Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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Thread 3, Papertrail, 12-06-2015 09:08 AM

"I wonder what particular height Bayens considered the description 'tall' to mean ?

When Morey attempted to murder the ex Highgate streetworker on 12 December 2003 he was driving a white Holden Commodore VP series stationwagon (was the use of that model in the CIA doc deliberate to 'rattle the cage' as the police call it).

This attempt occurred near bushland in Maguire Road Helena Valley. At the time he picked up this woman in Highgate they had driven to two other of the woman's 'favoured' locations but he chose the Helena Valley location. He was nailed via DNA contained in a minute blood droplet located in the victim's hair. His excuse for the blood in her hair was that was that he'd actually picked her up hitchhiking in a far north Perth suburb (from memory near Whitfords) not far from his mother inlaws house located in Two Rocks; and he visited that residence on the night of the attempted murder (mother in law testified at trial). He had noticed the woman crying on the side of the road and he stopped to help her (sure). When he was consoling her (in his vehicle) she must have cut his hand with her fingernails and that is how his blood droplet got into her hair. He was convicted and currently serving sentence due for release in late 2015 / early 2016.

At the time of this attempted murder he was living with the same girlfriend that he was living with at the time Sarah McMahon disappeared. This girlfriend was called as a witness in the recent Coroners Hearing. She was the one that took control of his 'kit bag' after she had collected it from where witnesses said they had observed Sarah McMahon's deceased body. The girlfriend stated that she had handed the 'kit bag' over to a male acquaintance. The 'kit bag' contained pornographic material that detailed extreme violence, rope, tape etc. All detailed in the corners hearing report available on google. The girlfriend also laundered is clothes that he had worn on the night of the attempted murder in 2003.

A short time after Sarah McMahon's disappearance a very brief newspaper article written by a crime reporter (who subsequently became the editor of a leading West Australian newspaper [not Bret]) detailed that Morey had a connection to an art gallery / picture framing business and that he was an abattoir worker (not mentioned in the coroners hearing for some reason) which from memory (the art gallery) was linked to his girlfriend (detailed above). I do not know if she was an artist.

Morey is also believed to be involved in the disappearance / murder of Darrylyn Ugle on 25/3/2003, another Highgate streetworker. Her remains were found on a burnt tree stump at Farrell Grove picnic area near Mundaring Weir. Skull had been damaged and rope ligature used.

This girlfriend is blonde and quite tall; I would guesstimate just under 175 - 180cms.

Morey had previously been convicted (in WA) of 2 x armed robberies which had occurred in late 1989 (Midland / Guildford) and arrested a short time later; this occurred not longer after he returned from Qld. The trial was in 1992 and sentence handed down in very early 1993. He received 7 years. Do prison terms commence from date of arrest or date of offense ? I don't know when he was released but in any event he would have been out for the disappearance of Lisa Brown, another Highgate streetworker taken on 9 November 1998 (still missing). Just two years prior to Sarah McMahon's disappearance on 8 November 2000.

He had been imprisoned in Qld in 1988 (March to Nov) and escaped in November 1988 and was relocated in WA sent back to Qld; therefore he could not be involved in the Julie Cutler disappearance. On completion of sentence he headed straight to WA and changed his surname from Matusevich (his father's surname) to Morey (his mother's maiden surname). I don't know why he was sentenced in Qld. He had spent time in Pentridge as well and married a prison guard; they had 2 children.

He has been in the justice system since he was very very young; started out in South Australia as a juvenile offender.

That is why I asked the question about DNA in blood. I don't believe they would have taken his DNA at the time of arrest for 1989 offences. We know they have a droplet of his blood for 2003 arrest and conviction. They surely would have collected his full DNA for that offense. I believe (currently and for some time) DNA is collected from all prisoners.

I don't know Morey's physical height description; but his girlfriend is pretty tall but that doesn't tell us anything does it. Some men prefer tall women and some taller women prefer shorter men.

Could he be the suspect referred to in the CIA doc; the one with the loaded rifle under seat; could be if his release date / serving time was calculated from 1st armed robbery in 1989 (I'll get the date) ? Could he be the guy Bayens referred to; yep. Although I think the details about Bayens' guy is that his poi drove a sedan; perhaps that was his girlfriends vehicle and that is why boot was fully lined - easy cleanup no questions."
Donald Morey was the man driving the Commodore through Northbridge with the plastic-lined boot that looked liked and unmarked police car, that was stopped by Con B. Convicted rapist and murderer, stuff of nightmares, worst of the worst. I did come across a link somewhere, will post if I can find.

