying on DNA evidence alone, might be easy pickings for the defence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

how many reviews?
IC - No hint 8 pic that I know of. I had a ?? At 8. PCS filled us in on that but says he doesnt have a copy. Fast Eddie is our best bet but so far has not responded to our requests to kindly post the vids for us. Fast Eddie???

Wheres our helpful friend PCS When we need answers ?

Ive come to the end of my tether with this c/ghost video .

Theres been ample opportunity to clarify the questions asked .

White flag is still playing on repeat and it doesn't seem to have a stalker vibe as some posters felt it did imo .

The video is standard imo .

Lyrics vibes : emotional , courage , love , heartbreak, resilience ...

Thanks Spinnaker and PCS for the tip off that its worth a good listening to .
Lliked it , in fact loved it .
im a believer in Dido !
I have/had the same problem with quotes and it seems to be a glitch. It is being investigated by our computer guru; in the meantime I have found that if I reply above the quote instead of below it, it seems to work.


What on earth is going on with the quotes being attributed to the wrong people?? Paulrobo, I think you must have something to do with this, no doubt accidently... But..please dont change any of the formatting if your replying to a post, just type below it. Makes it confusing to follow otherwise.. Cheers
Wheres our helpful friend PCS When we need answers ?

Ive come to the end of my tether with this c/ghost video .

Theres been ample opportunity to clarify the questions asked .

White flag is still playing on repeat and it doesn't seem to have a stalker vibe as some posters felt it did imo .

The video is standard imo .

Lyrics vibes : emotional , courage , love , heartbreak, resilience ...

Thanks Spinnaker and PCS for the tip off that its worth a good listening to .
Lliked it , in fact loved it .
im a believer in Dido !

Maybe he's at Fast Eddies... getting a burger?
pretty clean cut if the DNA matches.. IMO

7yrs after SS disappearance. Snippets of Article by Liam Bartlett in Sunday Times on 26Jan03.

"The crime scenes were not fertile,'' says Caporn reluctantly, then adds with limited enthusiasm that the taskforce is re-examining all of the forensic items ``to see if improved extraction techniques can take us anywhere''.

The lack of DNA, primarily due to the time it took to find the bodies of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon, is a major hurdle.
For Jane's body, 54 days in the middle of winter in an area with a high watertable made DNA retrieval almost impossible. Ciara's body was found within 18 days but, once again, a heavy rainstorm during that time has caused investigators major grief.

Macro's problems don't end with a lack of DNA evidence; investigators still haven't figured out how the girls got into the killer's car.

Certain items of clothing remain missing from both crime scenes and they are at a loss to identify the murder sites.

Police are convinced that Jane and Ciara were not murdered where they were found.

They are equally sure that both women were killed close to the point of abduction and that both were killed on the same nights they were taken. But the remaining pieces of this macabre jigsaw are missing.

The pressure remains on Lance Williams and there is no sign and no official noises being made to suggest police will relax their attention.
``We'd love to be able to eliminate him as a suspect but we can't,'' says Caporn. ``He has no alibi.''

As for Caporn, the waiting game is definitely the stuff of nightmares. ``Am I worried that I'll stuff it up? Absolutely. I wake up at night and think I may have missed something . . . absolutely.''

Hmmmm... Seems he got the last 6 words right at least.

So... Are we now supposed to trust that this once barely existent DNA has suddenly morphed into proof beyond reasonable doubt that the accused DNA is not only reliable in its presence, but that it somehow answers all of those unknown things and proves he is guilty as charged.
Im sorry, but theres not even the slightest chance you could convince me of that without some pretty compelling additional evidence to back that up. Not for a second could DNA be enough. Particularly seeing the chance of it being a definite match is probably slim at best with the chance of contamination being more likely than not. Just MO
No name - would you think that it is highly likely that the DNA from the KK victim was a complete DNA profile?

Interesting points noname...

I really don't like relying on media for information, particularly in this matter. Or posts by some individuals on here who have multiple aliases and deliberately derail trains of thought.

We don't know what's fact, or something someone made up to draw out the perpetrator, or something someone made up for a good story. Also, the media publish incorrect information ( intentional or not? ).

All the facts and evidence are in the hands of the Police and I hope they have some open minded critical thinkers on board this time.

With advances in DNA technology ( you only need a small amount), and with various records now being online I hope they are in the right track.

I think it would be a hard job to do. JMO
Well well what angles are there:
random perp
just to name a few .
What are some peoples reason to even have a interest in 3 women going missing?? What's your motive ?

In the last 3 years I've seen some intense media coverage with multiple throw off angles and ways to disparage people from story's that are trying to be released to the public .
a lot can anyone count ? Richard dorrough , Noel Clifford , kimonos

whats is the motive , look at the link provided above

Can you please be more specific? I do not know what you mean by this comment. Thanks.
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