Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #20

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I'v just done this quickly, and could do a better job but have to go in a tick...

enhanced time stamp >

and I don't believe whoever is assisting has been edited out, but a very tall, lean person, who is perhaps using the verandah post to support their own self while the female either climbs up or is assisted down.
She is NOT wearing anything other than under garment on her lower half.
here ... increased exposure, clarity and reduced blacks >

what kind of vehicle is that???
I can also see possibly the outline of other person(s) on the stairs to the left of the pic
and is there an extended hand of a person in the shadows on the roof who is letting her down from the rooftop onto the shoulder of the tall one below...

from there, she could have been whisked away in the vehicle ... JMO, but I'm very convinced!
original link
Looks like a female, half dressed clambering down from the roof - I do see this.
Your wish is my command!
do these help?

(original image source is JR CCTV shown on CIA documentary)

Hi Spooks - the second picture you posted (dark) right in the middle of shot looks like two guys walking towards left of picture. Spooky👻 MOO
Looks like a female, half dressed clambering down from the roof - I do see this.

Could also be a FLAG - advertising gelato icecream - just hanging from roof at the rear of the italian restaurant next door?

Don't laugh! I have vague memories.....
Can someone please repost the link to the video the image came from
speculated theory dependent on correctness of timestamp on still frame taken from CCTV surveillance in the icebox room.



This is an excellent find! After having a really good look, my thoughts are the lady within the image has straight-light hair, is wearing a short, dark jacket and light trousers/jeans. I’m not sure if it’s her bag on the LHS, which is either open or has something falling from the bag. It looks to me as though she is clambering downward, rather than climbing up. She doesn’t seem to be using her legs to grip the pole in order to climb upward. Perhaps she was making an effort to get away… I cannot see anyone else in the image.

canningVale, I also perceive the female appears to be trying to get away.

I believe she is certainly wearing a black (or dark coloured) jacket on her upper torso, but I see only nickers and bare legs on her bottom half.




the digital timestamp 00:04:20 pertains to
4minutes & 20seconds past midnight
>JR last observed kerbside, out front Hotel

therefore "IF" the icebox digi time were 00:02:36 it would be 2minutes & 36seconds after midnight, and could not be Jane in the icebox frame as she is still observable kerbside.

in conclusion, however,
the icebox digi timestamp I DO interpret as 02:02:36
>a huge 2hours 2minutes & 36seconds past midnight meaning it COULD very possibly be Jane,
and to me, the hour depicted in the icebox digi timestamp looks nothing like a 00: (and there are plenty of other zeros to check for display comparison )
just my opinion from personal observation
MM makes his appearance at 00.01.41 am. I'm not sure about the time on the icebox frame, but I don't think it's 00.02.36. I think she's still out the front then.

There is a sequence where a guy with shirt sleeves rolled up (red arrow) pokes his head out, looks at Jane, then at the guy leaning on pole. Poleman (yellow arrow) goes to the door and has an interaction with this guy, and Jane (red circle) also walks towards the door in reaction to him putting his head out. This seems to be 00.02.28 - 00.02.35. (time stamp blurred as well)

This happens just before the icebox frame on the flect video, so is it 00.02.36 (2 minutes and 36 seconds past midnight) and the girl is someone else?

Or is it Jane and it 02.02.36, two hours, 2 minutes and 36 seconds past midnight?

I think the girl looks like and is dressed exactly like Jane with her jacket on. The shoulder bag is almost exactly where it falls on the cctv outside the front of the Conti.

If this is Jane and she is exiting down from the second story roof at 2.22 am who is with holding the cctv, as there is sure to be more than one frame and timestamp has been manually interfered with.


Innerchild and BReVeTTe - looking at the extra frame I can see a girl being helped down by a tall guy. The girl is wearing a black jacket. Hair (shoulder length blonde). The rest of her body could be light coloured pants but not clear. The time stamp 00.02.36 - MOO

Looks like a female, half dressed clambering down from the roof - I do see this.