There was some speculation that it was Donald Morey that Bayens stopped. It was only speculation. It wasnt Morey. Theres plenty more to come on this. Oh...IMO
The fact that it was ignored at the time is irrelevant. The same could be said of the Kimono and KK evidence. Reviews reveal missed crucial info. A simple check of Bayens info with details of the vehicle involved leads to BRE. A wannabee cop in a car that looks like a cop car out looking for easy victims eg street prostitutes........then DNA links discovered, then covert collection of BRE DNA sample. As for the Claremont Ghost videos...they are rubbish and offer nothing

Quote Fast Eddie ...Nothing more than a good old fashioned hard slog by good cops has led us to where we are... End Quote

Part of what you say above is that reveal missed crucial information... From the comments in statements after the Ch 7 program May 31 2015 on Bayen's claims on boot lined man police said

"The information from Officer Bayens was received and Macro Investigators at the time, and since, have made thorough follow up inquiries. This was a case of an officer doing exactly what was required. The matter was not found to be connected to the Macro Inquiry....

Neil Stanbury
Director Media and Corporate Communictions
west Australian Police

Reply from Con Bayens Quote

Ï remain the same and totally deny that I was ever given any result of my information.

To be sure, I can only say that Dave Caporn was running the Macro taskforce when I passed on the information with respect to the guy I intercepted in Highgate. The Macro Taskforce was staffed like any other Police Operation with staff seconded from other areas of the police force.

The prostitution taskforce that I operated ran between July 2000 -August 2002.


How many police reviews were held before this police officer had to go to Ch 7 in the media and get his information acted on? 8 or 10 reviews that did not result in this man who may have been questioned and not considered as Con Bayen's said he was told they already had their man.

It seems from the statements in 2015 that police were standing by he wasn't our man"", 13 years after Con Bayen thought he was. Didn't police act just because of this Ch 7 program? On a policeman's information because he considered police procedure was not acted on and he was not listened to at all, 13 years after it happened. At the very least he should have been told what happened in the case of this guy he bought into the station.

Quote Fast Eddie A simple check of Bayens info with details of the vehicle involved leads to BRE."End Quote

If this was the case why didn't this happen in 2002? Why was Bayen's prostitute operation (set up in response to a large number of sexual assaults and murders of Prostitutes) closed down shortly after Bayen's picked up the boot lined guy and bought him to the station? Was it not looked into until 2015 because of the publicity from Ch 7 interview with Bayens?

Previously, I've posted as well that I believe the accused could be Bayen's boot lined man. I will and have defended the police when there have been random claims of incompetence without any evidence, but how you can consider this to be good policing is rubbish. Kimono and KK evidence didn't get noticed in reviews until the Post newspaper bought their own expert from the USA to independently review the evidence. IMO.

So who kept promoting a man that was found responsible for falsely imprisoning an innocent man in Andrew Mallard to spending 10 or 12 years as Head of the task force looking for CSK when the above evidence was either ignored or incompantley acted on, and then to the position of Assistant Commissioner of Police? Who was so pleased with the results of his policing that he was promoted to Assistant Commissioner?

That is your opinion that the so called Claremont Ghost videos are rubbish and you may be right with most of them. I have just asked for hint 7 which is on a random building to be posted, and I would like to decide that for myself. Oh and answering a few questions in return for the claims you have made would be good.
That above sentence, taken at face value, implies that you "believe" that the CSK is not BRE.
That the CSK is still out there somewhere.

I look forwards to you producing credible evidence to support this "belief".

I think you have misunderstood me. I have been fairy brutal on the accused being possibly responsible for some early sexual assaults and murders before the disappearance of SS. Early on I posted that I think the accused is Bayen’s boot lined guy and MM. However, IMO there is more than one person involved in that scenario seen on the cctv and in Jane Rimmer’s story.

I have no reason to not to believe he abducted and murdered CG if the evidence puts him there.

I think the accused was more than capable with his GPS and UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) mapping techniques and more than capable of playing games but he didnt need to and didn't want to be caught'. ‘IMO he was involved in online chats about the CSK and this has been reported in main stream media, and then removed. Putting out false flags and having a weird involvement in keeping touch with the case is as far as he went IMO, except when someone made him angry and occasional truths may have slipped out.

Some of the posts were obviously made by two people, iparkedtheute being an example. Or between two people that shared a common knowledge IMO. IMO the accused was not responsible for the CG video clips or the Tiger Moth video. Or the detailed maps or Claremont ghost blogs with strange clues that matched SteveG posts, also discussed in detail.

However, whoever is posting the maps, co-ordinate clues some that come out in google maps, and video’s IMO knows about the CSK but is not the accused.

