Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #17

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Just 1 possible scenario -- walk home killer

1 they attack JC and kill her in the car, likely through cutting or stabbing the victim
2 When they realise the mess made in the car they hastily come up with a plan to destroy the evidence --(dump in the ocean)
3 When working out where to dump it, they think of somewhere familiar where they know they can get away with the least risk of being seen
4 They live in or near Cottesloe, so choose to dump the car there.

The reason I think this is not totally out of the realm of possibility is because the choice to dump the car in the ocean, although effective in this case, seems like a pretty difficult option unless there was evidence to destroy and you didn't want to burn it. I would say the key reason they chose not to burn was this was a more risky option for them than driving it into the ocean. A burning car gets attention at night and if the killer had no ability to burn and drive away (e.g. they didn't have their car with them), it was possibly more convenient to drive it near their place and into the water.

I also think the car in the ocean suggests this was not premeditated but rather an act of rage, possibly due to rejection of their advances towards her.

Another possibility is always there was one or more accomplices.

Such a plausable explanation. My thoughts were that the tragic incident commenced at the Cottesloe beach, and the car was dumped straight after the incident.


Driving to the police station makes sense, JC would have passed the police station on route home.
I see you didn't take PCS advice metic. Strange, cause sometimes your posts sound like him and he posts good advice written in nice short sentences like you sometime.

Interesting you keep posting lots of shiny maps that show a high over the state on the right and a storm weather system developing around 42 degrees south (Could be half way to Antarctica) on the left on the weekend before JC disappeared. Somehow I keep thinking of Dory in the movie Nemo "Look shiny thing, look shiny thing".

Are you still insisting there was a storm on the weekend before JC went missing? The Sunday Times front page 19th June 1988 has the photo of detectives outside in shirtsleeves (on 18th June) looking at the backyard of the murder house. The West Australian has the weather forecasts (around a page each day).
Friday 17[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Temp 16.1 at 10.10 pm and 21.5 at 11.30am

Saturday 18[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Morning showers. Outlook fine. Temp 14 – 20. West to SW winds 15knots easing to 10 knots by late morning. Seas 1 m on a swell to 2.5 m.

Sunday 19[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Temp min 13.6 at 8.50 pm and max 20.6 at 11.45 am.

Monday 20th June 1988: SW winds at 10 to 15 knots easing to 10 knots by late morning. Seas should be 1 m on a swell of 3 m.Temp 10.7 degrees at 7.30 am and max 18.4 degrees at 2.25pm. The coldest overnight temp was 10.7 degrees at 7.30am, This is accurate reported on Tuesday 21st June, for what its worth.

The seas 1 m and swell of 3 m with winds SW are general boating Perth City Coast forecasts but with the SW direction Cottesloe is sheltered by the groyne and Rottnest. Ive posted what similar wind and swell conditions look like on Cott beach in June this year.


Source live webcam Cottesloe beach Saturday June 3 9.00am.

Perth City Coast forecast is 2.5 m WSW winds for Sat 3rd June 2017 8.00am. That is real like example of what a Perth City Coast forecast of 2.5 m swell in a WSW direction looks like at Cottesloe beach.

"The location of the storm in the Indian Ocean to the west and southwest of the state is the storm ive been focussed on primarily.
Thats because this storm created a remarkable swell event , then , the waves arrived on metro beaches and of course Cottesloe beach .

That's the main reason that i researched all this info, to know more about if the sea was calm, or not ? ,
if the waves were powerful ,
water clarity , likelihood of people in area....etc etc.

So i will Agree with IC,
that there was not much foul weather to be seen on the main land that suggested the fronts were rough or bad on the weekend prior to mon 20th.
So fair enough , the weather wasnt bad enough to say "storm" .
They were rather fronts !
Seen here in newspaper, 17th june ,
a broad front as north as shark bay .

Its what it did in the ocean , biggest waves of the whole year perhaps !
Thats what i was looking at ,
Creating 7 metre swells is rare .
It was storm Off the coast .

