Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #21

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There has been a lot written on this thread about the speedway including supposition that BRE even worked at the speedway and he committed the offence after going to the speedway. This has all been extrapolated from a solitary sticker on a motor vehicle in the driveway of his home. How do we know that was even his car in the driveway?

A single car sticker turned into a massive unsubstantiated theory. A lot of what i see on this thread appears to be nothing but voyeurism. Perhaps the thread should spend more time trying to find where SS body was dumped. Most of what i see posted the police will already know and will help not one little bit. There are two outstanding issues that should be brainstormed. There are features to suggest that SS abduction is not the same as the other abductions. Maybe a taxi was involved with SS.

Where is SS
Was BRE even responsible for SS

The limited amount of information that has been released over the years means that on a limited amount of information we are surmising a lot. One idea can lead to another. Not all of it is necessary on track but may lead to something that triggers other ideas. In this case speedway may lead to other connections

There is a lot of bush in WA and there has been discussion on the topic of where SS may be in the past. Do you have any theories.

The second part of your question I don't believe we can address here. Its up to the courts.
Sorry, not trying to give a bum steer here. Just trying to find where the photo might have been accessed from. It could simply be related to this which was published about the same time as the posts were posted.

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It was a daily telegraph article from Oct 7th (?) 2016 re: people running around scaring people. Irrelevant I think.

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Quite curious and pretty scary, there's so little to see of his public facebook profile but he chose to publish that. He essentially works with kids and holds a trusted position with Little Aths.

I have quite a few friends who work with children in various roles including primary and high school teaching, I have never, ever seen anything like that on their facebook. And for added creep factor, he referenced a serial killer clown "everybody loves a clown".

He's arrested weeks later ... coincidence? I don't think so, that was a message.

Thanks. You're way ahead of me!

Probably a bit of a giggle in isolation but in the scheme of things here it's bizarre.

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Thanks. You're way ahead of me!

Probably a bit of a giggle in isolation but in the scheme of things here it's bizarre.

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As mentioned before, it's a still from Matteo Moroni's YouTube channel DM Pranks where he dressed up in the style of Stephen King's Pennywise character out of the movie IT.

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The limited amount of information that has been released over the years means that on a limited amount of information we are surmising a lot. One idea can lead to another. Not all of it is necessary on track but may lead to something that triggers other ideas. In this case speedway may lead to other connections

There is a lot of bush in WA and there has been discussion on the topic of where SS may be in the past. Do you have any theories.

The second part of your question I don't believe we can address here. Its up to the courts.

In regards to the whereabouts of SS, and there being alot of bush in wa, it comes down to the evidence we have so far thus being: JR found in Wellard (easy access to freeway from Claremont straight to the furtherest point of the freeway and into bush. When they discovered her body he may have thought to go in the opposite direction away from where the attention was on this. Making the decision to travel to the furtherest point of suburbia in opposite direction and further from main roads. This being my belief of the whereabouts of SS maybe that she isn't too far at all, being his first murder (if this in fact was his first victim of murder based on facts so far) he may have been a bit nervous in driving anywhere with her. Lets just say that he takes his victims to KK its dark secluded and probably not somewhere people would just be walking past and looking into at night. In my opinion it would be a rather convenient place to leave her, (my apologies if this sounds insensitive, I do not intend to be sounding so). The whole taxi thing with sightings of dirty taxis, strange hours and so on, all he would have to say if he was stopped was that they were drunk and passed out and he was taking them home. It is a common thing for people to pass out in taxis.
Another interesting thing to note is, his parents house is directly across the road from a huge footy oval which on the other side of that is bush that spreads for quite a distance both ways, it has been developed for housing around the area of this but not actually this section of bush. (its still there). Huntingdale house isnt too far (2km) from some bushy area also which has a river/creek running through it all the way from Point A to point B which is most of the southside district. If for some reason he brought her closer to his home/s.
Its not like the cops are going to dig up places unless there is evidence that they suspect is good enough to do so.
The limited amount of information that has been released over the years means that on a limited amount of information we are surmising a lot.

There is a lot of bush in WA and there has been discussion on the topic of where SS may be in the past. Do you have any theories.
The other issue here is sorting the absolute truth in the official police word. Theres been umpteen articles published over the past 20years attributing comments to police officers saying they dont believe the girls were killed at the place they were found, they believe they were killed shortly after encountering the perp close to where they were abducted. Also, they dont believe it was a blitz attack plus several other examples Im sure. In the past 2 years, we now hear they do believe the girls were blitzed and didnt voluntarily get into someone's car and they were killed at the place they were found. Thats just some of what we have been told. Nutting out the truth of any of it seems near on impossible.
First mention of the Claremont Ghost videos in mainstream media occurred in The Post Newspaper published on 14th May 2011.
on Page 94 (second picture)

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I hope what i say here is not taken the wrong way , i know some people put a lot of work into their ideas and theories , but it may be worth giving this some thought

The authorities would tolerate threads like this as long as nothing was being said that could affect trial ... the further away from the truth you are the happier they would be
I think that if anything was offered up that came close to the truth as they know it the thread would be shut down or people removed from the forums ... because i can see no way they would let people carry on talking about before a trial

I have over time seen people offer up perfectly reasonable ideas only for those people vanish from threads never to be seen again

I am not pretending to be correct here , this is just another theory , but it may help people to start looking at things differently if they can see any logic in what im saying , the short version of which is , you have got it all wrong
As mentioned before, it's a still from Matteo Moroni's YouTube channel DM Pranks where he dressed up in the style of Stephen King's Pennywise character out of the movie IT.

