Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #20

DNA Solves
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It would imply he grabbed her in the subway, put something over head and tied her up so full moon or not she was in the dark.

She thought he tied her up with telephone line which to my mind means it was telephone cable not rope or thin Coles/Woolworths washing line. The only telephone line I know is the thin STRONG plastic coated wire that goes from the wall to the telephone.

"The young woman, the 17-year-old, she was walking to a friend's place in Gugeri Street near the Claremont Showgrounds and she never made it," he said.
"She made it as far as the Showgrounds subway and a man grabbed her, put something over her head, tied her, up - she said with telephone cable - and bundled her into the back of what she said was a commercial vehicle, and drove her deep into the cemetery, where she was sexually assaulted.
"She told police she didn't see the man, didn't have a description of him and was let go, with no clothes, and ran to Hollywood Hospital, which was on the other side of the cemetery.

I don’t want to say too much on this as I know the victim, but she was at Rowe park which is quite a bit further on (300m) from the subway..
Full moons , of course , is BRE particularly hirsute , was there unusual howling heard on the nights , has he ever been known as fang

Yes I think that's what Aussiereader 4 was alluding to, the full moon, animalistic/demonic/hirsute/Sasquatch routine going on. And that scary movie Werewolf in London (ah ooooo!), now that takes me (hairy) back! Fangs for the memory El Gordo!!
Speculation or fact here? Ive seen nothing that would enable these comments to be stated as fact.

I have asked this previously without response. Does anyone know the month the JR fibres were supposedly located?
I find it interesting the police were questioning Lee Partridge about the screen printing process in 2011, the same year the JR fibres were rediscovered.

The West Australian reported that "The Post newspaper reported yesterday" on 5 December 1995 but there was not a date that they were located or any details of it.
I don’t want to say too much on this as I know the victim, but she was at Rowe park which is quite a bit further on (300m) from the subway..

.....2 subways
Stirling Road subway and other subway near showgrounds.
I was in Perth today and had some time to kill, so I went past the Acton Ave house just for a sticky beak. Very close to the Belmont Forum and Tomato Lake. Trailer in the driveway full of tree pruning's so someone has been tidying up the yard!! Wouldn't be suprised if it goes on the market soon to help pay the legal fees. I couldn't help but imagine what it would of been like finding out the CSK was your neighbor!!! (Allegedly)
An interesting conversation with a former prison guard, who worked at one of the WA prisons. In not so many words she advised it being hopeless to think certain prisoners could be rehabilitated. She also mentioned there were two male prisoners who had a sense of evil about them. Not that there was an odour but more a presence of evil.
Plenty to choose from. Many more than this, but it's the first three that I can remember.

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Apologies, not able to reply with quote….

Re: KK victim bundled into a commercial van. Within the back of a commercial van there’d be a difference in sound from a station wagon. The van probably sounded hollow with higher headroom – possibly was a bit colder too. I’d think the victim would have been aware of how much room there was. When turning corners, rattling tool boxes. No carpet on the floor. Various smells.

These might have been some of what the victim described. JMO

Richard Ramirez

And yet another serial killer that smelled bad! Is there something in this?

“Mr. Ramirez continued his home invasions, usually through a window that had been left open. He became known for mutilating corpses, gouging out one woman’s eyeballs. Though he varied his routines, witnesses and surviving victims were able to provide the police with a description: Hispanic, with long hair and a foul smell”
Are you fkkn serious?

What connection at all is there to the Kimono to any clothes line?

What warped sense of reasoning do you get him stealing clothes line that the kimono was on??

Ink screen printing on it... from the clothes line that the kimono was on and was stolen, and then kept in his pocket for 7 years until he raped a victim at KK cemetery!!

DNA was gathered from the KK rape victim, not at Hollywood Hospital where she first went but under police supervision at a registered hospital. They had no match for this DNA and did not think to check it with the DNA on a kimono from a Huntingdale incident 7 years earlier. Who would think they could be connected, initially?

The cemetery rape happened 11 months before the Claremont killings started.