Why would this 'woman' be clambering up or down the roof when she can very easily walk up/down the adjacent stairs to access same roof area?
spooks, i did say It makes me wonder whether there was some sort of SNEAKY After Hours private party/rave/shindig happening on the upper level.
"sneakyAH" being the operative word, In which case, perhaps the stairs were too obvious? and may have been blocked (imo) by figures whose focus (also imo) is toward the direction of the clambering female.
What are the chances of there having been accomplice(s)?

Do you know what hours the Hotel was licensed to operate? ie. what time would the doors have officially closed for public trade?
We have all repeatedly agreed Jane appeared to be in a very sober state when last seen kerbside at 00:04 ... If the icebox frame timestamp was checked and proven to display 02:02:36, with any possibility it could be her there is a window of TWO long hours in which a lot could have occurred either voluntarily or surreptitiously. If the female was attempting to escape, I think the quickest way down would be the best.

many thanks to meticulously for the original link
and thanks ALL for your collaboration, I hope I havn't left anyone out
Could this be why they knew there was a serial killer in play so early perhaps they already have this plus an image of mm in the shot. The cut up tape doesn’t make sense - it does however if they know what they are looking for and want him to be in the frames for Id purposes.
I can make no sense of these photos re the Ice Box / Woman on roof whatsoever but as someone who spent most of my adult life working in pubs /clubs I would say it all comes down to the time ... if around 2am as suggested by some is correct this is someone who fell asleep in the toilets , was locked in the pub and is trying to find a way out .. cannot use the stairs because the exit doors are locked .... happens all the time if the security don't check the toilets properly , they are climbing out , not in would be my guess
My thoughts are the female in the image is JR clambering down from being up on the balcony. It appears she is on her way down, and pushing herself backwards. I can’t see any other person in the photo. If there is someone else, they might possibly be trying to restrain her from jumping. A jump from that height would probably break a leg.

Initially she probably went upstairs via the staircase. I think she was running for her life. RIP Jane!
BReVeTTe - excellent work on the extra frame find. Very well done. As I said WAPOL obviously didn’t want us to see that. Even the other frames are grainy and hard to figure out. So they must have heaps of evidence we can’t know about. Maybe they didn’t realise there was anything on that frame. Oooopsie😳

ps - thank you meticulously for your involvement🙂

I'm getting confused here , are you suggesting JR was locked in the pub with BRE after hours , tried to escape , was recaptured and the rest is history ... Or that she was locked in the pub with someone else , escaped and was then taken by BRE ... and that nobody knew about this until now , even though its on film ... Time to back to screen printing classes I think , they made more sense than this

Thanks everyone for your incredible patience and dedication with the colour edits (The Spookster) and everyone saying what they see. I do see what appears to be a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair, and yes black jacket (which looks like the one JR had over her arm in the "waiting and watching" video with her shoulder bag hanging over the back). But it looks to me like it's a woman with a small gnome like person hanging on the back that appears to be near nude?? Ah the old naked gnome, yes they get up to all sorts of things so I've heard! Was that him in Justfacts post??

Let's hope this wonderful observation contributes to stronger evidence in this sad case. It's very upsetting to think this may well be an image of JR attempting to run away from what turned out to be anything but a fun party. Could there have been kinky parties going on up on the roof with various illegal substances being offered, and only the most "gorgeous" girls invited? Perhaps this is why JR separated herself from her mates as she'd had a nudge, nudge, wink, wink invite earlier in the night? "Don't tell your friends, they're not pretty enough, we only invite lovely ladies like you. We'll come and take you up there after the place closes." Come into my web said the spider to the fly. Horrible!
Why would this 'woman' be clambering up or down the roof when she can very easily walk up/down the adjacent stairs to access same roof area?
Cyclone wire fence. Not easy to see. But the posts and rails appear to be there

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk
I can make no sense of these photos re the Ice Box / Woman on roof whatsoever but as someone who spent most of my adult life working in pubs /clubs I would say it all comes down to the time ... if around 2am as suggested by some is correct this is someone who fell asleep in the toilets , was locked in the pub and is trying to find a way out .. cannot use the stairs because the exit doors are locked .... happens all the time if the security don't check the toilets properly , they are climbing out , not in would be my guess

someone i met related a similar experience after exiting to a beer garden to smoke a cigarette at 'last drinks' ... the fire door closed and they were trapped out there, alone. With no way of escape, and no help, they eventually scaled a high wall before clambering down the outside into the street. i wonder if his antics were caught on CCTV surveillance too?