Why did accused BRE choose that particular clown?

Maybe the clue as to why the cover photo clown pic on the accused FB page was posted and is still there, is in the choice of that particular clown.

Was the accused or someone close to him into making prank calls for a laugh and the clown pic a very personal message?
First mention of the Claremont Ghost videos in mainstream media occurred in The Post Newspaper published on 14th May 2011.
on Page 94 (second picture)
It also says Jane was apparently abducted from Stirling Highway closer to Perth. Could this have been the official police position in 2011? 3 years after the release of MM video & at least 2 articles saying he continued to walk up Bay View Terrace and out of view, 1 being a direct quote from Chris Dawson. Is this why it wasnt released, because they knew she wasnt taken from there at all & have they known that since the 13 people reporting seeing a girl matching her description walking alone up to 2km away from Claremont on Stirling Highway less than 2 weeks after she went missing? The mind boggles. What is the bloody truth in this case?
Why did accused BRE choose that particular clown?

Maybe the clue as to why the cover photo clown pic on the accused FB page was posted and is still there, is in the choice of that particular clown.

Was the accused or someone close to him into making prank calls for a laugh and the clown pic a very personal message?

Yes would be interesting as to whether he pulled people close to him into prank calls for entertainment purposes.

Let’s also consider reports that the KK victim was called, it has also been reported that SS father received numerous prank calls - not suggesting for a minute anyone other than the caller involved with this.
Thanks Spinnaker but can't watch that. We've had that on here before and I couldn't watch more than a minute of it. I just hear the music and see the back of that clown and that's it for me! :hills:
I posted the video again to make a point really Lamp that in this thread we are sleuthing and commenting on a 'potentially' very twisted individual.

An alleged serial killer who has undertaken violent abduction, rape and murder - nothing warm and fuzzy about it.

Above comment not directed at you - just a statement.
If you go back to the start of the CSK investigation but armed with the knowledge of who BRE is , his employment , his residence etc. ... facts only

The police thought the main suspect in the case would be a taxi driver ... the amount of time , energy and resources spent on looking at the taxi industry says to me that this was based on evidence ... not on someones hunch

With that in mind , how do you place BRE in a taxi

What happens to retired taxis , can you buy one with door logos , light on the roof etc.,,, the plates would be gone

Do taxis from accidents wind up in wreckers yards with roof lights attached

Are the lights stolen from taxis and seen as acts of vandalism

If there is a way to put BRE behind the wheel of a taxi it makes things fall into place a lot easier ... and a fake taxi would not have to be perfect , its nighttime , people are wanting to see a taxi , that the car did not have taxi plates would not be noticed

The investigation into taxis did not find a suspect ... but now there is a suspect ... how was he connected to a taxi
Yes would be interesting as to whether he pulled people close to him into prank calls for entertainment purposes.

Let’s also consider reports that the KK victim was called, it has also been reported that SS father received numerous prank calls - not suggesting for a minute anyone other than the caller involved with this.
Further info below regards to one of the numerous calls to SS' Father:

Posted by Enzeder back in thread #4
Father will never give up search for Sarah Spiers

June 1, 2015:

But one phone call in particular has stayed with him - the only one he believes is genuine - and which either came from the killer or someone who knows them.

It was at 2am on a Sunday morning shortly after Sarah went missing. The caller asked him, "Are you Sarah's father?"

Don won't give details of what the man said but he still believes it wasn't a hoax.

The caller gave him a location - 5600ha of dense land and bush. Don went there but the size of the location and the dense vegetation meant looking was "hopeless".

"I would like them to somehow get in touch with me and verify what they had to say because that has haunted me for 19 years," he said.
Yes, you can buy old taxi lights still today over the internet. Back then, probably at the wreckers. An uncle, who was in demolition and a bit of a collector had one in his offices on the wall.

He could have stolen a taxi light, rigged one up himself for a guy with his skills it wouldn't be hard. Or he had access to a working regulated taxi, which doesn't seem likely as it appears his Telstra vehicle was used in at least two abductions. The white Camry station wagon which I believe was he and Esuiw's family car, a possibility for Sarah Spiers.

This has been discussed but agree, presenting as a taxi seems the easiest way to get the girls into the car. Flick the kiddy locks on and they're gone.

If you go back to the start of the CSK investigation but armed with the knowledge of who BRE is , his employment , his residence etc. ... facts only

The police thought the main suspect in the case would be a taxi driver ... the amount of time , energy and resources spent on looking at the taxi industry says to me that this was based on evidence ... not on someones hunch

With that in mind , how do you place BRE in a taxi

What happens to retired taxis , can you buy one with door logos , light on the roof etc.,,, the plates would be gone

Do taxis from accidents wind up in wreckers yards with roof lights attached

Are the lights stolen from taxis and seen as acts of vandalism

If there is a way to put BRE behind the wheel of a taxi it makes things fall into place a lot easier ... and a fake taxi would not have to be perfect , its nighttime , people are wanting to see a taxi , that the car did not have taxi plates would not be noticed

The investigation into taxis did not find a suspect ... but now there is a suspect ... how was he connected to a taxi
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