The POST claims police found a “forensic link” *between that rape — and Glennon’s murderer. That *evidence was reportedly uncovered in 2009 as a result of a cold case *review that started in 2004...
True-crime author and suburban newspaper proprietor Bret Christian explosively claimed on the front page of his POST Newspapers yesterday that police have known for six years that a man who abducted and raped a teenage girl at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995 is the killer of 27-year-old lawyer Ciara Glennon, the third and last-known victim of the Claremont serial killer in 1997.
But now they must find him.

I have never seen a report that says what the forensic link is, so can you publish that link?

It has to be something from Ciara that has the killers DNA on it, and this DNA has been matched to the accused and the same DNA as KK an Huntingdale crimes.

It could possibly be rope that contains the killers DNA, (not clothes line) but not some unique clothes line stolen with when stealing a kimono to be used in any other crimes as you keep trumpeting on about. Just my opinion of course.

I suggest you hit the block button haha

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Thanks so much Akai for your lovely reply. Thought it was kind of out there trying to think of how they'd use the olfactory info, but hey, DNA testing was "out there" once. You have to put things out to the Universe and who knows who will pick them up and run with them. (Like a dog with a bone?)

Dogs have shown the power of the olfactory system in detecting cancer in patients, drugs/bombs in luggage/mail, even picking up that a person is about to have an epileptic fit etc. etc.

Things like this:

and this:

Perhaps we should be using dogs to help sniff out suspects! To confirm a positive swab that a victim has identified as being her attacker and in a line-up, see if the specially trained dog agrees and goes to that person after the doggie's had a sniff!! Grrrreat idea??:crazy:

I hadn't thought about the use of dogs in this sort of situation, but now that you mention it I can absolutely see the potential. I'm aware of the uses you mention, and I've seen a PTSD assistance dog in action - quite extraordinary how sensitive they can be (not specifically smell, obviously, but part of the same concept). I think they have an assistance dog available for victims giving testimony in some child abuse cases (the most recent example being the Cardinal Pell matter).

And you know, I think the sort of use you describe might not be that far off. They are using dogs for more and more. Also, specifically, already use dogs to search for cadavers and missing children (they used one in the William Tyrell case). Just thinking out loud - perhaps what they could do is have the dog sniff a person if that person has been attacked by someone else (e.g. rape) and then see if the dog recognizes that smell in a suspect. Perhaps not useful as evidence alone, but could back up someone's line-up ID or provide police with a line of inquiry.

Very interesting line of discussion. Really enjoying it and your insight, especially the different ways smell might be able to play a part in apprehending suspects.

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Apologies, not able to reply with quote….

Re: KK victim bundled into a commercial van. Within the back of a commercial van there’d be a difference in sound from a station wagon. The van probably sounded hollow with higher headroom – possibly was a bit colder too. I’d think the victim would have been aware of how much room there was. When turning corners, rattling tool boxes. No carpet on the floor. Various smells.

These might have been some of what the victim described. JMO

Good point CV - there would be a lot of noticeable differences between a commercial van (even a van for that matter) and a Camry station wagon.

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The kimono is off a clothes line. Police will be looking at connecting the clothes line with the kimono theft.

At this point it appears police are trying to connect the kimono to the clothes line used in the crimes. Being mindful the clothes line has the ink from silk screen printing on it.

If it is connected to the clothes line, say belonged to floreat mans wife who lived in Huntingdale clothes line theft, that would mean another connection.

So while there is DNA connection, forensic links to all the crimes would mean multiple layers of connection across the crimes.

If that is the case, disconnecting DNA from the crime would contradict the forensic links with the crimes. Visa versa

Defense has to dismiss both connections with the crimes. Forensic links and DNA links.

Are you fkkn serious?

What connection at all is there to the Kimono to any clothes line?

What warped sense of reasoning do you get him stealing clothes line that the kimono was on??

Ink screen printing on it... from the clothes line that the kimono was on and was stolen, and then kept in his pocket for 7 years until he raped a victim at KK cemetery!!

DNA was gathered from the KK rape victim, not at Hollywood Hospital where she first went but under police supervision at a registered hospital. They had no match for this DNA and did not think to check it with the DNA on a kimono from a Huntingdale incident 7 years earlier. Who would think they could be connected, initially?

The cemetery rape happened 11 months before the Claremont killings started.