Now I believe I have answered all the questions put to me, can someone please answer mine, truthfully?
Thread 3, he was an abattoir worker (not mentioned in the coroners hearing for some reason) which from memory (the art gallery) was linked to his girlfriend (detailed above). I do not know if she was an artist.


The defence can apply for certain evidence to be with held on the grounds that it is so prejudicial the accused couldn't get a fair trial
Quote Fast Eddie ...Nothing more than a good old fashioned hard slog by good cops has led us to where we are... End Quote

Part of what you say above is that reveal missed crucial information... From the comments in statements after the Ch 7 program May 31 2015 on Bayen's claims on boot lined man police said

"The information from Officer Bayens was received and Macro Investigators at the time, and since, have made thorough follow up inquiries. This was a case of an officer doing exactly what was required. The matter was not found to be connected to the Macro Inquiry....

Neil Stanbury
Director Media and Corporate Communictions
west Australian Police

Reply from Con Bayens Quote

Ï remain the same and totally deny that I was ever given any result of my information.

To be sure, I can only say that Dave Caporn was running the Macro taskforce when I passed on the information with respect to the guy I intercepted in Highgate. The Macro Taskforce was staffed like any other Police Operation with staff seconded from other areas of the police force.

The prostitution taskforce that I operated ran between July 2000 -August 2002.


How many police reviews were held before this police officer had to go to Ch 7 in the media and get his information acted on? 8 or 10 reviews that did not result in this man who may have been questioned and not considered as Con Bayen's said he was told they already had their man.

It seems from the statements in 2015 that police were standing by he wasn't our man"", 13 years after Con Bayen thought he was. Didn't police act just because of this Ch 7 program? On a policeman's information because he considered police procedure was not acted on and he was not listened to at all, 13 years after it happened. At the very least he should have been told what happened in the case of this guy he bought into the station.

Quote Fast Eddie A simple check of Bayens info with details of the vehicle involved leads to BRE."End Quote

If this was the case why didn't this happen in 2002? Why was Bayen's prostitute operation (set up in response to a large number of sexual assaults and murders of Prostitutes) closed down shortly after Bayen's picked up the boot lined guy and bought him to the station? Was it not looked into until 2015 because of the publicity from Ch 7 interview with Bayens?

Previously, I've posted as well that I believe the accused could be Bayen's boot lined man. I will and have defended the police when there have been random claims of incompetence without any evidence, but how you can consider this to be good policing is rubbish. Kimono and KK evidence didn't get noticed in reviews until the Post newspaper bought their own expert from the USA to independently review the evidence. IMO.

So who kept promoting a man that was found responsible for falsely imprisoning an innocent man in Andrew Mallard to spending 10 or 12 years as Head of the task force looking for CSK when the above evidence was either ignored or incompantley acted on, and then to the position of Assistant Commissioner of Police? Who was so pleased with the results of his policing that he was promoted to Assistant Commissioner?

That is your opinion that the so called Claremont Ghost videos are rubbish and you may be right with most of them. I have just asked for hint 7 which is on a random building to be posted, and I would like to decide that for myself. Oh and answering a few questions in return for the claims you have made would be good.

I should have clarified some points. Caporn suffered from tunnel vision. Many within Macro didnt agree with him then or now. How the man was promoted with his record of incompetence stunned many. Many opportunities were missed and much time wasted as a result of his obsession with certain suspects. I certainly don't include Caporn when I talk of 'good cops'. Oh...IMO
Donald Morey was the man driving the Commodore through Northbridge with the plastic-lined boot that looked liked and unmarked police car, that was stopped by Con B. Convicted rapist and murderer, stuff of nightmares, worst of the worst. I did come across a link somewhere, will post if I can find.

The article does say
Mr Bayens said the head investigator into the killings had rejected his offer to pass on information from the undercover operation, which was uncovering people every night 'and every one of them had the potential to be the Claremont serial killer.'
and I know of a Traffic Stop on Mounts Bay Rd / Esplanade where the constable was so concerned about what he found in the back of the bloke's Van, (hammer, cable ties, duct tape, gloves, shovel, etc) that he wrote it in the SofMF for the traffic offense which was lodged at Central Law Courts in 96. But as the article says, there were lots of such reports, so either Perth was full of weirdos or almost all would have an innocent explanation, and I wouldn't be surprised in the accused had been pulled over and glanced at once.
The bloke pulled over in Mounts Bay Rd for a traffic offense? Electrician.
And thus I presume that when faced with a stack of people to investigate that Macro might of thought that the bloke's occupation was a legitimate reason enough to carry the stuff in the back of the van and eliminate him.