This is what my friend the physical oceanographer wrote in the first email when i first requested help , re 15-26 june

"It was a stormy period ! i think currents definitely would have been north to south… and big waves too"
IMO from the few shots we've seen of the car retrieved on the shore, it appears alot further north in relation to the groyne than expected if we are to believe the newspapers distance of 35m. Ive compared so many photos and cant see any reason for the car to have been dragged to the location it was IF the location reported was correct. I think it makes much more sense that the car was found further north in the ocean and it was pulled straight out. In that case, Id be leaning towards it being let go (not driven) straight down the John Street side of the clubrooms and entering the water almost in line with the bell.
The photos in the daily news show theres a decent drop to the sand below the shower, which I know from many years swimming in that exact spot, without the sand drift the drop off within the water would have been a fairly steep & close to shore (ie only a few steps between ankle/waist/overhead water). To me, sending it down a straight steep path ending with a platform to launch the car off, over the narrowest distance of sand at any given time at Cottesloe (check every photo ever taken) straight into deeper water that just happens to have a huge chunk of concrete protruding from it, is the most likely means of both getting the car into the water & also to cause the damage that has perplexed everyone for ever & sounds a heap more plausible to me than anything else. It was probably flattened within an hour of hitting the water. This also may explain why none of the usual daily swimmers encountered it - they usually dont swim so close to shore to avoid the wave break and they usually enter near the groyne. Distance swimmers always swim out to near the end of the groyne and across for the same reason & surfers avoid the beach side of the pylon too. So I think thats the most obvious entry point.
I dont discount skylarkers having put it there though, with the abductor (if that was the case) simply disposing of the seat on its own (im not sure I even believe that really occurred) before abandoning the car close by - probably after abducting her in it, either from her house or from the city, then using it to dispose of her before returning the car to Cottesloe - which was somewhere close to his/her/their home/work (didnt the psycho who ran her off the road turn toward Cottesloe) & with the added benefit of leaving it in a location that wouldnt be hard to believe that she might have actually left it there herself.
But.. Who was it?? Someone who'd noticed her locally & knew her movements or someone known to her is my guess. Perhaps she did go to the racquet club to meet someone after all. She didnt fake her own disappearance IMO.
If the perp DID put the car in the sea, it was probably set up to look like she drowned. If not, I dont think it was a thoroughly thought out plan, it just evolved as they went. They possibly made the phone call & left the clothes after they realised the cops were convinced she was a suicide and were simply waiting for everything to wash ashore. Not a stretch to convince cops with that attitude that she staged her disappearance herself, particularly if someone else removed the danger of them finding any evidence in the car. Just create further doubt (with the call) & introduce another location (clothes) to confuse the issue further. I think she was searching her bag for her purse so probably left that at home herself.
When you have lost something go back to the beginning and retrace your steps and look for anything that was not the regular sequence.

USUAL JC went about her business managing her studies. working part time and planning trips.

UNUSUAL JC became concerned about being harassed on the road and the break in.

On that Friday she didn't just blend into the fixtures and fittings of the hotel, finish her shift and leave. She attended the works party an attractive girl all dressed up.

Around that time I was supporting a girl who's condition caused her to get involved in risk taking behaviour. She would go to the Parmelia on a Friday evening and mix with an S&M group and go off with someone, sometimes being abused. Was JC taken to the previously mentioned night club then abducted by someone who thought her resistance was part of "the game", her stalker or other/others.
I see you didn't take PCS advice metic. Strange, cause sometimes your posts sound like him and he posts good advice written in nice short sentences like you sometime.

Interesting you keep posting lots of shiny maps that show a high over the state on the right and a storm weather system developing around 42 degrees south (Could be half way to Antarctica) on the left on the weekend before JC disappeared. Somehow I keep thinking of Dory in the movie Nemo "Look shiny thing, look shiny thing".

Are you still insisting there was a storm on the weekend before JC went missing? The Sunday Times front page 19th June 1988 has the photo of detectives outside in shirtsleeves (on 18th June) looking at the backyard of the murder house. The West Australian has the weather forecasts (around a page each day).
Friday 17[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Temp 16.1 at 10.10 pm and 21.5 at 11.30am

Saturday 18[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Morning showers. Outlook fine. Temp 14 – 20. West to SW winds 15knots easing to 10 knots by late morning. Seas 1 m on a swell to 2.5 m.

Sunday 19[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Temp min 13.6 at 8.50 pm and max 20.6 at 11.45 am.

Monday 20th June 1988: SW winds at 10 to 15 knots easing to 10 knots by late morning. Seas should be 1 m on a swell of 3 m.Temp 10.7 degrees at 7.30 am and max 18.4 degrees at 2.25pm. The coldest overnight temp was 10.7 degrees at 7.30am, This is accurate reported on Tuesday 21st June, for what its worth.

The seas 1 m and swell of 3 m with winds SW are general boating Perth City Coast forecasts but with the SW direction Cottesloe is sheltered by the groyne and Rottnest. Ive posted what similar wind and swell conditions look like on Cott beach in June this year.


Source live webcam Cottesloe beach Saturday June 3 9.00am.

Perth City Coast forecast is 2.5 m WSW winds for Sat 3rd June 2017 8.00am. That is real like example of what a Perth City Coast forecast of 2.5 m swell in a WSW direction looks like at Cottesloe beach.