The POST claims police found a “forensic link” *between that rape — and Glennon’s murderer. That *evidence was reportedly uncovered in 2009 as a result of a cold case *review that started in 2004...
True-crime author and suburban newspaper proprietor Bret Christian explosively claimed on the front page of his POST Newspapers yesterday that police have known for six years that a man who abducted and raped a teenage girl at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995 is the killer of 27-year-old lawyer Ciara Glennon, the third and last-known victim of the Claremont serial killer in 1997.
But now they must find him.

I have never seen a report that says what the forensic link is, so can you publish that link?

It has to be something from Ciara that has the killers DNA on it, and this DNA has been matched to the accused and the same DNA as KK an Huntingdale crimes.

It could possibly be rope that contains the killers DNA, (not clothes line) but not some unique clothes line stolen with when stealing a kimono to be used in any other crimes as you keep trumpeting on about. Just my opinion of course.


Police have asked a Floreat man for more information about the 1988 theft of women's clothing from his washing line in Huntingdale.

The request came just days before ******* ******** was charged with the murders of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.

Floreat resident Jeremy Ardley lived in Huntingdale in 1988. Mr ******* has been charged with indecently assaulting an 18 year old Huntingdale women in 1988.

"The police called us up about that a few days before the recent arrest of ******* ******* " Mr Ardley said.

Mr Ardley said police asked him if he recalled anything about the 28 year old crime, in which women's sports apparel had been stolen.

"They asked ' do you recall anything unusual in the area around that date?'" Mr Ardley said.

Post Newspaper 07 January 2017
Author: David Cohen
Ive seen the light , washing day is the connection , was it a hills hoist or a couple of crude sticks with wire attached ,did the crude sticks fall over when the wire was removed , if only I could post a blurry photo of a laundromat
Agree but being abducted, thrown onto the largish flat floor of any car and hearing a different kind of door go down, one could be excused for believing it to have been a commercial vehicle. Lots of references to a commercial vehicle or van previously but since the arrest I'm seeing more MSM articles now referring only to a "vehicle".

I have a suspicion it might have been the Camry. Open mind though.

Good point CV - there would be a lot of noticeable differences between a commercial van (even a van for that matter) and a Camry station wagon.

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Agree but being abducted, thrown onto the largish flat floor of any car and hearing a different kind of door go down, one could be excused for believing it to have been a commercial vehicle. Lots of references to a commercial vehicle or van previously but since the arrest I'm seeing more MSM articles now referring only to a "vehicle".

I have a suspicion it might have been the Camry. Open mind though.

Being blindfolded or hood thrown over head, How could one be 100 percent sure they were thrown into a commercial vehicle? Not to mention the raw fear and adrenalin plus disorientation.....just my thoughts....
Being blindfolded or hood thrown over head, How could one be 100 percent sure they were thrown into a commercial vehicle? Not to mention the raw fear and adrenalin plus disorientation.....just my thoughts....

Maybe there was electrical stuff everywhere?

Did she drag stuff out of the car when he stopped, left on the ground in the cemetery?

Maybe the floor was bare metal in a van versus carpet in a non commercial vehicle?
I don’t want to say too much on this as I know the victim, but she was at Rowe park which is quite a bit further on (300m) from the subway..
Yeah although i dont think 300m adds up.
Rowe park is opposite the subway, adjacent .
The abduction was approx 20-50 metres past the subway according to multiple reports .
Walking down Gugeri st / rowe park and the perpetrator jumped out from the trees near the courts .
Ive posted maps on here in 2 different threads
Screen printed car seat covers perhaps? Fake taxi logo even?
Screen printed car seat covers perhaps? Fake taxi logo even?

The newspaper also reports the killer had some link to screen-printing and had a way of "printing coloured words and patterns on fabric such as T-shirts".

The paper said police have forensic evidence linking Ciara Glennon's killer with a rapist who abducted a 17-year-old woman from a Claremont street then raped her in the cemetery back in 1995.
I was in Perth today and had some time to kill, so I went past the Acton Ave house just for a sticky beak. Very close to the Belmont Forum and Tomato Lake. Trailer in the driveway full of tree pruning's so someone has been tidying up the yard!! Wouldn't be suprised if it goes on the market soon to help pay the legal fees. I couldn't help but imagine what it would of been like finding out the CSK was your neighbor!!! (Allegedly)

My sister lived 2 doors down from him!
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