If BRE was ever pulled over. The accused CSK? Telecom Technician.
I should have clarified some points. Caporn suffered from tunnel vision. Many within Macro didnt agree with him then or now. How the man was promoted with his record of incompetence stunned many. Many opportunities were missed and much time wasted as a result of his obsession with certain suspects. I certainly don't include Caporn when I talk of 'good cops'. Oh...IMO

OK, thanks for clarifying. I'm sure you've been reading our threads and some of us would like to find out the type of plant and / or the windows in what was called Hint 7 in CG videos, just for arguments sake. Would appreciate if you could post that video clip.Thanks
Hi Guys, been reading from afar and just wanted to ask wether people think the CSK ceased his activities after CG was taken or is it possible he continued committing undetected?
The reason why I ask is because I believe there is an uncanny link between 2 unsolved Perth Murders a decade apart and those of JR and CG in between.
Hi Guys, been reading from afar and just wanted to ask wether people think the CSK ceased his activities after CG was taken or is it possible he continued committing undetected?
The reason why I ask is because I believe there is an uncanny link between 2 unsolved Perth Murders a decade apart and those of JR and CG in between.

Tell us more please.
I'm interested to read what you think...

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Hi , if someone has the time or desire to scroll through 1000's of feedback comments on eBay? there is a way to see exactly what the accused purchased over the past 12 years (since opening his account in 2005) I had a look at a couple of purchases. Headphones Etc. He purchased an item from a sleep apnea equipment supplier within the last year. Just before Christmas 2016 he purchased from a jewellery supplier.

Depending on the seller's number of sellers (some have too many to search through) ... example ; it took me half hour to find he ordered headphones and a mic. > boring.

Not sure how it could help exactly but it could potentially point to stalking activity (eg small spy video cameras are easily obtainable on eBay)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tell us more please.
I'm interested to read what you think...

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

Well Spooks, the first is that of the widely considered first CSK Murder victim Julie Cutler, the other is Sarah McMahon. They have something in common which fits in with an interesting point in the JR and CG cases which is why I'm interested to hear wether people think he stopped or continued post CG.
Well Spooks, the first is that of the widely considered first CSK Murder victim Julie Cutler, the other is Sarah McMahon. They have something in common which fits in with an interesting point in the JR and CG cases which is why I'm interested to hear wether people think he stopped or continued post CG.

I thought Morey was charged with SMM? Or was he just a suspect?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Well Spooks, the first is that of the widely considered first CSK Murder victim Julie Cutler, the other is Sarah McMahon. They have something in common which fits in with an interesting point in the JR and CG cases which is why I'm interested to hear wether people think he stopped or continued post CG.

What do JC and SMM cases have in common that fits in with JR and CG cases?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
What do JC and SMM cases have in common that fits in with JR and CG cases?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

The dumped cars, however, to get the link you must be prepared to go along with the notion that he was leaving cryptic clues throughout the whole saga.
The dumped cars, however, to get the link you must be prepared to go along with the notion that he was leaving cryptic clues throughout the whole saga.

I like cryptic clues.
Please continue

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Where do you sit with regards to the significance of the line between JR and CG and its route through Claremont?
Where do you sit with regards to the significance of the line between JR and CG and its route through Claremont?

The line seems such an unique coincidence that I'm open to possibility that it was deliberate.

Are you including SS in your theories and calculations?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Hi All,

Couple of random thoughts;

- I think it's important to remember how much the world has changed from 1996/1997 to now. In the interceding 20 odd years things have changed massively. For those that were around you may remember however when reviewing the facts it's worth remembering what the world was like pre-mobile phones (common useage), pre-Uber, pre-paypass etc. People relied on waiting for friends/prospective hook ups when out. People probably took significantly more chances, especially when drunk. There was a lot of frustration in waiting for taxis that some- times didn't come. My point is that we really need to put ourselves in the time zone when considering motivations of all parties.
- Suppression orders - PeteDavo - you mention that there are no suppression orders. I find this unusual in light of the almost minimal media speculation. The optimist in me wants this to be because the media are good guys that don't want to prejudice the case however based on the media in nearly all other cases this sadly doesn't seem to be the case. Hence surely there has to be some suppression orders in place. For there to be no old colleagues or aquaintances giving background info on the alleged suspect strikes me as very unsual. It's not like The Sunday Times is a bastion of morality!

Anyone else got any thoughts on the above?
That's how I consider it too, far too coincidental to not have significance.
So after reading comments recently it re sparked my interest in that angle.
I started looking at similarities in unsolved WA murders and as JC is considered by some as the possible transition from sexual assault to murder I figured i'd start with what we know of JC post disappearance and that is the location of her car.
I took a look at Google Earth and plotted a straight line from the Cotteslo Groyne through the intersection of Bayview Tce and St Quentin ave and beyond...
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