Theres always been stories of huge waves and there always will be .
Its one of those topics that can be over exaggerated and easily misunderstood .
Mixing "forecasts" into the conversation is foolish .
"forecasts" arent the Real Thing .
Real statistics are all that matter at the end of the day .

A swell buoy is the best thing to get information about swells and periods.
That is the language i am using here ,when talking about swells , periods etc .
Real metres as measured by a buoy .
No estimates... just a simple language that people use because its most accurate .
The Australian govt uses them all around the coast and so do most govts around the world .
Theres plenty available to the public,
ive used the wa buoys for near 20 years . Lots of people use them everyday ,
if theyre on the ocean, because it measures.
Then you can become very familiar with it day in day out..
Theyre very good ,easy to understand...
They're usually accessed online and often near "real time" or delayed a few hrs at worst .

Big wave Surfers use them specifically to help them pursue riding huge waves .
These examples are to show some examples of actual 5m or more swells on WAs coast and the seriousness of a 5 ,6 or 7 metre reading .

As is shown on my graph with the 6/7m
Spikes on 17th &19th june . 6 & 7 metres , this equates to imo 2-3 metres at cottesloe in this particular event . Analysis of this particular swell event with the information available to me, thanks to the p.oceanographer.

The coastal waters forecasts completely supported that height of 3m , ive tried not to overexaggerate throughout so im going out on a limb to call 3m for cottesloe.

The direction of the incoming swell is appropriate to arrive unhindered (by rottnest) quote Physical oceanographer:
On the swell direction :
"around *287.5, degrees
then jumps/spikes to *319
and *343 degrees or so ."
Rottnest island doesn't create a major swell shadow on Cottesloe beach during west-north-west swell events "

All this evidence points to big waves (for metro beaches)
3 metres for cott is extremely rare .
my guess is this is rare,
not-even-once-a-year type occurence !
"A five-and-a-half-metre swell was recorded at the Cape Naturaliste buoy, 14 kilometres west of Dunsborough, at midnight."
"Surf hotspots in the state's south west, including Yallingup and Margaret River, drew big crowds, with swells at*Cape Naturaliste measured at 5 metres*on Saturday morning."
"Five- to six-metre surf buffeted by perfect offshore winds have unleashed on breaks across the coast this morning.
According to the Department of Transport buoy off Cape Naturaliste, the swell reached more than five metres with a very high 16-second swell period in the state's South West.
At Rottnest the buoy recorded swell of 3.5 metres."
"A STORM front will bring swells as high as eight metres, creating dangerous conditions for fishing or surfing in Perth and the South West this weekend."
"Last week a six-metre swell battered the WA coast but on Saturday another swell is expected to arrive and the weather bureau is warning this one will be between five and eight metres."
At that time it was relatively easy to get a Rego or an address there weren't the password checks there are now.
One still needed to log onto VIS, and NIS. These legacy applications were logged. I'd imagine it'd be difficult to access the logs nowadays, since tape readers are probably no longer available, and the original servers have all been replaced since.
I don't believe Telstra kept customers license plate details. Insurance companies would, but the chance of the perp working for the victim's vehicle insurance company is low.
Not many businesses have direct access to licensing information back in the 1980's, unlike now, but maybe local council parking enforcement might've.
Unless the accused had a relative or friend willing to look up the Fiat's license plate, I can't see the stalker in the car on Stirling Hwy, if the break in was committed by the same person, as being Bradley Edwards, but someone else. IMO

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk
When you have lost something go back to the beginning and retrace your steps and look for anything that was not the regular sequence.

USUAL JC went about her business managing her studies. working part time and planning trips.

UNUSUAL JC became concerned about being harassed on the road and the break in.

On that Friday she didn't just blend into the fixtures and fittings of the hotel, finish her shift and leave. She attended the works party an attractive girl all dressed up.

Around that time I was supporting a girl who's condition caused her to get involved in risk taking behaviour. She would go to the Parmelia on a Friday evening and mix with an S&M group and go off with someone, sometimes being abused. Was JC taken to the previously mentioned night club then abducted by someone who thought her resistance was part of "the game", her stalker or other/others.

Good post. It was a Sunday instead of a Friday. My thoughts were that JC may have gone into her bag to look for her car keys and noticed her wallet was gone - not remembering she left it at home. During that couple of minutes looking for the wallet, may have been when the predature came up behind. JMO.
I was thinking, the reason for dumping the car was because the perp simply couldn't afford the risk of leaving it at the crime scene as the crime scene location would identify him and so took it to the beach and let it roll down the access rd.
I wonder thou if there was ever any other disappearances that had similarities?