If that was JR clambering down from the balcony (I think it was) &#8230;..

Where is the CCTV footage of her finally leaving the hotel?

Was she abducted from the area near the ice machine.

Does this timeframe fit in with JR sightings later that night &#8211; i.e. umpteen witnesses who reported seeing her walking along?
Cyclone wire fence. Not easy to see. But the posts and rails appear to be there

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

Makes sense. Thanks Davo

Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.
Thanks everyone for your incredible patience and dedication with the colour edits (The Spookster) and everyone saying what they see. I do see what appears to be a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair, and yes black jacket (which looks like the one JR had over her arm in the "waiting and watching" video with her shoulder bag hanging over the back). But it looks to me like it's a woman with a small gnome like person hanging on the back that appears to be near nude?? Ah the old naked gnome, yes they get up to all sorts of things so I've heard! Was that him in Justfacts post??

Let's hope this wonderful observation contributes to stronger evidence in this sad case. It's very upsetting to think this may well be an image of JR attempting to run away from what turned out to be anything but a fun party. Could there have been kinky parties going on up on the roof with various illegal substances being offered, and only the most "gorgeous" girls invited? Perhaps this is why JR separated herself from her mates as she'd had a nudge, nudge, wink, wink invite earlier in the night? "Don't tell your friends, they're not pretty enough, we only invite lovely ladies like you. We'll come and take you up there after the place closes." Come into my web said the spider to the fly. Horrible!

Never heard of roof parties next door to Conti! (Having FOMO moment now! [emoji23])
Staffies were held inside on ground floor level of pub.

Posts my opinion unless source included. All my original text/images are my personal copyright and can't be reproduced outside of WebSleuths without my permission.
I'm getting confused here , are you suggesting JR was locked in the pub with BRE after hours , tried to escape , was recaptured and the rest is history ... Or that she was locked in the pub with someone else , escaped and was then taken by BRE ... and that nobody knew about this until now , even though its on film ... Time to back to screen printing classes I think , they made more sense than this

no, not suggesting that at all, ElGordo, and I never alluded to the accused in any part of my previous post which was formed by close observation of the one still frame from the CCTV surveillance on the night JR disappeared.
read my reply again I backed up your own theory by relating a similar tale from a person i met who told me of an experience they'd had, which was similar to scenario you mentioned (see your post below) about becoming accidentally locked in at a hotel - after closing time - and needing to find a way out. >

I can make no sense of these photos re the Ice Box / Woman on roof whatsoever but as someone who spent most of my adult life working in pubs /clubs I would say it all comes down to the time ... if around 2am as suggested by some is correct this is someone who fell asleep in the toilets , was locked in the pub and is trying to find a way out .. cannot use the stairs because the exit doors are locked .... happens all the time if the security don't check the toilets properly , they are climbing out , not in would be my guess

Bit like a chicken egg argument ... which came first?

1. They opened the Huntingdale file when the kimono's DNA was matched to the CSK and found the name in there to pursue.


2. The kimono's DNA was matched to a familial already in the database.

Number 1. :drumroll:

Winner winner chicken dinner!

I would guess 2 then 1

They must be able to program the general and familial data bases to automatically check for the most wanted matches it can't be left to manual searches that would take forever, besides manually there would be more risk of human error. So if a familial match came up for the Kimono sample the bells go off an alert comes up and the team that belongs to that sample are alerted. Then they open the file.
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