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk
Other than JC I haven’t noticed any information, regarding a victim having a missing car. However these incidences occurred at a beach. Also, RS and JC have similar features - RS is 2” taller.

2015 – Sun - 9 Aug - Robyn Santen (aged 36) 5’5” Car located next day at City Beach car park. Evening beforehand attended Grapeskins Wine Bar, Northbridge CS

2013 - Sat, 11 May - Andrew Watson was last seen about 1am at the Rocket Room Nightclub Northbridge. His silver Honda CR-V was located in the car park of Scarborough Dog Beach (17 May 2013) MPR
Had another look for the information - without success.

Cv ,
someone else messaged and can remember "vaguely" too .
Hopefully another can remember . Perhaps in the newspaper articles .
Thanks for trying.
I see you didn't take PCS advice metic. Strange, cause sometimes your posts sound like him and he posts good advice written in nice short sentences like you sometime.

Interesting you keep posting lots of shiny maps that show a high over the state on the right and a storm weather system developing around 42 degrees south (Could be half way to Antarctica) on the left on the weekend before JC disappeared. Somehow I keep thinking of Dory in the movie Nemo "Look shiny thing, look shiny thing".

Are you still insisting there was a storm on the weekend before JC went missing? The Sunday Times front page 19th June 1988 has the photo of detectives outside in shirtsleeves (on 18th June) looking at the backyard of the murder house. The West Australian has the weather forecasts (around a page each day).
Friday 17[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Temp 16.1 at 10.10 pm and 21.5 at 11.30am

Saturday 18[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Morning showers. Outlook fine. Temp 14 – 20. West to SW winds 15knots easing to 10 knots by late morning. Seas 1 m on a swell to 2.5 m.

Sunday 19[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1988: Temp min 13.6 at 8.50 pm and max 20.6 at 11.45 am.

Monday 20th June 1988: SW winds at 10 to 15 knots easing to 10 knots by late morning. Seas should be 1 m on a swell of 3 m.Temp 10.7 degrees at 7.30 am and max 18.4 degrees at 2.25pm. The coldest overnight temp was 10.7 degrees at 7.30am, This is accurate reported on Tuesday 21st June, for what its worth.

The seas 1 m and swell of 3 m with winds SW are general boating Perth City Coast forecasts but with the SW direction Cottesloe is sheltered by the groyne and Rottnest. Ive posted what similar wind and swell conditions look like on Cott beach in June this year.


Source live webcam Cottesloe beach Saturday June 3 9.00am.

Perth City Coast forecast is 2.5 m WSW winds for Sat 3rd June 2017 8.00am. That is real like example of what a Perth City Coast forecast of 2.5 m swell in a WSW direction looks like at Cottesloe beach.

Quote IC,
"The seas 1 m and swell of 3 m with winds SW are general boating Perth City Coast forecasts but with the SW direction Cottesloe is sheltered by the groyne and Rottnest. Ive posted what similar wind and swell conditions look like on Cott beach in June this year."

Rough diagram , (feel free to improve [emoji23])

This is not excact angle its approximate apologies about the standards its freehand .
Using a compass for guideline to mark 343 & 319 degrees approximately .

The point is to make it clear about my theory of the swell being 2-3 metres and that it arrived at times completely without shadowing from rottnest .
The full force of the swell from the norwest slamming the beach thus creating a longshore current, heading south*.
(Have mentioned southward currents previously).

There is absolutely no shadowing, its a rare winter event simply with norwest swell .

See the swell direction and Direction of swells .*
Physical oceanographer :
"around 287.5, degrees then jumps/spikes to 319*and 343 degrees or so".

Whilst looking for the other information I found this. It mentions a Commodore, but doesn't say what colour.


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Whilst looking for the other information I found this. It mentions a Commodore, but doesn't say what colour.
Interesting the mention of a Federation House which was also referred to in the Ghost vids.

In 96, BRE was aged 28, There is always the possibility that the Accused having split from EE took some short-term accommodation, this may also have been a time of long service leave from Telstra - IMO.
Interesting the mention of a Federation House which was also referred to in the Ghost vids.

In 96, BRE was aged 28, There is always the possibility that the Accused having split from EE took some short-term accommodation, this may also have been a time of long service leave from Telstra - IMO.

It didn't have a date - I was curious too.

Sorry, lurking as usual.

Link for article (click and scroll down to p. 11):

POST, November 14, 2015

West Tuesday March 20 2001

Not sure if it can be read


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Good post. It was a Sunday instead of a Friday. My thoughts were that JC may have gone into her bag to look for her car keys and noticed her wallet was gone - not remembering she left it at home. During that couple of minutes looking for the wallet, may have been when the predature came up behind. JMO.

Well that puts paid to my theory
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